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/lit/ - Literature

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11234189 No.11234189 [Reply] [Original]


Aprended español, betillas.

>> No.11234195

This is a white board, for white culture. Take this shit elswhere or speak American

>> No.11234254

i actually like his content, but he's so erudite and uses such a complex terminology i can't understand a single fuck of what he says

>> No.11234656

Agree. Anglo culture invasion is terrible for every non anglo nation. Even anglos agree, look at Coetzee:


>> No.11234797
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>white culture

>> No.11235503

Fuck Spain and fuck Mexico, nigga

>> No.11235611


>> No.11235635

Holy shit he actually did BTFO anglos. But still, m-maybe Eagleton is shit and that book is an introduction anyway, so m-maybe it isn't representative of Anglo criticism in a whole?(i don't read much criticism and i don't see any point in reading it except if you're a critic yourself) His concept of "Parabolic criticism" is funny. You see that everywhere, be it in Goodreads or academic stuff (at least from what i read). I think it's just the way that humans relate to literature. Also, there has to be a pdf of his book somewhere. He's interesting, but i'm not buying that shit, hombre.

>> No.11237175

The way postmoderns are getting lambasted left right and centre is like beating on a dead horse

>> No.11237195

Show me one public figure that claims to represent and defends postmodernism

>> No.11237207

Right off the bat, you'll never see and American or a Brit academic speak with such asstertiveness, or construct argunments in such a crystal clear manner, straight to the point, no bullshit, strong stances

>> No.11237214
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>Show me one public figure that claims to represent and defends postmodernism

>> No.11237217


what is his argument?

>> No.11237242


>poststructuralist gender theory that is a priori based on complete social constructivism
>not postmodern

lmao @ u

>> No.11237327

Some of the points he lays out in the beginning, implicitely all refering to american, british anglo saxon postmoderns, or anglo saxons in the past 30, 40, 50 years

>the english speaking post moderns have not yet given a definition of "literature", they can't answer "what is literature" in a clear and concise way, they're always evasive as if everything is literature

>no publication in english has given an answer to the question of "what's the origin of literature"

>no publication in english has talked about the ontolgy of literature

>anglo saxons have not constructed a theory of literary knowledge, or a critique of literary rationalism, they have only restructured and rewritten what others wrote to debunk it, without contributing anything themselves

>there is no theory of literary genres published in english

>there is no theory of fiction published in english

>anglo saxons have written a lot of comparative literature, contradicting post modernism itself since it stipulates that all cultures and literatures are equal, a post modern comparatist is a square circle, a professional sophist, a scammer

About what he himself has contributed, as opposed to just debunking what others have done:
>He has published along with Gustavo Bueno a work titled "Critique of literary reason", going over the fundaments of what all interpretation of literature should be
>the interpretation should be above all critical, rational, scientific, dialectic (not dialogical)
>it should be articulated in the context of the symploke (rooted in plato's sophist), stipulating that things are related to each other, rejecting the domination of one above the rest (metaphysical monism), or the absulte isolation of one against the rest (radical atomism). The criteria laid out in the work reject cognitive absolutism (monism) and absolute relativism
>they give an explicit definition of literature: it's a human construction, that opens the path to freedom, and exercises freedom through dialectical confrontation. It uses signs of the linguistic system, giving them a character of beauty, poetry that German idealists called aesthetics.

>> No.11237341

this is the first 14 minutes of the video
I left out an interesting bit about comparative literature emerging from napoleon's France as a colonisation tool, inherited by the british and especially the americans after WW2, in which Europe maimed itself and gave the americans the world on a silver platter

>> No.11237361

giving angloamericans the access to continental philosophy was a mistake

>> No.11237491
File: 25 KB, 398x562, Crítica de la Razón Literaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tomad nota, hegelianos.

>> No.11237621
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, CE43E5C7-83F4-4873-8F51-F2F7C572090C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelectuales mexicanos

>> No.11237623

He actually fucking rekts anglo critique culture

>> No.11237711

he's Spanish, btw

>> No.11237733
File: 132 KB, 1026x500, Imperio-español-1026x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglos BTFO


>> No.11237746

BASED meds

>> No.11237855

>Pozzmodernidath aglosaghhhhona

Hell nah, this nigga eating Frijoles!

>> No.11237880

Holy shit Hegel BTFO.

Me encanta lo cabreado que esta este tío.

>> No.11237916

Por cierto esto que voy a preguntar es un tema fuera del hilo: ¿Alguien sabe el nombre de un autor español que se llama Julián noseque y que escribe cosas rollo James Joyce?

Salía en una imagen de un Iceberg de escritores, no se si alguien lo tendrá por ahí.

>> No.11238170

lmaoing at all these anglo postmoderncucks mocking him for his way of speaking instead of his content

>> No.11238209

>demands an answer to the "birth of literature"
>why cant whitey answer this!?? REEEEE

We're mocking his autism.

>> No.11238237

quien carajo es este tipo? ayer busque una critica a derrida y salió este... Tiene pinta de ser buen tipo jaja

>> No.11238239

no contribution, only attacks, perfectly in line with what he says in the video

>> No.11238242

pick one

>> No.11238250

he makes it easy.

>> No.11238257

Ma mio amico, Io parlo español.

>> No.11238264

he makes what easy?

>> No.11238267

They can't comment on his content because they're all monolingual plebs.

>> No.11238282

They see someone arguing against post modernism, they feel threatened but know they don't have the level of sophistry required to defend a post modern argument, so they reply with attacks in the shape of autistic 4chan lingo

>> No.11238583

wow u relly smart. Except Yo entiendo el lenguaje español de mierda perfectamente, y se que un español no tiene ni un comino de gerencia para hablar del posmodernismo ni el origen de literatura, ni tampoco puede exigir que nadie se le pase por el forro explicar que es o de donde salio la literatura, cuando el mismo critica a los críticos. Qué se cree este man? No e leido su trabajo, acaso el a explicado el siginificado de la literatura? entonces me callo pero si no, que se coma un cerro de pijas.

>el posmodernismo dice que toda cultura es igual

De donde saco esa mierda?

>> No.11238598

Vuelva usted a la escuela.

>> No.11238612

>acaso el a explicado el siginificado de la literatura?

see >>11237327

>> No.11238633

>post modernism itself since it stipulates that all cultures and literatures are equal
literally who has ever said that

>> No.11238657

Eagleton says that literature is subjective

>> No.11238679



>> No.11238683


>> No.11238779

>el posmodernismo dice que toda cultura es igual

It's a statement deducted from post modernism's relativist component, juxtaposed with comparative literature's colonist nature

>> No.11239138

how good of him to deduct that. Too bad it's wrong.

>> No.11239190

Ahí no me convenció su argumento porque lo toma en un sentido cualitativo literal. Para los poscolonialistas todas las literaturas son "iguales" porque no hay una jerárquicamente arriba de otra en un sentido hegemónico, y por ello es que abogan por una lectura de cada literatura en los términos propios de esa literatura y no de otra.

>> No.11239218

>Escuela de Oviedo
I didn't know lads on /lit/ knew about this.

>> No.11239236

>Para los poscolonialistas todas las literaturas son "iguales" porque no hay una jerárquicamente arriba de otra en un sentido hegemónico
lo que el rechaza el del video es que se use una herramienta de imperalismo cultural desde un punto de vista post moderno que postula que todas las culturas son "isovalentes"
Lo que es mas o menos discutible es el caracter imperialista de la literatura comparativa
