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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.75 MB, 900x6474, western civ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11237591 No.11237591 [Reply] [Original]

I will start reading the greeks shortly but i can't find books by Thales and such, can someone please rec me a list of books to start with the greeks?

>> No.11237613

Get a book on presocratic phil

google is your friend

also if you're going to read philosophy then get some secondary literature as well, too many autodidact brainlets trip themselves up by falling for the "special snowflake independent interpretation of philosophical works" meme

>> No.11237625

>Hegel then Schelling
What the fuck. Shoulda just separated ealy and late Schelling.

>> No.11237657

thales' work, like most of the presocratics' is saved only in fragments and other people writing about them. the best and complete collection is Hermann Diels' Presocratics. Also, do as >>11237613 said. Maybe read Plato first too

>> No.11237663
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Reposting my OC

>> No.11237871


>> No.11237883

Thx fren, i already practice the idea of reading one "hard" or very meaningful book and alternate it with a pulpy or simple book to help the brain relax so i was already considering just reading poetry in the middle of the phil.
>Shoulda just separated ealy and late Schelling
I agree
>Hermann Diels' Presocratics
Thank you, i found it hard to find individual work from each one of the Presocratic authors, I should read Plato before those who came before him?

>> No.11238875

Does anyone have a chart of recommendation for getting into American history?

Currently reading Democracy in America by Tocqueville

>> No.11238886

>*Before Common Era and Common Era
didn't read

>> No.11238962
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>> No.11238973

there are so many things wrong with this chart I cannot even start

>> No.11238983

A People’s History by Zinn.

>> No.11238991

I wish I never saw this, truly abysmal, fkn kys burger

>> No.11239003

Related question: is there a website dedicated entirely to charts; I have visited the wiki but it seems not all of them are there and is limited

>> No.11239028 [SPOILER] 
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Greatest intellectual of history is left out.

>> No.11239062
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>> No.11239104

The Greek Philosophers from Thales to Aristotle
WKC Guthrie

>> No.11239105

I only now noticed that whoever made this chart sneaked in a book by a batshit crazy SS officer...

>> No.11239159
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>> No.11239166
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>> No.11239171

I think you made it because of my thread

>> No.11239200

truly cancerous, rage-inducing


>> No.11239202

>Tabucchi - Afirma Pereira
My nigga! I loved that book! Made me start liking omelettes!

Don't really remember anything else on it (I was young when I read it)

>> No.11239208

>no Agustina Bessa Luis
>only one book by O'Connor
Into the trash it goes

>> No.11239211

Almost done with reading everything those men have to offer. I can finally start Harry Potter soon

>> No.11239311
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>> No.11239424

You can read both Plato and the Presocratics, it does not have to be linear.

Maybe even open another path and read Descartes and Hume, they're pretty good starting points.

Aristotle maybe a little later, he's difficult and you should know your Plato before getting into his pshilosophy

>> No.11239439

>sneaked in
you don't "sneak in" literature you closeminded fuckin' newfag.

>> No.11239482
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Great one, laughed out loud

>> No.11239523

lol wat

>> No.11239538

Early Greek Philosophy, Barnes

>> No.11240175

I have a suggestion, everyone. Listen! A good chart idea: cats. Cats are literary; a cat chart would be appropriate.

>> No.11240185
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>> No.11240200

please remake this

>> No.11240240

What happened in 2009?

>> No.11240266
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>> No.11240273

Claude Levi-Struass died

>> No.11240297

So there are no post-structuralists left?

>> No.11240361


>> No.11240371

This needs the The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Flaubert.

>> No.11240405

thanks now I know what to never read.

>> No.11240485

Interesting, thank you. I've never heard of the exit level ones even thought I'm Italian too

>> No.11240495
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>American thought leads to sociopathy, new age religion, and racial holy war

>> No.11242254
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, Top100-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a 2017's version of pic related?

will there be a 2018's one?

>> No.11242285

ha ha! pretty edgy my friend, well said ;)

>> No.11242497

Neck yourself faggot

>> No.11242515
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, top_100_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably, but it will be made towards the end of the year

>> No.11242520

thank you very much anon, gotta make a top 100 with weighted averages

>> No.11242526
File: 3.38 MB, 1820x4348, Top100lit2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11242530
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, Top100lit2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these the only ones? was 2014 the first year?

>> No.11242564

Can someone make a torrent megapack wirh ebooks for all of these?

>> No.11242582

there are a couple of "top 100 ebook in mobi" torrent and each of those has at least 50 of those in the chart

thepiratebay.org torrent/6456103/Reddit_s_Favorite_Books_%28EPUB__amp__MOBI_Format%29%5BVX%5D

and this one

thepiratebay.org torrent/7595161/BBC_Top_100_Books_(ePub)__[EDGE]

though a compilation with all the /lit/ books in one place would be great

>> No.11242592


>> No.11243328
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>> No.11243486
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>> No.11243954
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>no stanislaw lem

>> No.11244745
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>> No.11245181

r o l l

>> No.11245513


>> No.11245522
File: 1.15 MB, 648x1276, Depressing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11245527

>Hasn't heard about Gadda

>> No.11245914
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>> No.11246547


9/10, well done, laughed

>> No.11246603

>The Street of Crocs

A justly forgotten collection memed back into publication by contemporary American literary jewry. Skip in favor of more Walser - The Assistant

>> No.11248039
File: 1.47 MB, 900x4100, Green Pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11248105

Tolkien is misspelled here

>> No.11248129

I'm so disappointed seeing some milestones untransleted, like in nome della rosa, promessi sposi and pirandello

>> No.11248143

they aren't untranslated

>> No.11248238
File: 29 KB, 870x612, 1517944551540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, I'd add Foucault's Pendulum by Eco and Q by Luther Blissett

>> No.11248874


I find tortellini's thesis on the frameworks of the prego scusi quite pedantic. Personally, ravioli provides the most ardent commentary on grazie discourse.

>> No.11249061

Wrong book about the Italian revolution by Eco.

You meant In the name of the rose.

>> No.11249092

This but unironically

>> No.11249100


Candide is terrible, why even include. Stupid board.

>> No.11249153

>GEORGE sand
>GEORGE eliot

come on bro

>> No.11249167

Does anyone have the Rene Guenon chart?

>> No.11249993


>> No.11250152


>> No.11250215

Nietzsche chart please

>> No.11250225

If this TRULY is the top 100 this is a good indicator of how plebeian we have become. The other top 100 was half-accurate at least. This one's plain garbage

>> No.11251169


>> No.11251571

wait a second....
this is all just philosophy!
waht da fak?

>> No.11251583

>the old man and the sea

>> No.11251647

The greeks

Nietzsche: philosopher, antichrist, something
Nietzsche : a very short introduction (balances out the previous one)

Thus spoke zarathustra
Ecce homo
Geaneology (again)

>> No.11251649

This is your brain on solipsism

>> No.11251657

I've been watching a lot of baseball recently, thanks anon.

>> No.11251670

Forgot Hume before Kant

>> No.11251694
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>Stirner was a solipsist

>> No.11251705

the last ten are all tied with 4 votes. how was the order decided?

>> No.11251744

Thank you so much for this.

>> No.11251797


>> No.11251800


>> No.11251808

oh my god this is fantastic

>> No.11251891


here we roll

>> No.11251897

woah, hadn't seen this before. Thanks for posting it and thanks to whoever made it; very helpful.

>> No.11251902


>> No.11251919


>> No.11251925


>> No.11251982

Weiner butts

>> No.11252507


>> No.11252602

A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol 1 by Reale

I’m currently reading it and it’s superb. I plan on going through all four volumes

>> No.11252789
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1/2. i am aware this is not the preferred layout

>> No.11252790
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>> No.11253156


>> No.11253462


>> No.11253652

Would anyone be willing to make a chart for the Jews?

>> No.11253653
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>> No.11253656



>> No.11253672
File: 2.72 MB, 5000x3827, 1526891684640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11253868


Beautifully made.

>> No.11254235
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Greeks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is considered the best Greeks starting chart?

>> No.11254244
File: 1.62 MB, 3240x3600, Greeks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11254579

Affirma Pereira is pure kino>>11239202
>Made me start liking omelettes!

>> No.11254604

r o l l
o l l r
l l r o
l r o l

>> No.11254878

The best one so far.

>> No.11254901
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>> No.11255066


>> No.11255085

to bad fagg you are not greek heheeh