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1123761 No.1123761 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings, /lit/

I recently started reading The Foutnainhead because I heard good things about it and that it was a classic, etc.
But I've gotten like a chapter or two in and idk the philosophy seems a bit... skewed. I'm basically asking if I should continue or if I should just give it up here if I don't like the philosophy.

>> No.1123780
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>> No.1123782

In short, yes.

The book is literally a fictional representation of her philosophy of a just man.

But not reading a book because you don't like the philosophy seems like an awful way to grow and learn about things other than what you already know. Maybe start with Anthem - it's a bit shorter.

>> No.1123794

Thanks bro. That's what I planned on doing but I've heard a lot of complaints about the guy being a selfish prick and things like that... so I wanted to get /lit/'s opinion

>> No.1123800
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Yeah, total bullshit.

If you want to tell people about your fucked up thoughts on how one should behave - write a fucking manifesto and not a novel.

>> No.1123805


>complaints about the guy being a selfish prick
>the guy

Lol it's a shame because I would like to see someone get troll'd by this but it won't happen.

>> No.1123809


I don't know about you, but I would assume he means Rourk, not Rand.

>> No.1123814

Don't confuse taking care of yourself and expecting other people to be competent as a bad thing/selfishness.

The people that wont put in a honest days work, and that prey on your good nature to get handouts, and to get you to elect people that will steal from others to give them handouts... those are the selfish pricks.

Simply because someone isn't selfless, doesn't make them selfish, there is a neutral position between the two which is in general the moral position for it harms no one.

If you give a man food, drink, shelter, etc then you may convince them they don't have to work for themselves, you make them basically pets or slaves as they will become fully reliant on the handouts. You strip them of their humanity at a fundamental level, how could that be a "good" thing? (The people in Detroit still waiting for their "Obama money" for example.)

Personally, I'd just go "all in" and read Atlas Shrugged first.

>> No.1123816

yeah I started hearing that book was better AFTER I went out and bought Fountainhead with the last of my money. Grr. But I'll figure something out.

>> No.1123831

yeah atlas is basically porn for me, but then i'm a republican and hang out on /d/.

The 40 page manefesto towards the end of atlas is pretty skippable; I mean if you've made it to page 3000, and you still don't get it...

>> No.1124005

Both books are just masturbatory justifications for projecting your self-hatred outward toward people whose interdependency and mutual support--i.e., successful human relationships--you envy. It's a political manifestation of self-pity.

[captcha: bitons ^from]

>> No.1124990

>didn't understand the book or only read until the last few chapters

>> No.1124998


>> No.1125075

The Fountainhead is much better than Atlas Shrugged and frankly tells a story as much about uncompromising self-value as anything else. The main message I took from this book was that you should never compromise who you are in order to appease others.

A successful human relationship doesn't involve one side doing nothing while the other side gives to them. Interdependency and mutual support implies that I depend on you as much as you depend on me. If I don't derive any benefit from giving to the poverty-stricken (material or otherwise), it is not interdependence. If that person becomes wealthy and helps me when I'm in need, then the situation involves interdependence.

It's important to realize though, that most people in /lit/ just hate on Rand for the hell of it. Her books aren't great, but they aren't all that bad either. Same goes for her philosophy.

>> No.1125219

>implying The Fountainhead didn't preach that ANY KIND of dependency was morally wrong

>> No.1125222
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Pic related.

>> No.1125224
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Pic related.