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11225824 No.11225824 [Reply] [Original]

is it fair to right off accelerationism as ultimately not very substantive, a kind of edgy and weird,almost fiction writing?

>> No.11225828

I see it more as transferring an innate process of humanity onto a thin metaphysical film so that we can try and poke holes in it

>> No.11225830

Accelerationism is pure meme. They wish for le fucking fast epikz miserability and techno jesus chrisis kingdom virus,

but all they get is slow strangulation of submitted populace ala Britain.

You'd almost think they're crypto-Governemnt shills.

>> No.11225831


>> No.11225832

accelerationism is the ideology of lazy people thinking that sitting at home masturbating will bring about the death of capitalism and then some

>> No.11225833

okay, fine, but as long as you don't stop with it. keep doing it, and you will see that nothing qualifies, everything is pure edgelordism and without the substance. philosophy was a mistake.

>> No.11225848

Lately I'm feeling this but i would have to read a lot of shit to dismiss it all

>> No.11225849

Write, mate. And yes. It is a retarded position as you can't possibly account for all the variables in a way that would make you definitively say 'that bad movement will be run into the ground, allowing for this better movement to replace it". It's absolutely retarded, whether proposed by Marxist retards like Zizek, or cucked wishful conservatives like Peter Hitchens who recommended voting for a Corbynite Labour in order to run the current Conservative party into the ground and make way for a rebirth of true conservatism. Accelerationism is defeatist masturbation.

>> No.11225862

The oddest misconception about Nick Land, and accelerationism in general, is that there is no volition of man, into the endpoints of acceleration. Why do you think he switched to the ""far-right"", as in, supporting IQ Shredders and the like? It's precisely to provide the substances of populations into the authoritative changes necessary for capital run-off to continue

>> No.11225867

Philosophy has played second fiddle to science, inventions, economic changes since forever.

I'd argue that steam engine/power did more for Democracy than entire democratic philosophic tradition.

>> No.11225876

It's the total delusion of an actual madman. Of the CCRU crew it was Fisher who was right. There's no future to accelerate towards because Post-Fordist capitalism has created a permanent temporal pathology where historicity has waned and the future has been cancelled. It's why he offed himself.

>> No.11225877

>lol history is cancelled i kill myself
what did the philosopher mean by this
i sure as fuck recgonize history of last night yesterday last month lsat week

>> No.11225903

All Fisher did was extend hauntology into the extensions of lone signals of nonexistent events (dead futures), then used them in concepts towards the postmodern, simultaneously not discussing any conjuration beyond Capital. If the historical contexts of society are to be entirely liquidated into the functionings of Capital, then why shouldn't that be a further liquidation into accelerationism, and greater cause to support Gnon?

>> No.11225905
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Events can still occur in a world where history is dead.

>> No.11225917

Space doesn't echo there's no sound in space.

>> No.11225960

>and weird,almost fiction writing
Yes, but this is no reason to dismiss it. Read the Ccru writings on hyperstition.
That is not accelerationism.
>There's no future to accelerate towards
beyond cold, dead-to-history capitalism.

>> No.11225963

>lmao dude history is dead xD
stop with the drugs

>> No.11227521

Jesus christ you are dumb. Neither of those things could've happened if it wasnt for their underlying philosophies. Literally everything about how we live and what we value is determined by philosophy.

>> No.11227568

From what i gather accelerationism wants to accelerate capitalism so it can destroy liberalism and democracy and then we can cross over into our cyber punk neo feudal future where we are ruled over by a king CEO

>> No.11227582

Incredible how little grasp people have on accelerationism. One would think even surface reading wiki articles would give sufficient informations as to not appear as a complete buffon but no. This board surprises me a bit more everyday.

>> No.11227589

Wait it's not surprising since no one has a clear understanding of marxism and materialism here. Politicized faggots need to be sterilized.

>> No.11227592

Pathetic lmao. People here haven't even reached level 1 of philosophy.

>> No.11227594


>> No.11227602

Yep, it's basically eschatology for disillusioned leftists and Twitter retards

>> No.11227613
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Admittedly we do a lot of goalkeeping here on /lit/

>> No.11227616

Acceleration-ism is similar to Christian eschatology. The end times are inevitable. Let us, however, establish the Kingdom of Israel upon earth to catalyze the second coming of Christ. Marx, unknowingly influenced by Christian eschatology, was an acceleration-ist. Utopian socialism and communism are inevitable. We must however promote agitation and mass movements to hasten this inevitable historical process or "science," as they called it. So, it's just old ideas repackaged in new ways. There never seems to be any instant "great collapse" -- only a slow, whimpering death or creeping transition into other societal form.

>> No.11227627
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>What, then, is Land’s philosophy about?

>In a nutshell: Deleuze and Guattari’s machinic desire remorselessly stripped of all Bergsonian vitalism, and made backwards-compatible with Freud’s death drive and Schopenhauer’s Will. The Hegelian-Marxist motor of history is then transplanted into this pulsional nihilism: the idiotic autonomic Will no longer circulating idiotically on the spot, but upgraded into a drive, and guided by a quasi-teleological artificial intelligence attractor that draws terrestrial history over a series of intensive thresholds that have no eschatological point of consummation, and that reach empirical termination only contingently if and when its material substrate burns out. This is Hegelian-Marxist historical materialism inverted: Capital will not be ultimately unmasked as exploited labour power; rather, humans are the meat puppet of Capital, their identities and self-understandings are simulations that can and will be ultimately be sloughed off.

>Two more text samples establish the narrative:

>Emergent Planetary Commercium trashes the Holy Roman Empire, the Napoleonic Continental System, the Second and Third Reich, and the Soviet International, cranking-up world disorder through compressing phases. Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace.

>"It is ceasing to be a matter of how we think about technics, if only because technics is increasingly thinking about itself. It might still be a few decades before artificial intelligence surpass the horizon of biological ones, but it is utterly superstitious to imagine that the human dominion of terrestrial culture is still marked out in centuries, let alone in some metaphysical perpetuity. The high road to thinking no longer passes through a deepening of human cognition, but rather through a becoming inhuman of cognition, a migration of cognition out into the emerging planetary technosentience reservoir, into “dehumanized landscapes … emptied spaces” (C2 5) where human culture will be dissolved.”

>This is – quite deliberately - theory as cyberpunk fiction: Deleuze-Guattari’s concept of capitalism as the virtual unnameable Thing that haunts all previous formations pulp-welded to the time-bending of the Terminator films: “what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources,” as “Machinic Desire” has it. Capital as megadeath-drive as Terminator: that which “can’t be bargained with, can’t be reasoned with, doesn’t show pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop, ever”.


it's what 21C marxism looks like. congratulations, you beat the nazis and the soviets. get ready for the next challenge.

>> No.11227658

that doesnt explain shit. Hey nick if you cant explain your ideology in a simple sentence its shit

>> No.11227718

I have no fucking clue what this means.

>> No.11227797
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>the story goes like this: earth is captured by a technocapital...
ah, fuck it, i'm don't know if i'm it so much today. i'm happy to talk about this stuff but /lit/equette is a thing also.

basically you can tell a kind of a long horror story about liberalism starting from primitive sacrifice and going all the way up to cyberpunk. you get to be dante and land is virgil. except instead of starting in the inferno and making your way to paradise it's kind of the other way. sort of.

it's like a fire sale for continental theory. kant, marx and deleuze all rolled up together into a huge and scary psychedelic trip. good if you dislike postmodernity but don't want to clean your room.

i like it because it's basically like a defibrillator for philosophy when it lapses into infinite semantic games. whether you buy a chicken mcnugget ironically or not the cash register still rings. what is the meaning of this? More and Faster. and eventually robots. like the dream of 19C liberal thinking that eventually realizes humans are kind of standing in the way of nugget paradise.

it's a way of telling a really, really, really good ghost story, which is the story of a certain strain of political, economic, and philosophical thought that is about 200 years in the making. it's Dark and Skooky. if you like that kind of thing, gather round the campfire. if not, that's ok too.

>> No.11227806

this is fuckin moronic.

>> No.11227808

fuck off

>> No.11227820
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>> No.11227838

Listen, I've got more sympathies than others toward amusement from performative chicanery moonlighting as philosophical ideas ironically... but this is just too noxiously made for gamers and people who read science fiction or horror, all classes of people unironically deserving a bullet to the nape.

>> No.11227867


You can't stop it though

>> No.11227879


I don't think most people writing about this stuff care whether or not you're being fair to them anyways. The very terms "hyperstition" and "theory-fiction" are often applied with large degree of accuracy to works typically associated to accelerationism.

Regardless if it's not very substantive and edgy, are these not key points of our current economical and social processes? Technique no longer has to be substantiated by motive or prior justification because it has become the necessity itself. Atomization of consumption has pretty much put us into a perpetual state of commodity fetishism where we are ultimately, and finally, denied the choice of not choosing something for over-consumption, and we must choose fast lest we lose "opportunity" or whatever word you want to call for losing capital points (in more serious cases, "hunger" and/or "poverty will of course ensue).

This tendency of commodity fetishism has slowly but surely leaked into our personal relations inbetween now and the end of WWII, culminating into our current state where your very opinions and partisan sets of ideas are exchangeable over a nicely packed marketplace of ideas (i.e I am claiming the internet is not quite like older forums, such as academia, purely due to scale). People that write about accelerationism are a symptom more than a cause, and so are the ones writing about political correctness and other sectarian fights that further atomize Enlightenment into oblivion, while Technique (i.e the ensemble of "virtual" environments we live in and effectively substitute whatever previous kinds of personal relations we had before) yet develops more and more into being a fundamental aspect of life, rather than another aspect of it. TL;DR: the more we think about the world using the principles commonly applied to finance and general capital economy, the more philosophy will sound edgy, weird and non-substantial.

>> No.11227913
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your first and last mistake, kiddo

>> No.11228831
