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/lit/ - Literature

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11248069 No.11248069 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me this isn’t the most aesthetic text you’ve ever read.
Why is Das Nibelungenlied so good?
It’s better than the Iliad and the Odyssey combined.

>> No.11248211

...in English...pretentious showboating elitist

>> No.11248225

Stop being such a pleb

>> No.11248510

engwish pwez..impress us with your translating ability

>> No.11248513

This is an English only board, Heinrich.

>> No.11248516

German is objectively, syntactically, uglier than all the other Germanic languages

>> No.11248528
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>> No.11249056

i can't read nazi

>> No.11249137

Because it structure incorporates alliteration

>> No.11249191


>> No.11249197


>> No.11249793
File: 291 KB, 500x353, traveling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any excerpts from Helmut de Boor's version?
I searched far and wide and haven't found it. I want to get the zweisprachig edition but it would be nice to know what it reads like.

>> No.11249891
File: 78 KB, 900x600, Евгений Онегин.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty ugly to me desu

>> No.11249896

no, German is one of most beautiful languages

>> No.11249958

This, and I'm not even German.

>> No.11250062

listen to the opening speakers voice and sound of german, it is an energetic and phonetic breath of fresh air, the language itself is dancing:

>> No.11250072

a genuine punch in the ear listen some actual good language please https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_SJfGwbeK0&t=168s

>> No.11250079
File: 85 KB, 800x450, 0009243b-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AABB rhyming scheme

>> No.11250085 [DELETED] 

Is this bait? They're singing in Liturgical Latin. It's a catholic mass.

>> No.11250089
File: 1.05 MB, 2957x2153, 0000018322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need a fancy rhyming scheme like AbAbCCddEffEgg
Not like Yevgeniy Anegin isn't one of the prettiest poems ever too

>> No.11250120

German is ugly, sorry. It's mostly important because some smart dudes wrote in it. It's a dying language, anyways.

>> No.11250141

Nice, anon. Nice. Italian > German. This is just true.

>> No.11250142

t.Luigi Tuttobene

>> No.11250158

Tell me, what is the best edition?

I have been looking some time ago, but is there one which presents the original text together with a translation into more modern German (you page isn't the original text?).

>> No.11250180

This isn't the original text, you are right, this is one I was lent to look at for the weekend, it's the Felix Genzmer translation.
I think the only zweisprachige ausgabe is the one with the de Boor-Bartsch translation, which I don't know if it's a translation at all.

>> No.11250207

Thanks I'll have a look.

>> No.11250226

>Italian > German
I love italian by the way, but it seems italian, is earthy, animally, full of suffering and romantic from below striving, while german is transcendent, confident, heavenly, active, dictating, I mean its creative, is there a way determine what language has the most 'styles' within it, the most leeways and directions of sounds, and interplay of parts, im just bs'ing by the way

>> No.11250232

aesthetic leaps

>> No.11250245

Friend, if you're the guy who posted the classical music video, I was unimpressed, but I will give you the chance to redeem yourself. Post some beautiful spoken German from any speaker available.

>> No.11250266

>I love italian by the way, but it seems italian, is earthy, animally, full of suffering and romantic from below striving
literally a language invented by poets for writing poems about muh neoplatonism and loved women

>> No.11250272

I dont think any language spoken sounds as good as language sung, maybe ironically Hitler would be a good example of the power and beauty of the German sounding word, but give this a try:


>> No.11250278
File: 20 KB, 474x528, tips Christian morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironic Wagnerians
>On my /lit/

>> No.11250291

I'm German and I wouldn't use this as an aesthetic example of the language.
What version is this? Haven't read any Nibelungenlied edition yet, but this seems crude and stilted.

>> No.11250300

and tremendous example of italian singing:

>> No.11250305

17:37 for the gal

>> No.11250307

Ah, but anon, you gotta give me someone speaking. Sung language is usually phonetically different from spoken language, esp. in classical music. It often disguises uglier sounds as well. For example, Brazilian Portuguese sung sounds elegant and pleasant but spoken it sounds like yapping monkey shit. So I need a spoken sample.

>> No.11250337

Liking a work because it is pretty is moronic.

What of the virtues of ugliness, horror, nausea, woe, jealously, lust?

>> No.11250347



>> No.11250348

why Nibelungen depicted as manlets, while they are the offspring of fallen angels and giants.

>also dwarves = dark elves
anyone knew that?

>> No.11250355

Literally every language in the world is dying except english and possible chinese.

>> No.11250380

>nietzschefags are this retarded
colour me surprised

>> No.11250386

Hmm.. not too bad. I can see the appeal. Although I still wouldn't call it a beautiful language (and I'll take back my comment on it being ugly). It seems aesthetically neutral. Meanwhile, a language like Italian has a more natural beauty.
That's probably hyperbole on your part but I see your point. You could add Spanish to your list.

>> No.11250423

German and Italian are simply two glorious instruments in a standing of their own

>> No.11250433

French is on the upswing, mostly due to Africans

>> No.11250508

>why Nibelungen depicted as manlets,
>offspring of fallen angels
>and giants.

>> No.11250517

There is nothing more disgusting than a nigger speaking French. But I do think a lot of the statistics about French in Africa are false. Some of the so-called "francophone" African countries don't actually speak French widely. It's usually just upper-class members of society (something like 1/4 Africans might know French in post-colonial countries, which is still a lot, but French isn't about to explode like some suggest). But in all reality, African French often takes the form of a sub-tier patois, rather than real French. Of course, there are still millions in Africa that approximate the standard. My point is that a lot of the people saying French is going to blow and hit like 800 million to 1 billion speakers in the next 50-100 years are engaging in wishful thinking.

>> No.11250547


>> No.11250564


>> No.11250569

kind of mean to the Africans to be perfectly honest anon.

>> No.11250584

Felix Genzmer version from the Reclam Universal Bibliothek edition.

>> No.11250593


>> No.11250608

There are hundreds of examples of this kind of shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssAPNFqaeNY

Africans ruin European languages. From English to Spanish to French, etc. Ideally Europe would've left them alone and they'd all be speaking their own languages. In another world..

>> No.11251268

i bet there are more aesthetic text desu

>> No.11252305

I think I have read a few different aesthetics

>> No.11252404

Nibelunglied is not written in modern German, it's in Middle High German. You're still reading a translation.

>> No.11252413

What is an aesthetic example of the language according to you?

>> No.11252414

>Roux de Poux spoken by Roody Poos

>> No.11252438

This. Here is the original version

"1 Uns ist in alten mæren wunders vil geseit 1
von helden lobebæren, von grôzer arebeit,
von freuden, hôchgezîten, von weinen und von klagen,
von küener recken strîten muget ír nu wunder hören sagen.

2 Ez wuohs in Búrgónden ein vil édel magedîn,
daz in allen landen niht schöners mohte sîn,
Kríemhílt geheizen: si wart ein schöne wîp.
dar umbe muosen degene vil verlíesén den lîp.

3 Der minneclîchen meide triuten wol gezam. 3
ir muoten küene recken, niemen was ir gram.
âne mâzen schöne sô was ir edel lîp.
der júncfróuwen tugende zierten ándériu wîp.

4 Ir pflâgen drî künege edel unde rîch: 4
Gunther unde Gêrnôt, die recken lobelîch,
und Gîselher der junge, ein ûz erwelter degen.
diu frouwe was ir swester. die fürsten hetens in ir pflegen.

5 Die herren wâren milte, von arte hôch erborn,
mit kraft unmâzen küene, die recken ûz erkorn.
dâ zen Búrgónden sô was ir lant genant.
si frumten starkiu wunder sît in Étzélen lant.

6 Ze Wormez bî dem Rîne si wonten mit ir kraft.
in diente von ir landen vil stolziu ritterschaft
mit lobelîchen êren unz an ir endes zît.
si stúrben sît jæmerlîche von zweier edelen frouwen nît.

7 Ein rîchiu küneginne, frou Uote ir muoter hiez.

ir vater der hiez Dancrât, der in diu erbe liez
sît nâch sîme lebene, ein ellens rîcher man,
der ouch in sîner jugende grôzer êren vil gewan.

8 Die drî künege wâren, als ich gesaget hân, 8
von vil hôhem ellen. in wâren undertân
ouch die besten recken, von den man hât gesaget,
stárc únd vil küene, in scharpfen strîten unverzaget."