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/lit/ - Literature

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11222151 No.11222151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board has really gone to hell.

>> No.11222166

And what are YOU gonna do about it, huh?

>> No.11222168

We're redpilled now. This board belongs to /r9k/ and /pol/. Try starting with Kevin McDonald's Culture of Critique and Schopenhauer's On Women if you want redpilled truth

>> No.11222176


>> No.11222184

thank god we have metathreads making the board better
oh wait

>> No.11222217

le oldfag is mad xD

>> No.11222219

>This board belongs to /r9k/ and /pol/
Might as well say this board belongs to /b/ now

>> No.11222227

That might explain the colossal number of devil's advocates we have prowling around recently.

>> No.11222233

no doubt
redditfags and /pol/niggers ruined it

>> No.11222239

All the smart posters are on winstoncord now.

>> No.11222242

Newfag here, what was it like before ?

>> No.11222254

>Petereson!! xP xP
>Zizek!!! XDD
>(shallow question about philosophy)
>someone asking what is the (x)iest book
>more shallow philosophy
>post your college!

The worship of some middle aged man is actually worrisome on this board, and the moment you call it out, the cult is defensive beyond reason.
It's philosophy that is really eating up the board

>> No.11222256

there were damsels with dulcimers singing songs of mount abora and every four weeks at least two of us drowned in the bosphorus.

>> No.11222258

Maybe the other site is more your speed.

>> No.11222263

Where is the discussion of Cer-Van-Tes now, Charles?

>> No.11222316

>spend hours translating Nietzsche's correspondence with August Strindberg
>Nietzsche's descent into madness mirrors that of the character in a Strindberg novella Nietzsche read
>develop interesting hypotheses that the event was connected
>make an incredibly fleshed out effort post about it with translations and everything
>a couple of anons write 'wow, sounds interesting will definitely follow' without participating
>thread dies at ~20 replies
>meanwhile some shitty 'peterson - bad am i right guys? xD' thread gets over 200 replies

It's just not worth it to post anything interesting or involved content on here because:

1. No one fucking reads anything but the meme standards to meme about them

2. /pol/ and /leftypol/ teens now make up a majority and they refuse to engage with anything that isn't American idpol bait.

>> No.11222324

Exactly! ? To see thew the newfog the dogs need to be reminded /lit/ property of [s4s] 4ever

>> No.11222340

>It's philosophy that is really eating up the board

also producing some of the only real quality discussions left. now I hide Finnegan's wake and gravity's rainbow threads on reflex

>> No.11222342

I mean, as someone who has been following this dumb board for years, quality threads like the one you made are extremely rare.

Recommendation threads can be good, threads about more obscure (or even just out of lit's lane) threads can be good, that one time Pynchon posted on lit was good, fart jokes are good. Pretty much it though.

>> No.11222353

I must have missed this-- is there any way you could share what you've found?
Cant' find it in archives.

>> No.11222354

/pol/ was not such a huge influence on it before. Standards of discussion were generally higher, it was more elitist and idiots/plebs were quickly ridiculed. Now it’s just /pol/ and people who don’t read.

>> No.11222369

This is a neo feudalist, non materialist board. All bourgouise, facists, and commies get out.

>> No.11222378 [DELETED] 
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its fucking pathetic.
its disgusting
4chan in general has gone from shit to worse.....apart from /ck/ which is impervious to /pol/ and r/The_donald bullshit.

the mods are fucked up. I can post serious scat fetish gifs and i don't get b& for 8 hours+

>> No.11222384


He never posted here. It was Bill Murray.

>> No.11222385

I'm going to try to make a good post tomorrow.

>> No.11222387

epic satirization of chuds

>> No.11222394

He mention that he played foosball with Bill Murray, not that he was bill murray

>> No.11222398

Just search "august strindberg" you knuckle-dragger how many people here you think post about obscure swedes?

>> No.11222399

I keep thinking about how funny it is that this board thought that 'Not Bill Murray' guy was Pynchon. As if that buck-toothed fucker is that erudite. You know he employs research teams for his books, right? Of course you don't, you teenage dilettantes. That would require you to be a seasoned reader. Fucking joke of a board.

>> No.11222403

>not posting Pasolini
you have awful taste in literary scat fetish films.

>> No.11222412

But Dan Ackroyd only posts on /x/

>> No.11222417

almost every time somebody on /lit/ mentions the word erudite, their post is retarded

>> No.11222419

find it for me faggot

>> No.11222424

Sure you can, doesn't mean you have to...

>> No.11222426

Every time someone makes your claim it's insecurity over a big word.

>> No.11222439
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I blame the shit tier mods who let it happen. They delete legitimate discussions if they have an inkling of r9k in them, but let "literature" brainlet/spam threads run wild. The absolute state of this board is their fault.

>> No.11222443

I blame philosophy.

>> No.11222451

it's not a big word, retard

>> No.11222454

there needs to be more threads on novels

>> No.11222462

I know. That's just how dumb you are.

>> No.11222487

Not him but you're the real retard. I remember seeing you in a Finnegans Wake thread. You don't like a claim but all you can do is note ots association to a fairly common word. You can't deny the claims themselves.

>> No.11222494

dick worshipping pseuds...

>> No.11222531

Not bad bait

>> No.11222538

Except he's right.

>> No.11222545
File: 47 KB, 350x339, 1444444486388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the Russians

>> No.11222549

oh look it's the eruditionfag army

>> No.11222556


>> No.11222560

> I think I know a thing other people don't know
> My knowledge of that thing makes me superior
I guess.

>> No.11222573

All you have is frustration that a private perception of a bad writer you like has been challenged and you can't articulate a rebuttal. Sad.

>> No.11222581
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>> No.11222587

It's been proven by first hand accounts that Pynchon uses a research team. That's just if you need proof. If you had any semblamce of a working consciousness you would be able to tell.

>> No.11222591



He's in Bloom's canon you know.

>> No.11222595

No one cares about Bloom's canon except for people here who only aspire to read someday and maybe a handful of Ivy League creeps.

>> No.11222598

I didn't ask for evidence you fucking knuckle-dragger, I was making fun of you for being prissy swine

>> No.11222599

Someone please link those discords.I just want to talk about books without trudging through "this author is a liberal cuck basedboy". I just like Pynchon, my dudes

>> No.11222603


>> No.11222610

No, you claimed I was claiming some secret knowledge. And I effortlessly reduted that.

>> No.11222611

Go back to Tolyatti you Putin-sucking cumslut.

>> No.11222632


>Nietzsche's descent into madness mirrors that of the character in a Strindberg novella Nietzsche read

Which one? The inferno crisis wasn't until 1894-1896, Nietzsche lost it in 1889. What mad literature did Strindberg write beforehand?

I've followed a similar thought, but it centered around Dostoevsky and Raskolnikov - now that is a freaky coincidence. I found a psychoanalytic writing on it on JSTOR, but sadly, in Hungarian as far as I remember.

I do agree about the sad state of this board. Effortposts are few and overlooked. Do it for yourself, not for others. It's a fine exercise, and if someone engages, all the better.