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/lit/ - Literature

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11243982 No.11243982 [Reply] [Original]

You've read at least 30 pages today, right anon?

>> No.11243991

Why does this smug bitch get me in a state of diamonds?

>> No.11243993

Fuck off of /lit/ and never come back you antintellectual reddit weebs.

>> No.11243998


>> No.11244001
File: 145 KB, 1200x1164, Nagatoro_756b30_6444396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read many pages today, did you?

>> No.11244002

show me your feet

>> No.11244008

t. hasn't read at least 30 pages

>> No.11244013

40 pages of Fragments of Lichtenberg by Senges today

>> No.11244082
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girl feet always stink


>> No.11244087

My doctor thinks I have ADD but I can't afford to get tested. Will Vitamin B3 help or nah?

>> No.11244218

You don't have ADD you just don't actually want to read

>> No.11244223

i read 50 pages yesterday and i want u to die anon

>> No.11244235

I did, but please still bully me.

>> No.11244262

Honestly, take as many B vitamins as you can and see if it improves. A lot of people have deficiencies without knowing it.

>> No.11244289
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i like nagatoro posting

>> No.11244297

30 pages of /lit/ counts right?

>> No.11244301

Yes. /Lit/ is bassically the same as regular literature.

>> No.11244306

I think posting is equal of 1 page and reading a thread is equal of 2 pages. Modern reading.

>> No.11244363

You've written at least 30 pages today, right anon?

>> No.11244374

Nah just got back from work and i'm too tired to read today

Hate the wagie life

>> No.11244390

please poop your stinky little farties on me

>> No.11244431

I think I actually did it for like 4 days in a row.

>> No.11244852

that's 120 whole pages anon, you should be...proud

>> No.11244862

A fellow of fine taste


>> No.11244948

I am. Thank you.

>> No.11244990

>the absolute state of /summer/

>> No.11246018

I'm getting started on it right now, well after I finish posting and take a break from it.

>> No.11246046

Read ~30 pages of Amerika
I don't know how I feel about it yet

>> No.11246144

>tfw no pretty dom gf to push you to read every day
why live

>> No.11246262

God I want to beat this bitch's anime face in so bad. I'll accept the eternal destruction of life through the technosingularity if it means I can give her sentience and the ability to feel my fist meeting her face

>> No.11246318

That's a pretty low amount, right? A serious reader would be reading more like 50-100 at least seems like.

>> No.11246368


I'm with you, but I think the OP is set up to sneer at the people on this board that only talk about books and never read them. So when they see a small number like 30 and realize they can't even do that it triggers them.

Anyway I read about 90 pages today.

>> No.11247038

almost 180 pages today. hadnt read this much in at least 10 years. spent almost the entirety of my long ass commutes glued to the book, absolutely addicted to it. very happy about enjoying literature again

>> No.11247071


Yes, reviewed some algebra and statistics materials in preparation for GREs, also read chapters from books on philosophy of emotions, metaethics, and Advaita Vedanta's ontology. While I read I'm also watching a lecture series on formal logic from the teaching company. Trying to get into a philosophy master's program. Wish me luck /lit/!

>> No.11247094

What book?

>> No.11247147

Mario Levrero - Trilogia involuntaria. uruguayan author, highly doubt he's been translated. echoes of beckett, kafka, maybe auster, bolaño. really nails down that dreamlike-comedic-noir vibe.

>> No.11247180

these fags are hoping for that

>> No.11247189

Read a short story that was around 60 pages (a novella?). Still digesting it desu

>> No.11247320
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>> No.11247370

god i wanna thrust my nose in her crotch and ass and sniff deeply

>> No.11247385

that's pixels on a screen

>> No.11247474

I do, though. On my better days I read really well, but most of the time, my mind is clouded. Not just when it comes to reading, but other things as well. I just have trouble focusing. My doctor had said he could tell I have ADD just by looking at me.

>> No.11247695

actual year. still believing in the thinly veiled ploy by big-pharma to get kids addicted to drugs.
You realize ADD is not real right?

>> No.11247698

y-you too

>> No.11247704

that's just your interpretation

>> No.11248053

yeah and hamlet is just ink on paper

gtfo out of /lit/ pleb

>> No.11248078

If she hates you because you are keeping her as a sex slave, then you deserve to have your d*ck bitten off and you should treat the rest of your d*ckless life as an atonement for your sin of keeping slaves. Do nothing and wait for the inevitable my friend. If I was your sex slave I would stab you twice and bite your d*ck off too.

>> No.11248093

If I was your sex slave I wouldn't want to bite your penis off master

>> No.11248098

80 pages of Gargantua and Pantagruel.

>> No.11248109

please own me

>> No.11248125

>posts anime girl to make his thread relevant

>> No.11248172

When I read I sometimes simultaneously masturbate. It gives me energy. It is a source of power that will mold your mind and tests your concetration. A true stoic training of harsh cold winter.

>> No.11248407

Tell me more

>> No.11249120
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What do you have against smelly girl feet?

>> No.11249374

Going to probably wait and read until later tonight.

>> No.11249440

if you have to ask you're too far gone to be saved

>> No.11249447
File: 80 KB, 597x589, manatee pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there's nothing i can do

All italians like feet because italy is a feet.

>> No.11249568

>You've read at least 30 pages today, right anon?
Yee, Victorian era medicine is horrifying and I can't seem to stop reading about it.

>> No.11249594

I just got done with ~40 pages of The Scarlet Letter and I'm taking a break to browse /lit/. I feel like Hawthorne is such a fucking chore to read. There are some moments of real beauty that I can appreciate, like the minister's vigil, but more often than not I'm thinking in the back of my mind "ffs dude just get on with it" as he spends 10 pages describing what a room looks like

>> No.11249745

My apologies brother, i now see you've little choice. If it makes you feel better, i just fapped to some JAV toe sucking and have yet to take a shower despite being awake for 5 hours.

>> No.11249757
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Even though smelly pale germanic girl feet ruined rome I still want to rub them.

>> No.11251273

Tempted to just read more tomorrow to make up for today. Things have been busy man.

>> No.11251771

I only read like 15 pages today... I'm a brainlet who is writing down every word i don't know or ones i want to internalize for my own vocabulary so it slows the entire process down considerably

>> No.11251840

Post some highlights.

>> No.11251871

Nope. I'm in a phase where I'm not reading. I'll either read 300 pages a day or absolutely nothing for weeks or months.

>> No.11252412

yes impart your know-how rite-now

>> No.11252420

I wish it were true. Link some decent evidence.

>> No.11252442

So, what's everyone been reading recently? I'm currently going on my first pass through One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.11252474

The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul

>> No.11252477

These threads motivate me to read

>> No.11252482

I read 90 pages of War and Peace today.
>it's a Natasha is a whore episode

>> No.11252491

Little more then halfway through crime and punishment. Beautiful book so far.

>> No.11252496

where would you cum with Nagatoro? I call her face

>> No.11252769


>> No.11252793

It's Kafka's best.

>> No.11252945

read 32