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/lit/ - Literature

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11243670 No.11243670 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time we stopped lying to ourselves /lit/, this book is garbage tier at best.

>> No.11244232

I want to reply with a snarky comment but I can’t becuase you’re right.

>> No.11244241

Why does it suck in your opinion?

>> No.11244246

I've never read it. Is it just this book or is Fitzgerald a bad writer?

>> No.11244254

Its shit tier boring with obvious symbolism

>> No.11244256

The drunken apt scene where Nick is introspecting is perfect

>> No.11244259

It really doesn't

>> No.11244266

>American """literature"""
What did you expect?

>> No.11244271

Accessibility doesn’t make something suck, and Fitzgerald is a great stylist

>> No.11244277

What symbolism? I read it as a fun, little story and had a good time, but I'm not American so I didn't really care about any "hidden meaning"

>> No.11244280


>> No.11244291
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It's about time you stopped lying to yourself OP, you are a pseud.

Yes, the Great Gatsby is not hard to grasp or challenging and has mass appeal, but it still is good literature. It deals with a lot of different subjects on many levels and can be read from many different angles and Fitzgerald's style of writing is also good.
It may only be a 6.5 or 7/10, but calling it garbage tier is just plain ridiculous and undifferentiated

>> No.11244293

Wrong, go back to plebbit

>> No.11244445

>tfw I was about to order it from amazon
should I or nay?

>> No.11244464

You should. Don't listen to the psued. Decide for yourself its worth.

>> No.11244469

Buy it if you want to.
Never let this shitty board dictate what you want to read.

>> No.11244794


>> No.11244864

Dude it's just a fun little story. It's like a pop punk album, you're just supposed to have fun while consuming it chill out.

>> No.11244952

Ignore OP, it's pretty good.

>> No.11244955

Herman Melville is better than your favorite author.

>> No.11244958

its probably good advice not to let this board or anything internet related really influence your real life decisions

>> No.11244972

I felt that reading it was a waste of time when I finished it. The entire book I was waiting for the "good part" and then it was just over. The book isn't interesting, the characters aren't memorable, it's just a boring story about boring people where basically nothing actually happens.

>> No.11245237

Pynchon is better pleb.

>> No.11245300

not even american, he spoke like a brit lol

>> No.11245466
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>> No.11245675

reminder that this poster unironically reads evola quote images

>> No.11245779

I think perhaps it was just a bit above you’re reading level. Gatsby is one of the most interesting characters in American literature. The scenes describing when he first appears are amazing.

Grow up a little and try to read it again in a couple years

>> No.11245796

>the irony in these replies

>> No.11245900

>obvious symbolism
that's exactly why it's taught so widely, which i'm willing to bet is the reason your underage ass hates it so much

also LOL at effective symbolism (the signifier logically connects to that which is signified, WAOW) being a bad thing

whether/not the book is shit, you're fuckin dumb

>> No.11245916


i wrote my thesis on pynchon, and let me just say pynchon is the more stylistically talented author but moby dick blows gravity's rainbow, mason & dixon, against the day and everything else pynchon ever even considered writing outta the fuckin water

>> No.11245929

>i wrote my thesis on pynchon
he thinks this is supposed to aggravate his position of authority lol

>> No.11246304

i liked it. i thought it had a good story.

>> No.11246514

High schoolers think they're smart for saying a classic is bad, angry that they're forced to read it.

>> No.11246519

The only people who talk about the symbolism in Gatsby are sad English teachers and people who read Wikipedia summaries rather than the actual book.

>> No.11246628

What the hell? It was beautiful. He describes mannerisms so well you can see the characters moving around. The themes and story were great. He captures Long Islander new-money culture perfectly. Only thing you could criticize is that the stupid bitch just runs into the fucking road like a retard. Gatsby's slow character reveal was 10/10. The ending was 10/10. The prose is just fine, maybe a little flowery for modern tastes but given the period it's just fine.
>nothing actually happens
An entire social group disbands, multiple families broken or displaced, two people die, and "nothing happens". Not enough car chases and explosions for you?
>aren't memorable
Gatsby is one of the most memorable characters in all of fiction.
It's god tier.

>> No.11246916

It's a fine book, super heavy handed symbolically but he gets the job done and tells a nice little story

>> No.11248229

Gatsby boiled down to its most basic elements:
> guy likes girl
> girl doesn't ackowledge guy's existence, she's out of his league
> he works his ass off to become much more successful than her, much more interesting than her, throws parties in attempts to entice her over
> he's really just a very depressed and empty shell of a man without her
> she's still way out of his league
> Gatsby fucking dies after getting fucked over by Tom Buchanan and Tom's affair and barely anybody comes over to Gatsby's funeral because nobody really cared about him

I really don't know how people don't empathise with Gatsby, this shit is heart breaking.

>> No.11248397

Nice bait cuz

>> No.11248410

I will die on the hill that is Gatsby. It's the greatest American novel of the 20th century - prove me wrong

>> No.11249487

>kills of character in car crash
Pssh... nothin personnel.. old sport..

>> No.11249515

fuck that sounds tragic af, not sure if I could read this book without thinking of my situation with the woman I want.

>> No.11249520

>girl doesn't ackowledge guy's existence, she's out of his league
what are you talking about they date eachother as teenagers

>> No.11249685
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>> No.11249706

>born in America
>spent most of his childhood in New York
>"hurr durr he spoke like a brit so he's british"
Are you retarded?

>> No.11249715

it was a fucking b8 m8,
are you retarded?

>> No.11249719
File: 59 KB, 399x398, 1423097922457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.11249746 [DELETED] 

lol r u serious? everyone knows he's american, he's the staple american writer, retard. if you can't detect b8 you're fucking braindead.

>> No.11249761

lol r u serious? everyone knows he's american, he's the staple american writer, retard. if you can't detect b8 you're fucking braindead.

>> No.11250450

fitzgerald was obviously not super adept concerning the symbolism/meaningfulness game, but as a prose stylist and a realist, few English writers compare.

>> No.11250720
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