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/lit/ - Literature

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11223814 No.11223814 [Reply] [Original]

Was it any good? I remember reading it in high school and it kick started my love of reading. It was my favorite book back then but I'm scared to reread it.

>> No.11224007

Terry Goodkind? More like Very Badkind.

>> No.11224037

was it really that bad or are you fuckin with me?

>> No.11224308
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so this is like, a unique troll post to /lit/ right? lol.

anyway, the writing itself is terrid. like a dyslexic, retarded 9th grader. the story and character relationships/interactions on the other hand... fuckin awesome. the first 3 books are good. after that, puke. re-read it.

>> No.11224317

cool also i wast aware terrid was a word so i learned something new today.

>> No.11224318

Huh I actually just picked this up on a whim from a bargain bin cuz of the cover. Was hoping for better.

>> No.11224329

i bet you learn 1 new thing every day.

>> No.11224337

nope i stopped learning after high school when i wake up tomorrow terrid will be gone from my lexicon

>> No.11224363

excellente, brewl. a wonderful trait to keep you feeling warm and pretentious. i mean fuzzy.

>> No.11224368

i'm on /lit/ warm and pretentious are all i feel now

>> No.11224378

do you write?

>> No.11224384

only ironic fanfiction

>> No.11224389

/lit/ hates it but the first few books are legit good fantasy. It goes downhill from there but still not as bad as most here would have you believe and by the time that happens, you're either invested enough in the characters/story to keep reading anyway or you're not. It's not high-brow storytelling by any means and there are surely other options out there that are more worth your time but if you're in the mood for light, easy fantasy reading go for it and fuck what anyone else's opinion is.

>> No.11224395

sounds good i bought the first three in the series to add to my collection but im finally motivated enough to read them.

>> No.11224396

well put

>> No.11224404
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i write every single day with a clear vision of what i'm creating and it fills with me joy and contentment, giving my life purpose.

enjoy your 4chanz lol

>> No.11224421

glad you're happy anon :)

>> No.11224434
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could give a shit about being "happy." havn't you ever jorden petersoned?

>> No.11224437


>> No.11224446

omg you're missing out. listen to 12 rules of life.

>> No.11224456

just looked at his wikipedia article boy oh boy this'll be fun

>> No.11224478

good shit

>> No.11224917

Yes. The show was an abomination though.