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File: 139 KB, 555x414, are ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11222422 No.11222422 [Reply] [Original]

>The world’s richest regions, such as North America and Europe, are not only increasing their forest area. They have more forests than they did prior to industrialization. The United Kingdom, for example, has more than tripled its forest area since 1919. The UK will soon reach forest levels equal to those registered in the Domesday Book, almost a thousand years ago.

>It is not just rich nations that are experiencing net reforestation. The “Environmental Kuznets curve” is an economic notion that suggests that economic development initially leads to environmental deterioration, but after a period of economic growth that degradation begins to reverse.

>Once nations hit, what Ridley dubs the “forest transition,” or approximately $4,500 GDP per capita, forest areas begin to increase. China, Russia, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh are just some of the nations that have hit this forest transition phase and are experiencing net afforestation.
Was he, dare I say it, wrong?

>> No.11222435

area of "forest" doesn't mean anything when 90% of it is suburban woodland counted as forest despite being cut to shit with roads and inhabited by awful upper middle class suburban scum.

>> No.11222452
File: 51 KB, 638x558, 1523292620909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economic development = people moving into the forest instead of urbanising and moving into the cities, allowing the forests to grow to unprecedented levels

>> No.11222467

>Was he, dare I say it, wrong?
In relation to what you posted, he was not even wrong, because he made no claims related to the area of forests.

>> No.11222498

theres barely any woodland here lmao

>> No.11222506
File: 62 KB, 468x425, 1445380492058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now replace upper middle with lower/poor.

>being cut to shit with roads and inhabited by awful poor scum.

>> No.11222510
File: 1.41 MB, 934x994, chunghwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks don't play desu femme

>> No.11222511

This. Also biodiversity is more or less permanently eroded in Europe at least.

>> No.11222516

Uncle Ted didn't write that, cunt.

>> No.11222536
File: 116 KB, 500x334, forest-hills-home-3-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor people generally can't afford to shit on mother nature with thousands and thousands of square miles of pic related. Just to be clear, I'm speaking from an American pov so it's probably not as big an issue in Europe

>> No.11222548

That is so ugly.

>> No.11222555

yup, ironically this is considered classy in the US.

>> No.11222565

Forests growing were they should not be is a very bad thing you ecologically illiterate dumbo.
The invasion of Woody plants into grassland and mixed grassland ecosystems as well as an increase in forest density is a symptom and driver of apocalyptic biodiversty loss.
What did you think that Earth was just 100% covered in trees before people came along?
Meanwhile high quality woodland communities have experienced severe decline as well.
Go outside once in a while.

>> No.11222576
File: 400 KB, 1600x1064, hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free market apologists are even worse sophists than commies

gas the civcucks

>> No.11222601

>The world’s richest regions, such as North America and Europe, are not only increasing their forest area. They have more forests than they did prior to industrialization.

this is grossly and objectively wrong

>> No.11222604

final red pill

>> No.11222615

>when the first settlers landed in America a squirrel could travel from the Mississippi to the East Coast without touching the ground
No, he wasn't

>> No.11222630

people pretend that life was shitty back then but forget that most of the pain we associate with things like bleeding out from a mortal wound or losing children to illness or a woman being raped are associated more so with modern archetypes invented by civilization that encourage people to revel in the suffering of particular situations, as opposed to the direct pain from the act itself.

>> No.11222635

Why? It looks quite nice to me.
Then again I'm a slav and I lived my entire life in a commie block so I have no frame of reference.

>> No.11222642
File: 324 KB, 1300x716, boston-row-houses-stock-image-955965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is classy. A mccmansion is not this, not at all.

>> No.11222655

The specific reason that it's trashy is that it's a shitty attempt to affect the class that comes with living in a historic building without any of the actual effort associated with re-creating period architectural motifs or any of the inconveniences that come with living in an old building. It's throwing money at a piece of land and saying "I have a ton of money therefore I will buy class and nobility despite being a petite bourgeois piece of shit". It's an affront to everything that is good.

>> No.11223284

>Was he, dare I say it, wrong?
This. Also "replanted" forests are just rows of identical pines. There is a complex stratification of foliage, debris, ferns or shrubs etc not to mention fungus sprawls that can be as thin as one cell wall thick that we barely understand. These things are destroyed when clear land and replanting trees behind the bulldozers isn't even a superficial replacement it is merely a place holder.

>> No.11224888

The townhouse truly is the master-race of architecture.

>> No.11224921

Imagine caring this much about where people shit and sleep.

>> No.11224934

t. Doesn't understand how architecture/city planning affects culture.

>> No.11224946

"Trees lmao."
- Ted Kaczynski

>> No.11224961

>Imagine caring

The real question is why don't you care?

>> No.11224973

Can a nigga ITT explain why I'm supposed to hate McMansions? Am I just spooked to think that bigger = better?

>> No.11224978

>any of the inconveniences that come with living in an old building

Which matters to you why? Caring about this is more pleb than actually living in a 'McMansion'.

>> No.11224988

They're often really big and ugly. They show up all over and sign off people who are wealthy plebs with no taste. The one posted itt has too many different styled things going on at once, obviously to me the windows, there is no consistency and nothing nice about it. The white trim is overdone. That lamppost doesn't want to be there.

Fuck supposed to, if you like it don't take shit from anyone here.

>> No.11224998

this, OP is a brainlet, forest cover means nothing, the ecosystems that were destroyed by industrialization will take hundreds of years to recover.

I live in the northwest, my dad described playing on rotting tree stumps of cedars cut down in the 19th century that were thirty feet in diameter. Trees of that size are 900 to 1,200 years old. You cannot equate a second growth forest with trees barely 10 feet in diameter at the largest with old growth forest.

Not to mention that development absolutely annihilates the fungal mats that cover the forest floor and have been actually found to act as a nutrient distribution network, diverting extra water to the roots of new trees allowing them to partially overcome the shade of taller, more established trees.

>> No.11225006

There's a blog McMansion Hell that explains all this stuff.

>> No.11225007

Pretty much yeah. They tastelessly combine features from all kinds of architectural styles with no regard to how they fit together and they're so bloated that the roof looks like a mountain range, and not in a good way. They're one of the best representations of middle class affectation of wealth. It's like going to Olive Garden for a fancy dinner. The McMansion is an uncultured person's idea of class.

>> No.11225012

Don't forget how they're always built from the shittiest building materials available and need either constant repairs or to be torn down when the family that built it move out.

>> No.11225016

Aside from being stylistically barren, color by numbers abominations they are also the most ecologically destructive form of housing, largely due to the tendency for high ceilings which creates a great deal of completely unusable space which the climate control system has to heat or cool.

The exurban character of McMansions also results in habitat destruction, and in many areas these houses end up on septic because they are built outside of urban centers, you end up with some dumbshit developer putting a 3 bathroom house on a septic drainage field that is suitable for 1, then magnify this by homes placed too close together. Fecal coliform in the runoff then pollutes local waters.

The stream I used to swim and fish for crawdads in is now completely unusable because the dumbshit cuckold county executive (I know he is a cuckold because a good friend of mine is fucking his wife on the regular) permitted an exurban McMansion farm upstream of me.

>> No.11225040

Of course he is, but because he is the school shooter of leftism this website loves him.