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/lit/ - Literature

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1122646 No.1122646 [Reply] [Original]

What are you gonna do with your liberal arts degree?

>> No.1122652

Probably go to the unemployment office

>> No.1122665

I'm going to need scraps for the fire in my trash can when I'm homeless.

/at least i'm thinking ahead

>> No.1122674


In a van.

Down by the river.


>> No.1122683
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>PhD in philosophy
>no job I want
>25k starting

>> No.1122684

motherfucking spoilers why won't you work for me?!!

every damn time. and i did right, didn't i?

>> No.1122687


spoiler, not spoilers

>> No.1122689


>> No.1122692

maybe the word's not plural?

>> No.1122699


Now that I've gotten my liberal arts degree it's time to get a degree that is worth something.

Probably go into science or engineering or economics or someshit

>> No.1122708

u don't have to end spoilers if you're not going back to normal text

>> No.1122711

I'm applying for teach for america :]

and if I don't get it I'll just work on a farm for a bit. I don't care.

or I'll apply to work for a non profit. again, I don't care.

I would actually be extremely happy doing all three things :D

>> No.1122712

I'll teach. You know, wreak havoc on still-forming minds by impressing the horrors of 4chan?

>> No.1122718

Do Archival Work after grad school. high five the fellow Hard Science majors who also can't find work but I had to put in less effort for the same pay off.

>> No.1122729

Liberal arts degree? Fuck that shit, I'm getting a science degree... Double major mathematics and geology niggers.

>> No.1122737

teach and become a professor.

>> No.1122739
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>Double major mathematics and geology niggers

I came.

>> No.1122746

Geochemistry major here. I would have been a double geology and chemistry, but the college I go to offers a straight geochem so it worked out.
Let's be friends.

>> No.1122748

Nothing, i'm just wasting time.

>> No.1122757

I... Liberal arts includes both mathematics and geology. The hard sciences are a liberal art. I don't look at these threads often. Is it possible that no one has noticed this?

>> No.1122775


by liberal arts we mean soft sciences and things that don't involve quantitative thinking

philosophy, psych, sociology, english, history, etc

things no one really values in the real world

>> No.1122783


Don't confused 'the job market' with 'the real world'.

>> No.1122785
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>because I won't be getting one
>because I'll be getting a Journalism degree
>because I'll be working some snooty important newspaper
>because I'll quit that job
>because I'll get a doctorate in ancient history and folklore
>because I'll die and old badass who taught youngsters about Corineus and Beowulf for 50 years at the university of Glasgow


>> No.1122791

Are you an engineering student?

Please be honest

>> No.1122794


that sounds awesome, i'd have a big white beard

>> No.1122795

>Another person from Glasgow uni

Right this is getting ridiculous now, that's like 4 people in one day

>> No.1122798

>don't involve quantitative thinking
>sociology, psychology
What? I take it statistics also do not count as mathematics now as well, then.

>> No.1122800


>Are you an engineering student?

No. Im a math/econ/statistics student. Probably going to specialize in statistical analysis or economics.

>> No.1122807


intro to statistics doesnt' count as math

psychology and sociologists can't do math, they hire statisticians to do real math for them

>> No.1122809

Assuming you don't have a passion for literature I'm not aware of, you've came onto /lit/ with the sole purpose of attempting to undermine liberal arts degrees and boost your own ego?

Pretty sad bro. It's people like you that made me migrate here from /sci/.

>> No.1122818


appreciating literature and pursuing a liberal arts degree are two totally different things. The former is a fun hobby, the latter is a waste of time.

>> No.1122831

That's your opinion, some people may already have vocational degrees(Such as myself) but also do a liberal arts degree alongside, purely because it's the best way to learn about said subject and get involved in the academic community. Some people might not even want to study vocational degrees, like many people ITT have shown.

The world doesn't end with jobs, like you seem to think. I think you're the one here not living in the 'real world'.

>> No.1122838

Even if that were universally true, physicists use mathematics consultants all the time, as do many hard scientists. Much more common in many of the sciences is the distributed use of computer programs to perform the math for you. Its not as if social scientists don't understand the mathematical basis of their experiments. They couldn't publish if they didn't. Whether a consultant, a math program, or a pocket calculator does the math for you is irrelevant.

Social scientists draw samples, gather quantitative data, and analyze it. That's quantitative thinking.

>> No.1122850

>Implying print media jobs exist

>> No.1122851


ya some people need to have their hands held in order to learn. Those people are suckers. You can get the same education for free with just a library card.

The world isn't either or. I'd rather pursue a degree in passionate about and that has a real world application along with challenging career options.

There is nothing challenging about a liberal arts degree and there are no interesting or challenging careers available after you have one. You won't contribute to society in any meaningful sense either.

Liberal arts degrees are selfish, useless, very easy to attain (slackers and pot heads specialize in them), and overall they aren't worth the money.

>> No.1122856


>Social scientists draw samples, gather quantitative data, and analyze it. That's quantitative thinking.

again you are talking about intro level stuff. And the type of analysis they do is mostly qualitative.

That's like saying Cashiers use quantitative thinking. Ya technically in a very childish way, they do. But you can't compare it to a real hard science...its a joke.

>> No.1122858

Again, confusing 'real world application' with 'job market'.

You're being an idiot on many levels, believing in stereotypes, dismissing the study of areas you have clearly never studied, seriously think literature/history/philosophy etc don't contribute to society and probably most oddly you think that a degree in a subject is no different to reading about it.

You're compltely misinformed and your whole argument is based on ignorance. Believe me, you're not going to be convincing anyone here, I would stop wasting your time.

>> No.1122865

Some people want to learn

Some people want money

You're the latter

>> No.1122866

I always like the implication that somehow a Library Card would substitute for working alongside the actual professors who specialize in the field or that my Job (Historical Preservation) could be quickly learned by any person with access too a textbook on the subject. Wouldn't consequently the same thing apply to any Hard Science or Engineering specialty? I assume they have those books at the much maligned library as well...

>> No.1122868

I often find the people who make these threads are college freshmen who are just getting into their Engineering/Hard Science elitist mindset being totally oblivious of the terrible job market for Engineering grads (At least in my State) but because they actually trust the BLS and College Advisors have pounded into them that because they are engineering majors life will be handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.1122869

Be a high school teacher.

>> No.1122873


There are plenty of sociologists who are expert statisticians themselves. If you look at sociology phd programs at top schools, they all include heavy statistics training.

>> No.1122877


One of my friends has a degree in philosophy, the other has a degree in anthropology. One works at an ice cream shop, the other is going to some third world country to teach english.

Their degrees were useless. As students they were slackers yet managed to pull Bs and A-. They went to class high and hung over. Liberal arts degrees ARE A FUCKEN JOKE.

Could they have cut it in a physics or engineering class? ROFL. No. You can't get by with 2hours of homework a week and missing half of your lectures(which they did).

I got an engineering degree and I actually like my job and see a few interesting and lucrative options I have in the future.

While philosophy/history/etc are important to society, a university degree in those fields is irrelevant. A smart person can become a historical scholar on his own. A smart person can become a philosopher on his own. Having a degree in a liberal art means nothing because the course work is garbage-easy, and because it doesn't provide you with any work opportunities.

If the degrees were challenging and created people with actual skills, then I'd forgive them for not having a "practical application". BUT I SEE WHAT THEY PRODUCE. I see all the fucken idiots who get psych degrees and english degrees and philosophy degrees. They are 90% fucken retards, they don't deserve to have a university degree.

>> No.1122885


>Wouldn't consequently the same thing apply to any Hard Science or Engineering specialty? I assume they have those books at the much maligned library as well...

No you stupidface. Engineering and hard science programs have extremely hard course-work that 90% of the students will need help with from a tutor/teacher/ta. They also REQUIRE hands on experience with EXPENSIVE and sophisticated machinery to do labs with...so no. A library card and self-study won't cut it. Unless you are super fucken smart and super rich, and can afford to build your own high-tech lab.

>> No.1122886

I'll just do another degree in something slightly more useful. Still wondering what. Probably linguistics.

I doubt that'll take me anywhere either, so I might just learn welding afterward. That always seemed like a nice job to me.

>> No.1122887


>Having a degree in a liberal art means nothing because the course work is garbage-easy, and because it doesn't provide you with any work opportunities.

While i disagree with a lot of your inane bullshit, I have to agree with this. I was expecting my philosophy classes to be much more challenging, yet they all seem superficial and watered down.

>> No.1122892

Ah so in reality it isn't the worth of the degree it's just your intellectual vanity and idea of self worth that come into play. Yes, a good deal of *college graduates* don't have a fucking clue what they want to do with their lives. This includes people in Engineering and the Hard Sciences who are simply in it because they know it's "good money" but they end up getting horribly burned out by the age of thirty. The Next time you go to a trade conference look around and see how many engineers you can find who are

A. Over the Age of 40
and B. American.

Engineering is a field with ridiculously high burnout although the same could be said about IT/CS.

>> No.1122893

>I got an engineering degree

I fucking knew it you liar. Oh, well if we're going to count personal experience is irrefutable evidence:

All engineering/business students I know did so because they couldn't get into better vocational degrees such as medicine or dentistry.

As someone who did joint honours in law and philosophy, there are smart and stupid people in both subjects. However, the lazy people don't make it past 2nd year in either subject. I would admit that law is the more difficult of subjects, but only in that it requires more rote learning than independent thought. I would consider philosophy the more challenging of the two in that respect, and excelling in either is equally hard.

Now, you'll proabably be saying 'But that's bullshit! It doesn't match my experiences at all!'.

That's because basing your arguments on a few people you know is retarded.

>> No.1122897

I dunno I thought the forty page paper I had to write on "Byzantine Ethics" wasn't exactly a cake walk, neither was having to read the original source material (In this case Greek with some Latin thrown in). I mean I guess I could have self studied the languages but I think it would have been a bitch.

>> No.1122898


Well at least they have the option for success, and the possibility of finding work they like.

There is no work for a philosophy major, except flipping burgers.

So even if the burn out rate is 50%, that leaves half of the engineers at least content with their work, and some even very happy and excited about their work

Who the fuck is gonna be excited about working at starbucks after wasting 4 years doing a super easy, no brain liberal arts degree...

>> No.1122899

I think that's an unfair comparison, since it relies on a wholly undefined threshold of value for quantitative thinking. You have grouped social scientists, who, I can only assure you, regularly engage in more complex statistical analysis than the simple ANOVAs and T-tests you have characterized, with cashiers, who engage in simple arithmetic calculations with no analytic purpose whatsoever. Meanwhile, you group biologists, whose conclusions are more taxonomic than explanatory and are regularly based on minimally reproduced observation, with physicists, who are required to demonstrate their principles at much higher levels of predictability and rigor. The line you draw is indistinct, and in my mind, quite unbalanced.

>> No.1122902

>Happy and excited about their work.
Have you MET an engineering major?

>> No.1122904

No one does a philosophy degree for a job. They are: Doing it as an interest subject/wanting to be an academic/wanting to teach that subject

Is it really so hard for you to grasp that there is more to life than your salary? You're looking insecure as hell here, I have to say.

>> No.1122905

I agree that the degree itself is useless, and there's a lot of lazy people doing a Liberal Arts degrees. I only respect students doing a Liberal Arts degree if:

*They are doing some tutoring/TAship and wants to be a teacher or professor.
*They are actually interning in a publishing house or a literary magazine with hopes in being an editor.
*Technical writers (who to be honest make decent amount of money).

Those who just get stoned and show up to class to spout incomprehensible rhetoric just wasted money (or my money if they are getting financial aid).

>> No.1122908
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> Get a Liberal Arts Degree
> Enlist in the Navy after college as a CTR (Cryptology Signals)
> All Student Loan debit forgiven and on fast track for OCS for becoming an Information Warfare Officer
> mfw

Seriously, if you can't find work enlist in the USN or the USAF. Intelligence jobs love College Grads because we can actually *think* as opposed to say a just graduated high school student.

>> No.1122909

Goddamn it, not one of these threads again.

Also, I'm pretty sure your friends just suck.

A liberal arts degree can be very challenging, but making it so rests more on the students' shoulder than other degrees. If you ask around and seek out those intellectually demanding professors and rigorous classes, it'll be worth your time.

The liberal arts can teach you how to think, but you have to want to learn.

>A smart person can become a historical scholar on his own

Bullshit. Accreditation plays as much into the academic job market as any.

>> No.1122911

>There is no work for a philosophy major, except flipping burgers.

This is what engineering students really believe.

On the other hand, I know several friends who took engineering and computer science and they've got shit jobs as well. durp personal experience hurp.

>> No.1122914


I only group biologists with physicists if the biologists are doing heavy quant work. IF they are working on advanced genetic algorithms, then they are probably hard-science. It's not a black and white line for biologists, a lot of them I would consider soft-science like psychology.

If you are doing graduate level math, then you have a hard-science. If you are doing senior (3rd, 4th) year math, then you are in between.

If you are only doing 1st or 2nd year university math, then you are a soft science.

>> No.1122915

...It's always engineering students, every fucking time.

>> No.1122916

Ding Ding Ding! Engineering and IT are terrible job fields and have been since the dot-com bubble burst. Hell just mosey on over to www.dice.com and read some of those forums.

My friends who graduated from CS (I was a CS major until i swapped into History my third year) can't find a job beyond helpdesk to save there lives.

>> No.1122917


ITT: liberal arts fags wish they did something productive with their lives

>> No.1122920

You're assuming that any and all degrees at the undergraduate level don't have a large majority of slacking faggots, with only the most hard-working and intelligent people actually using their degrees. It seems, at least to me, that having a piece of paper at the end of the day is the whole point for the majority of people and their prospective dead-end job employers.

>> No.1122922
File: 94 KB, 407x405, Confucius-say-Choose-a-job-you-love-and-you-will-never-have-to-work-a-day-in-your-life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't psychology also have biology in it? I mean, don't you have to study brain chemistry, make up, and neuroscience?

pic related to overall conversation, but not directly related to this post.

>> No.1122923


check any recent career survey, usually chemical, petroleum, electrical and computer engineers are the highest paid bachelor degrees, usually starting at 50-80k / year

if only you guys had brains and could research instead of just making up lies about how you want the world to be...BUT I GUESS Humanities fags dont care about "FACTS"

>> No.1122925

>BUT I GUESS Humanities fags dont care about "FACTS"

Oh the irony

>> No.1122930


it's not irony if it's completely true in every sense idiot

go look up some career surveys for most lucrative and most in demand jobs in north america

top 10 are always filled with engineers or mathematical jobs (Actuaries, etc)

>> No.1122931

>implying I graduated college


>> No.1122932

You missed the part about the majority of them not finding employment

>> No.1122934


My brother graduated from CS in UBC last year. He's the only one of his friends with a job. A job writing manuals for cellphones at Nokia. It's actually pretty bitching but much less glorified from what most people still in the program believe.

And a lot of my friends are either in engineering or CS.
The engineering guys fucking hate it and hate the fact that the odds of them getting a job after graduation is slim as fuck and the CS guys think that getting a job at Blitz (spongebob shovelware games) is exciting.

>> No.1122937

I would never, ever, have chosen a liberal arts degree if I didn't know what I wanted to do with it. I thought that's just what people did, but I guess not.
ITT: why you never make people decide what they want to be when they're 18 years old.

>> No.1122939


lol i thought philosophy majors and psych majors were in huge demand now

they have such interesting opinions and problem solving skills

LOL poor slackers with no skills and no knowledge, probably forgot 70% of the useless shit they learned in undergrad

>> No.1122942
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> mfw you believe the BLS




Enjoy your outsourcing!

>> No.1122943

Oh, fuck you. Salary is not everything. In fact, studies say people making between $40,000-$60,000 are most satisfied with their lives, probably because they can do something they're passionate about and still possess a decent lifestyle.

Anyway, your point has nothing to do with the post to which you refer.

>> No.1122945

No one does humanities for a job, or very few.

You're arguing a moot point

>> No.1122951

u jelly OP

>> No.1122956


I'm not in engineering but my friend is and he's always bitching about the fact that the job market is extremely tough and that the chances of actually getting a job is about the same as getting into the met orchestra. You up against hundreds of other people, all but one of them ending up unemployed and depressed. Just because there are a lot of jobs starting with a high salary doesn't mean that anybody but the most lucky is actually going to get that job.

>> No.1122959

CS Majors tend to be idealistic that *somehow* they aren't going to be doing I.T. work for 40k a year for the rest of their lives. The people who make big money in IT (The CTO's and System Analysts) tend to have a Liberal Arts undergrad (or an MIS) and then go on to get a Masters in Infomration Management or an MBA with a IS Specialization. No one wants to pay their dues anymore and everyone thinks the degree they earn is somehow a meal ticket to a life of prosperity and happiness. Its the whole attitude of entitlement that pisses me off. Also congrats on your friend getting a Job! IT is a hard as fuck job market to break into.

>> No.1122961


>articles from 2004, 2005, predicting the death of engineering careers

>lets look at 2010, if their predictions were right

>cool, engineering jobs are top 20 in North America in 2010

hey buddy, I bet humanity majors wrote your articles...cuz they are totally wrong HAHAHAHAAH


>> No.1122962
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> mfw you didn't read the comments by engineers

>> No.1122964


Or they can get Masters/Phds in comp sci and make 150k starting as Quants for business companies...

>> No.1122966
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This thread is full of it.

>> No.1122972


Always going to be disgruntled comments in every career on earth. Fact is, engineers still have the top 20 jobs in North America.

How about we do a survey on humanities fags and see how they like their careers? I know money doesn't matter to many of them, but is flipping a burger or serving coffee really worth it? LOL.

>> No.1122973

ITT: Engineering fags don't understand how the job market works

Hell, I'm a law student and even I know if I come out with anything short of an exceptional degree I will be in serious employment trouble. I hope you're a first year, because you have some serious growing up to do.

>> No.1122975

Anyone mind answering this, please?

>> No.1122976

Well then at this point, it seems like the judgment is all down to individual differences between scientists, rather than differences between the disciplines as a whole. Psychology and sociology vary from the wildly conjectural to the expressly quantitative just as biology does.
I will say this: If it has been published and it isn't a case study (as is more and more the case), chances are it falls at the very least into your middle category, involving numerical data, hypothesis testing, replication, and measures of validity and reliability.
After that, more complex math has little relationship to the veracity of the science. Replicability is the closest thing we have to an acid test for scientific truth.

>> No.1122978


Yeah he thought he was going to be in games or something when he started. Though now he lives in Norway, getting free cruises and shit loads of money for glorified tech support.

Still, point is that while my bro was lucky, most everybody else he knows wasn't. And chances are the lone engineering student in this thread is just trying to make himself feel better about working 10 times harder than his stoner friends and still ending up in a shit dead end job at wallmart.

>> No.1122980

IF and this is the big question, IF they can find a Job.

Folks it's a recession and Tech still hasn't recovered from the .com bubble.

In my home state (Oregon) Intel and HP are packing up shop and sending their factories over to Northern China.



>> No.1122983


Ya, no one said it's supposed to be easy. If you want easy go do an english degree and then go to law school.

If you want something challenging, lucrative, and meaningful do science or medicine

lol law school, enjoy making 50k starting and working 16hour days for assholes all day.

>> No.1122987


Yes. A big chunk of it is about drugs and brain shit.

>> No.1122989

Yes, most state universities require at least an introductory survey of neuroscience, or a course on physiological psychology or sensation and perception.

That doesn't put a psychology degree on par with a neurology specialization by any means, however, and while biological focus is gaining influence in psychological circles, it by no means defines the area.

>> No.1122992

They'll have other job plans lined up, if they weren't an idiot, and have became experts on their passion in life. They may even get a job out of it and be a professor or such, where they will be able to study this passion for a living.

On the other hand, the best you can hope for is employment in an intellectually unstimulating job, admittedly higher paid.

Different strokes etc I suppose

>> No.1122993


who gives a fuck, at least they have jobs they can be laid off from.

while humanities majors go straight to unemployment and stay there until burger king starts calling

>> No.1122994

Fellow Law Student bro, shit's scary. I know very few of us have been able to find any sort of clerkship, although i'll admit I'm only in a T2

>> No.1122995

Sir, you strike me as the kind of person who filters out information if it does not agree to his former beliefs. No offence, though.

You believe in engineering as the best job due to the fact that it has a high salary. The point is, even if most engineers have a high salary, there's no way of reaching it with a limited amount of job slots.

For some of us, it's just not worth the stress of going through a difficult course that we might just end up hating and find ourselves jobless after all of it.

>> No.1122998

Not American bro, we have it slightly better over here.

If you're wanting intellectual snob points though it blows your engineering degree out of the water.

>> No.1122999

No dipshit, they don't. Starting Jobs for STEM are pretty much gone. Their are hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of unemployed Engineers who are just getting by on Contract Work hoping somehow the industry turns around and stops outsourcing shit and importing more H1-B's.

>> No.1123000


>They'll have other job plans lined up, if they weren't an idiot,

it's going to be unskilled, uncertified, unvaluable work..things anyone on earth can do who has a brain.
they have nothing that sets them apart and makes an employer want them.

99% of liberal arts fags can't make it as profs because there isn't enough demand for prof positions. They willl most likely work shitty jobs and when they are 50 become part-time lecturers in the summer...lol

and they'll lecture unmotivated slackers because everyone knows humanities are easy breezy degrees

>> No.1123002

>people still think that degrees will guarantee them a job

>> No.1123004
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> mfw this thread reacts to a College Freshman doing the typical engineer dick waving dance.

>> No.1123005


sorry every recent survey ive seen puts engineering jobs at the top in terms of demand, job satisfaction and pay.

show me otherwise, or stop making up anecdotal stories and lies

>> No.1123008


Christ, this shit works EVERY time. Just ignore it, /lit/.
Engineeringbro can go wallow in his feigned superiority elsewhere.

>> No.1123009

50% of engineering students can't make it either beacuse there's not enough jobs, what's your point?

As I said, not everyone lives their life on their salary. And by the way, I know you're talking all this shit about doing challenging and valuable degrees, but we all know that engineering students are a dime a dozen and the only reason you're doing it is because your grades weren't up for a real vocational course.

It must be quite a shallow existence, living your whole life for that salary. I hope it's worth it when you get there. Sorry, IF you get there.

>> No.1123011


>> No.1123012



Petroleum Engineering $93,000 $157,000
Electrical Engineering $60,800 $104,000

Liberal Art Burger Engineer $15,000 $16,000

>> No.1123015


>Liberal Art Burger Engineer $15,000 $16,000


>> No.1123016


Were you not reading any of the links like


shit loads of engineering students that have zero jobs. no layoffs, just plain no employment.

>> No.1123019




No one is debating the Salary but you seem to have a very idealistic view of the STEM Job Market and how easy it is to get your first full time engineering job.

>> No.1123022

troll thread

>> No.1123024


that was a year ago, things are better now, if you look at jobs search websites there are a lot of positions opening

Im in Canada, Alberta, and the oil fields here have thousands of jobs available

plus engineers can branch off into other forms of work. they can go into finance very easily, they can become actuaries (which are in big demand) because of their math skills. etc.

every opportunity a liberal arts fag has, an engineer will also have, plus 10000x extra opportunities.

feels good man

>> No.1123030

ITT: Freshman engineering student(s) ignore logical arguments in favor of ad hominem "-fag" responses.

>> No.1123032

What this thread doesn't realize is that the demand for all jobs is down now because we are in a recession. Engineering and manufacturing jobs got hit pretty hard, so did finance jobs. But this is temporary, the economy has ups and downs.

The point some ppl are making is that engineers actually have careers to go to. A lot of humanities majors just don't have any viable options, regardless of how the economy is doing.

Just gotta deal with it, and adapt

>> No.1123034

So then you happen to be a lucky motherfucker in a major oil producing region of the world. Here in the "Silicone Forest" it's pretty much dead. Also some of those comments were as recent as a month ago.

>> No.1123037


>Im in Canada, Alberta, and the oil fields here have thousands of jobs available

Hahaha oh wow

ANYONE can get a good job there. Fucking high school dropouts can make 50k a year and get on the job training.

>> No.1123039

>The point some ppl are making is that engineers actually have careers to go to. A lot of humanities majors just don't have any viable options, regardless of how the economy is doing.

ya but some engineers dont like their jobs and they get laid off!! hahah stupid suckers

brb gotta flip this burger

>> No.1123040

Cept STEM isn't coming back and it's been continually going down since the early 00's.




>> No.1123041


ya and engineers make like 150k starting, easy, easy fucken EASY BREEEZY BOYS

enjoy flipping my burgers though

>> No.1123046


and they are still the most lucrative and in demand jobs


>> No.1123052


lol even if engineering jobs got cut in half, half demand, half the opportunities, and half the pay, they would still be 4x better than what humanities fags can get.

>> No.1123053

Fuck it, I give up. Apparently I am unemployed due to sheer act of will.

>> No.1123058


hahaha oh wow

>> No.1123070

Get my shitty novel published faster? lol I dunno.

>> No.1123074

It's funny, my most immediate friends are into math and computer science, and studying it, yet I'm a liberal arts student who has not only taught myself how to program, but have opened and incorporated my own programming firm with 50k+ private class A shares, and 100k+ private class B shares.

Fuck all you science elitists. Oh wait, fuck all you business students while I'm at it.

Liberal Arts degrees are the most empowering degrees available in higher education. I know why it's mythically regarded as useless, but the critical skills and rhetoric my education taught are not worth being demonstrated and defended in a forum of trolls.

Guess what, I'm uncut! Problem? I'm sure there will be. Everyone is raised on the the notion that dualities exist.

Anyway, I have to get to sleep. I have a meeting with lawyers at noon to discuss what to do with all my money.

>> No.1123085

I was unaware the staff meeting at Block Buster warranted legal representation

>> No.1123101

See, if you had a liberal arts education you would know how to read. What? If I'm in university I must certainly know how! Hahaha. Just get back to watching TV; perhaps one day a philosopher king will rescue you from that sordid cave you call reality.

>> No.1123111

liberal arts students are by far the most successful trolls. shit, socrates is the most famous troll in history. he's the guy liberal arts students study, among others!

liberal arts ftw.

>> No.1123113

So not only is it a staff meeting I bet you're also a Five Star CSR!

>> No.1123122

LOL--go study for calculus, or some other trivial math building block. Math students think they're rad because they can add and subtract. Look, ma, I can maths!

>> No.1123125


Okay, engineering bro is being a wanker, granted. But you seriously gotta step up your trollin' game, son.

>> No.1123126


>> No.1123130

"Look ma, I can maths?"

This is weaksauce. Get some raunch or wit in your insults--this IS a board for the literary minded.


>> No.1123133

This guy
is responding too
and this guy
is responding too

>> No.1123134


>> No.1123139

I'm going to do what I want!

>> No.1123152


Trolled status:
☑ Still keepin' it real
☑ Done got trolled
☑ Shazaam!

>> No.1123161


>> No.1123200

but seriously guys, what ARE you gonna do with your lib arts degree?

>> No.1123204


Teach, motherfucker. Goddamn.

Others might start a business/work a shit administrative job and work their way up the ranks/sell drugs.

>> No.1123213

also, there's always graduate studies.
if you really think a liberal arts degree is a career breaker, you're not thinking.