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/lit/ - Literature

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11232106 No.11232106 [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon, will you please read to me tonight? I really love the sound of your voice."
What book do you grab?

>> No.11232109

blood meridian

>> No.11232112

Something like Robinson Crusoe or a story by Mark Twain

>> No.11232115


>> No.11232116

>Grab IJ
>flip to Wardine be Cry

>> No.11232117

Fallout: Equestria.

>> No.11232118

Some Mike Hammer novel

>> No.11232122

Shit eating scene from GR

>> No.11232127

my gf has literally asked me to read her some of my poetry

>> No.11232129
File: 1.23 MB, 1067x870, kasachstan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls often tell me I have a great low voice. It's also the reason why, when I match some chick on tinder, I try to do some meaningless voice message asap. Sadly, really, I never read much as a kid and I'm not good at reading something to someone. I'd probably be ashamed.
That being said - and this goes for "what movie to watch with a girl" as well as books - I'd read something that's of interest to me. I won't consume some media for one to two hours merely to ease a girl or get in her pants. As soon as you treat girls like you know they really like to get dicked, they will also not hide it. That is to say: If a girl comes back to your place, it is because she hopes you don't fuck things up and you'll give her the sex. I usually watch history documentaries or biographies with girls, or movies (commonly thrillers) that I simply have on my to-watch list.
So what would I read? Probably a biographic piece of some interesting person. I'm not into novels. And most textbooks or philosophy don't work without context, if you jump straight into it.
If I talk literature with a girl, I listen or ask them which period they have the most interest in. Then I try to recall what I know about the time, or authors at that time, and what they think of those peoples ideologies or perspectives, or have such things explain to me.

>> No.11232130

Howl maybe

>> No.11232135

Considering taking some time off the internet, a couple of weeks will do you good

>> No.11232138


>> No.11232144
File: 2.99 MB, 4500x2989, mein-kampf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Kampf, specifically the chapter 'Nation and Race'

>> No.11232146

Man, I just sit here in a chill cafe eating lunch on my holiday. Sorry for responding in an overly verbose fashion to a shirt questions, but that's just what I think about the topic.

>> No.11232149

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.11232177
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>> No.11232182


>> No.11232185

Fuck you, I wanted to post that.

>> No.11232217

Letters on the Spanish inquisition

>> No.11232233

No book. I recount from memory the tale of when I bashed some autist's head in.

>> No.11232236

are you the confederate general from big sur?

>> No.11232247

I grab my cock (11 inches) and have sexcks with her

>> No.11232252

schopenhauer: on women

>> No.11232258
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>Haha, thanks, but I'm pretty damn tired. I need to get up for work tomorrow. I'm going to go to bed.
>Are you sure?
>Yeah, sorry, but I really don't want to read right now. How about tomorrow?
>All right, tomorrow. Well, good night.
>Good night.

>> No.11232276

I read her the entire story of The Old Man and the Sea from memory, and tell her that she will need to be able to pass the story on to our offspring by rote as well.

>> No.11232281

Finnegans Wake

>> No.11232282

Letters to Nora

>> No.11232288


>> No.11232370

This wouldn't happen because I sound like the professor brothers fused together

>> No.11232390


>> No.11232410

My voice is probably the least attractive feature I have. And I don't like to speak for extended periods of time, my throat gets really dry and it feels really uncomfortable.
Not gonna happen sweetie

>> No.11232416
File: 21 KB, 400x400, dgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once recited whatever I could remember from Frodo's description of Valinor while giving my ex-girlfriend a massage. I left out all the LotR giveaways and made her believe it was inspired by her. She almost started to cry and said it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.
I also pretended to have lost a copy Lolita that she had loaned me when in fact I just wanted to keep it for myself.

She's doing much better than me now though, bless her heart.

>> No.11232437

My gf and i hitchhiked around and read to eachother from Descartes for a while. Then we read a lot of scifi.

>> No.11232443

>reads philosophy and sci-fi
How ugly and/or autistic is she?

>> No.11232469
File: 25 KB, 490x344, oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pet the kitty

>> No.11232493

You keep da money

>> No.11232495

Very pretty. Also quite spergy.

>> No.11232498

Ride the Tiger