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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.11227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did /fit/ and /lit/ merge?

>> No.11229

budget cuts

>> No.11230

Check date, moron

>> No.11231

>Seriously not realizing the date.

>> No.11232

Because I lift at the library

>> No.11233


you got pranked bro

>> No.11234

yeah wtf happened

>> No.11237

>April 1st
>why did something strange happen on the internet?
really makes you thinkity dink

>> No.11238

This is both is amusing, and annoying, I couldn't care less for /fit/ if I tried.

>> No.11240

honestly i feel like this has improved the quality of /lit/ somewhat

>> No.11241

The brainlet thing was getting out of hand, you wouldn't believe how many people in old /fit/ thought creatine was safe.

>> No.11243

>not training your body and your mind

>> No.11246



>> No.11248

This is an improvement.

>> No.11251

I'm not a /fit/ poster but what's the problem with Creatine

>> No.11253

Frank Yang became a mod.

>> No.11254

>not training your brain

>> No.11261

for all the ones mentioning that it is 1st April don't forget that not everyones lives in the shithole of the world

>> No.11263

I don't see any other boards having been merged.

>> No.11265


>> No.11271

/m/ and /o/ was the only other one I found

>> No.11274


>> No.11276

Fitness is a meme and the /fit/ board was too slow

>> No.11284


>> No.11288

There's /co/ and /ck/, as well as /fa/ and /p/.
Can't find others.

>> No.11292

I'm sad the other boards didn't get unlikely but sensible merges, as well.

>> No.11293

yeah, also found /cock/ lel

>> No.11294

What does that even mean?

>> No.11295


yeah I have checked and nothing else

i hope /pol/ and /lgtb/ finally became one

>> No.11296

/c/ and /an/
/fa/ and /p/
/co/ and /ck/
/m/ and /o/

>> No.11311

People pretend it has the same side effects as anabolic steroid use, such as shrunken testicles and balding, but with effects far surpassing that of any performance enhancing drug.

In reality it's one of the few supplements that can have a significant effect, albeit mild.

>> No.11320

Why is the post count so low? It can't have got this high in the past ... ten minutes or however long this has been going on.

>> No.11321

>i hope /pol/ and /lgtb/ finally became one
i hope for /pol/ and /mlp/

>> No.11331

/mlpol/ is coming, check the front page popular threads.

>> No.11338

Because having healthy mind and body is most important to general health. Ancient Greeks figured it out

>> No.11342

It's April 1st everywhere except for New Zealand and kiwis are not humans.

>> No.11356

/fa/ got cucked.

>> No.11366

Tomorrow when the boards are separated again, what happens to these newly created threads and the ones that came before?

What are the post counts going to be?

I'm scared /fitlit/

>> No.11373

moot would never have allowed this

is this the end of /fit/?

>> No.11381
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>> No.11475

Oh fair enough thanks dood

>> No.11489

it keeps bugging out for me and going back to just /lit/ and back again when i refresh, it's very annoying tbqh