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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 528x580, Mishima2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11223273 No.11223273 [Reply] [Original]

>first richard spencer
>now pewdiepie
how am i supposed to feel special about readijg mishima now?

>> No.11223299

>romance story
>asks if its connected to the next book in the Tetralogy


>> No.11223308

>yfw pewds is reading/recommending books despite not knowing a single thing about it
truly a real /pol/fag

>> No.11223319
File: 54 KB, 633x758, angrysadjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11223343

you shouldn't he's one of the first japanese authors everyone reads, like feeling special about reading murakami

>> No.11223346

Anyone who is into literature has heard of Mishima

>> No.11223381

Curious thing is that this YouTube poster has millions of followers who grew up listening to what he has to say. He has more power and reach than any literature professor in the world. That means that, by supporting the habit of reading, he is actually doing what many teachers dreamed of doing: change for the better the minds of several young humans.

I support him. He might not be brilliant or extremely original, but he is definitely helping people to become better.

>> No.11223410

Yes. Hopefully future generations will be more like PewDiePie. Imagine a world where most people are like PewDiePie.

>> No.11223417

as demonstrated by op mishima is for pseuds who arent even aware theyre still reading basic shit. next he is going to find out stoner is getting a movie adaptation and be SHOOK

>> No.11223423

lol anyone can read a book man

>> No.11223428

Not where I live. There's more books over at my local bookstores written by Latinx authors or young people in the LGBT community than by Japanese authors, especially Japanese authors who promote traditional Japanese values.

>> No.11223431

I doubt too many people are reading everything he is, he seems to be going at a decent pace like 2 books a week. But yeah still probably a lot of people getting into literature because of his influence

>> No.11223437

Mishima was a young person in the LGBT community though. His views were way more western than Japanese

>> No.11223557

>romance story

>> No.11223707

He's not even that significant among Japanese readers (at least in our age group and down), he's was more of a western star.

>> No.11223768

Who is significant among Japanese readers, your age group on down?

>> No.11223781
File: 218 KB, 581x884, what did.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ourguy/ confirmed

>> No.11223789

Joyce, Proust, Williams, Rimbaud, Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky

>> No.11223792

>yfw some Swedish gamerbro just picks up a good book and thoroughly enjoys it without having to post a 'what am I in 4 :P?' thread on /lit/
Leave your shitty attitude at the door please.

>> No.11223801

So he's like Kurosawa. Or Don Rosa among Americans.

>> No.11223805

>My opinion of things is influenced by what others think
Is this what it's like to be a faggot?

>> No.11223810

I discovered him before he was popular because my kid brother showed me his videos playing CoD and Minecraft, which I thought were retarded. Then over teh next couple years he started playing horror games and my brother would always want to watch some of his videos because his reactions to the scary shit were funny, and he started to grow on me a little because the comments/commentary he would make while playing the games was pretty funny, though immature and sometimes annoying.

Then my little brother died. Around a year later I stumbled upon PewDiePie's videos again and it reminded me of my brother, so I started watching them. That was a few years ago, and I still watch him fairly regularly because his humor has matured and gotten less cringey, and he still makes me think of my brother which is nice.

I don't really know why I just typed all that. Nobody here gives a shit since none of us know each other, but whatever.

I guess the point is that you shouldn't judge people because you never know the full story.

>> No.11223858

I'm sorry your brother died.

>> No.11223907


>> No.11223956

Protip: if you read to feel special it means you don't like reading