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/lit/ - Literature

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11244517 No.11244517 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading book in class
>Bimbo picks it up after I set it down on desk
>"W-wow you're reading Infinite Jest, anon? You must be really smart."
>Smirk and scoff.
>Pull Finneagans Wake out of backpack
>Flip to random page and let her look
>Whisper "I read this whole page without consulting my OED app."
>She is visbly sweating with carnal passion for my expansive cognitive ability
>I tell her that Gaddis is just some light afternoon reading
>She fans herself
>"I think the use of nigger by Samuel Clemens is totally justified and allows the reader to get a taste of the time being portrayed."
>She pulls me towards her as I show her my Audible collection
>We fuck right there, our mattress being a layer of Penguin Classics
>English class well spent

>> No.11244536

i miss dave

>> No.11244583

DFW is meme-tier

>> No.11244597

>I read this whole page without consulting my OED app.
This is supposed to be impressive? Finnegans Wake is not that kind of book. A dictionary wouldn't even be useful for reading it

>> No.11244608

fun fact: the symbol in the upper left of the picture says ZDF which is the abbreviation for Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, a German television broadcaster.

BTW is The Pale King worth reading?

>> No.11244615

actually funny

>> No.11244620

Same, it's a legitamte shame we couldn't more kino interviews or reaction pics
He definitely would have been ripped apart by MeToo though, I mean he already has been but if he were alive it'd be even worse

>> No.11244737


>> No.11244750

I don't think they'd #Metoo a sòyboy

>> No.11244944

Are you kidding me? Half of the people who have been #metooed are pure sòy. Have you ever heard of Junot Diaz? He's constantly preaching politically correct bullshit but that didn't stop him from getting #metooed.

>> No.11245036

Are you unironically a boomer OP? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11245041

he cute

>> No.11245311

wait did mods filter the word so you fags have to accent it to keep forcing it? get fucked. Also there are numerous 'woke' ally-types who've been #metoo'd

>> No.11245322

>BTW is The Pale King worth reading?
Yeah why not. It's his best prose

>> No.11245358


lel, diaz got metooed? a literal gingerbread basedman, hard to imagine him even having a penis

>> No.11245551

Since you seem to know, is it in the same style as Ulysses? I was under the impression they were both stream of consciousness.
(The only Joyce I’ve read so far is Dubliners and I wondered if there was any more “simpler” work of his I could try before I committed to a massive volume of literary experimentation)

>> No.11245643
File: 46 KB, 437x501, ivefuggedthingsyoupeoplewouldntbeliev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it in the same style as Ulysses

>> No.11245657

>reading in a park
>cute cardio bunny sits down next to me on the bench
>pull out Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung
>she notices
>immediately gets up and leaves without a word or even a glance
>continue reading
>some old guy with a dog sits down
>ask him if he believes in free will
>he just stares at me as his dog starts pissing on my shoes
>suddenly realize i can't even read german

>> No.11245686
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>politically correct bullshit
You tell those liberal snowflakes, you epic retard you.

>> No.11245863

Very very different styles. Finnegans Wake is what you have left in the pot if you let Ulysses boil overnight and throw in some extra dashes of transcendental beauty

>> No.11245876

I liked it.

>> No.11245893
File: 1010 KB, 4700x3011, fwake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it in the same style as Ulysses?

>> No.11246331

There are no mattresses in a classroom op. I would've believed everything you said until that moment.

>> No.11246730

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.11246737

The Pale King is God-tier. Highly recommend it.

>> No.11247128

Ulysses parodies many styles and Finnegans Wake is a book of puns.