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/lit/ - Literature

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1125192 No.1125192 [Reply] [Original]

Describe yourself in writing, third person mode:

Auburn locks of hair with a slight curl at the ends framed a good half of the mans face, it possessed somewhat of a matted texture presumably from hastily applied hair product in a vain attempt to make himself look suitable. His fair colored face was covered in a mess of stubble from the weekend, it held more time than most others of his age; yet it still presented a youthful disposition beneath it. A heather gray v-neck and dense gray denim jeans burdened his shortset frame and restricted his limber, yet graceless movement.

>> No.1125201

You fucking suck at writing

>> No.1125207

Bald, glasses, plain clothes and he has an awkward way of avoiding eye contact.

>> No.1125223

I can understand that you're jealous of my ridiculously well written description, but I don't understand the rash attempt at criticism.

>> No.1125241
File: 34 KB, 500x381, captain-picard-full-of-win-500x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair on fire with an mind to match
She entered a room and the record scratched
Too hot to handle, too quick to catch
Gored enemies in her wake

Eyes dark energy laser beams
Her evil rivaled the vilest fiend's
All who touched her became unclean -
A sacrifice I would make.


>> No.1125244

Rather tall and gangly; the type of girl with the level of self-esteem to post in RATEMELOL threads, whether /lit/-versioned or not.

>> No.1125248

OP, your description is tl;dr.

Whenever I see more than a sentence devoted to describing a character's mundane physical characteristics (eye color, hair color, clothes, etc.) my eyes glaze over and I skip ahead to the next paragraph of substance.

>> No.1125267

He looked young and tired. Full lips cracked from a dry night and the outside wind, hazel eyes and hair not yet showered into submission. There was cigarette ash rubbed into every piece of clothing he wore.

>> No.1125278

Overweight, baggy-eyed, a disposition that has already given up on the world before ever really entering it.

>> No.1125284

She was the kind of girl who could go unnoticed when she wanted to. She'd dreamed of spies and adventures as a child, wild red roses blooming on a dead man's chest as she blended in a distant crowd, always the watcher.
She'd convinced herself -at some point or another- her stare was enough to make any person cower before her; it was the best she could do to embellish her plain brown eyes. Eyes so beautiful they'd shine when she was passionate about something (information), frustrated at her useless self (injustice), or moved by her mother's selfless daily sacrifice.
Her smiles were usually nervous and taunting - although her manners and words spoke of volumes of arrogance, her eyes held a deep fear of rejection. There was a deep-set longing for a strength she didn't believe she possessed, and a fierce thirst for success.

>> No.1125289

ITT: amateur writers who are just copy and pasting their self-insert character descriptions from their work in progress.

>> No.1125292

I think you just described every lit chick ever.

OK, now we're getting somewhere. :-D

>> No.1125299
File: 6 KB, 236x240, 1284247797673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not an amateur writer who probably thinks Kurt Vonnegut is the best writer of the century

>> No.1125305

We bookworms are all the same.

>> No.1125335

Overweight and intellectually underfed.

>> No.1125337
File: 359 KB, 521x620, gay dude from mad men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't a well known fact on here that I dislike Vonnegut

>> No.1125372


>implying anything about you is well known.

>> No.1125381



don't flatter yourselves

>> No.1125383

>i have the attention span of a twelve year old

>> No.1125384

>implying tons of stuff about me isn't well known
>implying i'm not a veteran lit frequenter
>implying you aren't a newfag

>> No.1125386

>implying you aren't just another cancerous tripfag

>> No.1125395

>implying the anons who persecute the tripfriends because you're jelly of our popularity aren't the ones stirring up all the trouble

>> No.1125415

can we stop this whole passive agressive greentext bullshit, children. its obnoxious as shit.

>> No.1125419

>look i can green text too herp derp derp

>> No.1125424


>veteran lit frequenter

>> No.1125440
File: 66 KB, 582x437, surprise-elephant-secks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. These two are a couple of animals who take it up the ass, and the following picture will illustrate the position we're in. They are the elephants and we are the passengers:

>> No.1125553

How is it that we're in /lit/ which draws a pretty stringent line regarding the contents of the board, and therefore, presumably the intellectual capacities of the board's population and yet I see "tl;dr" here every day. Now literature may not mean entire texts, but I'd imagine that if you're posting in a board centered around the art of language that you'd perhaps possess the ability to read a paragraph.

>> No.1125582

A generic guy. Nothing really special from the outside

and neither the inside.

>> No.1125594
File: 23 KB, 300x400, cool-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overwriting EVER HEARD OF IT

>> No.1125599


your dramatic usage of line breaks suggests cognitive dissonance

>> No.1125634

Sitting cross-legged on the simple wooden chair that had come with the room, she narrowed her eyes at the computer screen. They were tired. She didn't have her glasses on. She sat back for a moment, trying to think of her most interesting characteristic. Months ago, she had made a promise to herself to never rely on weakness again, to stop needing people, to convince herself that nothing could destroy her. It was going well. She had stopped giving a fuck so often, and, after the initial hurdle, began to sleep deeply and read more.

Feels good man.

>> No.1125638

With a hand entangled through his overgrown hair, he continued to have a blinking battle against the empty page in front of him. His glasses were at the tip of his nose, merely there for decoration. The joint in his mouth burned slowly, the only source of light in the room besides the monitor. The only sound in the room came from the orange headphones around his head, forever blasting repetitive and near-monotone electronic music.

>i know i suck

>> No.1125645

She is such a bitch, and you can tell by her face. She has a bitch face.

>> No.1125668

I lold.