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/lit/ - Literature

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11261411 No.11261411 [Reply] [Original]

French or Italian
Which has the better literature? Which language should I learn?

>> No.11261414

French, no doubt about it.

>> No.11261415

French has better literature, it's not even really close.

But you should learn ancient greek or latin, not French

>> No.11261434

Italian for poetry
French for fiction/philosophy

Italian phisophy is mostly boring (unless you're interested in an autistic endless series of treatises about neoplatism or augustinian thought) because of Benedetto "I'm right about everything and if you disagree you're basically retarded" Croce but there are some gems here and there like Colli or Severino or Michaelstader

>> No.11261445

Both cultures are relatively similar, Italy seems less faggy/pretentious and more traditional. That said, French Language has far more utility outside of France than Italian does outside of Italy

>> No.11261447

Italian has better fiction
French has better theory

>> No.11261452

once you know Italian you can learn Spanish with relative ease which is 10x more relevant than frogspeak

>> No.11261502

french has better fiction over all.

>> No.11261515

t. basically retarded

>> No.11261525

I know you are anon, but what about me?

>> No.11261640

>Which has the better literature?
I don't think you realize how broad the term "literature" is, dumb frogposter. Basically impossible to evaluate.
That said, if we divide it into specific sections:

Fiction: French
Poetry: Italian
Children's fiction: both are equally good
Theatrical screenplays: Italian, unless you really like Cyrano
Genre fiction: both are equally awful
Philosophy: French, assuming you're not including the italians who wrote in latin

As for the most useful language between the two, neither of them is really that much useful. Nobody outside of Italy speaks italian (and even some inside Italy have trouble with it) and no country you'd want to visit speaks french.
Italian might be good if you're interested in learning spanish after, like that anon said it makes it easier.

>> No.11261650

what Italian poetry are you guys referring to? hard mode: do not mention Dante

>> No.11261688

I really like Cyrano, but what Italian beats Moliere?

>> No.11261720

French, don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.11261731

Petrarca, Leopardi, Foscolo, Carducci, Lorenzo de Medici.
Plus, since in the past basically every italian wrote poetry, you can even read the ones of Michelangelo or Saint Francis if you're interested in that stuff.


>> No.11261738

>Not learning Latin.