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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 683x1024, DSiRSoGX4AIBV_W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11247500 No.11247500 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any who are still writing today?

>> No.11247504

>don't talk to me or my son ever again

>> No.11247507

Don't you mean your wife's boyfriend's son?

>> No.11247511
File: 14 KB, 220x211, 220px-Susan_Sontag_1979_©Lynn_Gilbert_(headshot).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far.... The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al, don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

>> No.11247518

Okay, so she's an enemy. I don't want to read her.

Got any better suggestions?

>> No.11247519

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11247523

This is my first time posting here.

I was hoping this would be a good place to get reading suggestions based on my interests.

>> No.11247536

I'm looking for someone who is unabashedly pro-White, but not an exclusively political writer. I don't want charts and factiods roughed together in some scary call to arms.

I'm looking for thoughtful literature that is contemporary and pro-White.

>> No.11247684

Julius Evola?

>> No.11247686

Donald Trump

>> No.11247693

Serious answer: Michel Houllebecq.

>> No.11247709

Go look on counter-currents, you will probably find what you are looking for there.

>> No.11247710

No such person will get published, especially in english speaking literature. Write something like that, send it to publisher and you'll be put on blacklist.

>> No.11247724

This is the correct answer

>> No.11247728

>No such person will get published
They won't get published by a big mainstream publisher, but there are smaller ones who will or alternatively self publishing is a thing.

>> No.11247731
File: 27 KB, 488x463, 1514981981467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tha stashues look cool!!11

>> No.11247741

Philistines OUT

>> No.11247743
File: 24 KB, 624x279, 2f3c2510cea1bea123fb606f2b6c1aff--environmental-factors-key-stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im so cultured i have the cool old art on my gaming pc!!!!11

>> No.11247744

>being so much of a nihilist that you have to mock the art of cultures who had genuine purpose and aspirations
Yeah, go back to your modern art. It's all relative and meaningless. You are lobotomised, not us.

>> No.11247754

I guarantee this was posted by a mutt. Only such people can be so spiteful to think others shouldn't exist or have their own lands because "muh IQ" meme.

>> No.11247756

have you read march of the tians?

>> No.11247757
File: 218 KB, 750x599, modern art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee you I have a higher respect for "arts of cultures who had genuine purposes and aspirations" than you, the connoisseur that has some pictures on their computer to start a thread on a korean basket weaving forum. also, you are thinking of contemporary art. pic related is "modern art"

>> No.11247761

stop taking pride in something you haven't done you failure lmao

>> No.11247803

Not him, but I never understood that.

Why can't a dad be proud of his son if he wins a football game?
Is the dad a failure for that?

What about a son being proud of his dad, because his dad achieved something amazing?
Will the son be a failure because he looks at his dad and says "I am grateful that I am his son, my dad is a great man"?

I never understood this "identifying with your ancestors means that you are appropriating their achievements, so you are a failure lmao", it makes literally no sense.

>> No.11247814

don't get so worked up about dead people

>> No.11247816

that proudness comes from a personal relationship between people, not identification with an abstraction.

>> No.11247839

>that proudness comes from a personal relationship
It is a far too common trope that a dad is proud of a son, even if after a divorce he has rarely seen his son.

The connection is genes, seeing your own genes succeed is what causes these feelings.

>> No.11247851

Causality is not real

>> No.11247853

its silly to equate a father/son relation to you maybe being related to some artists.

>> No.11247865

What are you talking about?

The fact to the matter is that there are genetically defined groups, if you are a member of such group seeing any member succeeding means that your own genes are succeeding.

The relationship between father and son only means a change in degree of how much of your genes are shared.


>> No.11247870

Her conclusion there isn’t even true, it’s in fact such a falsehood that I’m convinced I’m reading it incorrectly

Is she saying that historically whites were the only conquerors?

>> No.11247871


>> No.11247873

>Susan (((Sontag)))
that should clear things up

>> No.11247876


>> No.11247995

I'm not OP

spoiler]And you're still a deracinated mutt, trying to erode everyone elses sense of heritage, pride and roots that go into the past that you feel cut off from because of your selfish parents.[/spoiler]

>> No.11248064

>the relationship between father and son only means a change in degree of how much genes are shared

Is this legitimate autism

>> No.11248134

>what is a tribe

>> No.11248141

>It's all relative and meaningless.
why are brainlets always so ready to project

>> No.11248142

>a fucking statue
every time

>> No.11248146

>european lives in a tribal structure

I live in a sprawling appartement complex. I don't even know who the fuck my neighbord are. And many people live like that.

>> No.11248151

It always
>The David
>Augustus statue
>Greek statue + Socrates made up quote about body
>The group of the Laocon
>That statue with the guy who has a giant serpent in his hands which I forgot the name of
>A Bouguereau painting
They literally don't know that any other piece of art exists. Ask them who Giotto or Tintoretto are and watch them go silent.

>> No.11248153

I was mocking his "point of view" not endorsing it. I'm not a nihilist in any way.

Yes because of ((( them ))) and look how broken and depraved people of modernity are. Look at the depression and mental illness. That should tell you something. This isn't healthy, it isn't natural, it isn't right.

>> No.11248157

>Not knowing who your neighbord are
>Not having multiple intrigues and gossips with your fellow complexmates
>Not having a liason with the daughter of the guy who lives two floors below you
You aren't getting the full apartment experice

>> No.11248163

>I was mocking his "point of view" not endorsing it.
Nor I was implying you were.
>Yes because of ((( them )))
Ah, this clarifies it

>> No.11248178


do /pol/tards have legitimate downs syndrome?

>> No.11248184

Nice argument.

>> No.11248188

the thing i find the funniest about you /pol/tards is that you think you're more intelligent than everyone else

>> No.11248191

>you think you're more intelligent than everyone else
No, I don't.
Also /pol/ is wrong about most things.

Still no argument.

>> No.11248202

>because of (((them)))
Well thanks to the jews I can live in a cheap nice room milles away from ly parent while I study. Thanks Rotschild!

I've an ugly diseased face unfortunatly.

>> No.11248203

suck my dick? how is that for an argument? shieeeeet

>> No.11248209

There's nothing wrong with identifying with your history (because identifying with your nation is pretty fucking stupid, I'm Italian my nation didn't even exist 2 centuries ago and my grandgrandad was part of the resentistance and shot nazis with his half baked hunter rifle with who am I supposed to identify with? with the mussolinians? with the resistance? with the irridentists? am I supposed to be proud that we killed a couple of hundreds of thousands of niggers back during the campaign in Abissinia? this doesn't make any fucking sense). Identifying with your history means that through a specific culture (which isn't national one, national ones were often made up we Italians didn't even speak a single language up until post ww2) and place of birth you end up intuitively recognizing the manifestations of yourself that were already present in your history and that maybe indirectly created your persona. also being proud doesn't make any fucking sense, it should be more of a sense of belonging that gives foundation and direction. also it doesn't mean you should disparage people from other cultures as well. also "western culture" is a fucking meme invented by Americans each and every european nation has its own history and we competed and killed each other for all of our history often going to the point that there were entire intellectual projects aimed at proving the superiority of one culture over the other such as what the G*rmans (may the Demiurge smite their souls) were doing in the early XXth century (those bastards)

>> No.11248227

>This is my first time posting here.
it is recommended to me that you leave and never come back, /pol/tards think that they are 4chan culture but they are not.
>Okay, so she's an enemy. I don't want to read her.
Seriously fuck off, you may not like the views of opinions of a lot of writers but you still have to read them because they are important. Most 20th century+ writers were leftists anyway, and many were known for expressing anti-conservative views in their literature whether they were conservative themselves or not,

>> No.11248234

I don't think he is mocking the art as much as he is mocking your pompousness

>> No.11248237

>a cheap nice room milles away from ly parent while I study
>living in an artificial urban multi cultural shithole, with garbage air quality and plastic food filled with carcinogens
>cut off from wholesome family integration, forming meaningful lifelong relationships and spending time with your relatives
>being indoctrinated with a useless Marxist ((( education ))) and putting yourself in debt for the privilege

>> No.11248242

>enjoying meaningful art which incorporates the history and culture of your ancestors is pompous
Thanks ((( professor ))). I should get back to that assignment writing about how a pile of used tampons depictes the struggle for female empowerment.

>> No.11248248

>with who am I supposed to identify
The Italians.
Or if you believe that your country should be divided whatever sub group you want to succeed.

>with the mussolinians? with the resistance? with the irridentists?
I am not telling you to identify with an ideology.
The choice here is meaningless, you are not any less of an Italian because you do or don't support Mussolinis Fascism.

>am I supposed to be proud that we killed a couple of hundreds of thousands of niggers back during the campaign in Abissinia? this doesn't make any fucking sense).
No, identifying with your people included recognizing the mistakes of the past.

>Identifying with your history means that through a specific culture (which isn't national one, national ones were often made up we Italians didn't even speak a single language up until post ww2) and place of birth you end up intuitively recognizing the manifestations of yourself that were already present in your history and that maybe indirectly created your persona
Yes, but what you call identification with History is the same thing I am talking about.
The history of the Italians is undeniably liked to the Italians as a people.

>also being proud doesn't make any fucking sense,
>it should be more of a sense of belonging that gives foundation and direction.
Exactly, but how do you figure out what direction is good and what is bad?
Doing that implicitly tells you to look back at history and figure out what good and bad your ancestors did which will include being proud of the good your ancestors did.

>also it doesn't mean you should disparage people from other cultures as well.
That depends.
Inside your nation you should definitely make sure that your culture is strong, but of course I don't want Imperialism.

>the other such as what the G*rmans (may the Demiurge smite their souls) were doing in the early XXth century (those bastards)
Now the story about my Family?
My grandfather fought in the east under Hitler and my grandmother's dad died in the Volkssturm.
You see, there are some more questions in the History of my nation.

>> No.11248256

>computer science is useless
>pollution is a jewish creation
>I should still live with my parent at 22

>> No.11248280
File: 47 KB, 576x734, 6c5f14906c9acdf2fd448a01287997b0--actors-male-filmstars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ,

Oh yes yes, oh my yes yes, truly white, truly splendid. Look at the art of strength and power MY ancestors created. Everyone who isn't as great as me, or as pure as me, should be crushed under my boots Truly white, truly christian gentleman. BY JOVE, I AM HAVING AN ORGANISM BY JOVE OH MY GOD JOVE I JUST TOUCHED ANOTHER LITTLE BOY JOVE! BY JOVE OH VENUS BY JOVE!.

or at least this is what you think you are, but you are most likely a fat Redditor in his early twenties with a MAGA hat and a pepe t-shirt; if not, you are a fucking hipster with meme hair. You do not even enjoy your supposed "pure" artwork for the actual artistic value in them, but in order to suck off yourself in a arbitrary point measured value of greatness and "PURE VIRTUE AND STRENGTH". You do not understand art, you do not understand art you like, the idea that art isn't to show your greatness but to express your ideas and emotions seems completely alien to you - you are an anti intellectual idiot. And no, I do not think that a bunch of tampons constitutes as great art because it fails to express it in an original or affecting/complex way.

>> No.11248326

>I am not telling you to identify with an ideology.
But ideologies DO make history the republic that we found after ww2 was pretty much "look, fascism fucking sucks, we shouldn't make that agaon, let's make the constitution a mixture of liberal and socialist policies in order to accommodate every major political force and rebuild this dumpster fire of s country, yo" so this brings us the question of "what Italy"? Dante spoke of a deranged Italy, slave to wars and mercenaries, but was there even an Italy back then? If we look closely you could say not, much similiar to how there isn't a "single population, the human population" and the idea of a encompassing union is always an idea of the elites and not one of the actual populations. now this can't be a question of blood either, because there is no single Italian race and we are a country full of fucking ethnicities, Romans, Greeks, Longobards, Etrurians, OG Latins, Arabs, etc etc. Is, for example, an Asian that has lived here since he was born and has absorbed completely our customs a nonitalian? Usually one would say no, but I don't think the question is that easy. Many Romanians came here during the 90s, they are much distinct on avarage, from the average Italian on every level. But take the case a Romanian that looks like an Italian and that no one can say if he's Romanian or Italian, is he Romanian or Italian? Does genetics only matter where we can't tell? And don't tell me that it's the same thing, many south Italians look like fucking Arabs.
Now, for the "Italians as people", I'm telling you this very much an invention of some Northerner noble of the enlightenment period. Which brings us another whole package of question.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is: yes, identify with your country, your city, your own small city if you want (the little small city where I was born traces back to 12.000 BC, is that "Italian"?) but don't degenerate into literal blut und boden ideology which many /pol/tards do. Your home is a becoming because when you were already born in it it was already a becoming.

>> No.11248336

None that would be willing to talk about it.

>> No.11248351

>if America is the culmination of Western white civilization
It isn't. The rest of her argument can now be discarded.

>> No.11248356

nigger, no one is mocking the art, everyone is mocking you, because a neckbeard who accompanies his anime villain tier spergouts about the white race and the west with art like this >>11248151 in order to appear classy and cultured, well, that neckbeard is a bigger social cliche than an ancap who's into lolicon

>> No.11248359

t. (((dyke)))

>> No.11248364

okay now which ones had a childhood?

>> No.11248381

>But ideologies DO make history
Yes, but so what?
History is the result of Ideologies, but that doesn't mean that your identity has to depend on attaching yourself to a particular historical ideology.
This is actually something which people on /pol/ do, if you see an unironic American national socialist, I can guarantee you that he is an enormous spastic who didn't understand what "identifying with your people" means.
If you want to identify with your people you also have to recognize that ideology is second to the actual nation, the past is unchangeable, so it is important to understand the past and learn from it.

>and the idea of a encompassing union is always an idea of the elites and not one of the actual populations
In Germany we actually had nationalist revolutions against the current elites, so I don't think this is true in General.

>because there is no single Italian race and we are a country full of fucking ethnicities, Romans, Greeks, Longobards, Etrurians, OG Latins, Arabs
Yes, that is obviously true, these sub groups will always exist.
The question is, do these people identify more as Italians or as their sub identities?

>But take the case a Romanian that looks like an Italian and that no one can say if he's Romanian or Italian, is he Romanian or Italian?
That is something that can only depend of him.
If you have a person that would be accepted by other Italians as an Italian then, he has to make the choice whether he is still a Romanian or an Italian.
Of course there is a third and fourth option, either reject both and become "a citizen of the world" or try to embrace both.
Both might have consequences in the way he is seen by other Italians or Romanians.

>Now, for the "Italians as people"
Yes, the "Italian as a people" might be something you don't actually believe in, but that is why I followed that statement with an "Or...".
I won't tell you whether "the Italians" exists as a people, because I don't know, but the people who have to decide that are "the Italians".

>but don't degenerate into literal blut und boden ideology
The point is that by identifying with your people you avoid the other extreme.
Where you renounce both Blut and Boden and turn over your country and culture to the first taker.
Which is what is happening in Germany, there are Germans here who aren't just indifferent to the existence of Germans and Germany, but actively want to eradicate it.
Avoiding the nazi purity LARP is important, but on the other hand inverting all such national or ethnic identities into something bad, will destroy these groups.

>> No.11248418

Kek thats precisely the problem you idiot

>> No.11248423

>computer science is useless
I have been working as a programmer for 15 years and I still admit that technology is a cancer which is slowly destroying and enslaving humanity.

>I should still live with my parent at 22
You should be living with your family into old age, so you can take care of them, the way they took care of you.

>most likely a fat Redditor in his early twenties with a MAGA hat and a pepe t-shirt
Wrong. I am married home owner in his 30s, with years of experience and a well above average salary for my field. My wife extremely intelligent and traditional, we will be raising our children at home with the best education possible. She has probably read several times more classics than any of you faggots (We are into the many thousands).

>the idea that art isn't to show your greatness but to express your ideas and emotions seems completely alien to you - you are an anti intellectual idiot
"Greatness" is an idea and an emotion. Babbies first existential crisis doesn't make compelling art for me. Sorry but I grew out of that phase when I discovered the things which really matter in life.

>> No.11248445

explain why that sculpture is so great

>> No.11248461

>please feed me books to read so I can jerk myself off over how my position is the correct one

>> No.11248472

Waow you're so smart

>> No.11248476


>> No.11248502

Yes but, as I've already told, there's no "my people" without ideology informing it. Now, I don't want to cause a possible shitstorm by mentioning the tribe of the much nosed, but under Mussolini Jews were in fact, not Italians. Now they are, in fact, Italians. Italo Svevo is pretty much one of the pillars of our literature and nobody can deny that. To bring an actual contemporary example to the table: is he Italian or is he an African? Though question, but he says he's Italian.
>In Germany we actually had nationalist revolutions against the current elites, so I don't think this is true in General
There might be some exceptions, but if you look at history the elites are always more cosmopolite-minded than the plebs.
>That is something that can only depend of him.
So we agree that identity is very often a case of personal choice and not something fixed.
>Yes, the "Italian as a people" might be something you don't actually believe in, but that is why I followed that statement with an "Or...".
I won't tell you whether "the Italians" exists as a people, because I don't know, but the people who have to decide that are "the Italians".
Yes, yes, I agree. Identities are constructed by force of will and a shared history. But this is why one ought to not to take them as sacred, untouchable object that can never change.
Where you renounce both Blut and Boden and turn over your country and culture to the first taker.
Which is what is happening in Germany, there are Germans here who aren't just indifferent to the existence of Germans and Germany, but actively want to eradicate it.
I think that's more the result of rather shortsighted politicians and clueless rich types being themselves and doing their stuff. I don't think accepting a bunch of filipino dishwashers into your country is going to make your country want to kill itself.

>> No.11248504

To bring an actual contemporary example to the table, Mario Balotelli*

>> No.11248519

How the fuck are people with light and dark skin supposed to feel like they are part of the same people? Immigration in Europe is just ending up segregation and seperate cultures, come on guys, I don't even sympathise with the right, but come on.

>> No.11248529

>Is she saying that historically whites were the only conquerors?
this is what idiots believe
absolute historic illiteracy

>> No.11248538

That's basically true if turks, arabs, and mongolians are considered white.

>> No.11248542

Africans and Asians often waged war against themselves (the wording makes it sound dumb I know)

>> No.11248557

>is he Italian or is he an African?
The question is only something Italians can answer, if they see him as an Italian and he also identifies as such then he is an Italian.

>So we agree that identity is very often a case of personal choice and not something fixed.
Partly, you can't assume X identity just by wishing it. I am not Japanes or Hungarian or Chinese, no matter how much I want it.
But I can identify or not identify as a German.
Your choices are limited, but you have them.

>But this is why one ought to not to take them as sacred, untouchable object that can never change.
I would absolutely agree that Identities are something that aren't fixed and that change together with History.

>I don't think accepting a bunch of filipino dishwashers into your country is going to make your country want to kill itself.
It is the inversion of the German identity, after WW2, it really isn't the result of immigration, but the result of WW2.
The generation after WW2 tried to turn everything around from their Nazi parents.
There are even today large groups of Germans who try to bring forth exactly that inversion, German identity and Germans themselves being the worst thing in the entire world and something that needs to be abolished.
"Every year more Germans die then being born, thankfully that is because Nazis aren't really multiplying." this is ACTUAL quote from a Guy sitting in the German parliament.

>> No.11248562

>If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares
The argument fell before it could even begin

>> No.11248611

He didn't write any fiction, did he?

I would also like someone who is alive.

>> No.11248612

>Michel Houllebecq
Nice! I'll check him out. Have you read any of his stuff?

>> No.11248614

That's kind of cool. Haven't seen that before. Thanks!

>> No.11248616

I read his posts on Stormfront as it was being written. He used to have a website that I looked at. Pretty cool stuff, but it's not literature. ;)

>> No.11248620

>"Greatness" is an idea and an emotion
yes it is, but you are not interested in the romantic expression of greatness and the sublime as much as circle-jerking off the idea of it to jerk yourself off
>Wrong. I am married home owner in his 30s, with years of experience and a well above average salary for my field. My wife extremely intelligent and traditional, we will be raising our children at home with the best education possible. She has probably read several times more classics than any of you faggots (We are into the many thousands).
So as I said, a hipster with a meme haircut. You people don't belong on 4chan, you will never understand it in your disgusting mediocrity. I wonder what your wife thinks of your circle-jerk of 'greatness'.

>> No.11248628

You're a fucking idiot. Either post something useful or quit wasting my time.

I'm looking for contemporary pro-White authors that write fiction. If you don't know any, then fuck off and go do something else.

>> No.11248631

I'm the OP.

This is an image board. You have to post an image to create a new post. I didn't put a lot of thought into what image I posted, but I like classical art, and I thought it complimented the subject of my post well.

I don't understand why it is relevant. Is this forum polluted with retards or something?

>> No.11248634

Check out the history of the Bantu tribes.

>> No.11248636

I'm confused, OP. You're looking to engage with pro-White sentiments, yet here you are denigrating your White brethren. You sound like a nigger to me.

And that's coming from a nigger.

>> No.11248644

You called him a philistine so clearly you think that sculpture is some piece of great culture, so explain why it is. You must be real fuckin new if you didn't think your OP would be derailed quickly

>> No.11248649

you're a married home owner in his 30s, a high salary, an extremely intelligent and "traditional" wife and have read thousands of classical books but are on /lit/ asking for neo-nazi book recommendations?

ah yes, you must be telling the truth lol

>> No.11248653

some extreme newfaggotry or some extreme well crafted baiting
which one?

>> No.11248676

>>most likely a fat Redditor in his early twenties with a MAGA hat and a pepe t-shirt
>Wrong. I am married home owner in his 30s, with years of experience and a well above average salary for my field. My wife extremely intelligent and traditional, we will be raising our children at home with the best education possible. She has probably read several times more classics than any of you faggots (We are into the many thousands).

There aren't thousands of classics. Unless you're using 'classics' as a neologism for literature in the cannon, and not as it refers to literature from antiquity. But that kind of imprecision of language belies someone who, in fact, hasn't read "many thousands" of "classics". So you're either a liar, delusional, or so inept that you've managed to read a lifetime's worth of great literature without improving your language beyond a high-schooler's. Also, year's of experience in what? Race-baiting on 4chan? Because in the entirely likely scenario that this is the case, I surely hope you don't have children who are compelled to live in your orbit for that amount of time. Given the caustic effect you have on discourse here, I can only imagine the damage you've wrought on them.

>> No.11248684

>I like classical art

You wouldn't know art if the Metropolitan Museum's entire collection was rectally infused into you.

>> No.11248695
File: 620 KB, 1000x1235, -9b3137ea668a91900db65d483bf86156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt Bracken, go get the EFAD series of #bookz or buy it whatever.

>> No.11248700

You're probably confused because you're a nigger. Go nig somewhere else.

>> No.11248702
File: 29 KB, 488x460, 1514981981467~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like classical art
>tha stashues look cool!!11

>> No.11248703

No, that wasn't me.

>> No.11248705

How the fuck would you know?

>> No.11248708
File: 92 KB, 598x450, Prado_600px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Suffering of Others is a great book. You would be missing out.

>she's an enemy

Imagine being such a dumb dumb that you cant read valuable works and filter out the liberal trash.

>> No.11248709

Yeah, pretty much. So what?

>> No.11248712

because you keep getting upset and feeding him his daily (you)s

>> No.11248713

3-4 works. Pro-white isnt realistically what he is doing, anon totally misread him. Submission, Possibilities of an Island, are real critiques of the banality of modern life and masculinity. In Soumission, the author chooses islam over being a shitty academic eating tv dinners and watching netflix.

>> No.11248715

I have no interest in kike bullshit. It's not what I requested, so fuck off.

>> No.11248728
File: 71 KB, 332x499, 61LEc0eJR1L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think you are a spooked dumb dumb or a bad shitposter, but its an interesting question.

I really like pic related as a fairly interesting and positive view of a traditional scandinavian fishing village. Laurus of course is hugely traditionalist and positive about the value of the man, but has few racialist notes aside from a disgust with arabs (but if you are one of those anti-slav stormposters it probably isnt for you). On The Edge by Chirbes was really good (he just died though) about how modern spain betrayed both the republican and falangist ideals fought over in the spanish civil war and replaced it with immigration and trash. Camp of the Saints and John Ross' unintended consequences are both fairly anti-liberal. tbc have to do some review

>> No.11248730

I looked at his Wikipedia page, and it said he was charged with inciting racial hatred while doing a publicity tour for "Platform". It was related to his comments during the tour, but it doesn't say how his comments are related to the book itself.

>> No.11248738

Just stupid liberals. He doesnt hate race, he hates the box modern men are put in. He puts the book in the schema of say, Belloc or Huysmans, in that we need a spiritual awakening, but the church universal is castrated and undercut by banal liberalism, and that Islam is the only thing that can fill that gap. DESU you would probably like the white conservative version of islam in paris, that is if you are not a shitposter

>> No.11248745

>How the fuck are people with light and dark skin supposed to feel like they are part of the same people?
The answer is economic growth. If you're getting richer then it's easy to accept everybody as family, even if they're genetically distant. But when times are bad, people will always fall back on natural behavior. This is why neoliberals push multiculturalism so hard. Of course all men are brothers! Are you suggesting that endless growth is impossible? Are you suggesting the wealth is not trickling down? Multiculturalism is confidence in the future, and growth is impossible without confidence. If it fails then the whole system collapses.

>> No.11248749

I could give a fuck less what you think, but Chirbes looks interesting. I'll dig into him a bit.

>> No.11248752

This. I live in a very white area where the only darkies are indian doctors with clipped british accents who raise their kids to be valedictorians and athletes.

>> No.11248756

He sounds like someone worth checking out. It doesn't appear to be the typical kike machine bullshit in any case.

>> No.11248758
File: 28 KB, 536x392, Homicide race income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. You're a faggot.

>> No.11248765

Im a huge gun nut but even I admit Unintended Consequences is just horrible and not worth reading.

If you want to spend hours reading a dry technical write up about the author's autistic criticisms of the M60 machine gun, background character stories presented as disjointed newspaper clippings, and tasteless sex scenes go ahead though.

>> No.11248769

>Matt Bracken
He sounds kind of fun. Are his books anything like The Turner Diaries?

>> No.11248770

When did I say anything about any specific race? Multiculturalism is signaling, and the signal remains the same no matter what traits the various peoples might have.

>> No.11248774

The answer is geographic segregation. Niggers have no place in North America or Europe.

>> No.11248789

>If you're getting richer then it's easy to accept everybody as family
lmao that's not why some people aren't racist. Money doesn't MAGICALLY make everyone work in harmony faggot. Rich people just ignore that shit since they live in wealthy communities surrounded by the same ethnic group. With the best part being rich people will exploit minorities for cheap labor to manage their gardens or toilets

>> No.11248814

It's not being rich that matters, it's making people think that you believe things will always get better (which is much easier if things really are getting better for you).

>> No.11248826
File: 498 KB, 460x325, twin thumbs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some dumbass hippie shit right there anon but I commend you for being brave enough to say such a stupid thing.

>> No.11248838

Assuming people are acting in their own self-interest, what other explanation for multiculturalism can there be?

>> No.11248866

If you have a billion dollars and lose half of it you're going to feel like shit. If you have a million dollars and double it you feel fucking awesome. Which one is richer?

>> No.11248893
File: 114 KB, 601x508, 1503336756089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither you see for I have ascended mere mortal money issues and have enlightened myself to living off the fat of the land through hard labor for little to no pay and thus I am happy

>> No.11248895

She is entirely correct.

t. far right poster
might as well download grindr and get a clipping card at your local bathhouse
anglo-zionist western dominance has been an unmitigated disaster and has not only changed the landscape and biosphere, but also human genetics for the worse, possibly irreversibly so.
Culmination as in end, which is correct. There is no way western dominance can continue in a post-american world.

>> No.11248900


>> No.11248904

>>11247518 (You)
>She is entirely correct.
She's a stupid fat kike. If I want her opinion I could just watch television.

>> No.11248912

>waaaaaaaaaah why are you better than other people at war and domination waaaaaaaaah
Is there anything more than this to anti-white rhetoric?

>> No.11248919

>being pro any race
no dummies allow on /lit/
please leave

>> No.11248920
File: 318 KB, 681x1309, 1527462258331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the pro-white intellectuals are not found in the moral desitude of post modern pseudointellectual degeneracy that infests every nook and cranny of acedemia and the media. This is because the government purposefully keeps white males in the dirt, through Orwellain social engineering and feminist, turboliberal virtue signaling that unsures only the most progressive, sexually attractive whites get to breed or have any social status, even then they are second to the shitskins.
The last of our breed are found in the gamer community, which is under seige, postmodern liberals want to destory us gamers. We need to collectively resist this passive-aggresive genocide.
For every gamer that has been presucted for their idenity; friendzoned, forced into wage slavery, ridiculed, ignored and treated inferior to the niggers and Chad's, is a gamer that can fight in the legion, white warriors that can rise up and crush this liberal society.
So, what do you say brother? Will you fight with us, or perish with us? Protect white culture, gamers unite, boots on the ground, FIGHT!

>> No.11248924

I know, right? Considering how much the kikes hate us it's amazing we haven't gassed them for real yet.

>> No.11248930

Shut up, faggot. Go play on Reddit like a good cuck. Everything will be nice and "current year" for you over there.

>> No.11248938

You disliking or being uncomfortable with an assertion does not make it any less accurate.

>> No.11248942

like all your the_donald friends right lmao

>> No.11248947

I've heard her bullshit ad nauseam already. Why are you pushing the stupid kike bitch?

>> No.11248951

I'm not a "based Black man" worshiping faggot, so no.

>> No.11248957
File: 530 KB, 1334x694, 1527047268012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the emancipation of women
Stopped reading right there. Women are inherently inferior both physically and mentally when compared to men. Any civilization that tries to play pretend this isn't true is not worthy of being maintained, same thing for race realism.

>> No.11248960

no, you're just a run of the mill faggot

>> No.11248965

Do you hate faggots? Maybe that's something we have in common. I want end faggot marriage and outlaw faggotry in general. Do you agree?

>> No.11248968


>> No.11248971
File: 50 KB, 1332x610, divorce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emancipation of women
iving Women voting rights and access to social media was the worst thing the human race did in the last 2,000 years.

It took women barely 60 years to destroy the world via democracy and voting. Incelism/Mgtow/Escapism/neetdom is the symptom of hypergamy

>generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mens taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society burns out

"According to the National Center for Health Statistics 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Of the marriages that end in divorce, 80 percent of the divorces are initiated (filed) by women."

"Belgium & Portugal have the highest rates of divorce in this data set at a staggering 70%"



>> No.11248974


>> No.11248975


>> No.11248976

Because she is correct and your actual enemy is the anglo-zionist western man.

>> No.11248978


>> No.11248980

Then you're a faggot.

>> No.11248989

>>women vote open borders
>>women vote diversiy quotas
>>women vote antimale pro women legislation
Women accurately read the signal of confidence these things represent. It's the peacock tail of politics (and a more honest version than the PUA jargon).

>> No.11248991

I don't have just one enemy. Niggers are my enemies, kikes are my enemies, commies are my enemies, the list goes on.

I think they're all Satanic puppets, but that's just my religious view. You can't end evil, but you can defend your people from it if you are determined and vigilant.

>> No.11249008

Having enemies is beta. If you're confident and successful and carefully ignore the falling ocean pH and the melting icecaps and the crashing insect populations etc. (right-wing attitude to environmentalism is left-wing attitude to human nature) then you'll know that you're riding the wave of inevitable success and prosperity. Why would you waste energy on enemies? You have such abundant wealth that they couldn't possibly harm you. Do you really think people would virtue signal if signaling didn't pay off?

>> No.11249015

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Enemies choose you; you don't choose them. And I'm talking about group enemies, not personal ones. Quit being a faggot.

>> No.11249025

>this small list doesn't "redeem" American civilization, therefore it is a cancer
Yeah, but those people are strongly outnumbered by the Americans who have culturally succeeded, so get bent.

>> No.11249037

The point is that both left and right wing are destroying civilization for rational selfish reasons. It's only coincidence that the right wing equivalents of virtue signaling are less of an immediate threat.

>> No.11249040

>I think they're all Satanic puppets
You aren't seeking pro-white authors then, if you're OP. You're seeking pro-religion. Also, your dismissal of Satanism like that is very telling as to how educated you are on the whole matter.

>> No.11249054

What are the right wing equivalents of virtue signaling?

>> No.11249079

She read thousands of classics, not me. But I read a lot too. Also, again, I am not OP. I don't need to ask here for recommendations.

Well she is a traditionalist too and we both believe in the greatness of western civilisation and the work our ancestors. What's wrong with that? I would hardly call my situation disgustingly mediocre but ok.

"Classics" is different to "Classical" period literature. We have read many Graeco Roman works (And to be honest, I find that much more interesting than anything contemporary, we both love history). In this case, I was specifically referring to books before the 1950s, before literature was rife with absolute degeneracy.

The years of experience was in reference to programming as a professional (Which you do not need a worthless degree in Computer Science to be at all successful in).

>you've managed to read a lifetime's worth of great literature without improving your language beyond a high-schooler's
What makes you in such a position to judge?

>Race-baiting on 4chan?
This place is one big shit post and I don't see how informing you of reality is baiting.

>Given the caustic effect you have on discourse here, I can only imagine the damage you've wrought on them
I don't spend much time here because I'm mostly working on real projects. This is the first time I've even posted in many months.

Speaking of damage, this degenerate culture is incredibly damaging to children, the education system is damaging, the absolute disgusting garbage on TV and in media is damaging. We do not expose them to such trite. Homeschooling, growing our own food, home cooked meals, learning real life skills, building things, exploring nature. If you're not holding at least this standard then you have absolutely no right to criticise mine.

>> No.11249080

Niggers and kikes are destroying civilization and we need to end them.

>> No.11249086

Yeah, I'm OP. I'm seeking pro-White authors. My religious views are a separate albeit related issue.

>> No.11249087

>Enemies choose you; you don't choose them.
says the dude who has chosen blacks and jews and commies as his enemies

>> No.11249089

There is hardly a relation to whites and religion though. Whites adopt the broadest spectrum of belief systems among all ethnicities.

>> No.11249090

Post a picture of your redpilled family OP

>> No.11249105

Oh, for fuck's sake. There isn't any relation between Whites and the shit I took this morning, so go fuck yourself.

Why are all atheists such faggot pieces of shit?

>> No.11249108

Fuck yourself, commie.

>> No.11249109

This is some gas lighting marxist horseshit. These things are NOT masculine or confidence based. For one thing, diversity quotas are anti competitive, which means more bad genes will be successful.

>> No.11249113

Care to recommend me some redpilled vape juices?

>> No.11249115

>Why are all atheists such faggot pieces of shit?
There's a lot of tension on this site these days between religious / non-religious groups. But also, white culture isn't dominantly religious anymore, so if you think it is then you're mistaken about what it is.

>> No.11249117

this thread went from bad to worse lmao

>> No.11249119

Quit forcing your bullshit arguments on me. I'm religious. I don't give a fuck if you are or not.

>> No.11249124

faggot kike commie nigger nigger commie cuck kike faggot kike nigger nigger nigger commie cuck kike kike kikery kikeitty kike kike

>> No.11249126

Why isn't this thread getting deleted.
Seriously, even /pol/ has higher level discussions.
Is there a single post in this entire thread actually talking about literature, how about JUST NOT REPLYING if you don't want to talk about literature?

>> No.11249130
File: 270 KB, 1600x1595, Ôðalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of these if you want real redpills. But you should specify if you want pro Christian works or not because these aren't.

Thank you for posting this thread. It has been hilarious to read the replies of all these butthurt libshits crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.11249134

Make a recommendation or go read another thread then.

>> No.11249138

>Seriously, even /pol/ has higher level discussions.
Wrong. I would know, I browse there regularly.

This is a lot more entertaining than another billionth Pinecone/DFW/John Green/vapid yt reviewer thread.

>> No.11249139

imagine reading the writings of a teenage edgelord who grew up to be some middle aged guy who records himself doing karate chops in his backyard

how embarrassing

>> No.11249141

Just pro-White is fine. Thank you!

>> No.11249144

>Make a recommendation
I already did.

>Wrong. I would know, I browse there regularly.
Yeah, I do too.
This is about the quality of the average BLACKED thread.

>> No.11249146

What does pro white mean, bruv?

>> No.11249151

I was more interested in literature though. Do you know any contemporary pro-White fiction writers?

>> No.11249154
File: 72 KB, 336x500, Scheidel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your recommendation.

>Are mass violence and catastrophes the only forces that can seriously decrease economic inequality? To judge by thousands of years of history, the answer is yes. Tracing the global history of inequality from the Stone Age to today, Walter Scheidel shows that inequality never dies peacefully. Inequality declines when carnage and disaster strike and increases when peace and stability return. The Great Leveler is the first book to chart the crucial role of violent shocks in reducing inequality over the full sweep of human history around the world.

>> No.11249155

OP, if you are reading this have a look at the "the hungry wolves from van diemen's land".
I enjoyed the book a lot.

>> No.11249158

That is an excellent question. Off the cuff I would say that the author has the White race's best interests at heart. What do you think it means?

>> No.11249172

He sounds like a commie.

I'm more interested in fiction.

I think Jack London was a pro-White author. Mark Twain certainly was.

That cunt who wrote the Harry Potter books certainly was not.

What do you think?

>> No.11249175
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>> No.11249176

>I'm more interested in fiction.
Lol, why? And the dude's not a commie, where did you even get that idea?

>> No.11249178

I would say that "pro-white" refers to reinforcing the Pan-European identity of Americans.

Calling things degenerate, in other words purity spiraling.

>> No.11249179

That looks interesting. I think one of the biggest anti-White narratives going today is rooted in Whig histiography. The inevitable decline and it's a good thing, blah, blah, blah, bullshit.

Know what I mean?

>> No.11249181

>diversity quotas are anti competitive
From a female point of view, beta males (the only victims of quotas) aren't actually human. Human competition is not harmed.

>> No.11249184

It's just what I gather from the description. He's concerned with egalitarianism.

>> No.11249189

Well you're a fucking freak then.

>> No.11249193

>Know what I mean?
Yes and this is somewhat a theme in this book.
It isn't the most high brow literature, but it deals with exactly these themes from the perspective of the alienated white youth.

>> No.11249194

Thanks, man. I'll check that out.

>> No.11249201

>He's concerned with egalitarianism.
As a subject of historical study. The book is a study on how inequality increases during peace time and how only events based on destruction equalize people. The book does not support egalitarianism in any way.

>> No.11249204
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1526444731175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to struggle to find decent literature where the point of white identity is very explicit. The culture was not so anti-white as now, so it wasn't a controversial or particularly notable for an author to have this position before say, a hundred years ago.

I will say that I personally enjoyed Robinson Crusoe and Moby Dick. Both Defoe and Melville seem pretty redpilled on race and do emphasise the difference between the white man and the savages they encounter.

In general, you should look for anything where there is kvetching on wikipedia about the author's perceived racism, misogyny, anti-semitism etc. But then again the bar for that is extremely low these days.

>> No.11249214

Interesting. It reminds me of Nietzsche's observation about the inverse correlation between the optimism of a society and the optimism of their art. The better a civilization was doing the darker their art became, and the worse they were doing the brighter and happier their art became.

>> No.11249223

I know what you mean. Kipling is certainly pro-White. The vast majority of authors prior to World War II were pro-White if they were White.

The thing is, reading Mark Twain, William Faulkner, or any other dead guy is like looking into the past. I am hoping to find authors that are alive today. It seems more vibrant to read someone's work who is alive.

>> No.11249233

>It reminds me of Nietzsche's observation about the inverse correlation between the optimism of a society and the optimism of their art.
Is that in Birth of Tragedy? Can't remember, it's been so long since I read that.

But for sure. That explains why post-apocalyptic settings are so popular.

>> No.11249253

>Is that in Birth of Tragedy?

>That explains why post-apocalyptic settings are so popular.

They are, but a lot of our music is silly happy crap. A lot of the apocalyptic movies are really just action-adventure movies. Except "The Road". Holy shit, now that was dark.

>> No.11249274

You really took what you wanted from Melville without thinking about it at all

>> No.11249285

>quit wasting my time
Nothing is going on in your life. Any type of bullshit you experience is worth more than what you deal with in your daily rituals. You are not smart, special, or have any type of worth that would elevate you above anyone at all. This is a fact, contemplate it, refute it, realize internally that it is true, and deal with the emotions with anger and absolve yourself of fault by blaming someone else like you always do.

>> No.11249292

The only thing that's lacking from my life is a good book, you insufferable faggot.

>> No.11249293

Theodoroe W. Allen

>> No.11249295
File: 95 KB, 630x526, CBADC43A-44C1-4ED6-8529-01129DB19F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what Roman art actually looked like

>> No.11249298
File: 101 KB, 700x1073, 9781844677702_Invention_white_race_2-17cf3175c2f2b098ebf4011de7487195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theodore W. Allen

>> No.11249300

>The vast majority of authors prior to World War II were pro-White if they were White.

Then why did they fight each other if they were pro-white?

>> No.11249301

>Theodoroe W. Allen
That guy is an anti-White piece of shit.

>> No.11249302

You think authors before World War II fought each other?

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.11249320

>You think authors before World War II fought each other?
They definitely did.

>> No.11249326

Don't worry white working class! Once you realize whiteness is a ruling class tool to divide the workers and perpetuate its reign, you will renounce your whiteness and join your fellow negro and asian.

>> No.11249331
File: 54 KB, 318x469, 6EF4454B-9119-4C4A-983B-592548C7A365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone be pro-white if whiteness is just a concept with no genetic or even historical reality until very very recently?

Read pic related OP if you don’t want to read something actually challenging.

>> No.11249334

Epic copypasta

>> No.11249339

>body size had no influence on neuron number
I bet a manlet made this

>> No.11249340

>or even historical reality
I do not think that is entirely true.
Looking at the Naturalization Act of 1790 you can see that even people back then understood white as a group and wanted America to be a white country.

>> No.11249347

I mean this is objectively false. Why can't left wingers ever deal in facts?

>> No.11249351

What did blacks ever do to you anon

>> No.11249358

Based vargposter

>> No.11249390

David Foster Wallace. no contest

>> No.11249398
File: 1.23 MB, 1233x1809, Taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11249412

>David Foster Wallace
Is he pro-White? What about his writing makes you think so?

He has received nothing but praise from the media, and his genre is postmodernism, so I'm suspicious.

>> No.11249460

taxation is theft

>> No.11249483

>Why arent these investments.. I mean people accumlating capital.
Black people are poorer than white people, wtf im a white nationalist now.
Black slaves built America's foundations.

>> No.11249494

I'm glad to see goys with traditional Jewish values here.
Remember, you are only as good as how much money you pay.
Keep up the good fight for moral decency and against niggerjew barbarity you epic retard.

>> No.11249501

>this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.11249517

see >>11248191

>> No.11249533

>They are, but a lot of our music is silly happy crap.
That makes sense though. The further out into pop culture you get (like music, possibly being the furthest out you can get), the sillier and more happy-go-lucky it becomes, because the closer you get to the masses, the dumber and more miserable they are (on an individual basis, not as a collective). Which is why pop culture music happens to almost always be about celebrating being part of a collective of some kind, because the masses thrive on that feeling, because it lets them forget their miserable individual lives and take on the life of the collective which is seen as stable and powerful to the weak individual.

And the further away you get from the masses, the darker the prized art becomes and the more individualistic the celebration becomes. Society is becoming global now though, so it's immense and there are so many cultural nuances to keep track of as a result.

>> No.11249572

Madison Grant? Your question doesn't make much sense

>> No.11249586

you are retarded

>> No.11249598

>Human sacrifice, cannibalism, tribal warfare, child rape, and dying of sepsis from a stubbed toe when you're 27 were the peak of human accomplishment, before the whites came along and gave everybody pants and taught them how to read.

>> No.11249713

>Culmination as in end, which is correct. There is no way western dominance can continue in a post-american world.
Are you a time traveler?

>> No.11250095

>pro white
[Spoiler]good goy[/spoiler]

>> No.11250155
File: 14 KB, 480x454, pepe sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironic nigger apologists and feminists on 4chan
What the fuck happened bros?

>> No.11250163

You came to the wrong site if you were looking for likemindedness.

>> No.11250171

niggers and jews and commies dindu nuffin

>> No.11250197
File: 675 KB, 1840x1168, kikeredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bad news for you: the type of poster who goes to /pol is (and always has been, even before the creation of /pol) the main category of poster that 4chan is comprised of. Before /pol existed those same posters were on /b doing the same thing a decade ago. You're just some weird anomaly who managed to wander here from Reddit or Tumblr because you thought the banter was funny in an edgy way (maybe you even thought you'd convert a few people), but this isn't your territory and it never has been. When you go around telling people to go back to /pol it just makes you seem like an idiot. You may as well tell them to "go back to 4chan" while they're posting on 4chan.

>> No.11250257

Incels suffer the fate they deserve.

>> No.11250269


>> No.11250314

lol no, politics had nothing to do with 4chan. It was an anime image board all about raping lolis, sucking nigger cock, lulz, incest and being raped by some guy with a candle.

Here is proof of that, notice how everyone is much more comfortable with their sexuality and masculinity and no one is calling people 'onions-boy': https://web.archive.org/web/20070120060624/http://4chanarchive.org:80/board/

>> No.11250324

>William Faulkner
>Mark Twain
>the southern Gothic

>> No.11250336

Fun fact, the Nazis allowed and encouraged divorce with marriages that were not getting much sex. They even took to kidnapping children, and state-owned prostitution because they were so obsessed with breeding.

>> No.11250346

>work our ancestors.
Plato was not your ancestor, it is unlikely that any of those were your ancestors.

>> No.11250352

>the absolute disgusting garbage on TV and in media is damaging.
blame conservatives

>> No.11250375

Lmao hes never been to asia

>> No.11250390


>> No.11250396


>George Alfred Henty (8 December 1832 – 16 November 1902) was a prolific English novelist and war correspondent.[1][2] He is best known for his historical adventure stories that were popular in the late 19th century. His children's novels typically revolved around a boy or young man living in troubled times.

>Even during his lifetime, Henty's work was contentious; some Victorian writers accused Henty's novels of being xenophobic towards non-British people and objected to his glorification of British imperialism[6] in such books as True to the Old Flag (1885) which supports the Loyalist side in the American War of Independence,[15] and In the Reign of Terror (1888) and No Surrender! A Tale of the Rising in La Vendée (1900) which are strongly hostile to the French Revolution. Quoting from the chapter of By Sheer Pluck called "The Negro Character" ("like children"), American television host and political commentator Rachel Maddow called Henty's writings "spectacularly racist". Some even accuse Henty of holding blacks in utter contempt. In the Preface to his novel A Roving Commission (1900) Henty claims "the condition of the negroes in Hayti has fallen to the level of that of the savage African tribes" and argues "unless some strong white power should occupy the island and enforce law and order" this situation will not change."

>> No.11250452

>Before /pol existed those same posters were on /b doing the same thing a decade ago.
That's wrong and if you were on here a decade ago and you genuinely think that then you missed the point. A decade ago the dominant style of discourse on here was postmodernist irony epitomized, /b/ especially being the central keystone of that enterprise. Any latent political machinations you think you saw were for the most part fabricated for comedy's sake only with the occasional bumbling oaf who thought he was in good company, but those people were almost always either ignored or immediately trolled. The site was built with the intention of having a platform to discuss anime, a popular art form in the postmodern lifestyle, and all of the non-anime boards were, despite not being related to anime, populated with people who watched it, i.e. populated with genuine postmodernists. You can still see remnants of this early culture on the lesser visited boards today.

/pol/ is something entirely different. It is filled with single entendre thought, genuinely religious people with no penchant for postmodernist irony and no respect for it. I agree that at this point this type of poster is the "main category" of 4chan but that only came to be in the past two years. And lo and behold, the level of discourse has dropped dramatically across the site since. Why? Because any person possessed by single entendre thought has the potential to develop an inclination towards totalitarianism when under threat, which creates the tendency to not be interested in challenging himself anymore but to simply eradicate all opposition, which means he doesn't frequently explore new realms of study, which means he is usually an uneducated and uncultured moron.

>> No.11250460

you clearly dont actually browse pol. the only difference between pol and other similar boards is that they're openly racist

>> No.11250471

Have you forgotten that Fox News exists. The rich owns the media, the rich tends to be more conservative. The idea that the media is liberal is a 4chan meme

>> No.11250475

I do browse it. It's usually an unpleasant experience, and it's nothing at all like /b/ a decade ago.

>> No.11250481

m8 do you seriously believe the press is on the whole more friendly to conservatives than progressives?

Yes there is fox news, what about the NYT, WaPo, the BBC, NPR, etc.

There are loads of progressive-aligned billionaires.

>> No.11250586

A lot of liberals get mad at these as much as conservatives, please remember that the BBC is still owned by the Government and that the Government is conservative.

>> No.11250610

european conservatives are just cryptoliberals in america, same with their canadian counterparts

>> No.11250635

even american conservatives are crypto-liberals.

the left has been subverted by neolibs and neocons though. they have basically given up trying to solve economic problems and now just engage in ridiculous race baiting programs

the new unholy synthesis is global capitalism and resentment politics

>> No.11250782
File: 70 KB, 728x462, neoliberal centrism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this forum polluted with retards or something?
Caution: Steep learning curve ahead


This is deliciously crafted, 9/10 if bait, otherwise newfag/10.

>> No.11251363
File: 69 KB, 325x485, CultureOfCritique_sml[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is racial consciousness allowed to anyone but whites?

Read pic related, OP

>> No.11251385 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 315x309, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /pol/

just lol @ believing tiny boards like /lit/, /mu/ or /co/ are more representative of the average channer than /pol/ or /v/.

/pol/ is 4chan. Go back to fucking leddit if it doesn't appease you anymore

>> No.11251393

go back

>> No.11251520

holy mother of 16 year old

>> No.11251534

It's been like this since 2013-14 when Plebbitors began coming for the epic may-mays.

>> No.11251540
File: 153 KB, 750x990, 1B3DBDF0-3D51-4A2C-BD58-26106863FDE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the statue is good because its well proportioned and idealizes augustus at his peak during the Pax Romana you stupid nigger. Its well made and has gravitas, the symbol of his single-pointed focus and at-one’ing with divine will is what gives it life, the detail in his cloak which is carved from fucking marble, and his gaze, totally unforgiving and exalted, entitled, is breathtaking. You’re low iq there’s no point
whites will always have higher iq than blacks

>> No.11251995

k rabbi

>> No.11251996
File: 1.87 MB, 200x150, 1503522507963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11252003

>/pol/ is 4chan
newfag idiot. there's a reason the containment board was made.

>> No.11252008
File: 77 KB, 800x694, stashues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow anon, you really impressed me with your knowledge of statues! OMG you are so cultured!

>> No.11252017

>implying Romans are worth shit
Read Nietzsche, you fucking sklaven.

>> No.11252035

so true and has triggered so many neets itt

>> No.11252078
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1514980086191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but the south will rise again, an' we'll kill all the black people especially the one that bullied me!!!

>> No.11253174

Having read both, I'd definitely say much better and more realistic. The first one was p. good, probably more enjoyable if you're into gun and ameriburger culture, I don't know how it would come off to someone who isn't. The 2nd in the series was definitely my fave, I might even recommend to start from there but I'm not sure if it would be too confusing having not read the first, its been a while and I can't remember how much if any backstory it goes into. The 3rd is alright, I don't like how it gets into a kind of Rawle's ``Patriot's'' civil war thing but the description of the earthquake and its aftermath is incredible and worth reading.

There isn't (blatant) racism and sexism, the main char of the first and second books is an lebanese girl, although the author hints he doesn't like lesbians very much.

theres huge 100 page long excerpts of the books on the guy's website anyways if you want to read before bothering to download them or whatever.

>> No.11253443


>> No.11253567
File: 58 KB, 800x1100, Elf-Shelf-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget elves.

(If you want pro-white authors, just real OLD authors. In particular, Victorian/early 20th-century adventure stories with intrepid Englishmen conquering the savage natives/wily orientals/whatever.)
H. Rider Haggard, Conan Doyle, "Sapper", John Buchan, Jules Verne, etc.

>> No.11253607

>Augustus on a fridge
Is there a pun here or something?

>> No.11253630
File: 21 KB, 354x548, charlemagne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best of the best if you're French or francophone

>> No.11253660
File: 79 KB, 800x800, shrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11253710

Matt Bruenig

>> No.11253761

Precisely. Now why does everyone want to live in white countries again?

>> No.11254621

Caesar on a freezer you 56% goblino

>> No.11254629

this but unironically

if you read land and still like humanity this is literally the only valid opinion

>> No.11255807


>> No.11255947

america is the culmination of christian culture, western civilization is older than the christian era, in fact, that explain the opposition of christian and semitic though with pagan though

>> No.11255957


>> No.11256114

If Western Civilization started with pagan(and amerindian?) Cultures then it died with them.
Obviously Western Civilization was changed by Christianity, and colonialism, enlightenment, new world,, industrial revolution, and neoliberalism, making Western Civilization what it is today.

>> No.11256136
File: 1.86 MB, 4000x3549, right-wing literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.11257505

>america is the culmination of christian culture
guess how I know you're a Protestant

>> No.11257913

>t. (((far right poster)))

>> No.11258092

>The rich owns the media
rich Jews
>the rich tends to be more conservative
not rich Jews

>> No.11259220

William Blake? Really? Also, Plato was writing way way way before the concept of left/right wing existed so that one is cheating.

>> No.11260534


>> No.11260647
File: 444 KB, 1200x1997, 1527874528639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha thanks for being this retarded mate. I needed a good chuckle.