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File: 8 KB, 250x229, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11228173 No.11228173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that 35 year old boomer who refuse to read translated book

>> No.11228176

go away. saged

>> No.11228197
File: 23 KB, 464x352, 1519593159522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11228545

I don't even fucking get this meme. Is it referring to 35> year old people who act like they are boomers, or is there a subset of 35> year old people with the characteristics of a boomer?

>> No.11228852

Hahaha total boomer over here.

>> No.11228919

It's a boomer who's been a boomer for 35 years

>> No.11228945

its someone who isn't a nazi that listens to 6ix9i9e or whatever else the public has decided you should care about. its someone who is imitating their parents subconsciously in their morality, aesthetic proclivities and style of thought. Basically, civnats, whignats who have archaic taste and humor, convert millenial catholics, the bloggers, neo-libs both DNC and RNC, people who support marxism post-Trump, anyone who isn't totally inundated with the venom of 2010's dating landscape is a boomer. you could be an 18 year old who really likes Evola, listens to vaporwave still and harps about hypergamy and be a boomer technically. I would say most lolberts are by definition boomers since they're forced to adulate the finance parasite happy merchant class and the eternal GDP egregore. The only way to avoid being a boomer is to get laid and be irreverent towards all social institutions or to be unbelievably psychotic and ensconced totally in NEET episodic consciousness. The former requires Nazism, the latter being addicted to borderline CP animu.

this is an evolution of the "in-group' shit they were doing about a year ago., its the same sociopathy. at least this time it harms mostly whignats, civnats, marxists and feminist neo-libs

>> No.11228970
File: 33 KB, 640x360, bossolmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I'm redpilled but still a boomer.
Should I just leave?

>> No.11229013

why do you care at all if nihilistic sociopaths who piggy backed off of a CIA sponsored election (on both sides) think you're a fag and don't want to associate with you? Why would you let them form a de facto social hierarchy of values? There's no such thing at all. Their shit is unbelievably gay, 6ix9i9e sounds like Lil John imitating mumble rap its extremely fucking embarassing. If you have a good ear for hip hop and even for bad popular rap you can tell its a meme, purely people who had nothing at all to do with the culture forcing their parodic interpretation of it through their high social status networks, its fucking bad man. Its idiot rap enthusiasts parody of what he would do if he could craft an artist from scratch. He and lil peep are WORSE than the nonsense with migos and lil yachty that's how fucking gay it is. Their whole thing is tinder, cheating, pills, voting for Trump post-ironically and being embarassed on behalf of everyone else. Why would you care? They're not even human anymore. I don't get how anyone could feel ashamed of being called "gay" by people who go out of their way to exalt the gayest things in existence: modern sexuality, modern anti-culture and they do it with the intent of upsetting actual faggots, the boomers, that's the gayest most unbecoming and congenitally exhausted kind of world view you could have. Just do whatever it is that was helping you develop a sense of Self, I guess now you know that people can easily parody you and make you into something grotesque you wouldn't want to have to claim. Use them as a barometer for your predictability other than that, they're fucking faggots, memes are gay, rap is gay, tinder sex is gay, sex is gay in general, Trump is a pedo faggot and there's nothing interesting about Nazism.

>> No.11229039

>that 16 year old boomer who doesn't get the "X year old boomer" meme

>> No.11229075


>> No.11229078

>already a 27 year old boomer and haven't finished my first novel

There's no hope for me anymore.

>> No.11229925

>that 12 year old octogenarian who hasn't read Hegel yet

>> No.11230304

Look, it's so easy to understand millennial humor, even if it's not your humor. Every joke is so simple, and it's all the same, the joke is that they take something that makes sense, and they mix it with familiarity and blatant stupidity.

For example, "don't" is for some reason considered less intelligent than "do not" by millennial because it is less formal. So they created a meme where they just add "n't" to the end of everything positive to make a negative.

Stop = Gon't, etc.

That is the joke, they are adding stupidity and familiarity to something that can be copy and pasted on several different words.

The boomer joke is that boomers are old, and kids who make millennial humor are young, so this guy is pretending that 35 year olds are actually old guys (relative to the millennials) and the joke IS that. The joke is that millennials consider many normal ages to be old, because they are just kids, so they can change the subject or age freely with knowledge of that fact to make additional copies of the joke, as well as using the same image every time for the familiarity aspect.

>> No.11230319

I commemorate your effort, but you may be reading too much into this dumb meme