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/lit/ - Literature

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11247294 No.11247294 [Reply] [Original]

>a-anon... save... save the canon... C-Cervantes... Melvi- *coughs weakly* Melville... save... save it all anon... I... I believe in you

>> No.11247308

Realism > Romanticism

>> No.11247312

Much has been written & speculated as to what the cause is behind this man’s pathetic drive to be accepted & considered preeminent- especially to himself. Born in 1930 East Bronx, New York, to poor non-English speaking Russian Jew immigrants, it has been thought he has the classic Child of the Depression drive to better himself at all costs to all challengers. His manic critical output, & its subsequent poor quality, has been attributed to a financial desire to provide for one of his children who suffers from a permanent debility. Even his well-reported (& self-boasted) philandering with nubile Yale coeds has been thought another manifestation of his screaming & empty ego needing its fill. Yet, I sense it all, perhaps, goes back to my 3 Intellects Posit. As a Functionary Bloom has spent decades, thousands of pages & millions of words in essays & books, to construct so easily disproved a theory based upon his own stinking, rutting, resentful (of real artists) Bloomium, & his innately epigonal desire to conflate himself with the artiste (O the eternal ephemeral twinkle!), yet his utter lack of concrete reasoning of how &/or why betrays it all, kicks him hopelessly back into the moldering faceless rabble of his foes, while I- in about 10 pages & 5000 words- easily prick his balloon, offer an alternative, & give several concrete examples/analogies. While the tenured Eli sciolist mumbles- doesn’t even talk the talk, I- the poor little white boy from Queens- simply walk the walk. Perhaps that’s the difference between a Cancer & a Visionary!

>> No.11247331

fuck you buddy

>> No.11247351

This guy wrote a shitty, derivative space opera novel lol

>> No.11247482

die you fucking old windbag

>> No.11247501

is this pasta?

>> No.11247502


>> No.11247548
File: 28 KB, 220x307, 220px-Aubrey_Beardsley_spider_battle_in_1894_True_History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time this meme pops up I think what if were asking this to a paperclip making machine that has been discontinued and so restored as canon saving machine, super-refurbished for mega capacity of all volumes taken to be canon. Outside the vault a deus ex machina exists to subjugate humans, killing them off slowly, reducing their numbers while forcing them to read water damaged pages of a brokenspine papeback, reading wearily into senility, and there a people fade away into nothingness because He told the machine to save the fucking number two whale book. Shame.

>> No.11247559

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11248025
File: 26 KB, 500x380, 83cf5b00c44cf6b8bc735e02615a68da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my liege.

>> No.11248028


>> No.11248032

umad? *trollface*

>> No.11248033

Dan is truly the king of brainlets

>> No.11248566

It seems that even this bloom must wither.

>> No.11249380


>> No.11249394

AYY YO GRAMPA OUTTA THE WAY *pushes his wheelchair off screen* (potty breaking, cat hissing, etc...) *leans in towards camera* Now here's how it really happened. HIT IT! *Cut to person break dancing*

>> No.11249407
File: 425 KB, 750x394, 457457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon, I heard y-you are interested in writing. Thats' good to hear, I need more literary works to s-sustain my life force
>an-non, you stopped working on your novel already? T-that's o-ok, you don't have to.

>> No.11249525
File: 46 KB, 400x250, bloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bloom on deathbed
>"bring me...*HAAAAAAAACK*...ugh...bring me, my dear, bring me my oldest copy of the Odyessy, my dear"
>his eyes are milky with cataracts
>Bloom can't read the pages
>he begins to sob uncontrollably
>daughter begins looking up the audiobook on youtube
>"dad...it's taking a bit to load"
>the last thing Bloom hears before dying is a youtube advertisement for ED pills

>> No.11249732


>> No.11249734

>Machado is better than Borges
lol I hope this asshole dies a painful death.

>> No.11249740


>> No.11249741

how much longer do you think he has, /lit/?

>> No.11249800


>> No.11249895

like 2 weeks tops

>> No.11249934

No. Fuck your canon, Bitch.