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11236325 No.11236325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recently dropped out of college due to the bitter awareness of it being a huge scam which has been rendered nearly useless thanks to youtube, wikipedia, and websites such as this one here.

That being said, I feel like the one crucial element missing from my continued self education is the training in writing airtight, analytical, academic essays. I've got a natural tendency towards the flamboyant and literary.

Can any of you recommend me a book for writing brief and academically pleasing essays? It would be much appreciated, and in return I promise to post said essays on /lit/ from time to time for your amusement.

>> No.11236345

>awareness of it being a huge scam
True, good goin' OP-
>which has been rendered nearly useless thanks to youtube, wikipedia, and websites such as this one here.

>> No.11236349

>>Recently dropped out of university due to the bitter awareness of it being a scam which has been rendered nearly useless thanks to public libraries, freedom of information, and groups of intellectuals such as this one here.

Dear OP,
If you think college is only about learning, I think you are either tricking yourself, or didn't belong there in the first place.

>> No.11236355

OP has ascended

>> No.11236357

>If you think college is only about learning, I think you are either tricking yourself, or didn't belong there in the first place.

This. You fucked up OP.

>> No.11236362

If you have something to say, say it. Read analytical essays and mimic them.

>> No.11236363

what you mean, it was to get pussy and friends?

>> No.11236369

college is one of the most purely enjoyable facets of modern life and you dropped out?

Shit man I'm sorry

>> No.11236376

If you're asocial there's really no benefit. 90% of going to school is 'networking' now.

>> No.11236393

Pussy and friends are some physical manifestations of social development in ways that our society finds healthy to happen in college. More importantly than pussy and friends is the ability of most college degrees ability for social leverage, which as a fellow drop out, I know I could be using.

>> No.11236460

I tried the networking thing too, at a fairly expensive/elite institution at that, but none of those jet-setting social climbers have time for human connections, and it's painfully obvious that they'll be getting ahead based on their family connections which I'll never share... no point in going into debt over that.

It's okay, I worked in the tourism industry for a while so I've had my fill of social development.

Not that enjoyable, I was already a few years older than everyone going in so mostly it was a bunch of privileged workaholic children "finding themselves". Besides, the sexual culture on American campuses is completely toxic and depressing.

My current plan is to move to Russia/some ex-soviet satellite country where I can pick up a couple languages and finish a degree for pennies on the dollar. Hopefully from that I'll be able to jumpstart my career in the international arms running/art smuggling trade and die at 36 in a glorious gunfight with INTERPOL.

>> No.11236476
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>youtube, wikipedia

>> No.11236895
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>which has been rendered nearly useless thanks to youtube, wikipedia, and websites such as this one here.

>> No.11236912

>If you take a series of classes at Harvard or Yale, occasionally going to some guest lecture by a boring who in a suit you're a genius
>If you watch series of classes from Harvard AND Yale on youtube, then supplement it with further speeches and interviews from famous writers and academics, throw in a couple documentaries, and skim wikipedia pages for historical context of various allusions you're stupid

Throw in a library card, and you've just saved yourself 40 grand.

>> No.11236923

there are literally thousands of articles on every subject you can imagine a google search away

college is a fucking joke

>> No.11236933

Are you Rimbaud by any chance?

>> No.11237089

Do you not think that people only go so they have a qualification that is recognized by employers?

>> No.11237167
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Close enough.

>> No.11237187
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>youtube, wikipedia, and websites such as this one here.

>> No.11237228

I did my english degree at a shitty university that no-one knows about. I barely turned up. I didn't learn anything I couldn't have learnt myself.

I didn't drop out though. I graduated, and with my qualification I trained to teach. Then with my teaching experience and my degree I did. A masters at a good uni. With my degree, teaching experience,masters and adult connections, I did a PhD.

Academia is about stacking qualifications. I am a recognised and respected thinker, even though I'm almost entirely self-taught. You are nothing. Noone is going to hire you with your YouTube/Wikipedia/4chan degree. You fucked up

>> No.11237832

What are you going to do for a job/career?
>inb4 my parents/family are filthy rich

>> No.11237923

>not networking at bars and local gym for employment oppurtunities.

Feel bad for you autist drop outs with ZERO social skills

>> No.11238770

>college is one of the most purely enjoyable facets of modern life

fuck off normie

>> No.11238880

Go to school in a Russian satellite state, pick up Russian and hopefully a bit of Arabic as well, and finish a degree so I'll be able to leverage it with work opportunities. Make occasional trips to Iran/Azerbaijan/Afghanistan in order to pick up artisanal rugs, then sell them back in the US for 600% markups, thus financing a comfortably decedent lifestyle of opium pipes and chai boys. Hopefully once I spend enough time hanging around the American embassy employee turnover will lead the people there to not only believe I work there, but that I'm a senior worker there, and I will us that misconception to turn US foreign policy in the sensible directions of my choosing.

>> No.11238889

Proof? Who are you? What was your dissertation?

>> No.11238922

Lol you dropped out of college because you are a loser hahahahahaha

>> No.11238944

Retard, you write like a high IQ person and should have stayed in college and went to graduate school.
That retard Mexican poster from yesterday is the sort of person where college isn't worth the cost.
If you're intelligent, can maintain a high GPA, and take advantage of further education, you can make at least 200k a year, especially in medicine.

>> No.11238967
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>> No.11238968

Nietzsche wrote a whole series of essays about why these people should basically be banned from universities
i am ascial and can confirm they can also
its fucking awful, the people and their culture is insufferable

>> No.11238999

only on lit do you find bait like this

>> No.11239059

Here is a guide
If you're high IQ like OP ( >>11236325 ), then stay in university.
A degree opens doors and is required for pretty much any form of graduate education.

If you suck at it, and are "immature" and write like a moron ( like this guy >>11233130 ), then university is a waste of money and you're better off not going.

Are we clear?

>> No.11239122

>Boo Hoo stem has a lot of HARD MATHS so better take useless english degree, because i saw cool photo of Lacan with cigar, and he fucked a lot of art thots
I know your kind opee

>> No.11239131
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>a huge scam which has been rendered nearly useless thanks to youtube, wikipedia, and websites such as this one here

>> No.11239148

i don't know what im doing
everything is boring so i just decided to get an english degree since the classes are alright idk what im doing after that though ill probably end up as a neet. i never wagecucked and have no connections at all.