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11260965 No.11260965 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good racist books and essays, both fiction and nonfiction? Only basing this thread off of a similar one that has been left up for quite some time.

>> No.11260975

Orientalism by Edward Said is very racist towards whites

>> No.11260979

The Turner diaries was a fun read.

>> No.11260984

Is Houellebecq really racist?

>> No.11261007
File: 150 KB, 462x746, NOS_Book_of_the_Resurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miguel Serrano's NOS: Book of the Resurrection

>> No.11261011
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Seconding this as well >>11261007

>> No.11261029

Had to read this for my lit theory class, fucking hell what an inaccurate piece of shit book. He deliberately lies to strengthen his shit theory.

>> No.11261078
File: 70 KB, 473x500, tumblr_o2512um9es1qcxemno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, Luci-Bel, Oh Morning Star/Oyeihue/May your deep light fall upon me/Moist and damp

Cover me in your petals/Your petals Of light/Like in the skies of Autumn

Permit me to pass/Through your Window/Towards the Black Sun/That waits behind you

Oh, Black Sun!/Absorb me in your light/Backwards

Faster than the light/Of the Golden Sun

And give me shelter/In the inexistence

Of the Green Ray

Where the Master Dwells/Even the Masters of my Master/And dwell the High Secret Guides/Of Esoteric Hitlerism

Oh, Green Ray!/Engulf me in your inexistence/But more real than any inexistence

Help me to realize/Impossible Dreams

The Resurrection of the Beloved/And the return of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler/The re-creation of Esoteric Hitlerism/And the possession of the Archetype

Until the consummation of his Myth/And it’s Legend/In the Resurrection of the Flesh/The Immortal Vajra/Permit me to return to the Black Sun

Oh, Black Sun!/Reabsorb me in your rotating light/And carry me to back to your home

The Morning and Evening Star/Yepun-Oyeihue

Oh, Morning and Evening Star!/Together with my A-Mada

Now that She may fight/Within me, Within My Blood

In my Impenetrable body of Red Light/The Immortal Vajra

The Incorruptible Power of Odil

It Resides in NOS/The Vision and the Voice/And quickly we come to realize the Legend and the Myth/Of A-MOR

Until the consummation/And Transfiguration/Into the Absolute Man and Woman

Oh, Evening Star, Yepun!/Allow me to pass /Through your Window/ To the Golden Sun/and to Gerda

To continue fighting there/ And to be able, one day/ To vindicate Thee again Oh, my Guide Lucifer!/ Oh, Sun of Gold!/Let us pass in the Nostalgia Of the Green Ray/ So that She and I/We leave here

Towards something never heard/Towards ELELLA

Beyond the Green Ray/And of its Inexistence

Heil! Sieg Heil!

>> No.11261089

he knows how to sell books.
There's no such as bad publicity unless you're into child pornography

>> No.11261112

Lol. The genuine racism in his books seems to be a product of the character more than the author, like when Bruno in the Elementary Particles gets a hard-on writing an anti-arab essay because an arab is dating a student he wants to fuck. Houllebecq seems to hold all people in contempt and doesn’t merely make classifications based on race.

>> No.11261115
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>nobody's mentioned the king

>> No.11261130

And the message of Submission seems irrelevant to Islam. The same resignation could be experienced by a teacher in the United States, resigning himself to the tide of obsessive pc culture sweeping through schools

>> No.11261144

OP here, I was hoping for a more *redpilled* tone if you catch my drift

>> No.11261156

And here I thought regular Neo-Nazis were crazy enough.

>> No.11261161

OP here, this other poster is not me.

>> No.11261164

>Only basing this thread off of a similar one that has been left up for quite some time.
>I'm going to worsen the board because another person is too.
Or, you could set a good example you attention seeking faggot.

>> No.11261167
File: 216 KB, 808x989, tsar_rasputidugin_i_of_eurasia_by_tobodai-d90zm5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islamism>>>>PC NYT managerial gynocratic panopticon.

american right wingers are far too cowardly to admit muslamic sharia law would actually represent a tremendous improvement over the current sorry state of ''the west''. fuck your quaint yeoman farmer republic fantasies, your classical lieberalism and JBP evopsych boomerism, insurrectionary apocalypticism is where it's at: Manson, Serrano, Devi, Guenon, Dugin, Qutb, Rodger, Farrakhan, Mao, I dig it.

>> No.11261179

no you would have to be a complete retard to read houellebecq and think he was racist himself

>> No.11261195
File: 26 KB, 308x475, 243604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decline of the West and its sequel pic related

>> No.11261201
File: 34 KB, 309x475, 95379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, a quick 'explainer' for all the numale beardos out there who can't into esoteric hitlerism

>> No.11261213


>> No.11261215

>PC NYT managerial gynocratic panopticon.
lol. accurate though

>> No.11261221


>> No.11261224


>> No.11261230

Origin of Species :^)

>> No.11261252

No, He's very active in french anti-racist, and anti-fascist circles and has stated that the biggest threat to the west right now is populist bigotry reversing social and cultural progress.

>> No.11261276

how about you provide a first-hand account

>> No.11261278

I don't know about the USA, but Islam will be absorbed in Europe. Muslims will stop praying and fasting, equality, tolerance and democracy will become the new idols, religious leaders will start rejecting sexism, etc...
The governments are all powerful and there is no place for religion and its "backwards thinking". You'll begin to see appearing a new word, equivalent to "judeo-christiannity", but including Islam, completely void of any meaning.
Islam will slowly die.

>> No.11261282
File: 89 KB, 1280x879, maxresdefault-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq can be placed on a lineage of dissident french ultraleft intellectuals running from Guy Debord and the SI to Robert Faurisson and Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala

>> No.11261293

lol have you even read submission? its ending?

>> No.11261302


I challenge anyone to read this book and not at least have their anti-racist convictions thrown into question

>> No.11261314

Saw him at the womens march.

>> No.11261315
File: 61 KB, 688x560, osuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's the appeal of Duginism for me. it's no longer a question of left vs right, or east vs west, but of the liberal antichrist vs its enemies.

>> No.11261341

>muh racist liberalism
>implying it wasn't 'high IQ' 'meritocratic' elites that got us here
>implying racial populism isn't a group strategy for mid-IQ native populations who can't cope with a globalized market
>implying islamist diagnoses of western degeneracy aren't 100% right
>tfw nigger criminals are the closest thing our society has to Acchiles and Odysseus

>> No.11261350


>> No.11261377

oh wowzzers that's a lot of green xD

>> No.11261571

My diary, desu.

>> No.11261582

No, criticizing Islam isn't racism.

>> No.11261607


ever notice how judaism and islam both freak out and scream racism if someone dares criticize them, must be a semitic thing

>> No.11261614

they do that because it works. They probably don't do that in China, because they know the Chinese don't give a shit about 'racism'

>> No.11261638

broke: criticising islam
woke: praising islam and upholding the true esoteric meaning of 9/11

>> No.11261876

Can't believe no one has suggested Celine yet.

>> No.11261911

all the shit i read of celine he talked as much shit about the french as anyone else, idk what kind of shit he did in his personal life but if u go into his books hoping for something "redpilled" u gonna be dissapoint

but i do recommend his shit especially the audiobooks cuz the narrator has this voice just dripping with sarcasm and annoyance which is perfect

>> No.11261921

the chinese don't give a shit about "human rights" nor "freedom of religion" which keeps most of the evil doers at bay, other than their own government anyways

>> No.11261947

Yes, but towards whites

>> No.11261951

the lord of the rings

>> No.11261997

That's bullshit.
And Houellebecq is probably as racist as I am. Leftists hate him in France.
He lives in Ireland, far from muslims.

>> No.11262077


>> No.11262306

Didn't he only live in Ireland for a bit? Pretty sure he moved back to Francistan.

>> No.11262418

Houellebecq is extremely pro-Israel faggot

>> No.11262428
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>> No.11262523
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>> No.11262608

First post, best post.

>> No.11262684

You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
If you wanna know what the based joos think of everyone else

>> No.11262785

Looks interesting. Shalom, my goy!

>> No.11262787
File: 213 KB, 638x871, man-and-his-symbols-carl-g-jung-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not explicitly racist by any means but for some reason his ideas seem to only really be followed by racists, and it seems to work well together.

>> No.11263153

>all Jews think alike

>> No.11263164

Yeah they do pretty much
They're a very tribal people

>> No.11263288

They don't though

>> No.11263296

jews disagree with each other about literally everything except the core tenet of jewishness which is 'fuck those non-jewish guys'

>> No.11263324

Did you forget the whole Corbyn thing? Some Jews accused him being an anti-semite, then he talked to another Jewish group, and got called out for talking to the wrong Jews and found that even more anti-semitic.

What about the non religious Jews who disagree with these Jews?

>> No.11263328

They all dislike or have a natural aversion to gentiles
Not that i think its a bad thing its just an observation
Samuel is a particularly bitter and hateful faggot but it explains where a lot of that dislike comes from

>> No.11263634

They literally don't
You're quote mining a few Jews

>> No.11264642

OP here, neither of these were me

>> No.11265908

OP here, this man lies.

>> No.11267109

Are most people who are labelled as racist truly racist in this day and age?

>> No.11268480


>> No.11269211
File: 273 KB, 1015x1019, 3abba7c12d703af603c7323df400bc7d554cc9e4ba736d4168092e6c8c5de4ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these books are pretty worthwhile

>> No.11269219

He's moved back to France. Lives somewhere near the Swiss border

>> No.11269301

>The Merchant of Venice
Not really racist, but it has its fair share of anti-Semitism.

>> No.11270377

Sounds pretty comfy t b q h.
Seconding this. Loved reading it.