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/lit/ - Literature

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11258859 No.11258859 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw just started a funded PhD in English Literature
>tfw I'm a good researcher / writer so only have to work 20 hours a week
>spend my free time reading and writing my novel
>tutoring qt freshmans in entry-level critical theory
>well-liked in the department so a job is guaranteed afterwards
>spending next week in Vienna with my qt history undergrad gf

Are you living the literary life /lit/?

>> No.11258868

You can't live the "literary" lifestyle in the 2000's... fuck off

>> No.11258871

After masters I stopped. There are only very few degrees that we value and that can be applied to jobs. If I went into PhD I am afraid I would end up unemployable because I am overqualified for nearly everything except jobs that require different degree and knowledge/skills. So if I would fail to get a job in my field I would be PhD homeless. Such is life in this shithole where I live.

>> No.11258874

How exactly does being "overqualified" work? Do people refuse to hire you because you have a degree or what?

>> No.11258880

>tfw I'm a good researcher / writer so only have to work 20 hours a week
am i being b8ed or are the humanities actually this much of a meme?

>> No.11258887

Do you guys think I should kill myself? I'm trapped in a Ballardian post-reality hellscape and I don't think there's another way out

>> No.11258888

20 hours a week. I'm glad your happy and all but we stemfags are working our asses off.

>> No.11258895

Yeah that's a thing. I'm a different anon but I knew a supermarket cashier who actually had a PhD. She was obviously very depressed

>> No.11258898

they think youre too smart and thus become bored or unchallenged at the job. Better to pick someone more suited.

>> No.11259832

Cute fantasy, anon. Anyone in the actual situation you dreamed up would know that universities almost never hire tenure-track professors from their own graduates, and your "guaranteed job" would be part-time adjunct hell forever.

>> No.11259836

>well-liked in the department so a job is guaranteed afterwards
For your sake I hope to god you're right. You'd better triple-check that guarantee anyway, just to be safe.

>> No.11259869

Why would you brag about working in Academia in 2018? Why would you brag about dating undergrads?

>> No.11259887
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Ah, hell. Here is my real situation a few years back (as opposed to OPs nonsense). Not bad, but a little more down to earth.

>tfw finished a funded PhD in English Literature, but had to take out a line of credit to pay for an extra term because my external advisor demanded I add a chapter (funding only covered two years to write, and committee reviews are glacial).

>tfw I'm a good researcher / writer so only have to work 40-50 hours a week, but a computer crash did make my life hell for a few months (of course everything was backed up, but there were format/version issues).

>spend my free time sleeping and watching mindless TV. I will never write a fucking novel.

>teaching hundreds of freshmen grammar they should learned at puberty. Do not flirt with them because my career is on the line.

>well-liked in the department, but a part-time unreliable contract job is not guaranteed afterwards because department funding woes make "guarantees" utterly worthless.

>spending next week in Providence, RI to give a paper at NecronomiCon (driving down with a few colleagues). I got a silver key pass from the Con and my university will refund my car rental and hotel, mostly. My wife is staying at home with the baby.

>> No.11259896

Massive flight risk

>> No.11259906

Tells more about the novel

>> No.11259918

Vienna is beautiful, make sure you check out the Schiele exhibition.

>> No.11259926


>> No.11259969

Based litbro

>> No.11259980

Viennese reporting in, let's meet in a cafe and talk /lit/

>> No.11261174

Prepare to get #MeToo'd

>> No.11261178


Fuck you Jack, your annual review was shit and everyone wants to kick you out but they can't tell you yet. Just wait a couple more days.

>> No.11261189

>qt history undergrad gf

>> No.11261953

Wondering if I should be prepared to die after finishing postgraduate studies.

>> No.11262055

>critical theory
Stopped reading there.

>> No.11262231

Lawyer here. i hate being a lawyer and have had dozens of interview for policy and compliance roles at NGOs and startups. I am rejected every time because i’m “overqualified,” and the employer doesn’t understand why I wouldn’t use my law degree to practice.

>> No.11262241

I fear this will happen to me. Have you been posting regularly in the law thread by chance?

>> No.11262250

its a do nothing cronyist field, you just have to master grammar and unthreatening mannerisms, adopt fashionable vocabulary, do your work early, asslick, and that’s it. there is no talent required, i guarantee OP has never written anything as good as scribbles ive thrown away in a drugged out stupor. this is why academia is an abomination. 99% of the girls he tutors are talentless, as is he and his whole dept. every time i see english majors i become ill, its like christfags, i can’t get over how debased you have to be to squat over a whole body of creative understanding with a degree or proof of church membership. truly evil people.

>> No.11262258
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>> No.11262268

>critical theory
Just kill yourself.

>> No.11263297

>t. salt-right

>> No.11263310


His grammar is fucked but he's essentially correct. Read 'What is Art?' by Tolstoy and watch the old Russian hoot take giant eloquent shits all over current academia. He knew faggots like OP were coming.

>> No.11263327

>read 'What is Art?' by Tolstoy
lol people here make the most absurd appeals to authority

>> No.11263364


>appeals to authority

It was pointing to a book by a renown writer who spent a pretty good amount of time shitting on faggots like OP. You write like a faggot. You must be OP.

>> No.11263369

Yeah doesn't he know that Tolstoy was religious thus he believes in God, thus the burden of proof is on him, thus it's too big of a burden to prove, thus it's an appeal to emotion, thus he is irrational, thus he's wrong about everything because I'm an athiest.

>> No.11263382

Tolstoj is renowned for his fiction, retard, not for his nonfiction.
I'm not OP
Man imagine having a persecution complex this big

>> No.11263399

man imagine being this new

>> No.11263402

>Do not flirt with them because my career is on the line.
I see this post as pretty genuine because this is the reality. Fucking your professor is a one way ticket to getting the boot, even if it was for a relationship or one night stand, you have so much to lose if word gets out about it.
t. David Foster "pickup the pregnant students" Wallace

>> No.11263404

older than you, muhammad

>> No.11263413

>adopt fashionable vocabulary

Awright boys its time to UNPACK this prejudiced social construction WOOEEE

>> No.11263417



You're angry, OP. Fix the word before you hit submit. Tolstoy is famous for being Tolstoy. Anybody who's read him is aware of 'What is Art?' Hemingway is also famous for his fiction. Doesn't mean people don't enjoy A Moveable Feast. What point exactly were you trying to make, faggot? Try making it again, but this time without being a whiny little cunt.

>> No.11263438

>Fix the word before you hit submit.
>Tolstoy is famous for being Tolstoy
since your reading skills are that of a stillborn child I'll spell it out for you: no one takes Tolstoj's retarded art criticism seriously

and I'm not OP, goodnight

>> No.11263450 [DELETED] 
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You are like a little baby.

>never knew dad
>start reading at 4
>C student but straight A's in literature. couldn't get enough. the town library was my second home
>dropped out of college to help mom dying of cancer
>after she passed, lived in and worked from VW van for a year doing welding odd-jobs
>whenever i wasn't working my ass off doing dirty blue-collar work i was in the library reading eastern philosophy, epistemology, theology, and ethics
>someone i know moved to the midwest and recommended me for work there
>live out of my suitcase welding pipelines across the northern US. don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. what else is there to do in all the dead-end towns i got work in?

every town I visit, I make it my mission to ask ten locals what their greatest fears in life are

I hope to compile a book one day, a sort of manifesto, about fear. what the most common human fears are, how deep fear is rooted in the psyche, the evolutionary benefits of fear, the role of fear in the present day, and how fear might be used in the future. no idea when i will write this. but it will be written

>> No.11263460


>reading skills
>art critcism
>'What is Art'

Good thing I explicitly mentioned academia and not art. Poor moron. You're in the habit of gleaning entire books based off their titles, I take it. No wonder your shit's all fucked up. Also.


You're an English speaker. It's Tolstoy. Keep up with the times, grandpa.

>> No.11263488
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I had a fling for a few months when I was just starting grad school with a girl in a class I was TAing for (not in my section, so I was never marking her stuff), but when it ended I realized how easily she could have fucked my entire life over and made my doctorate useless (even more so) for a career, and I've been a good boy ever since. Being married helps a lot. Here's the copies of my thesis printed out and ready to submit.

>> No.11263490

I was posting here while you were still watching fail videos on YouTube. I've had exactly 7 existential crises while you were still beating off at the sound of your mother being ridden by the local rodeo. So why don't you fuck off on out of here junior. You and your sowmother you rode in on

>> No.11263531
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>went to grad school to live a life like OP
>went to top 20 university in the world, like top 15 for my program
>finally i've escaped undergrad
>finally i've escaped the endless classes full of people who don't care, who didn't do the readings, who have spent four or five years studying something and still barely know anything about it, who say stupid awful shit with overflowing confidence in class, to a professor who is just indulging them and cringily patronising them like they're an overconfident child, drowning out any earnest attempt to actually meaningfully grapple with high level stuff because it's still lumped in with the dipshits and passed over
>fucking finally please god can i just do deep, real research, and not have to write 160 pissant essays for 35 different classes, with meaningless weekly response papers and quizes on horseshit trivia and For Dummies breadth courses that take up 80% of your time despite having nothing to do with what you are studying to do for the rest of your life and POINTLESS participation carnivals of pretending to give a fuck about lazy undergrads' stupid opinions
>fucking please can i just go to the library and read real books in depth instead of reading pages 35-62 of book A and pages 377-402 of book D in week 15 of class #824-B and listening to people say things in seminar that clearly reveal they couldn't even care enough to do THAT much
>please can i transcend this ocean of 8th year classics majors who have never read a single real text in depth because they spend all their time being fed useless quizes on secondary sources by mummified oxford professors who read all the real texts in high school in 1825
>finally i'm here
>finally i will be left the fuck alone to do something real
>first year
>forced to take fifteen courses from outside my specialty (DO I TAKE DEPICTIONS OF CORN IN SOVIET FILM, OR POST-COLONIAL TRASNGENDER NARRATIVES OF POO IN LOO?) that are no better than undergrad, filled with the EXACT same people from undergrad doing the exact same shit
>forced to write 358 papers for shit outside my major
>forced to attend Graduate Student Puppy-Petting Week and 257,000,000,000 intro to introductions classes on how to turn the knob on the library front door, how to type the name of a book into google, and how to find your dick before taking a piss
>forced to write 14 grant proposals and navigate through labyrinthine bureaucratic channels to submit them, requiring the eldritch summoning of at least 9 referees
>haven't done one lick of research on my actual research
>probably won't even get to until 2/3 through the year
>it's literally just Undergrad 2.0 aka High School 3.0
>talk to a PhD student who is in his second to last year and who went to fucking Yale for undergrad
>jokes about how he doesn't know anything about his field aside from his ultra-specific topic and doesn't care to
>centuries of BRILLIANT academics in my field, and I enter it fifteen minutes after it died on the toilet

>> No.11263558

Hey Faggots, My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day pretending to read faggy books. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's rating each other's stacks shit because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "critique muh writing hurr durr"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.11263576

What is your thesis about anon?

>> No.11263579

tsure is summer in here

>> No.11263588

I'm an english major turned software developer and I was developing software for academics at a university and I just quit that job because academics are morons and you're all morons for wanting to be one.

Now I'm making money. Fuck it.

>> No.11263593
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>>teaching hundreds of freshmen grammar they should learned at puberty.

>> No.11263598

Couldn't you just, you know, not put the extra education on your resume when you apply to jobs where you think it might hurt your chances?

>> No.11263615

>>forced to attend Graduate Student Puppy-Petting Week and 257,000,000,000 intro to introductions classes on how to turn the knob on the library front door, how to type the name of a book into google, and how to find your dick before taking a piss

Doing an online "required" workshop as we speak (letting it run in the background). It's a cyber security thing since I accepted an on-campus job. Basically it's an internet safety course for boomers.

>> No.11263649

>appeals to authority

>> No.11263675

good post

>> No.11263689

>doing non-research grad school

fucking retard

>> No.11263711

>be me
>doing my history masters
>its a biography of a man from my country that went from utopian Tolstoyan socialist to a Catholic fascist with his former-feminist/now-Catholic wife
>its basically a critique of postmodernity and liberalism
>all the trad-leftist professors love my work
>they've all agreed to pull some strings so that I can tutor once I've finished my degree

feels good to be alive senpai

>> No.11263719
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I’m working as a research assistant for an economics non profit. By the end of the summer I’ll be co author on a paper with a well respected person in the field. Wish it was paid but other than that i can’t complain

>> No.11264017


>> No.11264025

Who is this well respected person?

>> No.11264035

Tell me more, who is this amazing figure?

>> No.11264038

>half the be able to work all summer for free at a "non-profit" to get started in the field

this is how the bourgeoisie protects and launders its class privilege while appearing "charitable"

>> No.11264412

Of course but then you need to explain the 5 year gap of doing absolutely nothing

>> No.11264437

>well-liked in the department so a job is guaranteed afterwards
Dream on

>> No.11264459

>I am a scholar and I provide for a girl, life is good

the state of liberals and libertarians

>> No.11264462

>former-feminist/now-Catholic wife
so a roastie who settled down

>> No.11264487

>the 30 year old boomer who wants to be hip and get a campus job

>> No.11264802


>> No.11264807

>english literature phd
>teaching critical theory which has literally nothing to do with english literature
>bragging about a middlebrow life on a nigerian bamboo weaving board

imagine larping that hard

>> No.11264820

What the fuck is the point of going back to university if you can't have slightly morally shady sex with 19 year old girls? Surely that would make everything worth while.

>> No.11264822

Critical theory is used in a lot of literary criticism, anon.

>> No.11265611

Is that you? You look like a massive faggot

>> No.11265635

Much to the detriment of the discipline. Sociology for babies. Here's a suggestion you "woke" undergrads: do some actual politics and leave the reading to daddy

why morally shady? these 19 years olds have more social value than any man will ever enjoy. muh power dynamics

>> No.11265688

>these 19 years olds have more social value than any man will ever enjoy
maybe for you

>> No.11265690
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Well, that was a timely missing word. Very embarrassing.
The Victorian/Pre-Raphaelite private press revival and its relationship to medieval manuscripts, roughly.

>> No.11265698

Unless you're a celebrity fuck off

>> No.11265716
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If you're just a grad student, fuck everything you want. Nobody cares. It's the problem of also being an employee (TA or instructor) that complicates matters: if you're involved with anyone in a class that you teach, that opens you up to accusations of fixing grades and abusing your authority.

>> No.11265739

>qt history undergrad gf
I had one of those. We were also going to go to Vienna.
Fuck my life.

>> No.11266138

Seems like it could be moderately interesting, even if it's not something of particular interest to me. Good luck.

>> No.11266266

Thanks. It's all done, though, a few years back. Now I'm just an adjunct prof.

>> No.11266464

Nothing i can do about it. I just want a job someday

>> No.11266506

did you expect anything other than landing a career as an adjunct prof? I'm looking forward to grad school well aware that it's likely my only tenable future, and yes, it's no surprise to me that tenure nor a pension aren't in that prospect.

>> No.11266719
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I had some foolish dreams of an actual tenure-track position some day, but those are slaughtered now. When you realize that 200-300+ qualified academics are competing with you every time you send out a resume for any sad assistant professorship in Buttfuck, Nowhere College position, and that departments can essentially choose exactly what alma matres, publication record, and specific areas of expertise they want in a candidate, you see the light.

>> No.11266808

>why morally shady?
Cus metoo is a thing.
But the power dynamic is what makes it super hot. It's pretty hot already but the shadiness is what sends it to another level.

>> No.11267189

Didn't you lie about this in another thread? I recognise those details.

>> No.11267199

Ah, I'd say post it here but I know how shy people can be about that sort of thing on here.

>> No.11267255

Is that your horrible face?

>> No.11268102

That's Ben Lerner. He probably posts here.

>tfw my latest course evaluations were largely negative

>> No.11268871

Honestly curious: why anyone would want to go down this route knowing there is virtually no future to it? I like literature as much as the next guy but I can't help but feel this will destroy whatever passion you have for it, unless you come out lucky.

>> No.11268913

its true every word of it
i agree (you) should kys and your program should be folded and the money given to STEM colleges, you fucking parasite
another parasite
Nietzsche wrote a 60 page series of lectures about this, its been known for over a century that academia, especially the humanities and social sciences are full of human tape worms that benefit from parroting lit critics and political ideologues

>> No.11268917

he is a lazy, entitled, soulless, mindless parasite. humans are just biological systems if they are ill bred and put into a low stimulation, high risk enviro they will become vegetative and unproductive

>> No.11268926

If anything it's the opposite of lazy because it involves dedicating years towards writing an esoteric, incredibly-specialized piece of scholarship with no accolades or financial benefit expected.

>> No.11268936

hey guys what are your thoughts on taking a break after undergrad and before graduate school. Do people look down on that? Does it mess with your chances of getting accepted or cause money problems? etc?

>> No.11268952

its lazy because he’s expending less energy than a typical chemical engineer does at work. the cognitive load for humanities work is probably an order of mangnitude less than it is for STEM work. these are unadventurous, cowardly, slovenly intellects. humanities people are pond scum

>> No.11268966

>eldritch summoning

>> No.11269048

your criterion for 'lazy' is 'anything less than chemical engineering researcher'?

>> No.11269052

How the fuck do you know how much energy "a typical chemical engineer" expends at work versus other jobs, and why should that be the standard for anything? I have four degrees and I've taught thousands of students now. Becoming versed in the intricacies of a complex thing is itself a worthwhile skill. I don't just teach literature: I teach curiosity and skepticism, knowledge acquisition and evidence evaluation, critical thinking and composition, research skills, and when I'm really doing my job, even a better understanding of human nature and creativity.

>> No.11269125

have you considered only listing your undergrad education and telling them you "taught english in china for a while" or something?