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/lit/ - Literature

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11233827 No.11233827 [Reply] [Original]

The official lit top 100 did much to positively influence the state of the board. But where is the top 100 of 2018, please, we beg of you!

>> No.11233838

>All these women, nonwhites, Jews, and leftists
>no Mein Kampf, no Kevin McDonald
fuck off /leftypol/, your time is over on this board

>> No.11233846


>> No.11233847

Can someone make a pol, and we vote

Won’t do it myself cuz too lazy

>> No.11233853
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Nigga it's M A Y

>> No.11233856

Don't we normally do this around Fall?

>> No.11233857

>we vote

Aha! Do you think this is a democratic board?

No, our top 100 must be made by supreme reading gentlemen, to sway the board into better seas

>> No.11233877
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017_top_100_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg faggot
Actual list that was voted for. These are. Don't in January of the New year.

>> No.11233882

>DUDE 20th Century!
Nice try anon.

>> No.11233889
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>> No.11233891

Literature peaked in 20th century America.

>> No.11233922

Why is Finnegans Wake on there? I highly doubt that many people actually read it, let alone understood it. Is /lit/ actually just a place for people to jerk off about how great and smart they are for liking long and complicated books?

>> No.11233932

The 20th century is literally the most creative period in the history of western civilization.

>> No.11233946

>The official lit top 100 did much to positively influence the state of the board.
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11233975

Voting is for plebians

>> No.11234008

Three of those books were written this century, nine this decade. What makes you think the list will change?
Oh you're new and didn't get to vote last time? Too bad.

>> No.11234026

fuck oyu

>> No.11234074


>> No.11234284

>this decade

>> No.11234482
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>tfw only 61/100

is reading all the classics an impossible task? i read a lot and there's no way i'll read them all
maybe reading them all doesn't even matter..

>> No.11234497

I don't think I can even read a tenth of those books
Why am I such a brainlet

>> No.11234503

You doubt anons would force themselves to read one of the biggest meme books? As long as you have some sort of guide it's not terrible to understand and it's just fun to read.

>> No.11234518 [DELETED] 

Of the few books you've read and I haven't, you should read The Bible and Paradise Lost.

>> No.11234530
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>> No.11234541


>> No.11234550

Read a book a week for just under two years. If you are too busy, supplement yourself a little with audio books.

>> No.11234595

>I want Rupi Kaur on my top 11 list

>> No.11234599

This. Winston and Sheep are honestly what this board needs. A poll would be a fucking travesty.

>> No.11234621

Stop posting this fake list. This meme was dead 5 months ago.

>> No.11234642

Post the real list, bls.

>> No.11234648

Top 100 of 2018 comes at the end of 2018 yah dingus

>> No.11234654

You finally figured that out?

>> No.11234935

how the hell is this fake still being posted in 2018

>> No.11235072


>> No.11235142

>no lord of the rings
This list is hipster edgelord trash.

>> No.11235182
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>> No.11235228

The Pynchon and Joyce worship on this board is way out of hand

>> No.11235302

Joyce is universally worshipped, all of my professors talk about him and Faulkner as the two greatest stylists.

>> No.11235324

>has read Ulysses
>hasn't even read the Bible

>> No.11235488

>finnegans wake
how can something you did not read be your favorite book?

>> No.11235577


fake list

>> No.11235672

I’m the guy who did it, I left this board for months after your autism, and your still crusading against it? Kill yourself desu.

>> No.11235994

Having a guide with you while reading anything that's in your native tongue tarnishes the experience.

>> No.11236079

What country are you from that speaks the language of the Wake?

>> No.11236105

The true 2017 list.

>> No.11236252

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.11236269
File: 3.75 MB, 7252x4348, 2014-2017 top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a quick reminder that this is the /lit/ top 100 lists for the past four years, including 2017.

>> No.11236273

I read the first 150 pages of Moby Dick and was instantly turned off by all that unironical gay shit.

>> No.11236374


What the fuck? Fuck off idiot

>> No.11236394

I'm gonna be an absolute faggot and roll

>> No.11236399

me too, checkem

>> No.11236408

Serious, why Naked Lunch in this list?

>> No.11236409

damn son...

>> No.11236415


>> No.11236793

/lit/ is a nice place for discussion but it is absolutely dominated by communists and cucks. It's infuriating, really, because literary threads on /pol/ are almost always deleted.

>> No.11237015

>Don Quixote that low
>one (1) Portuguese book, and not even Saramago's best
The state of this board... at least it has Flanerry

>> No.11237050

Is the Bible really that good? Or do people rate it highly because of historical context?

If people do rate it for historical context why isn't the prequel and sequel on there. Plus a bunch of political/economical theory books like the wealth of nations and communist manifesto should also by included, considering the impact of those 2 books.

>> No.11237084

>Golden Pavilion at 99
This is a fucking disgrace

>> No.11237115

Make 3 the Oxford Annoted version.

>> No.11237126

yes The Bible is that good

>> No.11237168

>stoner is rising

>> No.11237172

There are some good parts. Some parts are just long lists of dos and don'ts, tho.

>> No.11237282


>> No.11237405

Wealth of Nations and The Communists Manifesto are essays, not works of literature.

>> No.11237482

tell them to read some baudelaire who didnt even make it to the list lmfao

>> No.11238188

>Implying anyone on pol knows how to read above a middle school level

>> No.11238193

/lit/ is actually dominated by resentful incels who make one billion thread about muh wemen every two minutes