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/lit/ - Literature

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1122632 No.1122632 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck CourageWoflf and his book club.
I'm starting my own.
We'll be reading The Brothers Karamazov.
You guize want to join?
(pic related, hipster bitches will want your cock when they see you reading this)

>> No.1122642


...You should have added that even the hipster men are hipster bitches. Very important point.

>> No.1122639

fuck that--i've read a mountain of classics--and i have not been laid on that account

>> No.1122648

Yeah but have you walked while holding said classic?
And you have to at least be somewhat attractive...

>> No.1122647

Don't make me hate The Brothers Karamazov by telling me that hipsters love it. Please don't...

>> No.1122655

You joining my club brah?

>> No.1122657

I don't like u Hemingway but I'm already reading it.

>> No.1122658


HOw about we read a good book that isn't filled with extremely long unpronounceable russian names.

How about we read a book that is under 4000pages so we can read it in this life time.

>> No.1122659
File: 450 KB, 838x498, boooook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when they're going to make another Brothers Karamazov movie?

>> No.1122660

Yo Tambien.

>> No.1122662
File: 20 KB, 359x322, artist_Idunno7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey /lit/ read X because I like it
I liked the other book club more, personally

>> No.1122663


Pussy. Where's your sense of adventure?

>> No.1122664

My copy is only 700 something pages.
That's not so bad.
And you get used to the names after a while.

>> No.1122672

The hipster genocide is coming. Your days are short.

>> No.1122680

Yo tampoco.

>> No.1122681


>> No.1122713

this pic is like me if she didn't have ginger hair, freckles & dressed like a lesbian.

>> No.1122717

You're.....a female?
Stop saging my thread.

>> No.1122725

You're...a lesbian?

>> No.1122722

I'm in. People who don't like extremely long names (and about three different interpretations of first, last, and middle names) should never read Russian literature anyway. How long do I get to read it?

>> No.1122728

no. I said I don't dress like one.

maybe. also sage just doesn't bump

>> No.1122732

How about we read Part 1 for the first week.
Then we'll meet back next Sunday and discuss.

My book clubs always fail but I have a good feeling about this one.

>> No.1122734

lets read the joy of gay sex

>> No.1122738

I'm nearing the end of Part 2....

but i guess i'm going to read Lolita.

>> No.1122742

That's something I can get behind.

>> No.1122743


Im up for it.

>> No.1122745

I really want too bro, it's sitting on my shelf right now, but my AP class is reading The Scarlett Letter, I'm doing a project on In Cold Blood by Capote, and I'm also reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man for leisure reading. A lot on my plate right now.

>> No.1122747

I'm actually on part 3 right now but people have to get caught up..

>baby's first Nabokov
Pale Fire or gtfo.

>> No.1122749

The "my book clubs usually fail" line doesn't really bolster my confidences. Am I the only person in your book club, now?

>> No.1122751


Dear hipster haters of /lit/, the time has come.

>> No.1122752

Well that's alright you can join in maybe on the next book..

>> No.1122753

> >babys first
its babbys first

and i guess i'll join your nerd book club
no motivation to read tbk

>> No.1122754

Stupid Hemingway stealing my idea.

>> No.1122761

Pretty much...
Remember the book club when we were going to read The Sound and The Fury?
That was mine as well.

>> No.1122762

I've read Ada pleb.

Lolita is just for Courage Wolf's club. Am I allowed to be promiscuous?

>> No.1122766


>> No.1122771

If you want this to work, we should discuss the book every day. Until we're sick of it.

>> No.1122774

>hipster bitches will want your cock when they see you reading this
Umm I was thinking of joining til I saw that. I will not condone pre-marital sex. Enjoy your failure book club

>> No.1122777
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Fair enough.
I'll be back tomorrow then.
Sure. I knew you wanted to join all along.

>> No.1122786

Go kill yourself.
Btw your sister is a slut.

>> No.1122793

If her faith's as strong as Quentin's then she isn't. But I guess you like throwing that word around carelessly anyhow.

>> No.1122802
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mfw when I realize that due to my own stupidity I now have to go out and buy The Brothers Karamazov so I can read some of it and have opinions about it by tomorrow night.

>> No.1122808

>public domain
good grief.

>> No.1122822

What is this I don't even ...
You don't like buying books? You don't like ... holding books ... ?
We can never be together.

>> No.1122848

Good, she's mine..

>> No.1122853

are no rimmed glasses & a camera really that flattering?

i'm going to try & be hipster to make friends at uni but that seems a bit far

>> No.1122859

Not really

Also, just be yourself

>> No.1122864

I don't believe that Tybrax is a "she."

>> No.1122872

>just be yourself
oh wow. a zoloft zombie that lurks 4chan all night? my tastes are so fucked up that i won't be able to relate to normal girls. prob even "2deep" for some guys. hopefully the hipster group will be relatable though. I'm kinda scared that such a group doesn't exist though. I would be nice if there were shallow materialistic people to hang out with & relate to.

>> No.1122883

Go to sleep

>> No.1122890

This is somewhat attention whore-y, and I'm beginning to lose respect for you.

>> No.1122900

fuck u i won't do what u tell me

you know this is kinda like when people blame tripfags & trolls for shitting up a board. but yes ok, /lit/ is my personal blog & playground.

>> No.1122906

also why would you have respect for me in the first place lol?

>> No.1122913

I was raised to be respectful of people. Is this so hard to believe?

>> No.1122921

sorry i just interpreted that as an earned respect


>> No.1122926

Definitely not. Hence your losing of it. For fuck's sake ...

>> No.1122935


Please leave.

>> No.1122936

no retard, this is what i though you meant.

>post on board
>start off with no respect, having not been earned
>make a few posts
>earn repsect for some reasons
>post ITT
>lose respect
what's so stupid about thinking thats what u meant?

>> No.1122944

you talk as if i'm in danger like a drunk person. only thing i can damage is an anonymous rep. which i dont care about at all. i think its fun & good for me.

>> No.1122947


>> No.1122967

I care for you

You're not your self dear

>> No.1122979

Hey, Hemingway, looks like someone came and shat all over your thread.

>> No.1122981

i be who i want fo be fag. i was tao lin on etime

>> No.1122985
File: 226 KB, 560x700, Left_thumbs_down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a tripfag worried about ego.

Btw Hemingway, pick a book that you aren't already sleeping with, and then maybe some people will join your "club".

>> No.1123001

>Because you're a tripfag worried about ego
thats like ur opinion. i wouldnt say "worried". i like to see how my posts are responded to in a safe environment compared to real life. i dont even take the reactions seriously as i should or would be helpful for me.

what do u mean by sleeping with. this book is transcendental

>> No.1124167

Thanks for shitting up my awesome book club thread.

>> No.1124169

I'll join just because I'm reading BK right now anyways.

>> No.1124199

Man, hipster bitches never wanted my cock when I was reading Crime and Punishment.

Does the Brothers Karamazov just make the ladies extra moist?

>> No.1124235

although tbh, It doesn't exactly put you in the mood for it

>> No.1124490

I'm in. I'm halfway through anyway. I stopped for a bit because I've got so much fucking Twain to read for my fall classes.

Oh and gay books. Literally gay. Like dick-in-the-mouth-let's talk about queer identity-type of books.