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11251768 No.11251768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aside from religion, is anime the last bastion of sincerity?

>> No.11251777

>Is mass-produced, cliché trash the last bastion of sincerity?

>> No.11251783
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>> No.11251818

You could make a better argument for that.

>> No.11251904

Yes in fact when the days of judgement are upon us, even Jesus Christ will recommend that we collectively watch boku no pickle

>> No.11253278


>> No.11253300

Anime is dreadfully insincere. Plastic emotion. I won’t deny the pleasant effect of its colours and its melodrama. But anime is really decadent, and not because of the hordes of sexless masturbators or anything as banal and likely as that... it’s the inhuman easiness of it, the cyberbrain autistic escapism... mmmm, and yet I do enjoy anime. But it’s a guilty pleasure, tinged with moments of expanse and oceanic power... yes I suppose there are moments of childlike audacity.. naive beauty: but everything good about anime is esoteric and incommunicable... don’t bother trying to redeem anime as an art form or sing its praises, especially not with such contrived trash as spirited away or whatever. Anime must remain domestic and shut away if it is too retain anything worth consuming it for. It’s all that brainlet weebs have though, sadly, and human vanity demands validation. Video tape discovery, morning cartoon familiarity, mystic lonesome evening introspection. All this will die by the hands of its children. The secret covenants of anime, only faintly intimated but crucial to the fragile sublimity of its experience, wiped away by fat handed idiocy.

>> No.11253317

Oh and i must add that my little comment about fat hands really means nothing... just sounded nice, and I pictured obesity... in reality the most disgusting thing associated with anime, both in the technicolor dream world and the drab consumer cuck dens in which it is projected is its biological skeletalness..... you know what is most revolting is what weebs consider to be “attractive anime feet”, completely anatomically psychofucked renderings... it would be no surprise if those who enjoy such warped sketches had not seen a pair of feet beyond their own for some time! The toes are all long claws! Monkey claws! And this is attractive, delicate or beautiful? What??? Big toes not even differentiated. And to think, such a person is liable to consider the feet of real human beings “gross”... totally plastic people...

>> No.11253330
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>> No.11253339

I think so. Anime, visual novels, etc. often deal sincerely with things which in the west would only be only be presented through a lens of irony or deconstruction. It's like the west has some sort of sickness which makes it distort everything good into ugliness.

>> No.11253349
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>> No.11253380

They are sincere in some rare cases, oftentimes they are sincere because of their uncurtained quest for pleasure, be it sexual, emotional or aesthetic.
Consumerism-wise it's worse than the west, but they also somehow make you believe that they are doing this out of passion, while I can't see that in a TV series or a movie.

>> No.11253399

I'll add that the best example I can think of is Clannad, which is about the importance of family, as well as a collectivist depiction of society as a family. Nothing of that sort would ever be depicted in a sincerely positive manner in the west.

>> No.11253452


While a lot of anime is utter trash, it often genuinely approaches viewpoints that could never be concieveably approached in the west, especially regarding sexualilty and gender roles which are untouchable due to the endless oceans of screaming noise produced by supposed social justice.

>> No.11253456

I think it's interesting how anime regularly presents female characters that are strong, intelligent, hold authority positions, etc. but there's never any political undertone to it at all. In western media anything like that would only be done for a political purpose.

>> No.11253505

Most of anime is about as sincere as Thomas Kinkade paintings.

>> No.11253508

Yes, thats why so many people think it's embarrassing.

>> No.11253525

>the importance of family, as well as a collectivist depiction of society as a family
Those are many films sponsored by the former regime from the ex-sovietblock shithole I come from and they are thematically static naive garbage no one watches save for film students.

>> No.11253530
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>there are the people complaining about the decline of the west

>> No.11253546


>I'll always be one step ahead of you
>'cause I read the manga

>> No.11253550

Political propaganda isn't sincere.

>> No.11253554

I don't think it's declining. I think the flaws which were present in it the entire time are simply reaching their natural conclusion.

>> No.11253562


Absolutely. There's a bizarre paradox at work which prevents western media from creating female characters with genuine agency. If a female is sexually attractive, she is objectified and therefore surely must be so for the pleasure and demands of men; sexual attraction is a thing that oppresses women and reduces thier power.

Meanwhile you get a character like Panty who, after becoming the queen of the school, has every male student lusting after her. She demands that they all stand in a line and drop their pants, and they all obey out of their lust for her. She then drives a car alongside the line, sticking her hand out and slapping the dick of every boy in the school for her own entertainment. She has absolute power over them due to her female sexuality and she revels in it.

In the west you get "I don't need no man!", meanwhile Panty is there with the ethos that "Every man is mine, and they are my toys to be played with."

The west tries to make strong women while sweeping their sexuality under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist, and whatever quality of strength they have it never stems from them actually being a women. By hiding their sexuality and lust the 'powerful females' are basically surpressed by default and still enslaved by whatever the opinions of society deem correct, especially since these 'powerful female characters' are designed to be feminist role models which sabotages them even more. Power and agency means not being controlled. Meanwhile characters like Panty don't give two shits about society's laws; she's a female character with far more agency than any western counterpart.

>> No.11253573

I feel that’s more because the West has always had a more individualistic culture than the east in many aspects

>> No.11253606

It's highly-optimised escapism, purely consumerist. There is not a grain of emotion put into it, let alone sincerity. From its formulation to production to end product, it remains as such. It's some drab industry-dogma cut-outs arranged in moreorless the same way forevermore, to continuously fuel escapists in the most pandering yet deceitful of ways. Even amongst these arranged cut-outs, they can't even add any creativity or emotion in. Anime is an example of the height of consumerist escapism. Eventually everything will be engineered soullessness, just like anime. The West clings more so to a pretense of ideals and meaning and realism in their escapism, whereas the East simply consumes efficiently, industriously. All will follow in this complete lack of art and emotion, or even genuine entertainment. One comes to like the embrace of familiarity and structure, rather than entertainment (of which it is devoid). So, even that goes out the window.

I still like some anime, though, I can't deny its nature.

>> No.11253622

good posts

>> No.11253663

t. someone who doens't watch anime

>> No.11254061
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There's nothing sincere about it, all modern anime is nothing more than formulaic pandering to the stereotypical neets base desires, because these same neets are the ones who buy all the meaningless merchandise and post about it on the internet

Its all a deplorable feedback loop of degeneracy, and I fear we are nowhere close to peak autism

Also you cant be a fan of the current state of anime and be a true follower of Christianity or just about any religion for the reasons I just stated earlier

>> No.11254096

>Unironically using two month old ifunny memes

>> No.11254105
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>you know what is most revolting is what weebs consider to be “attractive anime feet”, completely anatomically psychofucked renderings... it would be no surprise if those who enjoy such warped sketches had not seen a pair of feet beyond their own for some time! The toes are all long claws! Monkey claws! And this is attractive, delicate or beautiful? What??? Big toes not even differentiated. And to think, such a person is liable to consider the feet of real human beings “gross”... totally plastic people...
What a weird thing to get mad at

>> No.11254106

>I think it's interesting how anime regularly presents female characters that are strong, intelligent, hold authority positions, etc. but there's never any political undertone
No, it just has a sexual undertone. No matter how "successful" an anime girl is they're always going to be the MC's blushing prize.

>> No.11254119

>Every anime is a romance with a male protagonist
How retarded can you possibly be? You clearly don't have any clue what you're talking about at all so why are you even posting?

>> No.11254126

>No, it just has a sexual undertone.
So females have to be sexless in order to be powerful?

>> No.11254129

I don't even know is anime good, but I think it's at least better than most current western media.

>> No.11254137

excellent posts

>> No.11254140

That's reality, though. Women are mostly sexual creatures not matter what you feminist professor has tried to tell you.

>> No.11254154
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Take the anime pill, faggots. Drop your greeks and start with japs.

>> No.11254161

These people want to pretend women are sexless, and then the next day they go support their local slut walk. They'll just make whatever argument is convenient at any given time to criticize something.

>> No.11254170
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>screencapping your own retarded posts

>> No.11254215

You don't actually think this is profound, do you?

>> No.11254222

Better than most of the stuff in /lit/ these days, though.

>> No.11254228

anomie isn't real

>> No.11254271

even the Congratulations!-You-have-once-again-succeeded-in-posting-a-thinly-veiled-'literature'-thread-with-the-intention-to-gossip-like-a-schoolgirl!-poster from the other night was more profound than this you sperg

>> No.11254433

most female CEO's out there are there for a reason you know. Truth is, if you were attractive enough you'd have snagged a rich guy by the time you're 23-ish at least.

>> No.11254440

religion is not sincere

>> No.11254721

Manga also covers a lot larger variety of topics than anime because the cost overheads are significantly lower and you can target a more specific audience niche.
>Hey, I want to make a story about a mountain climber with themes of isolation and social alienation
>Anime industry: Fuck off
>Manga industry: Publish the whole thing and have an award.

>> No.11254739

anime isn’t sincere and religion is not sincere (and never has been), that’s why anime puts fan service in kid’s shows and seinen (incl NGE) and that’s why religious people cheat on their wives and steal from their church, fuck men and swindle their countrymen. no one is sincere.

>> No.11254756

im not reading this shit, it shouldn’t take more than 2-3 posts to elucidate this idea. this is almost 3-5 pages of writing about someone else’s ideas
>putting echoes around someone’s name your movement has stolen from before and is stealing from now

>> No.11255308

Come on, now.

>> No.11256808


>> No.11257601

I think Trigger does sincerity sometimes. Gurren Lagann is sincere. So is the first Little Witch Academia. You could even say Inferno Cop is sincere in a post-ironic sort of way.

>> No.11257638


>> No.11257644

Anime is made on the cheap by people who really love the art form for small amounts of profit (like western Indie films, in theory); yet it anime studios also do whatever they can to make a buck (like capeshit/etc in the West).

>> No.11257661

I watched In This Corner of the World the other day and enjoyed it. It was sincere.

>> No.11257662

If you want sincerity watch a ted talk

>> No.11257675

Anime is like other pulp mediums in the West, such as scifi novels. While theres a lot of generic garbage aimed to make a quick buck from teenage boys, both mediums allow for a lot for innovation than, say, long-form live-action TV dramas (compared to anime) or literary realism (compared to sci-fi). You need to put up with the pulply crap so you can get the occasional Cowboy Bebop or Book of the New Sun. Plus 2d animation a dying art form (thanks Pixar) so its good the Japs are keeping it alive.

>> No.11257722

Anime became popular for the same reason Hollywood movies became popular overseas, its good entertainment. It became more popular in the West over time because it has became easier to watch. No grand theory needed, you wasted several hours writing that.