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11223339 No.11223339 [Reply] [Original]

the madman actually did it (29:26 for brainlets)

>> No.11223347
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timestamp please

>> No.11223359

Fucking leftists can't even afford enough mics these days.

>> No.11223360
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>> No.11223365
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is this a rare peterson?

>> No.11223366

God Zizek is hard enough to understand in HD I can't hear shit in this quality
>shhchalajgleshhhchaljeischhhand so on
>Cultural marxismdlaihgeoiahgschhlkjealkeqschhh

>> No.11223372

someone needs to give this nigga a blunt to calm down his sniffles and ticks

>> No.11223376
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>> No.11223377

you have got to be shitting me.

>> No.11223378

When does he actually start talking about Peterson, he was about to but then started going on a tangent about some fringe Neo-Nazi documentary

>> No.11223382
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>> No.11223384

OP write us a transcript

>> No.11223387

>attention deficit

That's our boy!

>> No.11223390

it's not a tangent if its connected anon

>> No.11223391

OP here
He gets back to Peterson around 41 mins or so, but the context is useful

>> No.11223394

It this Peterson undercover at a cultural marxism convention?

>> No.11223395

Ok good, once he actually gets to the point in the end

>> No.11223396

He's such a fucking try hard.

>> No.11223401
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He goes on for like 20 mins, it would take a long time

>> No.11223402

some subtitles would be nice and so on

>> No.11223405

A fucking summary then please

>> No.11223406

his own house

>> No.11223408

that's his house lmao

>> No.11223412

"which is why i don't buy the theory you mentioned that no he's not alt right he's really almost a centrist" I can't understand anything he says after that.

>> No.11223413

use headphones you fuck

>> No.11223415

Maybe that anon who claimed he was crazy and wears capes was legit after all

>> No.11223420

Never going to make it

>> No.11223427

You can't serve up dinner like that and not provide a sauce.

>> No.11223459
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Its a comment someone on /lit/ made a few years ago before people talked about Peterson

>> No.11223475

What are you hoping to accomplish with this comment?

>> No.11223484

What are you hoping to accomplish with this comment?

>> No.11223485

It's legit, just google. Think his justification was to be "always aware of the socialist threat" or some shit like that. Makes you really wonder whether he just profits of losers or actually managed to bullshit himself.

>> No.11223506

Never going to make it.

>> No.11223536

>cultural marxism


>> No.11223564

why the hell did he do this?

>> No.11223576

That does perfectly describe Peterson and most of the so called right wing in general.

>> No.11223583

Peterson's theories on neo-marxism and postmodernism are essentially the same as the cultural Marxism conspiracy.

>> No.11223594

Zizek was saying the exact opposite you retard, the quote was acutally
>which is why I don't buy the theory you mentioned that "no he's not alt right he's really almost a centrist"

Zizek goes on to imply Peterson is a latent Neo-Nazi

>> No.11223603

Also Peterson doesn't even talk about actual neo-marxism (ie. Gramsci) when he spouts his inane BS.

>> No.11223613

They're basically interchangable terms

>> No.11223622

at least i can understand what he is saying, zizek is indecipherable

>> No.11223635

No argument there. Hope the debate goes down so they can kill each other. Then after Nick Land is done with the great meme philosopher war will finally be at an end.

>> No.11223636

You must have over 115 IQ to post here

>> No.11223653


>> No.11223665

emprically wronk

>> No.11223671

tested 146 mate

>> No.11223673

V. nice, carry on

>> No.11223714

>actively discourages his followers from going the racial/idpol/tribalistic route
>wtf, he's a white supremacist?!?

I don't understand how you people think. He's a hardcore individualist and capitalist. He's trying to steer people away from communalism because it would disrupt his worker bee status quo utopia. His only interest is keeping the masses calm and complacent inside the current economical system. Extremism of any kind threatens that. Extremists who can't be bought and serve ideals higher than their own self-interest is his biggest fear.

>> No.11223733

Tested 14,6 cm inside yer nan mate

>> No.11223735
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>intelligence correlates to hearing capacity

>> No.11223742

Peterson makes it perfectly clear in his talks that the only clear solution to the problems facing white males is a coercive domination of women and a return to the mythological foundations of the Nordic Panthology. You've just failed to read the deeper message
Heil Thor, Heil Woden, Heil Hitler

>> No.11223791

>His only interest is keeping the masses calm and complacent inside the current economical system

This is ironically WHY he's implicit in the rising tides of far-right collectivism, because as the status quo inevitably breaks down, the only "logical" response to maintain the identity its built off ("whiteness", capitalism, materialism, etc.) will be to turn towards tribal group dynamics that attempt to purge the identity of any "defective" elements. Your average uncritical worker bee might be OK with "liberalism" and "letting the blacks have their voice" today, but as the world around him becomes ever more uncertain, confusing, stressful and complex, he or she will inevitably turn to demagogues providing simplistic "answers" to these problems.

>> No.11223815

We can only hope. I can't wait to gas all the Jews

>> No.11223817

I mean if I got some headphones and listened to it carefully i'm sure I could figure out what the fuck he's saying but I doubt its worth it.

>> No.11223821

Why are people so easily triggered by the phrase "cultural Marxism" lately, they've been so preoccupied with insistently reminding people its a conspiracy theory.

>> No.11223824

I could hear fine without headphones, just use your brain

>> No.11223827

jbp = alt right CONFIRMED

>> No.11223828

Because they're cultural Marxists and afraid of being found out

>> No.11223829

That is not at all what I was arguing. Reconsider your evil beliefs.

>> No.11223836

Nice try hebe

>> No.11223840

>Your average uncritical worker bee might be OK with "liberalism" and "letting the blacks have their voice" today, but as the world around him becomes ever more uncertain, confusing, stressful and complex, he or she will inevitably turn to demagogues providing simplistic "answers" to these problems.
Well, when liberalism seems to keep causing problems, why not opt for the straightforward solution of "Stop being liberal"?

>> No.11223842

But the phrase itself is ridiculously old hat, the "alt-right" had moved onto other phrases, so why now?

>> No.11223844

>Why do people insist on dispelling falsehoods which are degrading the quality of socio-political discourse?

>> No.11223845

>the "alt-right" had moved onto other phrases

Like what?

>> No.11223848

How do you define "quality" of "socio-political" discourse?
Is it when it agrees with you?

>> No.11223856

There's a difference between the "liberalism" of upper-class SJW ideologues, and the liberalism of citizen rights, democratic values, public discourse, ec.

Getting rid of honest debate, public protections against abuses, etc. just because you don't like what some blue-haired tumblrina is spouting on youtube is a perfect example of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater."

>> No.11223860


>> No.11223867

Trust me, more drugs is not what he needs

>> No.11223869

When it accurately and openly discusses current socio-political trends, allowing for many points of view to be discussed. A bunch of Kekistani frogposters leaving youtube comments that blame all the world's ills on "post-modern neo-marxism" is not that.

>> No.11223876

Zizek is hard enough to understand when he is properly mic'ed up, room ambiance, phone recording from back of the room and lossy low bitrate quality is to much for me to sit through trying to decipher what he says between the pixels.

>> No.11223879

Yeah lets give the floor to unironic Communists in the 21st century instead. You're full of shit you know that

>> No.11223884

Older, more established terms like, "Kike" or "Shlomo" if we're not just calling them things like retarded faggot or fucking shitlibs.

>> No.11223894

>There's a difference between the "liberalism" of upper-class SJW ideologues, and the liberalism of citizen rights, democratic values, public discourse, ec.

Is there though? Liberalism has always been an upper-class ideology. How can we say that democratic values even exist when liberal leaders consistently go against popular opinion on a point-by-point basis? Every liberal was the SJW of their day.

>> No.11223895

Globalist, Bugmen, Baizuo.

>> No.11223896

He's talking about the audio quality, not Zizek himself you dunce. Its an atrocious video. Stop pretending there are people in this thread who don't understand Zizek.

>> No.11223899

Why not? If they have something useful to say, let them say it. If they don't have anything useful to say, then their arguments should be dispelled easily enough.

>> No.11223905

JP's understanding of Marxism and Post Modernism are the most embarrassing things I've ever heard out of the mouth of someone I like.

I think, in this thought, is the implication that individualism usually promotes the status quo, and encourages young white men to rally against organized minorities even if they aren't Nazis. The question I have for you then becomes, is an egalitarian individualism even possible as of now?

>> No.11223906

Thanks for admitting you're just another Neo-Marxist

>> No.11223911

His own logic applies to the left.
Literally Peterson reversed.

>> No.11223915
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>> No.11223916
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>not posting the BTFO respond

>> No.11223918
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This explains so fucking much about the meme war, the left are fighting against ghosts.

>> No.11223921
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I desperately want to see Peterson vs. Will Self. The latter has a great distaste for psychiatry and is a bit of a Labour supporter, and super well versed in classics and post-modernism. I mean, he has already debated Zizzy and it was great

>> No.11223924

If you guys' ideas can't be defended on their own merits, why even hold them?

>> No.11223930

If your arguments can't be defended after being called a cultural marxist why even hold them?

>> No.11223931
File: 27 KB, 741x609, A5A158FE-CFD6-4150-B919-E41D1818876F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain to me what ‘cultural Marxism’ even means?

>> No.11223937

>The question I have for you then becomes, is an egalitarian individualism even possible as of now?
I'm not going to say no, but there are definitely major threats to its continued existence. If it's to survive the tumultuous times we live in, it'll have to do a LOT of soul-searching and be prepared to abandon much of the ineffective ideas it clings to.

>> No.11223939

I don't know who this is but he looks like an annoying bitch. No thanks

>> No.11223942

We haven't even brought up any arguments yet. We're literally just debating whether these ideas are worth debating yet.

Please, refrain from using strawmen in debates.

>> No.11223945

>is an egalitarian individualism even possible as of now?
What does egalitarian individualism mean?

>> No.11223946

Nobody wants to hear from that hypocritical Jew, you can't debate with someone who doesn't have the balls to even hold opinions

>> No.11223948

Applied critical theory to subvert and undermine society, I dunno man.

>> No.11223953

Yeah okay comrade Goldberg

>> No.11223954

the marxist slight of hand switching haves vs have-nots (bourgeoisie vs proletariat) to oppressors vs the oppressed


>> No.11223959

If some ideas are not worth debating, presumably because of their threat to civil society, who is the arbiter of worthiness if not liberals? This is like the King saying that liberal ideas should be forbidden from being debated for posing a threat to the monarchy.

>> No.11223963

>looks at picture
>doesn't read post
nice try reddit

>> No.11223964

I found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7as0pFxPYc

Explains it pretty well desu, Its certainly believable.

>> No.11223970


>> No.11223975

I don't think any ideas aren't worth debating. In fact, I'm debating them right now.

>> No.11223980

Ok. so for real. Should we gas the Jews

>> No.11223985

dude it's just a conspiracy theory

>> No.11223994


>> No.11223998

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11224001

the picture is in connection to the post you spazz

>> No.11224011

will if that's you you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.11224022

>a return to the mythological foundations of the Nordic Panthology
Did you mean to say Semitic pantheology?

>> No.11224023

Is there actually any credible intellectual weight behind the contemporary Right or is it all just YouTube vloggers, Moldbug's ten year out of date blog, and Nick Land's twitter account today?

>> No.11224026

>Should we gas the Jews
Pacifism is in vogue right now for Alt-Right theorists, they'd rather pay them to move to Israel en masse.

>> No.11224030

Eh, ever watch a famous little show World Pece by Sam Hyde?

>> No.11224034

Why don't they debate each other?

>> No.11224035

Not really, political discourse has devolved into mud-slinging arguments, and those just appeasing for traditional ways of living in some weird amnesic nostalgia. I truly think once Trump and May are gone the softer socialists will have power for a little longer, or it'll be complete chaos

>> No.11224036

the alt right is literally just a runaway meme

>> No.11224046

Zizek literally challanged him to a debate in October. Guess Peterson chickened out to save his patreonbucks

>> No.11224049

That'd defeat the point, why would they want to turn a moving target into a stationary one?

>> No.11224052

Oh it's because jordan is scared cus he knows he'll get insta-btfo'd and irreparably ruin his reputation and his career and most importantly he'll lose the trusting devotion of his patreon boys

>> No.11224054

>People who are declared marxists don't want to be called cultural marxists
>Actual card carrying communists
>But that's because they're afraid to be revealed

>> No.11224063


The joke is that the post is a play on words from a snippet of goebbels

>> No.11224067

Marxism is dead and buried since it was proved an objectively failure in the 20th century. People who claim to be "marxists" today are just covering up for the fact they're cultural marxists

>> No.11224071

>I truly think once Trump and May are gone the softer socialists will have power for a little longer
Your setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.11224074

aka jews

>> No.11224079

>imagine thinking the fat Slav mole is an intellectual heavyweight.

A master debater who can barely speak and never coherently. Memerson must be shaking in his boots.

>> No.11224081

You have to understand that 'cultural marxism' is a term that comes from a misunderstanding of the Frankfurt school and a conspiracy that relies of 'Jewish communists' plotting against the West. It has no grounds in reality and is not an actual movement. Marxism is almost purely economic ...

>> No.11224084

The right is consciously anti-intellectual, and that's one of its best qualities.

>> No.11224086

You literally just admitted it exists and was invented by Jews in Frankfurt

>> No.11224091

>Memerson must be shaking in his boots.
He unironically is, which again, is why this debate will never actually happen.

>> No.11224095

Are you asking what they're reading?

>> No.11224096

The opposite but okay, you aren't too bright, why are you on /lit/? Go to your containment board

>> No.11224097

Well how do you see it? Depending on how Trump goes down (and let be serious here, his presidency is a monumental fuck-up) and once May calls another snap election after doing nothing from Brexit, more idealistic and social options will present themselves. No one will trust the Conservatives or the Republicans for a long time.

>> No.11224098
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another rare peterson coming through

>> No.11224099

If marxism is dead and buried then why the fuck are people - on the left and right - seeing fucking marxism everywhere? What you and this retard >>11224086 don't get is that using the term is just a low-key way to show people you're a nazi. I'm sure neither of you care about this but a fucking tenured professo shouldn't be talking about conspiracy theories as if they were truth while at the same time purposefully misinterpreting authos he didn't read.

>> No.11224100

infographs supplied by /pol/, naturally

>> No.11224105

>Literally caught out on your argument
>G-go back to /pol/!

Yeah ok Jew

>> No.11224112

>If marxism is dead and buried then why the fuck are people - on the left and right - seeing fucking marxism everywhere?
Because they can't identify it as Progressivism for whatever reason. Modern leftists are not so much Communist as vehemently anti-anti-Communist.

>> No.11224116

>there are no cultural Marxists its just a boogieman to marxism everywhere
>But anyone who uses the term is a secret Nazi

Imagine being this intellectually disingenuous

>> No.11224120

But why? The debate wouldn't amount to anything. They are both turbo autists who open their holes and talk garbled nonsense to a brick wall. I can't see how they would even communicate.

>> No.11224121

Somehow you managed to get that I said 'cultural marxism is real and jews own the world' by me saying that cultural marxism is a distortion of the frankfurt school and that the 'plot' is conspiratorial

So yes, get back to your containment board, you are embarrassing.

>> No.11224122


>> No.11224124

yeah that's why you're a humanities major instead of maths huh

>> No.11224126

That's not disingenuous. It's a literal phrase used and made by neo-nazis

>> No.11224127

Your problem is that you deal with subruban americans on the internet and mistake it for reality.
Mate the notion of cultural marxism depends on a bunch of scheming jews secretly undermining culture, how is that not pretty much "nazi conspiracy #40050483988"

>> No.11224129

fake and gay

>> No.11224131

You literally just said cultural marxism was a distinct school founded seperate form traditional Marxism by Jews which expanded into critical theory and modern New School Leftist thought

>> No.11224132

Easy boogie-man. Know nothing about the actual philosophy of it, but only the horrors the misuse and abuse of it has generated

>> No.11224135

>I can't see how they would even communicate.
Actually if I heard him correctly, this is exactly why Zizek said he's not particularly interested in debating peterson either. If neither parties consider it a worthwhile venture, why would they go through the laborious process of staging the debate in the first place?

>> No.11224140

Agreed. The two of them won't even take the time to understand each other. They'll just monologue their usual speeches side by side. And hopefully Zizek gets a good laugh in for the "cultural Marxism" that will inevitably be thrown around.

>> No.11224141
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>cultural Marxism as a phenomenon to exist would require scheming Jews to exist
>so I'm going to claim its just a product of scheming underground Nazis with zero proof

Imagine this being your brain

>> No.11224145

That's just heedless slander. Who are the neo-nazi's that made the term? Gimme names, a source, a citation, anything

>> No.11224150

He won't because he's just another gormless cultural Marxist trying to gaslight people

>> No.11224151

Well, Zizek does take the time to research anyone he talks with, and will no doubt find that quote from Petey that he mentions that the Nazis were in cahoots with atheists. It'll be funny to have an entire audience laugh and mock Peterson for that tidbit

>> No.11224152

just like your life bitch

>> No.11224157

Genuinely unsurprising.

>> No.11224161

The Frankfurt School literally wanted to save Western culture from the degenerative forces of totalitarianism and consumer capitalism. Read a fucking book or two ya simps.

>> No.11224163


>> No.11224165

The only words I can understand are "my problem is I like to debate neo fascists" in regards to Peterson. He also says METOO is the last gasp of liberalism to prevent a more radical leftwing movement, but I do not follow that line or reasoning.

>> No.11224168

Thats what all Marxists say in the beginning. Then you give them a bit of power and its straight into the gulags
Adorno literally wanted to send trucks into the countryside to forcibly educator rural people about the holocaust

>> No.11224172

Let me try to make it more to your rhythm.
The Frankfurt School authors do not talk about "infiltrating institutions and corrupting culture", if anything, the one author who deal with this, Adorno, actually criticizes capitalism for doing just that. But they wrote, amongst other things, about culture, were influenced by marxism, and also jews, which means that nazis, instead of reading the authors (I find most reactionaries would agree with Adorno, you can even see some doing son on warosu), just assumed they were plotting to infiltrate culture for spreading marxism or whatever.

>> No.11224173

No I didn't. I said that it's not a 'real school' but a distortion of Frankfurt school teachings plus a conspiratorial plot. Stop the strawman.
Literally came from Stormfront, hence the 'jewishness' element to it. It's not taken seriously by academics, it's a term by a fringe movement on the internet.

>> No.11224174


>> No.11224175

Maybe someone should've sent a forcibly educator to your house anon.

>> No.11224176

>but I do not follow that line or reasoning.

Powerful rich people can always fuck stupid greedy women. Thats capitalism and no amount of shrieking on twitter will stop it happening

>> No.11224180

Even /lit/s god YouTube star Gregory Sadler cannot understand Zizek. And he has great knowledge on Hegel and Lacan.

>> No.11224182

>Literally came from Stormfront

Thats a cute claim but impossible to prove. Did you come from reddit socialism yourself?

>> No.11224186

This is what I find hilarious. So many people point to gay rights, minority quotas, etc. as a symptom of "cultural decay", yet will then go and chow down on processed-meat addled Domino's pizza, sign up for the DLC pack in FIFA 2019 and purchase $400 gym shoes without a second a thought.

>> No.11224187

>The Frankfurt School authors do not talk about "infiltrating institutions and corrupting culture",

Eh they actually literally do

>> No.11224189

My dude, The Frankfurt School traded in Marx for Hegel, Freud and Nietzsche. There's a reason they were all deemed reactionaries by Marxists and banned in the USSR. The fact that they are at all even called "Marxists" is mind boggling to anyone who has actually read both Marx and Frankfurt School's oeuvre. Get off /lit/ until you do the same.

>> No.11224193

Whats your problem with dominos pizza

>> No.11224196

Woah stop putting words in my mouth I never said that

>> No.11224199

I've read Dialectics of Enlightenment and The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. I guarantee I know the Frankfurt School more than you ever will
And you know what they are? A bunch of fucking kikes plotting how to get up on others like they always have done and always will do

>> No.11224200

nigger when Rudi Dutschki was born the Frankfurt school wasn't even a thing anymore, the Institute for Social Research had been reopened but none of the original authors worked there anymore.

>> No.11224201

Not a socialist. In your world everyone is either a sjw or a nazi.

ive ate that shit daily for 5 months now

>> No.11224207

Not singling out Domino's per se, but basically everywhere that isn't an autistic ego-vegan public kitchen has to rely on antibiotic-riddled processed foods for ingredients, which are about as physically and mentally healthy for you as a can of fart gas.

>> No.11224208

Doesn't matter, their ideas disseminated and were highly influencial among the German Left

>> No.11224217

>One book that's a huge autism breakdown because western culture is being destroyed by capitalism
>ONE SINGLE 30 PAGE ESSAY which argues precisely that with industrial modes of production, art can only exist as a political manifestation
>somehow proof that there is a secret jewish conspiracy to destroy western values
You might have read those texts but I very much doubt you understood them.
I assume Carl Schmitt and Heidegger were also cultural marxists for their continued influence on the left huh

>> No.11224220
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>muh stormfront
Honestly I'm not surprised that's all you eat

>> No.11224228

>>somehow proof that there is a secret jewish conspiracy to destroy western values

They were literally conspiring Jews and were actively arguing that the concept of the white race has to be eradicated in favor of their Jewish led Marxist utopia. I bet you won't even try to defend Benjamin's deep Kabbalist commitments because you can't stand facing what was really going on

>> No.11224243

Mate, that's the thing. Whatever revolutionary thoughts the Frankfurters expoused (and I'd have to say the only one who went and did was Benjamin, who also did had a huge influence of jewish - and christian - mysticism) were pretty in the open and one of the main reasons why they are still associated with communism despite departing from a lot of marxist theory. The need to create a convoluted conspiracy around it is extremely dishonest and ends up devaluing discourse as some other anon pointed out while also creating a huge wall of useless noise around authors who were GENUINELY worried about the DEGRADATION of culture under capitalism.

>> No.11224247
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>I've read Dialectics of Enlightenment and The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. I guarantee I know the Frankfurt School more than you ever will
oh dear

>> No.11224248

Could easily be recovered by saying its a cultural shift brought on by Frankfurt critics of capitalism that were able to revitalize Marxism by including non-economic classes in their critique. The alt-right likes to push it as a conspiracy theory because they are demagogues but the idea itself does not require a conspiracy to have some truth.

>> No.11224249

The Dialectic of Enlightenment's working thesis is basically "Marx was wrong." The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction is Benjamin lamenting the fact that consumer capitalism transferred art from the private sphere to the public sphere and in the process robbed it of its inherent traditional and ritualistic value. All this smacks of reaction to an actual Marxist.

If you want a snappy meme name to water it down to, try Cultural Hegelianism or some shit. But Marxism it is not.

>> No.11224252

If they were so open why did they flee Germany?

>> No.11224262

>why did the communist jews flee nazism

...gee idk mate, why did openly leftist jews run nazi germany?

>> No.11224268

I completely understand that but I do not understand how it is a gasp of liberalism when to me it seems like an extremely lively breath of air of liberalism because we all know capitalism is going to be just fine after METOO blows over or implodes or actually succeeds because its so lukewarm of a social demand: powerful men should stop sexually harassing women, so lets publicly shame them into... losing some money and fame? Wow, now that's #justice.

>> No.11224270

But this is exactly what Zizek is saying my dude.

>> No.11224271

The Weinstein trial is going to be pure trialkino. Its going to be bigger than Zimmerman when he gets off

>> No.11224273

>humans are dogs

>> No.11224275

He seems to be saying that after METOO ends, a more radical leftwing movement in theory could begin but I obviously disagree with this. Maybe we are in agreement and the terrible mic quality plus Zizek being Zizek prevented me from understanding.

>> No.11224282

I never even considered him getting a not-guilty verdict but I hope he does just for the impotent outrage.

Somethings wrong with me, I've become a massive accelerationist that just wants the world to deteriorate into Nick Land-level techno-capital babble just for the memes. Its the only thing we have left now.

>> No.11224283

He was referring more to SJW politics in general. But he's also a diabetic fat slob on deaths door so I don't think he really cares whether communism is ever going to happen or not (its not)

>> No.11224284

>, a more radical leftwing movement in theory could begin
kinda but that's too idealistic. I haven't heard it yet, but knowing him it's probably "once liberalism had to deal with the rise of identitarian politics becoming a possible craddle for more radical leftism, liberalism responded with the #METOO thing to pretend it cares but just keep it all the same"

>> No.11224287

no im talking about jews

>> No.11224292

He literally never did anything wrong legally, he's being charged with rape but they have nothing to prove those women didn't just voluntarily sleep with him for roles

>> No.11224322

>women didn't just voluntarily sleep with him for roles

very low blow.

>> No.11224328
File: 196 KB, 950x1424, IMG_1777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the source on this?

>> No.11224339

Trump's approval rating has been steadily rising and leftist tactics haven't changed at all. Evidently people don't really agree with you.

>> No.11224352

What are you basing that on?

>> No.11224357

Americans are known internationally as stupid so the approval ratings don't mean much.

>> No.11224361

Imagine being this far up your own ass.

>> No.11224376

Most of your population are illiterate. 1 in 4 Americans can't even name a single book. The people who voted for Trump are lowlife couch potatos 'clutching their pearls' and drawn to primitive survival mechanisms of division that are based on outdated and destructive modes. Do you honestly think a billionaire like Trump cares about you? He's from NY. He doesn't care about anyone outside his little rich bubble. His entire presidency has been Kanye West styled media stunts to bring attention to himself. He is the personifiction of modern America. stupid and arrogant

but I guess i'm just 'far up my own ass' for observing fundamental problems.

>> No.11224390

Lol I'm Australian.
Trump won more votes than clinton among white people with university degrees. Try a bit more introspection rather than just emotionally lashing out.

>> No.11224430

>He is the personifiction of modern America. stupid and arrogant
The average Cletus would unironically be a more responsible leader if put into power than the average Ivy-educated Progressive, so this is probably a good thing.

>> No.11224439

>Trump won more votes than clinton among white people with university degrees
lol if you think a university degree magically makes you smart or not arrogant you're in for a surprise
for instance, this guy:
probably has a college degree and he's dumb as shit

>> No.11224444

Somehow having a university degree means you 'flesh out' the fear programmed survival mechanisms and 'clutching pearl' type mentality. Anyone with a brain knows these sorts have this to the highest degree. The people who voted Trump aren't necessary 'losers' or anything of that nature, but deceived and drifting away with a world that is long gone. Since you are Australian you relate to this mentality, as most of you known to be hot headed and insular.

Yes I dislike Clinton also but that doesn't render Trump as someone with good qualities. Both are flawed

>> No.11224454

Oh yeah, I hope no one ever finds out Zizek's a Marxist. That would just destroy him.

>> No.11224457

>probably has a college degree and he's dumb as shit
Am I wrong though?

>> No.11224467

>Anyone with a brain knows I'm right
hot argument.
>as most of you known to be hot headed and insular.
I would describe us as apathetic more than anything.

>> No.11224474

I disagree with a lot of Zizek's theory but his practice is more or less my same thoughts. World is fucked, its getting worse, there really is no escape because the whole notion of dignity and solidarity has already been eroded to nothing and there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. You can't lead a revolution on "fake it till you make it".

I certainly hope a more vitalized, coherent leftwing comes out of this rightwing jaunt (assuming its short-lived and not actually the next big political movement) but I really do not think its possible. The modern state of social discourse or even socializing in general is one of increasing distance, irony, uncaring. I think our collective alienation is already complete and even the social outrage over things like METOO is just us going through the motions. Because, really, what else is there? What do we expect? I have no idea. I honestly have no idea what people would do without these necessary, tedious conflicts. I simultaneously desire an egalitarian society and loath unannounced human interaction.

>> No.11224475

You forgot SJW wrekt Twitter accounts too.

>> No.11224476

My argument, more so a 'comment' is well-defined and it isn't just 'anyone with a brain knows i'm right', the fact you go straight to this actually proves my point. You are stupid.

>> No.11224480

of course you are

>> No.11224482

Zizek is such a libelfag

>> No.11224487


>> No.11224490

I jump to that because the rest is just baseless namecalling and that is your only justification.

>> No.11224493

I explained the psychology and then made a comment about them being 'brainless' for having such a disposition for fear. You went straight to the latter to act like I said nothing other than a baseless insult.

nice try tho..

>> No.11224494

What the fuck is this and why are there pictures of Kermit mixed in.

>> No.11224507

Oh i will be laffing when that ends up being the courts verdict.

>> No.11224512

You explained what you think motivates the people you hate and nothing more, no one has any reason to take that seriously.

>> No.11224513

The professor enjoys cosplay.


>> No.11224515

they're too busy marrying into jewish/han chinese nobility, turns out they couldn't come up with a pithy enough wapo headline to counter the brazilification of the west

>> No.11224518

Why? At the very least, the average Cletus would've probably avoided implementing things like the racial spoils system, large-scale third-worldization, etc.

He probably would've avoided entering WW1 and WW2, as well. Hard not to see it as an improvement over Progressivism, though still not optimal.

>> No.11224528

So uhh cultural marxism is like bringing the class struggle to different racial groups? Seems pretty correct what with the entitlement and selfrighteous fury the proletat and blacks alike feel. Does this have to be a conspiracy theory? seems pretty natural course of development for leftism.

>> No.11224533

>Somehow having a university degree means you 'flesh out' the fear programmed survival mechanisms and 'clutching pearl' type mentality. Anyone with a brain knows these sorts have this to the highest degree. The people who voted Trump aren't necessary 'losers' or anything of that nature, but deceived and drifting away with a world that is long gone. Since you are Australian you relate to this mentality, as most of you known to be hot headed and insular.
Well, the principal cause of this has been steady leftward movement, so clearly the solution is to continue moving leftward.

>> No.11224534
File: 158 KB, 640x360, Agenda Insight_ Goodbye to Good Men screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11224535

You're right, I explained what motivates people. I could go into a lot of detail here, but I'd expect another short-hand sassy reply so it's not fruitful to do that.

Give me a reason why I should take you or Trump seriously? I don't care about power or will because I can see the framework behind it and I'm exposing the program. listen as you please.

>> No.11224537

Can't understand a single sentence this cokehead slav is making. Is this really the left wing face man for /lit/?

>> No.11224541

exactly because of all of those except third-worldization
he would've also kept jim crow and shit
but that's a good point, isn't it
this might shock you but we differ on what constitutes "good governance"

>> No.11224543
File: 562 KB, 840x455, 1510694361927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Slavoj Zizek

>> No.11224545

he cute tho

>> No.11224547

Very weak, asinine response by Zizek. Expected better.

>> No.11224550

It started with the cultural bolshevism which was a reaction to "subversive" modernist art movements (e.g. Dada) and Bauhaus architecture. Idpol is a phenomenon intrinsically linked to neoliberalism and the commodification of identity.

Jameson really was right. We live in an age that is incapable of thinking historically. Sad.

>> No.11224552
File: 274 KB, 627x657, grim bewilderment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I braindead or does Zizek not actually address Peterson at all here? All he says is something like 'advice is gross', and '12 rules is banal.'

>> No.11224554

you're like sam harris when he posts dunks other people make on him thinking he's the one that looks good

>> No.11224566

Did you miss the 12 or so minutes where he explains the fascist myth of cultural Bolshevism? Did you even watch the video?

>> No.11224579


>> No.11224588

So let me see if I understand right: Tons of Americans dying, when you occupy the most defensible plot of land on the planet, mostly for the sake of Britain and European Jewry, is good. This is because the Germans were in both cases very mean people. Don't mind the Russian guy, he is a very nice person. How could he not be? Any decent person is a Communist after all.

Any Also, regarding Jim Crow laws, why is it the case that segregation is worse than the counterfactual? How is my life improved by interacting with blacks on day-to-day basis given the reality of black crime rates? Furthermore, how are blacks' lives improved by forced integration with white racists, who are everywhere nowadays? The implementation of segregation was a bit silly, but it's not as if a black reservation was ever going to happen.

>> No.11224596

That's the definition of a tangent, you fucking moron.
It's connected at one point and then you trail off indefinitely.

>> No.11224601

No you didn't explain what motivates them, you explained, from a position of ignorance, the stereotype you have assigned to them.

My first reply was to the idea that his presidency is a "disaster" and that no one will elect a republican again because of it, but his approval rating isn't too bad, so according to public opinion he's actually doing alright.
Second point was in response to your claim that trump voters and americans in general are stupid but that can't be too true because of the amount of graduates that voted for him and the fact that americans aren't stupid by any objective measure.
I just want you to calm down and consider the idea that people could be disagreeing with you for reasons other than that they are lesser.

>> No.11224608

absolutely correct, top notch, you've seen through the veil, the doors of perception are wide open for you, good job

>> No.11224613

>I feel bad that she's his dad

>> No.11224622

>Wow. Just, wow.

>> No.11224629

The 'stereotype' has a basis, as do most 'stereotypes' and I already explained the mode of existence and the context to it in relation to what they're working in. I don't owe you anything. You're making demands. Only because his 'approval rating isn't too bad' doesn't mean he has a solid character or anything of that nature, it means Americans are stupid. Equating 'six cruel hours of obediated learning' (school) to 'wisdom' of 'intelligence' is foolish. You are drifting away. Maybe try and think outside of your box instead of parroting mainstream bs.

>> No.11224631

read plato please

>> No.11224632


>> No.11224634

>I explained the psychology and then made a comment about them being 'brainless' for having such a disposition for fear. You went straight to the latter to act like I said nothing other than a baseless insult.
Most people probably voted for Drumpf because of immigration. Have you seen what goes on in Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras on a daily basis? Is fear really unjustified here?

>> No.11224649

what kind of reply did you expect to your dumbfuck post that boils down to "I like these shitty things, prove to me they're bad even though you can't because I like them!"
not to mention your dumbfuck defense of nazis by mentioning the soviet union, because if person A does a bad thing and person B also does a bad thing that means person A is actually good.
waste of time.

>> No.11224654


>> No.11224658

No, I don't care about what the Russians or Germans do to each other. Why do Americans have to die for it?

>> No.11224663

The issue is more so 'colonisation' and intermingling between USA and the rest of the surrounding spaces. It's not about cartels in Mexico, that's just easy to say because normies will eat it up.

>> No.11224668


>> No.11224669

Explain how reading Plato would have that make sense, or do you mean the dog thing?

>> No.11224670
File: 112 KB, 640x675, 1526569947559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.11224678

>The issue is more so 'colonisation' and intermingling between USA and the rest of the surrounding spaces.
Well, yes, because the surrounding spaces are shit. Given the violence typical of places like Mexico where ~100 politicians have been killed so far in the runup to the election, it's hard to see the appeal.

>> No.11224685

.or do you mean the dog thing?
yeah I was just joking

>> No.11224699

America has the largest prison population

>> No.11224701

To me he's just a lovable oaf who occasionally says smart things. A modern day Socrates, basically.

>> No.11224715

And? Mexican law enforcement is hugely compromised by cartels. It's far less violent than Mexico and Central America. If it weren't, why would people from those countries flee to America to escape violence there?

>> No.11224719

The US, that is.

>> No.11224726

I never said they weren't violent or anything, but America has too many domestic issues to be pointing fingers like that.

>> No.11224745

>I never said they weren't violent or anything, but America has too many domestic issues to be pointing fingers like that.

>Mexico and Central America are pretty corrupt and violent, even in the absence of a war.
>We have too many domestic issues to be criticizing Mexico. Look at the state of the blacks! We have the world's largest prison population.
>What, I'm just saying, maybe we shouldn't let them move here. Wouldn't that increase our prison population if they reproduce the same societal patterns here?

>> No.11224756

If you have any better idea what to do with niggers then I'm all ears. The prison slave systems seems like a pretty solid solution

>> No.11224758

lol both of you are subhuman

>> No.11224760

>Wow, just wow.

>> No.11224776

Niggers belong in chains. They had their chance for freedom but this is how it played out. Sucks but that's just reality
Literally nothing wrong with the US prison population its just making the best of a bad situation

>> No.11224791

Let me guess, solidarity is the reason we have to tolerate criminal gangs from central America too? So we're up to 2 World Wars, constant low-level black violence, and comically brutal murders typical of drug trafficking gangs from Mexico and especially Central America. Solidarity kind of sucks.

>> No.11224795

I think you will find that it's people like you who should be locked away from society.

You have to understand the cycle of depravity involved and the environment that causes such criminality, but you don't and you will regress to the 'it's because blacks are biologically inferior' argument because you're dishonest and hateful. Do you even question your own beliefs? You seem to be convicted because of your own emotions.

>> No.11224796

chill out lad.

>> No.11224803

Mate, i'm a latin american, the people who flee my country rarely do so to "escape violence", they do it because the dollar is a fucking fortune and after working the US for a couple of years they can usually try to either come back with a bunch of dosh or just keep on living in the US until they get deported or find a way to legalize themselves.
Do not kid yourself, people who come back usually come back mocking americans for being the most gullible, histeric, clueless and histeric people on Earth. This is also why so many immigrants on the US prefer to remain in closed communities with their own people, no one wants to deal with americans.

>> No.11224805

>Let me guess
>Let me construct a dumbfuck strawman
everything that's happening you did to yourselves, and not through freeing slaves and fighting nazis but through being scummy shits who have to be forced into basic humanity

>> No.11224809

You raise genuine points but you just have to sperg out.

>> No.11224816


>> No.11224825

I'm chill as a cucumber lad

Yeah and what are you going to do about it. Send me to a re-education camp?

Chimps will be chimps. You can dress them up like a human and make them do adorable dances for peanuts but that monkey in them will snap one day and chew someone's face off. Its just nature.
Not one of those niggers ended up in prison from being a good citizen

>> No.11224828

>le epic re-education joke xD
You're just making any legitimate arguments or criticisms you may have look retarded.

>> No.11224830

>who have to be forced into basic humanity

Imagine being such a resentful third worlder you start believing this. You can come suck lead you little faggot

>> No.11224833

he's into some weird bdsm shit. he calls his dungeon the gulag archipelago and he makes his wife call him comrade when she seizes his means of reproduction

>> No.11224835

No, I know most indios just come to the US to make money. Left-wing arguments on this topic are typically moralist, though, appealing to our moral duty to care for them as they're fleeing violence caused by the US in some way.

>everything that's happening you did to yourselves, and not through freeing slaves and fighting nazis but through being scummy shits who have to be forced into basic humanity
>you deserve it bigot!

How can leftists make a claim to responsible leadership when it would appear that they're mostly interested in foreign crusading and punishing their native population for insufficient piety?

>> No.11224836

The good thing about being on the right side is my arguments prove themselves in reality. It doesn't matter what you think of them. Truth always comes crashing down

>> No.11224861

Oh, I agree with you on that one, specially considering I'm a leftist and have leftist friends who lived there for a while and they all say the same shit with the twist that the american left is the easiest thing to guilt trip on Earth. The guys who ACTUALLY want to move out of the country either go to other south american countries or pull some citizen trick on european countries because their great grandfather kinda enjoyed spaghetti or german sausages 150 years ago.

>> No.11224865

>they all say the same shit with the twist that the american left is the easiest thing to guilt trip on Earth.
Well, the American left is founded on guilt over slavery, so that isn't a big surprise.

>> No.11224873

Then again the american right wing was founded over thinking slavery was a good idea and civil war kinda heated the economy and created a good industry so at least SOMEONE is feeling guilty, am I right might american bro?

>> No.11224881

The Right =/= the South. Plus, the whole country was founded on Enlightenment ideals, which are left wing, so every almost rightist in America is just a liberal who was born in the wrong generation.

>> No.11224887

A middling approval rating doesn't mean diddly shit if the administration hasn't done shit expect make things worse except for themselves and their corporate/Saudi backers

>> No.11224904

Approval rating doesn't even matter that much. Most Presidents get re-elected, especially if the economy performs well. America re-elected George W. Bush. Hard to see how Drumpf is worse than him.

>> No.11224909

>fat slob literally who pusses out of debating Peterson, proceeds to ramble incoherently

>> No.11224913

And yet Peterson was the one stupid enough to respond to a troll account of the "fat slob literally who"

>> No.11224914

Not necessarily the economy was still in the shutter in 2012 when Obama got reelected

>> No.11224925

>pusses out of debating Peterson
why do you think the pussying out happened on his end

>> No.11225018
File: 34 KB, 615x462, Channel-4-News-calls-in-security-after-Cathy-Newman-is-subject-to-a-torrent-of-misogynistic-abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson won't go for it, Zizek is down for it. Maybe Peterson learned his lesson from debating Harris and is now just sticking to debating television news personalities with the IQ of a doorknob?

>> No.11225023

>Tangent: a completely different line of thought or action.
rewatch it again and then get your brain checked dumbass

>> No.11225321

Crudely put, but I don't disagree with you.

>> No.11225326

He wouldn't be a leftist if he could

>> No.11225355

Peterson literally wants 20,000 dollars to do it.

>> No.11225361

That latest poll was taken when people thought Trump solved the North Korea/South Korea problem. But then he blew it. Will be interesting to see the next polls.

>> No.11225731

>listening to zizek for any purpose other than entertainment

>> No.11225753


Hahah, what

>> No.11225762

This anon gets it.

>> No.11225770

Worst case the dems put up a really really good candidate against trump. Like Sanders or Zizek.

>> No.11225823

What is this thread about?

>> No.11225834


Vending out all our ideological and philosophical anxieties concerning the current state and direction of the world today in relation to ourselves and to our multiply defined communities.

>> No.11225837

Dunno, why dontcha read it and find out

>> No.11225857

I couldn't identify an overarching theme. OP pointed to Zizek's utterings on Peterson, which were "I agree with the problems he identifies but reeee don't associate them with Marxism". The thread doesn't seem to have anything to do with that.

>> No.11225890

Zizek is entertaining and self aware, and peterson is annoying and cringey, ergo conflict.

>> No.11225913

The humanities is a much more worthwhile pursuit than working with some sterile numbers

>> No.11225918

>thinking mathematics is numbers
wow you really did not get an education did you

>> No.11225920

Tell me what meaningful things I will learn from maths?

>> No.11225924
File: 182 KB, 1000x900, d333dbec7fa73d66cd6c15bde3845ff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing Stalin

>> No.11225940

oh, I see. so it's a masturbation thread for the underage. I'm out.

>> No.11225947

>self aware
I can't tell if your joking or not.

>> No.11225956

first and foremost grounding in probability theory is vital for interpretation. this cannot be emphasized enough. there's plenty of good forays into probability through logic (which will be easier to start with from a philosophy background) such as Keynes' Treatise on Probability and Carnap's Logical Foundations of Probability. These should be easy to digest and enjoy. From there, however, it is important to get a better understanding of measure theory and Kolmogorov's axioms for probability. With this you can unite the mathematical and philosophical sides together quite easily. Jaynes' book Probability Theory does this nicely.

Beyond that, a background in set theory and in algebra (not the high school algebra but that of fields, spaces, groups, etc) not only helps you understand how to logically abstract concepts, but also basically gives you the underlying structure of most applied maths, regardless of whether you even touch numbers again.

Calculus as a concept is also pretty foundational to the world around you. You don't need to (and indeed it may help with abstraction not to) touch much numbers, since the main insights of calculus can be derived from theorems and variables, not necessarily the numerical applications. Calculus drives the physical experience around you, your speedometer is an instrument showing you your derivative, all the economic concepts of "marginal X" is code for the derivative of X, et cetera.

>> No.11225965

No worst case for trump they put someone fairly moderate (and likeable)

>> No.11225983

>Like Sanders
They'd have to be "like" Sanders but not Sanders, running actual Sanders would be suicide considering the amount of dirt they've got on him.

>> No.11225988

My only problem with Zizek is that he is pretty lazy and sticks to a formula. Even if he is right about everything once you've heard his views then anything else he says is just repeating himself.

>> No.11225996

If you think spoken Zizek is bad for this you should check out his books, at least 70% recycled material from previous books.

>> No.11226029

that's not the same picture you fucking dip

>> No.11226050

This. I was disappointed when I found out that his writing is as haphazard as his speech

>> No.11226055

>I was
I was also*

>> No.11226063

I'm thinking if the dems had one like that they'd parade him more often, but it doesn't look like it.

>> No.11226065

>Any Also, regarding Jim Crow laws, why is it the case that segregation is worse than the counterfactual? How is my life improved by interacting with blacks on day-to-day basis given the reality of black crime rates?
Maybe you should have asked your cousin-fucking ancestors to have allowed reconstruction to actually work, then. Jim crow, the war on drugs, these are all things that created the modern deplorable state of crime in the American black community. It's a fucking self-fulfilling prophecy and you have only your predecessors to thank for it.

>> No.11226119

This guy has a point. Say what you will, being kidnapped, enslaved, demeaned might fuck up your descendants. Jews kind of sort of came over it, maybe blacks will too.

>> No.11226216

>Blacks can't stop slamming dirty drugs supplied by cartels because of stuff white people did in the past
Gud Optics.

>> No.11226271

>Watch some zizek video on Peterson
No thanks, even if I did it wouldn't matter, because you're still arguing with me about the use of the word.
And the idiom is "to go off on a tangent", your definition doesn't invalidate anything I've said. It's a completely different line of thought which is connected at one point. God forbid /lit/ have even an ounce of mathematical knowledge to derive meaning from.

>> No.11226276

>in the past
lol look at this guy who thinks racism (both insitutional/systemic and regular) is gone because obama was president

>> No.11226284

>racism (both insitutional/systemic and regular) is gone because obama was president
You've got some pretty bad internalized racism going on senpai, this wasn't even implied.

>> No.11226293

the first one was, the second is a humorous remark (coloquially known as "a joke")

>> No.11226297

Jews didn't equate their 'Jewness' with the depravity they could've succumbed to during their oppression, nor did they accuse people of the same ethnicity who didn't subscribe to the same 'Jewness' of heresy and Unlce Tommery. Ashkeazis sought to solve disenfranchisement through focusing on being extremely competent and learning trades so they can out-compete the native populations of their host countries. Having a Judaic didactic tradition rooted in critical thinking and debate and applied from a young age (not necessarily in a religious manner, but through other ways in which this tradition seeped into their culture), also helps.

Blacks are far from achieving that and those who claim to help them, treat them as pets for votes and social status. They need them as perpetual victims.

>> No.11226417

Jews took over banking, intelligentsia, science to a lesser extent, etc.
Blacks took/are taking over entertainment and sports.
The hereditary ideology is a point, but if there'd be a way for whites and blacks to work together, maybe something could be done. Christianity might be key.

>> No.11226464
File: 5 KB, 217x233, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If i pull that shadow off, will you die?
>It would be extremely chaotic
>You're the big type

>> No.11226488

>think this is just some lefty shitposting in the style of 'I met JP at the supermarket yesterday'
>realize it's a post from 2014

desu I wouldn't be surprised if Peterson is way less 'straightened out' than his public image makes it seem, but hey, Adorno and Heidegger weren't precisely what I'd consider good people either.

>> No.11226547

debord raped his own sister

>> No.11227224

>Jews took over banking, intelligentsia, science to a lesser extent, etc.
You could look at it that way, but that only reinforces my point. The way they wanted to solve their disenfranchisement was by becoming more competent and out-competing native populations. That and a Judaic tradition sedimented around secular Jews as well, that had already valued intellectual ability. Good on them.
>Blacks took/are taking over entertainment and sports.
As in they play and sing. They definitely haven't taken over those industries. They are barely capable of managing their own finances. Also, ever since the industry heavily moved away from instrumentation and the hip hop scene took over the scene overwhelmingly, artists are heavily replaceable. The death of the author has never been more true for music. As far as sports go... Not really a sustainable interest across a whole race.

>> No.11227277

Daily reminder



>> No.11227295

Enlightenment ideals aren't left wing mate, the left and the right spawn from enlightenment ideals. It's very hard to take americans seriously when you try to say that only the south is a pro-slavery cesspit then call the enlightenment left wing.

>> No.11227302

>second clip

>> No.11227331

So, the meaningful thing math teaches is math. I mean, not even logic, apparently, since after writing all that shit you should've realized this.