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/lit/ - Literature

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11259538 No.11259538 [Reply] [Original]

Is there discernible talent?

>> No.11259624

lol theres gas in his face

>> No.11260158

I think Gertrude Stein was very talented

>> No.11260183
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everyone is talented in there own way :)

>> No.11260188

god no / no / sometimes

>> No.11261698

no they are memes

>> No.11261700

Gass and Vollman are good, McElroy not so much.
back to plebbit

>> No.11261717

that internet site actually praises gass and vollman while deriding mcelroy

>> No.11261884

I'm bad with names.
who are they

>> No.11262781

vollman, mcelroy, gass

>> No.11262924
File: 111 KB, 800x639, GassGTFOThisIsMyOfficePleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean considering that you have The Unabomber, Gertrude Stein, and the Gassman himself there then most definitely yes.

>> No.11262936

Gass is mysantropy incarnated

>> No.11262954
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>/lit/ doesn't like Vollman

>> No.11263025

He's a boomer, not a misanthrope. His novels are attempts at ironically redeeming boomer liberalism with the "le hateful misanthrope seduces you with overwrought sentences that only a grad student could love."

>> No.11264656
File: 115 KB, 1628x915, GassClass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still great.

>> No.11265313

Gass is a product of his generation, one that spit in the face of a civilization, their own, that is currently, to no surprise, collapsing; he's the worst of these postmodern boomer writers though. There's nothing redeeming in The Tunnel, it's a disgrace to literature and emblematic of the selfish and destructive boomer.

He squandered his talent. He could have spend those years creating something beautiful and inspiring, but instead, in typical transgressive boomer fashion, he wrote something that is depressing and angry and untimely forgettable. Squandered time and talent.

>> No.11265317

pls mr writer stop making me feel bad things I'm sad :(

>> No.11266072

Gass is the Daniel Cohn-Bendit of literature.

Just read Celine or Roth.