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11232842 No.11232842 [Reply] [Original]

who's feeling a nick land thread?
>me me i am i am

why tho
>b/c machinic desire is retardedly fucking good

>Anti-Oedipus mobilizes a vocabulary of the machine, the mechanic, and machinism. Things are exactly as they operate, and zones of operation can only be segregated by an operation. All unities, differences, and identities are machined, without transcendent authorization or theory. Desiring machines are black-boxes, and thus uninterpretable, so that schizoanalytical questions are concerned solely with use. 'What are your desiring-machines, what do you put into these machines, what is the output, how does it work, what are your nonhuman sexes?'

>Machinic desire is the operation of the virtual; implementing itself in the actual, revirtualizing itself, and producing reality in a circuit. It is efficient and not aspirational, although this is an efficiency irreducible to progressive causality because immanent to effective time. Machinic desire is operative wherever there is the implementation of an abstract machine in actuality, and not merely the mechanical succession of actual states.

what does it mean tho
>it's fucking brilliant. it might mean *capital-c Capital does not exist until you try to repress it.* which is like a completely bonkers way of going back to lacan updated for the 21C. get machinic, *find circuitry* or prepare yourself for a loop of ressentiment. you cannot be a perfect robot any more than you can be a perfect meatbag. un-stick yourself

makes no sense
>oh yes it does

but he disavowed these writings
>*and that was fucking stupid of him.* young nick was a geeeeeenius. g-g-g-g-unit. i will re-avow said genius to his face. he was so smart. he was so goddamn smart aaaaaaarrrrglblllrlllblblbl

but what about the later writings and Old Nick
>he went past where he could have just stopped. at this absolutely perfect point of disequilbirium:

>it makes no more sense to try to rescue the economy from capital by demarketization than it does to liberate the proletarian from false consciousness by decortication. In neither case would one be left with any thing except a radically dysfunctional wreck, terminally shut-down hardware. Machinic revolution must therefore go in the opposite direction to socialistic regulation; pressing towards ever more uninhibited marketization of the processes that are tearing down the social field, 'still further' with 'the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization' and 'one can never go far enough in the direction of deterritorialization: you haven't seen anything yet'.

>you can't out-Outside the Outside. you are seduced by your own fantasies of romantic Resistance *as much as by fantasies of ironic Collusion.* . stop trying to CTRL the future. you can't. eppur si muove. the more you try the worse it gets. *take the side of the Outside's inarticulable desires for itself.* they may also be your own.


>> No.11232936

I started watching the Bitcoin lectures last night.
Surprisingly good stuff.

>> No.11232943
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Among those on /lit/ who buy into NRx, do you guys consider yourself more on the Landian wing (techno-commercialism, Patchwork) or the HRx wing (absolute monarchy) ?

>> No.11232946


go outside

get some sun

>> No.11232959

So should I just stay home masturbating? Is that it?

>> No.11232979
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yeah, those are terrific. might go back and have a re-listen again. i'm falling hard for the man (again) these days. i keep trying to say, ok, ok, no more of this, but sometimes he just makes so much sense. hence the shitposting.

there's a writer named doug smythe i find pretty interesting on these things.


i pretty much take the side of *therapy,* i think. my zone is to say somewhat weird and circular things about politics as being ultimately forms of wish-fulfilment better dismantled with your analyst than at the polls. it's a kind of a weird and contradictory position maybe. i love the aesthetics of reaction and so on but some part of me thinks that politics should be such a crushingly dull enterprise leaders warrant our sympathy and not our love and devotion. like iain banks re-naming all the warships in the Culture for really boring names so as to deglorify the poetics of war.

but, i mean, i will almost certainly go back and replay europa universalis or something in the next couple of days to LARP richelieu or whatever, because i'm pathetic like that.

fuck no. it's way too hot out there

of course not. who says this? you should fall in love and do what makes you happy. miserabilism - including transcendental miserabilism - is not the point. but it may well be inscribed on bourgeois consciousness, and that is the thing to wrestle with. you can crack some of the padlocks with lacan and some with deleuze.

but no, you should probably not stay home and masturbate. or at least not without appreciating Machinic Wonderland while you do so.

>> No.11233048

After Nietzsche, on the continent you get evasive but rarely deep things in that style. While in the Anglo world you get courageously simple writing but unfortunately it is combined with brainlet ideas if not just outright subdiscipline partisanship.

And then you have those hilariously rank subhuman spectacles that combine the worst of both, like Land.

>> No.11233063
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the other reason why i posted this essay is because it seems to me like the slenderest of lockpicks in between the two things that merge to become the horrorshow of today: the fusion of neoliberalism with neomarxism, which are two failed modes of trying to box-in Capital that ultimately wind up coming to resemble each other more and more, and in the long run metastasize into the very Cathedral moldbug predicted. this in turn has produced its own mimetic doppelganger, which is Trumpism.

but these are both failing world orders predicated on trying to contain the Outside, and the Outside will not be contained. to do so is what leads to dystopia. it's why there is always this quiet romantic dimension in cyberpunk aesthetics, but 20C political modernism at its most brutal - the soviets and the nazis - essentially shows you what the results of this are. for anyone who thinks young nick was somehow unironically fascist, you should read what he has to say on the subject:

>What if - instead of 'How Do You Make Yourself A Body Without Organs?' - one were to ask: How do you make yourself a Nazi? For this is far more strenuous than the 1980 diagnosis suggests.

>1) Wherever there is impersonality and chance, introduce conspiracy, lucidity, and malice. Look for enemies everywhere, ensuring that they are such that one than simultaneously envy and condemn them. Proliferate new subjectivities; racial subjects, national subjects, elites, secret societies, destinies.

>2) Burn Freud, and take desire back to the Kantian conception of will. Wherever there is impulse represent it as choice, decision, the whole theatrical drama of volition. Introduce a gloomy atmosphere of oppressive responsibility by couching all discourses in the imperative form.

>3) Revere the principle of the great individual. Personalize and mythicize historical processes. Love obedience above all things, and enthuse only for signs; the name of the leader, the symbol of the movement, and the icons of molar identity.

>4) Foster nostalgia for what is maximally bovine, inflexible, and stagnant: a line of racially pure peasants digging the same patch of earth for eternity.

>5) Above all, resent everything impetuous and irresponsible, insist upon unrelenting vigilance, crush sexuality under its reproductive function, rigidly enforce the domestication of women, distrust art, classicize cities to eliminate the disorder of uncontrolled flows, and persecute all minorities exhibiting a nomadic tendency.

>And then you have those hilariously rank subhuman spectacles that combine the worst of both, like Land.
i disagree (even if land would disagree with me!). this is a contentious position and it's not easy to wave a foam finger for him. but some of his essays get me right in the feels. like i can feel the butterflies in my stomach rearranging themselves ever-so-subtly into different patterns.

>> No.11233072

>let us rayp ur soul 2 free u
l/acc is pathetic
die follower faggot

>> No.11233075

I don't know shit about land, but he and his fellow reactionaries seem like ordinary libertarians. They love Sowell, Hayek, Hoppe and von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. Why does he seem to view capitalism from a Marxist view point?

>> No.11233079

>i disagree (even if land would disagree with me!). this is a contentious position and it's not easy to wave a foam finger for him. but some of his essays get me right in the feels. like i can feel the butterflies in my stomach rearranging themselves ever-so-subtly into different patterns.
I don't know why you would disagree here (although actually I do, as empathic understanding can only proceed downwards, from greater consciousnesses to lesser) since what I call the worst of both continental and anglo is precisely that stunning half-breed style that hits beings like yourself right in the feels.

>> No.11233087


Land too has a certain affinity for Austrian economics.

One source of Marxist overlap is Land's instance on Capital's autonomy, but this is hardly a mainstream Marxist view.

>> No.11233091

>1) Wherever there is impersonality and chance, introduce conspiracy, lucidity, and malice. Look for enemies everywhere, ensuring that they are such that one than simultaneously envy and condemn them. Proliferate new subjectivities; racial subjects, national subjects, elites, secret societies, destinies.
The "Cathedral" has this function in Land.
>2) Burn Freud, and take desire back to the Kantian conception of will. Wherever there is impulse represent it as choice, decision, the whole theatrical drama of volition. Introduce a gloomy atmosphere of oppressive responsibility by couching all discourses in the imperative form.
Freud may have a different theory of desire but he is on team Kant here. Somebody didn't read Civilization and its Discontents.
>3) Revere the principle of the great individual. Personalize and mythicize historical processes. Love obedience above all things, and enthuse only for signs; the name of the leader, the symbol of the movement, and the icons of molar identity.
"Capital" and AI have this function in Land.
>4) Foster nostalgia for what is maximally bovine, inflexible, and stagnant: a line of racially pure peasants digging the same patch of earth for eternity.
>5) Above all, resent everything impetuous and irresponsible, insist upon unrelenting vigilance, crush sexuality under its reproductive function, rigidly enforce the domestication of women, distrust art, classicize cities to eliminate the disorder of uncontrolled flows, and persecute all minorities exhibiting a nomadic tendency.
Are those the reasons he now lives in China? Lmao

>> No.11233100

good thread, reading

>> No.11233126
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>Why does he seem to view capitalism from a Marxist view point?

have you read him? he starts from marx because capital is for real. what's different about him is that he's following from D&G, who matter because they're the guys attacking the marx-freud (and marx-lacan) relationship.

but both deleuze and guattari remain marxists for all of that. land is writing about that marx-deleuze relationship. but he's also doing a kind of weird voodoo with deleuze as well by introducing these aspects of cyberneticism and other things. with all kinds of unusual results.

>I don't know why you would disagree here (although actually I do, as empathic understanding can only proceed downwards, from greater consciousnesses to lesser) since what I call the worst of both continental and anglo is precisely that stunning half-breed style that hits beings like yourself right in the feels.

YES. HNNG. i love meeting beings from the Higher Planes of Consciousness. how can this not be a net positive. cannot get enough of being discriminated against by angels and the ascended

pic rel: it's you. that tiny goblinoid thing with the helmet: that's me. destroy me with your light senpai. my body is ready
>brb going to masturbate

well sure. Old Nick is not Young Nick. i mainly made this thread to praise like an acne-riddle fanboy dipshit for Young Nick

the Tale of Nick is a long one