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/lit/ - Literature

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11230727 No.11230727 [Reply] [Original]

What is your reading schedule like? I’m guessing (most of) you guys have work and/or school, what time in the day do you set aside for reading?

>> No.11230872

I usually like to read in the evening as I'm winding down for the day. If it's during the weekend then during the afternoon.

>> No.11230894

Generally the afternoon after I pick up the kiddo from school I just have music on and read in between cooking or cleaning. The kids either play, read, or do homework. So generally from 2:30-7pm I am reading every free moment excluding dinner. Then one kiddo has an extra curricular two hours a week, which I use to read, and then our weekly trip to the library, where I don't often get much reading done, but I book browse.

>> No.11230931

For about a year now I've been waking up a few hours early to read before I leave for work. It's usually the only guaranteed alone time I can count on. Adulthood can be a bit of a downer sometimes.

>> No.11230958

I read at work lol

>> No.11231053

I work from 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM so I don't really read anymore at all.

>> No.11231077

>I work from 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM
I'm so so sorry.

>> No.11231082

Bring a light book with me to read any chance, I get, but an hour at night for dedicated novel.

>> No.11231099
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i mostly only read on my lunch break ( 1 hour ) or when Im waiting for something/one plus audiobooks

>> No.11231142
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>I work from 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM

>> No.11231216

I'm an English teacher in Japan. I leave home at 6:15, do admin and set up logistics from 6:30-8:00, teach or spend time with the kids from 8:00-3:45 (6 lessons every day), tear down logistics from 3:45-4:30, do lesson planning and prep for the next day from 4:30-7:00, walk my stuff over to my other school (I switch every day and I'm not moving 200 lbs first thing in the morning) from 7:00-8:00, and get home at 9:00, and start on supper and chores. I get paid 230,000 yen a month. I think I'm going to quit soon.

>> No.11232289
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>I’m guessing (most of) you guys have work and/or school
NEET here. I read somewhere between 3-4h a day at random periods for 1h each. I also write from 2-5h, but that is a whole other thing.

>> No.11232302

Whose stand is this?

>> No.11232307

sounds like a shit job, wthat is admin work and logistics that you have to do it everyday

>> No.11232312

>being a childrencuck

>> No.11232314

Well mostly audiobooks at work, 1h when i go around work in the morning, and ~1h again leter in the day.
Most days will turn the audio book before bed too.

>> No.11232326

That's really horrible.
I wait tables 5-9 hours a dag and get paid 1500 a month.
That being said I also pay 650 for a tiny room very far from the town centre and have a very expensive drug abuse problem, so I would prefer better paying job but seeing what you do i'm ok getting paid hourly.

>> No.11232333

I have to double check my schedule to make sure all the classes are scheduled correctly and that the curriculum lessons I have slotted in are the correct ones and print off my schedule for the day. I have to unpack my suitcase and reorganize the contents into lesson packs for the right lessons. Then I have to wheel the suitcase upstairs to my staging area and unpack the contents. I then move the TVs outside the first classrooms on each floor and place the correct lesson packs and other material on the TVs so setup goes as quickly as possible when that class starts. If I have multiple lessons for that day in the same grade I just have to wheel the TV between classrooms between classes. At the end of the day I have to return all the TVs to their storage areas and carry my suitcase downstairs and resort all the materials into their proper lesson packs and return any materials I won't need anymore to deep storage.

>> No.11232340

>230,000 yen a month
is that a lot?

>> No.11232396

2,100 USD before taxes but I only get that 9 months out of the year. 2 months partial pay and 1 month no pay.

Cost of living her is more expensive but rent is cheaper once you get past key money and move out fees.

>> No.11232405

8 to 18: shitpost on 4chan
19 to midnight: read

>> No.11232424

You can teach English in America for more money than that.

>> No.11233001

t. incel

>> No.11233225

i watch anime all day but at some random point i will read 1-3 chapters of a book

>> No.11233716

i binge read, i am so busy with work and kid that time its a luxury, so I read 2 books this weekend

>> No.11233723

After i get off work, I unwind with entertainment like sports, 4chan, YoUTube, etc., then read for an hour or two.

>> No.11233753

>being a genetic dead end

>> No.11233883

Whenever I don't drink

>> No.11235800


>> No.11236466

Pass on the burden, maybe they'll find the answer

>> No.11236496 [DELETED] 

I tried reading at university once but it's hard to concentrate. Now I only read in the evenings.

People say that universities are degenerate places with too much to offer browns and queers. Granted, they stock Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey, and they even named the cafe after that book. But they also stock good ol' J.B. Peterson.

>> No.11237525

Train on way in to school
During lunch
Before bed

>> No.11239053

>/lit/ posting
>A bit of sleep

>> No.11240957

need reading schedule suggestions myself

>> No.11241213

>raising your children
Top pleb

>> No.11242427
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t. Is too busy raising his wife's boyfriend's children to have kids of his own

>> No.11242449

I have started to put an audiobook on during work everyday for like 7 hours

>> No.11242817

Work 6am for 6-8hrs, errands, exercise, bullshit/hobbies, get ready for tomorrow, read until i fall asleep. Sometimes 15 minutes sometimes an hour (usually dependent on how much i love the author)

>> No.11242849

I usually read 7pm-8pm and then 9pm for 10-30 minutes or whenever I fall asleep