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File: 100 KB, 407x405, order-starbucks-pay-in-mixtapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1125603 No.1125603 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Hipsters,
Why Starbucks?

>> No.1125617

Where I live everyone goes to Starbucks

Even poor-ass ghetto negros

It's on every street corner man

>> No.1125620

When Starbucks goes under, where will all you hipsters go?

>> No.1125625
File: 27 KB, 500x330, the_more_you_know1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a hipsterologist I can tell you that a true hipster would never be caught dead at Starbucks. He would instead go to the local independent coffee shop with ironic run-down decor.

>> No.1125647

you've got niggers in your starbucks? i'm sorry man.

maybe they should build a moat around it.

>> No.1125650

and the $8 sandwiches. fuck that place

>> No.1125665

I'm not a hipster, but where I live we have a choice of Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts.

Dunkin tastes like instant coffee and is too weak for my tastes, and therefore I go to Starbucks.

>> No.1125667

Although I dislike Starbucks' lackluster quality, I will never go to an independent coffee shop unless I know it is good.

At Starbucks, they rebrew the coffee every 10 minutes or so and replace the pastries every day. Most independent coffee shops will have the same coffee all day and let the pastries sit for like 3 days.

>> No.1125669

I don't know what kind of backward ass redneck boonies you come from, but we here in the civilized realm regard $tarbux like any other joint. In fact, the whole image of the coffee-sipping, baret-wearing hipster behind a Mac is a myth; you're more likely to find a regular Joe at bux than any hipster, who usually prefers (as stated earlier) independent shops or a Coffee Bean when nothing else is there.

>> No.1125674

it's spelt *$ faggots

>> No.1125678


Even I know this and I live in a small Midwestern city. So, uh, yeah. I don't really get that meme either. Starbucks only exists in the lolsuburbs here. If you're all cool and literate and fashionable and shit you're going to one of the independent local places in midtown or downtown.

>> No.1125684


Oh, wait, I didn't consider that OP might live in a hick town where the only coffee shops are Starbucks, so of course kids trying to be hip would go there for lack of other options. The problem with that is that small towns don't have real hipsters. They have wannabes who actually call themselves hipsters (thus negating any possibility of their actually BEING such) and try really hard to appear more urbane than their surroundings. And hipster wannabes are much worse even than real hipsters.

>> No.1125707


yikes. Yeah, I'm glad someone else noticed this phenomenon. I don't think highly of hipsters, but realistically I'm around them all the time, and they do have at least the decency to deny being the fagpieces they are. I've seen kids come in from the surrounding small towns and rural areas and say things like "well I like random stuff 'cause I'm a hipster so I like stuff that is really random like dinosaurs wearing sunglasses because that is so random amirite?" ...and it never fails to make my skin crawl.