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File: 13 KB, 333x499, persuasionandrhetoric .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11251851 No.11251851 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11251931

fuck you. dont just command me to 'discuss'. lil bitch

>> No.11251972


>> No.11252002

Whats the book about? Ive been looking for something that could teach ne to be more persuasive so i could step up my law career. Is it what that is?

>> No.11252058
File: 702 KB, 2560x1707, 1524346100651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you saying the OP wasn't very.... persuasive?

>> No.11252254


what do you want to discuss?

>> No.11252875

What's the point of this book, if any?
On wiki, it looks like some kind of proto-Heidegger.

>> No.11252893

desire is infinite and futile and the only deliverance from the will is death. only the man who absolutely self-sufficient in himself is a real self, the rest are determined by externalities.

the greatest minds on this planet understood this instinctively but because society can only function as the repression of this truth you never see it articulated it anywhere

>> No.11252918

And he killed himself just because of that ?
Could have at least tried

>> No.11252920

>durr Nietzsche, laozi, hermeticism through a foggy lens
wow really makes you think

>> No.11252928

if you properly internalize what he's saying (and it's true) it's pretty hard not to kill yourself

>labels are a substitute for understanding yaaaaay

spoken like a true rhetoricuck

>> No.11253263

He is, as far as I am concerned, the greatest philosopher who ever lived in the West. I am of the firmest conviction that his work is, for all intents and purposes, the end game of Western philosophy. I’m also proud to be one of his countrymen and able to read his works untranslated.

>> No.11253296

Tracing the development of Michelstaedter's ideas is difficult: His philosophical vision seems to have formed suddenly, and his brief life didn't allow for time to explore other directions. For him common life is an absence of life, narrow and deluded as it is by the god of pleasure, which deceives man, promising pleasures and results that are not real, although he thinks they are. Rhetoric—that is the conventions of the individual, the weak, and society—comprises social life, in which man overpowers nature and himself for his own pleasure. Only by living in the present as if every moment were the last can man free himself from the fear of death, and thus achieve Persuasion; that is, self-possession. Resignation and adapting oneself to the world, for Michelstaedter, is the true death.

>> No.11253875

Is the next book on my list, what should I expect?

>> No.11254064

One of the most brilliant works of philosophy of the century

>> No.11254278


>> No.11254287

the dissertation of a depressed jew

>> No.11254441


>> No.11254452

it's a factually accurate statement

>> No.11255453


who /persuasi/ here?

>> No.11255745


exactly what I am looking for too. any suggestions?

>> No.11255795

this has nothing to do with that

>> No.11256977

me desu

>> No.11256991

Is this gonna become the next /lit/ meme? Now I will have to find a new cool philosopher :/

>> No.11256993

so basically
>live in the moment bro
what exactly is so special about it?

>> No.11257038

>oh noo i have to find a new obscure favorite for the sake of being obskure :(

>> No.11257055

No, not basically that at all. Stop trying to reduce philosophy to soundbytes. Apply yourself.

Desire exists to be satisfied, essentially, desire exists its extinction. Life exists as the paradoxical movement to cease all movement, but because stasis is death, life is also the infinite deferral of the very satisfaction it craves.

>> No.11258272
