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11258103 No.11258103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on what the fuck went wrong in the West?

>> No.11258106
File: 593 KB, 938x723, averagesoy'sbday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rips bong*
not sure i see the issue, bro

>> No.11258107

It's a short read, but your birth-certificate

>> No.11258113

The Elementary Particles by Houellebecq

>> No.11258126


>> No.11258132

nothing, this is the natural course of empires. because it went right in the first place it is bound to go wrong.

>> No.11258156

they do the same thing in the Middle East except it's Abdul and Muhammed and the misogyny is live

>> No.11258166
File: 112 KB, 1200x842, average ortho priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decline of the West by Spengler
The Destruction of the Christian Tradition by Coomaraswamy
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (pbuh)
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times by Guenon
Culture of Critique by Macdonald
Two Hundred Years Together by Aleksandr Solzjenitsyn

>> No.11258182

What did go wrong in the West? Life in developed countries is greater than it ever was.

>> No.11258199


>> No.11258219

>not living innawoods and only accessing 4chan with your satellite internet

>> No.11258244

>guy calls out from work to escape a stressful routine by spending his birthday relaxing, smoking and eating food that he likes
>some autist who spends his days on the most degenerate antisocial anime website on the internet says doing this is the "decline of the west"
I find it ironic that people who have an active part on the community of a website mostly populated by incels and literal autists are somehow obsessed about the decline of society. Seems like your furstration might come from the fact that you are most likely antisocial and were in a certain manner ostracized from certain social activities (otherwise you wouldn't have reached this place anyway)

>> No.11258267
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>life greater than it ever was.
maybe if gold is your only metric

>> No.11258274
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>> No.11258287

that one book about drugs with froot loops on the cover. forget the name,

>> No.11258295
File: 673 KB, 1280x1664, 1523196064528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're British, The Abolition of Britain by Peter Hitchens is pretty good. More specific to Britain although the themes are common throughout much of Western Europe. Strange Death of Europe is pretty good for recent events. Not that I necessarily agree with everything said by either of these 2 authors but these are some of the most straightforward works on this topic.

>> No.11258302

like all great thinkers i am an iconoclast who resides in the periphery. it is a testament to my brilliance that i am ostracized.

>> No.11258318

That pic is a good example of how facial hair won’t necessairly make you look manly but a manly guy will still look pretty good with a beard, and a clean-shaven guy can definitely look like a fag

>> No.11258322

Nice psychoanalytical strawman. The problem is the guy in the pic chose to celebrate the anniversary of his birth by neglecting his responsibilities, indulging in his gluttony by eating junk food, killing his brain cells with booze, stupefying his mind with narcotics, and passively spending his entire day watching television. The worst part is, not many people would find anything wrong with that.

>> No.11258347
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>> No.11258357

The clean shaven guys are probably twice the age and pose for the picture with a serious expressions, while the fags smile. Pretty nasty propaganda ya got there. Also the weirdo with a beard and shaven arms really fucks with my head.

Back on topic... things are better by any reasonable metric. We're healthier, have better access to education, have more rights, more opportunities and are less violent. Things suck compared to how easy it'd be to make everything much better but compared to any point in the past, you're living in the fucking paradise.

>> No.11258368

Men Among the Ruins

>> No.11258372

and here you are on 4chan crying about how some random guy chooses to spend his time
i wont judge you, but nigga pls

>> No.11258375

>It's a "standards of living are all that matter" episode

>> No.11258414

If standards of living don't matter for you, there are probably options to live in the wilderness. Maybe you could even convince a few more people to leave the horrible Western civilisation behind and live the dream there!

>> No.11258422

This sort of behavior is not unique to one individual. A great deal of people would rather spend there time on a consumptive and passive activity than do something personally constructive or enriching, and nobody seems to care or mind. Your indifference to this kind of behavior only proves my point.

>> No.11258426

>it's I'm a first world faggot who never had to endure any significant hardship in life so living standards don't matter episode

>> No.11258430

Literally the worst episode in the whole series

>> No.11258434
File: 21 KB, 204x320, 81GvvqGnsDL._AC_UL320_SR204,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're healthier
and yet addiction is at an all time high
>have better access to education
and yet young people everywhere are crippled by student debt
>have more rights
and yet few of us can claim to be truly free
>more opportunities
to buy things perhaps, but not if you want to rise above that and actually determine your life in a way that is at odds with the dictats of the system
>are less violent
perhaps if you live in the abundant west

>> No.11258442

>there are probably options to live in the wilderness
Kek, I'm no primitivist, but there really aren't any options. All land is either state property or private property, which ties you to money. You can't just go "live in the wild" out of the blue if you don't already have a lot of money to buy land.

>> No.11258446

>you can only be outraged by a system if you personally are disadvantaged by it

Maybe some of us are disgusted by the fact that our supposed freedom is built off the back of unbelievable suffering elsewhere in the world

>> No.11258448

Decline of the West. Seriously. Perfect outline of the death of spirit in favor of materialism. The subsumption of soul to money worship.

This is a natural evolutionary phase of culture/civilization though, and is only lead by Jews presently due to the materialistic world outlook within their blood.

>> No.11258450

You are welcome to go bum it in the freezing depths of the Argentinian wilderness with your sycophantic group of Randfag psueds, mate. I'll stick to morning runs and shitposting.

>> No.11258457

>Missing the point this hard

>> No.11258462

These won't explain how we became rick and morty watching men children.

>> No.11258472

If I remember right, Ulrich Beck has written a lot about how the loss of tradition and that young people are staying at home and studying rather than getting married in their early twenties is causing young people to mature slower, so that by their mid twenties they're still eating fruit loops and watching cynical bullshit like Rick and Morty instead of loving their spouses and rausing children.

>> No.11258479
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it's about Gaawd and religion dude these retards just don't get imagine being a priest like picture related and being around so many joyful children just imagine dude all those children and their fragile hands and their pale thighs imagine them running around and chasing butterflies in the grass abd then ha! a butterfly flies on of them and then they go to mass and eat the white corpulent body of christ and drink the juicy and succulent wine which represents his blood

>> No.11258480

Your diary desu

>> No.11258486

Do you want me to tell you how I know you're a woman?

>> No.11258498

See >>11258274

>> No.11258502
File: 586 KB, 946x2017, 1496813956918[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person in the photo does not have freedom. As Kant says, morality consists of freedom, and freedom consists of reason's control over our physical desires. To be constrained by the people and substances around you is a heteronomy of the soul.

This man is addicted to the sugar and junk food. As soon as he wakes up he must stuff his face with hardoned corn syrup cake in milk. He has been gaining weight and is unhappy with how he looks, he doesn't feel as well as he used to and minor pains bring him fear for reasons unknown to him. He knows he should do better, but he can't.
He has his cigarette once an hour. As soon as he puts one out his anxiety raises until he needs another one. His lungs feel heavy when he wakes up and he can't run.
He watches his shows that offer nothing but constant stinulation of flashing colours and pseudointellectual platitudes, their cliche nihilistic messages help put out the fuse of his existential anxiety. Another joke is made and the connection of meaning is made in his head completely effortlessly, he automatically smiles and feels a sense of enjoyment, which will leave him feeling more empty than before just like the insulin spike from his morning cereal.
After this he will be compelled to his laptop. Because of the constant novelty and dopamine saturation nature of pornography, he has required more and more obscure videos in order to get off. He is highly specific in what he needs, and clicks through some hundreds of videos in a matter of minutes searching for a brand new video that will accomidate his fetish. He cums and feels disgusted with himself.
That night his girlfriend asks him again why he never wants to sleep with her. He says he has just been tired lately. He has been conditioning his brain to porn every day for many years. He is completely desensitized to normal reward mechanisms.

To feel truely good is to live morally, which is the same as to be free.

>> No.11258504

imagine being this scared of a fucking cartoon show

>> No.11258512
File: 19 KB, 219x298, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To feel truely good is to live morally, which is the same as to be free.

>> No.11258514
File: 200 KB, 252x406, epist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once that man.

VIPissy ... never again man ... never again

>> No.11258518

The only thing wrong here is the horrible meme cartoon that he is watching.

>> No.11258525

Good post.

>> No.11258527

>daring to use a worm like nietzsche as riposte to Immanuel fucking Kant

>> No.11258532

>this is what Kantians actually believe

>> No.11258535
File: 310 KB, 800x907, 3e306814-ab89-4ca1-bf2e-6a4d769804fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related its the average rick and morty fan desu

>> No.11258536
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>> No.11258537

unironically looks like a relaxing way to spend a lazy weekend
this however is fucking disturbing

>> No.11258538
File: 96 KB, 557x711, e1e8571d6242566fbb2db80f916c6e65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuude, the entire clergy are kiddy diddlers lmao

>> No.11258542

>and yet addiction is at an all time high
Is that really the case anywhere outside of Murica?
>and yet young people everywhere are crippled by student debt
Again not everywhere but only the worst places in the West.
>and yet few of us can claim to be truly free
You are more free than it was ever the case in the past, it's unlikely that true freedom is even possible but even if it were, it'd be comparing an ideal with reality.
>but not if you want to rise above that and actually determine your life in a way that is at odds with the dictats of the system
Which was always the case, just even more repressive. Again, it only makes sense to compare with the past, not an ideal.
>perhaps if you live in the abundant west
The conversation is about the West, so yeah. And even a shithole like Murica is safer than ever.

Fair enough points but this goes way beyond the original topic. You'd need to go back couple millennia for that much freedom.

That's not the type who bitches about MUH DECLINE OF THE WEST though.

Priesthood is still a viable option sadly.

Could be your shitty deduction skills or deeper issues with mental health, perhaps paranoia. Do tell!

Freddy could actually write.

>> No.11258550

No. We are better than previous generations in just about every conceivable way.

Better education. Better access to technology and communication. More abundance of choices. Better health care and a plethora of treatments. Access to information on an unprecedented scale. Crime has drastically decreased as has poverty. Median wages are up.

If you are living in a developed country you are almost certainly living a basically decent life unless you are homeless or incarcerated and even then your access to comforts and basic entertainment are not non existent.

>> No.11258554

The amount is definitely disproportional there, which is kinda given because of the power dynamics. Same shit happens with youth team coaches.

>> No.11258556

Satan is incredibly intelligent and capable of elaborate schemes.

So I disagree.

>> No.11258562

This man is addicted to the sugar and junk food. As soon as he wakes up he must stuff his face with hardoned corn syrup cake in milk. He has been gaining weight and is unhappy with how he looks, he doesn't feel as well as he used to and minor pains bring him fear for reasons unknown to him. He knows he should do better, but he can't.
He browses /lit/ once every two minutes. As soon as he's finished his anxiety raises until he needs another one. His head feels heavy when he wakes up and he can't read.
He browses his imageboards that offer nothing but constant stinulation of twisting words and pseudointellectual platitudes, their cliche political messages help put out the fuse of his existential anxiety. Another outrage pictures is posted and the connection of meaning is made in his head completely effortlessly, he automatically smiles and feels a sense of smugness, which will leave him feeling more empty than before just like the insulin spike from his morning cereal.
After this he will be compelled to his phone. Because of the constant novelty and dopamine saturation nature of 4chan, he has required more and more obscure righteous indignation in order to get off. He is highly specific in what he needs, and clicks through some hundreds of thread in a matter of minutes searching for a brand new post that will accomidate his fetish. He smirks and feels disgusted with himself.
That night he asks himselfs why he has no girlfriend. He says he's virtous, that fornication is immoral and that women are all roasties anyway. He has been conditioning his brain to fabricated moral outraged every day for many years. He is completely desensitized to normal human interactions.

>> No.11258564

it's the KIKES.

>> No.11258566

why does marijuana seem more socially acceptable than tobacco now?

>> No.11258575

Because instead swallowing propaganda, people actually educated themselves.

>> No.11258579

on what exactly

>> No.11258580

cigarettes are worse than murder

>> No.11258602

On both I take. Tobacco is way more dangerous than presented, weed a lot less. In the end, both are insignificant compared to alcohol either way.

>> No.11258607

We have too many manlets and virgins that can't accept that everybody is different. If you have a problem with that see it as a failure from your side.

>> No.11258629

True about alcohol, although it is important to differentiate between cigarette tobacco with a bunch of added chemicals versus regular leaf tobacco bought in bulk amd smoked in pipes.

>> No.11258638

Weed is more degenerate by far, moslty because of the subculture. Stoners who like to brag about how much weed they smoke, list 101 reasons how weed is harmless, recite their know-it-all trivia on strains and growing plants, baby tier philosophize, talk about how their newest glass pipe or bong is the greatest thing ever, and their sense of superiority because they smoke weed, are some of the most insufferable cunts on the face of the earth. I couldn't stand smoking in the company of stoners, and much preferred to smoke by myself. I've been off of pot for a few years now, and I'm better for it, but fuck stoners.

>> No.11258657

Well, just like with weed, the biggest danger comes from the process of smoking. The added chemicals is just loading dice further in favour of cancer and whatever other fun things there are.

That's because it's quasi legal for white people, so kids still get the rush of doing something illegal and feel extra special. When it gets legalized, the stoner culture will take a huge fucking hit. Having to deal with them is definitely the worst thing about weed.

>> No.11258664

tobacco is a stimulant therefore better than weed

>> No.11258669

It's kind of both. And at times the relaxation of weed can help with productivity too, hell even alcohol can if you're drinking until you're slightly tipsy.