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11241537 No.11241537 [Reply] [Original]

Finally finished this book in about a week after a2 years of staring at it on my shelf.

7/10- Enjoyed the world building and characters were ok, but the ending was cliffhanger bullshit.

Anyone else read this? Is it worth getting the next one and continuing the series?

>> No.11241584

Read the next one. Think of them as two halves of one book. They're masterful.

The next two books are optional, but fun. Endymion and Rise of Endymion are VERY different in tone. You need to recognize that before you go in. It's a more Campbellian, note for note, hero's journey with Endymion as the titular hero. And if you accept that, the following two books are great, just not as /lit/ worthy as Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion.

Put another way, Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion wowed me sci-fi style. Endymion/Rise of Endymion brought me to [actual] tears with the last chapter of Rise of Endymion. Your mileage may vary of course, but I think all four are worth the read.

>> No.11241590
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>7/10- Enjoyed the world building and characters were ok, but the ending was cliffhanger bullshit.

You had better be a pleb who is only just starting to read books or I'm going to revoke your eyeballs

>> No.11241591

If you liked the world-building then yes, the next book wraps things up very nicely. The last two in the series get very metaphysical and deal very broadly with AI and just how uncaring hyperintelligent beings could be. A lot of really wonky time-traveling as well. I've read all of them and enjoyed it.

>> No.11241637

The next book is just as good as the first, but the third and fourth ones really go downhill.
You can tell that Simmons was making things up as he went along.

>> No.11241639

Yeah didn't know anything going into it.

I didn't realize it was a series when I was reading it so I think thats why the ending annoyed me.


This anon says its basically part 1 of 2 though so I'll definitely keep going.