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11220039 No.11220039 [Reply] [Original]

>Western philosophy
>Eastern philosophy

When will the other directions get a chance?

>> No.11221118

>Western philosophy
Europe and other countries established by Europeans (North America, Latin America, Oceania)
>Eastern philosophy
Literally everything else (regardless of its geographical position relative to Europe)
The only other parts of the world besides Europe with substantial philosophical traditions are India and China. Islamic philosophy is still very strongly attached to Western philosophy due to its Platonist/Abrahamic origins.
There is no Sub-Saharan African philosophy because African people never really had enough leisurely time to get into philosophy. Besides, philosophy is a Greek concept which does not translate very well to non-Western cultures.

>> No.11222936

I hate this guy.

>> No.11222958
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>not even not leisure time

>> No.11222961

Fucking lmaod

>> No.11223116


>> No.11223302

Ain't no Santa niggas doing philosophy get tf out

>> No.11223315
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>philosophy is a Greek concept

>> No.11223318

>African people never really had enough leisurely time

What, too busy picking bananas off trees?

>> No.11223368

Southern philosophy currently occupies the Holy See

>> No.11223421

Not that poster, I appreciate Eastern thought, but I agree. The word itself came from Ancient Greece, the concept is from Greece. In the East, they didn’t have a unified word or system or implicit unified Eastern tradition behind all these forms of thought. The writer(s) of the Daodejing didn’t have the same conception of himself as a philosopher or the work as a philosophical work the same way Western philosophers have. It has a heavier focus on experiential wisdom gained from meditative practices and intuition or insight as opposed to discursive reasoning. Eastern philosophies are also heavily linked with what we would call spirituality/organized forms of religion in a way Western philosophy and philosophers have not been. Exact points in this post may be debatable/unclearly stated, especially because I’m making generalizations about such broad fields as Eastern and Western philosophy, but I’m just trying to get the sense across in which “philosophy” as a concept is very Western and doesn’t necessarily have an exact equal in/the same context for historical Eastern thinkers.

>> No.11223462

>this is your brain on scientism

>> No.11223465

Wait, are you telling me all my Penguin classics of philosophy aren't southern philosophy?

>> No.11223469

I consider myself to be a Southwestern philosopher (the inversion of western philosophy)

>> No.11223492

I’m not on scientism you absolute fucking retard, I said I appreciate Eastern thought. If anything, I prefer it to Western thought. It is, however, mostly incommensurate with Western ideas of strict rationality and discursive reasoning.

>> No.11223625

>implying ancient greek philosophy was any different than eastern philosophy insofar as spirituality was concerned
>implying all eastern philosophy is spiritual and non-materialistic
>implying western philosophy didn't branch off from traditional understandings in the modern period
>implying post-modern western philosophy is non-spiritual
>this is your brain on a high school level understanding of philosophy (he probably likes bertrand russell's history [laughingmuses.jpg])

>> No.11223763

They burned down all the mayan/aztecs books, you could maybe call those books "central philosophy".
that's it though

> In the East, they didn’t have a unified word or system or implicit unified Eastern tradition behind all these forms of thought.
not true actually, they called it 家, as in 諸子百家, the Hundred Schools of Thought

The early Daoist texts were largely philosophical, particularly Laozi and Zhuangzi, then autists came and combined it with aspects of Chinese Folk Religion so now it's known for rituals and shit.
Sort of like as if you were to use christian rituals for "practicing stoicism" and then use Marcus Aurelius in place of Christ, so it's perfectly legit stoicism, right guise, meanwhile Meditations becomes the new bible and people autistically memorize quotes from it thinking it'll increase their "stoicness"

>> No.11223872

>they called it 家, as in 諸子百家,
The Chinese did, you mean. Laozi and Zhuangzhi’s texts are also entirely different from Western philosophy, they’re not necessarily logically written, they’re variously aphoristic, poetic, humorous, filled with parables, etc. “Philosophy” is sort of a makeshift word to slap onto Zhuangzhi’s writings or the Daodejing. They’re also reminiscent of mysticism.

I like how you bring up all these objections when I was just pointing out that, in the broad history of Eastern thought and wisdom writings, there has not been as much of an emphasis on the glorification of reasoning as there has been in the Western philosophical tradition. I even expressly pointed out that it was a GENERAL difference and one to which specific objections could be brought up. You’re missing the forest for the trees. Even the Ancient Greek philosophy you bring up as being spiritual is heavily predicated on the glorification of reason as something divine. In Eastern philosophies, reasoning was not necessarily seen as divine or the highest faculty in mankind. Paradox and illogicality are commonly deliberately embraced in Daoist and Buddhist texts. There’s more of a focus on insight to be gained by meditative practices, insight which is expressly often said to be outside the bounds of reason and language.

I like how you bring up postmodern Western philosophy as if the influence of Eastern philosophy has nothing to do with it, as well. I do admit I should have said “Western philosophy up to a certain point”. I mean, even Schopenhauer was influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism.

Globalization and cross-cultural influence is making everything different now, this random anon predicts that the future will see an increasing fusion of Eastern and Western philosophy. It’s a trend that’s been going on for a while and is kicking up now. You may make fun of latte-drinking yuppies who become Buddhist but this is just the surface manifestation of the ongoing reconciliation of the East and West.

>> No.11223882

The cross-cultural influence seems to be a one-way thing, though; eastern philosophy to western philosophy, but not vice versa.

>> No.11223885

>burned down all the aztec books

>> No.11223887

This looks like an ausfag I worked with in sg who literally spent all his money fucking Filipino hookers

>> No.11224204


>> No.11224279

>burn down all the aztec books
The link you posted shows that not all aztec books were burned, you dumb bastard.