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/lit/ - Literature

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11219399 No.11219399 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.11219408

You're not perfect.

>> No.11219415

richard baxter dankest mother fucker to ever do it, puritanism revival when?

>> No.11219417

I always here people saying ideology is bad, but if we did not have an ideology, or ideas that we hold when the consensus was slightly leaning the other direction, everyone would blindly follow the most articulate person.

>> No.11219445


but now I don't.

Your choices aren't me - they're you.


Hear that?

Hear what?


>> No.11219458

What other websites do you guys use for news, discussion, and entertainment outside of 4chan? Doesn't have to be literature-related.

>> No.11219462

cunt tits piss shit ass fuck nigger hang slice neck bloody stump fucking niggers kill kill kill die cunt choke on bloody fuck fumes suck leprous cunt mucus

>> No.11219465

Nahc4, only a em ekil naicirtap eurt can access it

>> No.11219523
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I haven't left the house in 3 months.

>> No.11219867
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To Whom It May Concern

It should be first acknowledged by reading this memo, you are entering a soul binding contract by which there are no, as you say, "based in reality" circumstances that could remove or demisnish your involvement. Yes, as you continue down this path, I begin to become the single voice within your mind. My thoughts, echoing in your brain via your voice or rather maybe the voice you've assigned your deepest internal thoughts. This is the appropriate headspace to be in when reading any text. It comes with a price.

>> No.11219873


>> No.11219883

Making out with a hot girl is one of life's only true and pure pleasures

>> No.11219891

god i miss being 18 and being at parties drunk and making out with random grils
excellent thought anon

>> No.11219903

I'm approaching killing myself, but I am not there yet. I just feel incapable of being who and what I want to be. I feel like I'm amongst those I look down upon.

Today I met someone who spoke with pretense and pseudo-verbosity, yet they seemed smarter than me. It really bothered me that they were maybe better than me intellectually. Within the same party there was a guy who I'm pretty sure had a much bigger dick than me.

I just feel really defeated today and days like this push me closer to clocking out and leaving, but I know I'm not there yet.

>> No.11219908

I fucked up.
But by the Grace of God I will bear my cross and redeem my sins.

>> No.11219912

Honestly don't know how I can save myself without meds or a bullet to the brain. I simply cannot fucking function with this level of paranoia. Lifting didn't help, getting a job didn't help, etc. etc. I think I'm genuinely non-meme mentally ill.

>> No.11219929

Tfw nothing else like busting a nut in a 16 year olds ass

>> No.11219995

I’m probably the best writer in my undergrad English program. I submitted a story to the literary journal last fall only because my mentor talked me into it, I hadn’t read much of other people’s work in my program so I wasn’t sure it was going to make it in, turns out I won an award recognizing the piece I submitted as the best selected fiction. I finally got a chance to read my peers’ works and damn they suck, I’m pretty sure they just pretend to read all of the classics or they skim them super quick.

I’ve always felt self-conscious in class because I felt like I hadn’t read very widely. The only writers who’s bibliography I have mostly completed are Hemingway, Tolstoy, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Any upper level English course with lots of reading I’m the one faggot who never raises his hand when the professor asks who has read the books already.

Even with that recognition I know it’s completely hollow. Writing has such a high ceiling it will take a lifetime for me to feel like I can write anything worthwhile, there are so many tiers to climb. First you’re the best writer in your high school, then you try to be the best writer at your college, then you try to get published in some small journals maybe, then try to get into the best MFA programs (most people seem to be happy with saying they graduated from a prestigious program like Iowa) and then there are a million tiers after that.

I’m probably stuck up and arrogant for feeling weird watching people pat themselves on the back for accomplishing the equivalent of a participatory medal, but writing is hard as fuck and I sure as shit know I’m not even close to perfecting my work, I don’t know if anyone’s perfected it or couldn’t have done it better somehow.

>> No.11220009


>> No.11220011

I always feel this looming threat as if my darkest secret will at any moment come to light, and all who claimed to love me will leave me perhaps forever. I hate my life. I hat myself. why couldn't my brother just leave me alone? Why does my mind have this monstrous thoughts? Why me? why can't there be people who can help people like me without risking losing everything.

>> No.11220014

Did your brother molest you?

>> No.11220017


>> No.11220076

I am afraid of the future
I am afraid of failure
I am afraid of returning to nothing
I am afraid of becoming older

>> No.11220096
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Hey, can you hear me? I was young, mistook want for need. I had time, you had dreams. We both had better things to do. Can you sleep at night? Can you walk in the light. The recorder asks for more but please don't bring the lamp.
Hurt yourself.


>> No.11220133

Quickly, they ran. Through field, forest, memory. Waging the foot-stomp war against a Fall breeze. All swayed and rocked as if goading them on. There was no destination. Running from, running toward, running for years. Ankles clawed by gelatinous green-red-eyed forgottens. Who taught them? Experience pushed their fates. Now wound together, an entangled mass of did, didn’t, should, and must. Spinning sun stomp accelerator ghost automobiles haunting thoughts. All thoughts revolving around no-thought, thinking they’re immune to body rot. But they’re not. Escape the container, flee toward savior, Krishna, or abyss. Seeing all this in brief flash of inner iris while heat blushed towers spill endless upon internet lists. Christ holy breeze blow through tabernacle on containers and Trash Heap beyond suffer until suffer unrealized. Magnetize thought-vision proselytise like unheard ‘he is risen’. They ran quickly. Undoing any everything. Unwinding every anything. Nothing sacred in sudden ending.

>> No.11220228

Get me out. All I need is the chance to run away. Just forget about me. Erase me from your memory. All of you. Pretend I was a child's tale, long forgotten. Understand me as a lie. I don't want you, not really. Any of you. I'd rather just watch you all come and go. Why wouldn't you rather just throw me away? Do you remember the last thing you threw away? Did you forget the first thing you threw away? I'm afraid of the night. Death is in my room right now, watching me. Literally. I only smile to see you go away. Every night is restless, every day is tiresome. I want to drown in the marshes; melt.
My only desire is for someone to know this. Truly understand it.

>> No.11220251

Need girlfriend, stat. How did former incels do it?

>> No.11220269
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I want to be educated in classical studies(Hellenic studies specialization more so),that's the primary ambition in my life.
I have other ambitions too but this is the one that is relevant here and perhaps it will be the one that will give me the most inner peace.

>> No.11220313

how do I do a book cover for my book?

>> No.11220381

Try reading the Bible

>> No.11220450

Holy fuck I'm pathetic. I'm too weak to quit weed, too weak to talk to girls I want to talk to, too weak to get my dick hard for thhe girls I can talk to. (who i always dont want to have anything to do with for some reason) I turned 18 about a month ago and I still feel like a 12 year old. My 18th was pretty cooked. Just me on crack with some nerds from my school and trap I was half flirting with and some fat hog that I wasn't able to fuck because my cock doesn't work. Well, I say she's fat but idk. might just be the dirty porn habit I picked up when I was 12 talking.
I've always been destined for failure. I thought kicking porn would set me straight but I just started smoking bongs every day and walked in a big circle. I've gotten fucking stupider over the course of high school. I read some shit I wrote in year 10 and it's better than anything I could write today. I'm poisoned. I'm rotting from within. No, fuck that, I am poison. Everywhere I go turns into a cold, dark place and the only reasonable conclusion is that I'm the one making it that way. And I can't even quit bud, do the one obvious thing that might give me some power over myself again.

Well, I probablly can, but I'm just a glutton for punishment. Love beating myself up desu. In lieu of someone else to beat me up. Though I've tried that too and it was a fucking waste of time. You think a dominatrix is going to be all cathartic and cool but it just turns out to be a dispassionate whore wacking you with a stick)

I'm too stoned to write anything real right now but even if I wasn't it would be shit. What are the chances that I'm in the 0.001% of people with something valuable to say in their writing? I don't even have the balls to write every day and I've wasted too much time giving myself brain damage. The whole thing is a fucking waste.

How do you get out from under the weight of who you are? i just want to be somebody else somewhere else, somebody better and less useless than I am. someone tell me, please . or at least rec me a carl jung essay to read or something.

>> No.11220479

>i just want to be somebody else somewhere else
Well, start by going somewhere else and try to make your luck there. Can’t get much worse.

>> No.11220488

This is the worst post I've ever read.

>> No.11220497

but i'm so weak man. it's probably a bit of placebo brain magic but i feel like the little reserve of confidence i got from quitting porn has just eroded away over the last two years and now i'm at the point where I wouldn't be able to approach any part of the world with any sincerity or confidence. Plus I gotta fininsh high school.

so i just stay with my parents and smoke their bud all day.

>> No.11220501

I know it was pretty shit but coming to 4chan to vent your shit is kinda like shitting in a toilet.

>> No.11220538

I want to do mushies but I don't wan't a bad trip. Maybe I should just wait and get some acid instead.

>> No.11220539

>coming to 4chan to vent your shit is kinda like shitting in a toilet
the place is what the users make it, and this attitude is precisely what makes it as shit as it is. but it isn't always.

having stoner parents is definitely not good for you, and might have a lot to do with why you are this way.
anyway, if you really want to change, it's very difficult to do with the same surroundings and the same people around you. the people who know you effectively echo your self back to you, reinforcing the way you already are, and if you try and change, they will still be reflecting your 'old' self for a long time, making it very difficult to get anywhere and requiring a lot of willpower to overcome your surroundings projecting the 'self' that you don't want to be.
for this reason, it's much easier to change and do something with your life by moving away and meeting entirely new people and going to entirely new places. which is something I'd suggest, as it seems to be the best answer to your question, "how do you get out from under the weight of who you are?". so it's either force yourself to change, through a lot of sweat and tears, which few people pull off and you have to really, really *WANT*; or, get out from your old life. get away. and mold yourself in a new place where the world doesn't yet know you. that's pretty much the best advice I can give you. as an addendum, give the new testament a try, no joke. that may be even better advice.

>> No.11220541

Isn't there a much higher chance of a bad trip with acid? You should have a "sitter", anyway.

>> No.11220545

Why do Western liberal women love African rapists and Islam?

I'm not even being /pol/ about this. It's just something that's virtually the status quo.

>> No.11220548

Yes. We always try to decieve ourselves but this is the truth

>> No.11220549

>I'm too stoned to write anything real right now
Funny. I write best when I'm stoned. Well, my technique is shit but the best ideas come.

>> No.11220551

A very simple, but (I think) truthful answer is that these things, along with their exotic appeal, are the enemies of what they hate about their own culture, namely its Christian roots. So they welcome them to destroy what they hate.

>> No.11220558

Females of any species (humans are just animals) are hardwired at an instinctive level to favour the victor as a sexual mate. It's not their fault and not an insult. Evolutionarily speaking it's been a positive.

>> No.11220559

An acid trip lasts longer than a shroom trip but I have heard that shroom trips tend to be darker

>> No.11220563

To follow on from that: Listen to any popular music, like on the radio or Spotify charts. Western men are only promoted if they're meek. The only powerful sounding men are black. (((Who))) is producing and promoting popular music?

Do with that what you will. Feel free to test that observation.

>> No.11220567

I always thought they just wanted to be special at first then every girl wanted to be like that and they just fit right in. I always thought it’s because the females are so butthurt about being inferior to men that they try to prove something but then it failed under their knowing because they’re too dumb..

>> No.11220576

if there's actually some novelty to your high then it can give you good ideas but when you're a daily smoker stoned and tired kinda become thesame thing.

but still i don't think there's a single person whos prose style got better bc they were baked.

>the place is what the users make it, and this attitude is precisely what makes it as shit as it is. but it isn't always.
You're right and /lit/ is one of the better boards but does 4chan really need to be anything other than a toilet? Even the ideal utopian 4chan is a place of absolute frivolity.

>> No.11220581

go to bed varg

>> No.11220587

Allowing myself to play turns me into a damn addict and I can’t restrain myself from escapisms for a long time.
Not allowing myself to play causes my mind to go on a strike and it doesn’t work as good as it was.
Balancing the two takes great effort and somehow I could only keep the balance for a short while. It’s all so hard.

>> No.11220607

I still remember watching this episode when it first aired.

Courage was my favorite cartoon, but somehow I wasn't sad, even though I knew his was the last episode. Either because they advertised it as such, or because it just felt so perfect as an ending.

>> No.11220649


Does anyone have a good recommendation (a book or set of books) that deals with military logistics nowadays?

>> No.11220662

There's nothing on my mind, it's an empty shithole, a wasteland, something infrastructural, logistical, a dull tool, gray, sheenless, with no impetus of its own, once-to-be-manipulated, now laying still

>> No.11220695


i asked /tv/ but theyre useless, whats a good tv show or movie to watch when you're in a dark mood?

>inb4 read
i would read but its late and im baked.

>> No.11220727

It's so cringeworthy when Christians are against Islam. Look into a mirror.

>> No.11220738
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>> No.11220754

Your brother should feel afraid of his darkest secret coming to light, not you. You have nothing to be ashamed of, but I suppose you probably know that on a rational level and it doesn’t help

>> No.11220770

I really hate third worlders

>> No.11220780

take these threads back to /adv/

>> No.11220824

When I went to Amsterdam I tried a kind of truffles that don't give you allucinations and makes you laugh and happy. Stronger than Marijuana but much lighter than allucinogens shrooms (which I never tried). Maybe you should search something similar for your first time

>> No.11220854

i flew across the sky like a falling star, my vaginal flaps riding on the winds like the sails of a boat facing its last voyage
my name? it'd be lost to the winds of time, the way my private moisture currently was being

>> No.11220880

I've always thought pussy juice was alkaline.

>> No.11220885
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Guess the board

>> No.11220933


Your empty and solitary, boring life.

>> No.11220957

Real shit bruh. True, too true.

>> No.11220964

How does one choose between tits and ass?
They are both so good in different ways.

>> No.11220971

Tits. You can suck em AND fuck em

>> No.11221109

Are you calling me a retard?
Also, Varg hates Christianity. I think it's very unlikely he'd be presenting this line of argument

>> No.11221117

>does 4chan really need to be anything other than a toilet?
Yes. It's probably my most visited website and I certainly like it better than all the social networks. When it's at its best, anyway.

>> No.11221124

It's only "cringeworthy" to your ignorant self, because you know nothing about either religion or the differences between them. As we all know, it's very easy to make fun of things you know nothing about.

>> No.11221129

the best thing about both is that you don't have to choose, d e s u

>> No.11221320
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>be lonely person
>not many close friends
>know girl
>she really likes me, I like her too
>we grow close
>starts turning into a romance
>it was mutual, not just me being an autist
>she's my best friend
>gives me reason to live
>go through a rough patch, don't talk to each other much
>she goes away for a month
>we reconcile while she's away
>start talking about stuff we want to do when she's back
>she tells me she's really excited to see me
>feel pretty ok for the first time in a long while
>yesterday, the day she's coming back
>ask when she'll be back that evening
>no response
>whatever, she's probably tired or whatever
>still no reply this morning
>hanging out with some other friends
>one mentions that he saw her last night, they were both a mutual friends house at a small party
>she blew me off mere days after reaffirming our relationship

I guess this isn't that big a tragedy, but I'm really fucking hurt right now. Maybe my values are all distorted because I've been lonely for so long, but that's a fucking awful thing to do to someone you supposedly care about. It's fucking over, I can't take this treatment anymore. I never want to see her again. Which is a fucking problem because she's friends with all my other friends so I'm going to have to become a hermit for that to happen.

Fuck you C, fuck you.

>> No.11221344

I read enough to get into Chrysostomos (a complete utter retard) and Palamas (Nice guy, very interesting) I read Palamas through some French theologian I don't remember the name of though.

>> No.11221373

Self-awareness and individuality are a meme you allow us to indulge in when you post these threads. Being the same as everyone else and following the path laid out in front of us was the right answer all along, yet our minds are still hard coded to stray from normality in a sick twist where the deviation that once fueled natural selection became a genetic lottery with too many winning tickets.

>> No.11221423

lol that fucking sucks man

>> No.11221456

i am currently debating whether or not to lose my virginity to an escort

>> No.11221465


Go to a gay bar. It's funnier and more seemless.

>> No.11221484

I will buy your novel.

>> No.11221485

im an ugly literal autist, dont think i could manage it

>> No.11221671
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You tried

>> No.11221763

It now seems to me that they change every place that they enter to their so called "liking", robbing those places of what attracted them to it in the first place. I chuckled to myself from a distance as I watched the woman scratch her head as to why she was no longer attracted to the husk of a man she called her husband. Damnable fools they both were for thinking that they could be bound together for elongated amounts of time and still think that they could both, in their form and relationships, still be attracted to one another.

>> No.11221776

O Y A Z U Mi Pun Pun

>> No.11221832

yeah, but it made me a monster

>> No.11222215

i have no clue what to "do" with my life, i don't find living enjoyable at all, i'm currently studying computer science and i find it boring

i had such a lust for life when i was younger but since i started studying this subject i feel as though i hate being in the moment and often think about suicide

time goes by so fast and i barely have anything to show for it

comp sci leaves me feeling mentally exhausted, my only motivation for doing it is stability when i'm older

>> No.11222272

switch to applied math

>> No.11222306

Then stop worrying about living for its own sake and look at it as merely a "passing through" to the beyond.

>> No.11222413
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I just called up a guy who offered me a job a few weeks ago, which I turned down because it was in another city. I start as soon as I have a place to live.

>> No.11222420

I've had a compulsive need to draw swastikas recently. Last night when I came on my gf's stomach I looked at the mess of cum and asked her if I could draw a swastika with the cum. She was confused but laughed it off. I insisted. "I want to draw a cum swastika." I saw the brightest, school-shooting blood-red flash before my eyes and my index finger started reshaping the cum into a swastika. I guess I must have lost control of myself as she jumped up in a panic, yelling "What the fuck?!" over and over again.
I had drool coming out of my mouth as I staggered toward her and her cummy belly. I had one hand on her throat and one her stomach when I finally snapped out of it. I felt like an MKUltra agent that had just been activated. But for what purpose? Something's up.

>> No.11222528
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Here's what's on my mind, and it's LIT related...It annoys me that both Google and Amazon sell books but won't put the actual print date of the book. I'll see books that in my recollection, must have initially been printed a decade or so ago, but I'll see 2012, 2014, etc... like they were printed yesterday. Fuck all that 2nd edition shit because unless they're textbooks most fiction/non-fiction books do not include serious re-writes.


Pic related...but there are worse offenders.

>> No.11222534

Do dreams dream of dreams?

>> No.11222590

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.11222783

I want to go back to the past.
I want to be six years old again, aimlessly running around in the garden, get on the swing, not a care in the world.
I want to be in Highschool again. At times I miss the stressful routine I had. What I miss more are the friends I was able to see every day.
I want to work at the job I had during Highschool again. I miss the 30-hour shifts I had during the weekend before a big event.
I miss getting up at 6AM, tiredly breathing in the crisp morning air. I miss staying up until 4AM, having played vidya the whole night. Seeing the sun rise when it's summer. Maybe going for a short walk whilst in this mindset totally away from the world.
I miss two years ago, when me and this girl had just started dating properly. I miss our trips to the museum, the parks, the cafes. Her coming over to my place after work. Her silky hair, the feeling of her smooth skin, the way she used to kiss me.
I miss my first semester in uni when I made friends with so many people and spent all day with them. I miss the winter we had, when it was still warm in October, yet the biting cold in November couldn't kill the flames in my heart.
I miss last year when I met a group of people who have grown too dear to me. I miss how the one closest to me, wasn't as dissatisfied with her life.

Some days I just want to leave everything behind, become a NEET, move to my hometown or a city no one knows me in, cut contact with everyone and only ever leave the house for pizza and crisps.
Most days I need to stop being such a whiny bitch.

>> No.11222795

Fair point.

>> No.11222796
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His death still wears on me, slowly grinding my patience with this life away. Every birthday is another step back to him.

>> No.11222810

I know. But if someone says "are you a tits or ass guy?" Like why can't I be both? Dont make me choose. Playing with tits is amazing but also fucking a chicks ass is actually scarily good. Stop ruining my buzz guy and dont ask me to choose.

>> No.11222831

I have become trapped in a static worldview and state since the age of 15. Nearly ten years have passed since and I'm still that scared lazy little kid inside. And I don't seem to want to change. I feel an immense desire to be loved and wanted as I am now without having to better myself or improve. As everybody is progressing without me, I stay stubbornly here, waiting for the thumbs up to go ahead.

>> No.11222842


>> No.11222852

holy shit crazy rich asians is getting made into a movie, when it comes to chronicling the asian-privilege experience there can only be one, tao lin btfo!

>> No.11222902

A mixture of nofap, waking up at 5, lifting weights (Starting Strength regiment), reading religious texts and Kierkegaard made me not want a girlfriend as much and gave me a better sense of self worth. Several girls have come out of nowhere though and have been blowing up my phone as of late. I still haven't has sex in like 2 years, but I now feel I could change that

>> No.11222942
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Circumcision is barbaric and a blind spot in american culture. A quarter of the nerves are cut off it's not just a piece of skin. I've asked why my dad did it and he said it's cleaner. Ever heard of showering? Risk of phimosis? That's treatable. I've asked others and they said they wanted their son's dick to look like theirs. I'm left thinking if someone got their ear lobe chopped off would they do it to their children to make them look like them? It's fucking sick and insane and a cultural value that people are blind to and they think it's fucking normal and even laugh if I call it genital mutilation. That's about what's on my mind today it comes and goes.

>> No.11222951

I build and I pray, then play pretend, call it progress.

>> No.11222966

I've been sitting at my couch, literally just watching the time tick by in dead silence. I've cut off my internet access for most of the week, I'm still trying to figure out if I'm only going to go online on sundays or if I'm just going to take a long break from internet access for the summer.

>> No.11223018

i ordered a book with free shipping from amazon on friday, it shipped yesterday, and now the tracking says it will be delivered tomorrow, three day shipping for free over a holiday weekend? thank you based bezos!

>> No.11223021

Let me die goddamnit

>> No.11223060
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>tfw I havent done this since 2016
I wanna die for fucks sake

>> No.11223071

>tfw you use what little writing skills you have to do nothing but write smut for yourself

>> No.11223084
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>tfw never have I ever

I want to explode and burn into cinders.

>> No.11223087

i used to do that before the republicans made craigslist personals illegal with some that dumb trafficking bill, i would write these long ass erotic emails to motherfuckers in the m4t section, but most times i would bust a big ass nut and then delete, but sometimes it would stay in ur draft folder so next time u go to fap u can edit your previous shit and make it even hotter good times

>> No.11223231

>craigslist personals
Is there an alternative for it yet? I found some pretty gud lays using it.

>> No.11224326
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My room is infested with Ants, or rather I've decided to establish my digs in their home. They come out in the morning and in the night, in the dim light I see their little bodies emerge from the floorboards and meander across the carpet. They scurry away like cockroaches when I enter the room and flip on the light, can you believe that? Sometimes I'm gone for much of the week and I don't have much time to clean and they become more audacious. How many times I've seen a black dot crawling across my latop screen while sitting in bed only to realize there is an ant on my screen. Any time any sort of food or even food wrapper is left in my room they will be scurrying over it within the hour. This one time I used toenail clippers to clip off a large callus that had formed on my big toe and soon enough a dozen ants were devouring it. At first I would just vacuum them up but as the inevitability of their coexistence with me began to dawn I grew more apathetic.

I no longer cared about them, the tickling sensation of them crawling over my bare legs would help wake me up for work in the morning, they made me feel less alone. When I masturbate they are drawn to the smell of the scented cocao-butter vaseline. In a moment of depravity they are crawling on me as I masturbate, me too engrossed in lust to care. They crawl into the opening of my penis and enter my body. I merge with the ants, become one with them. When I get home from work now I allot a new portion of sugar to them, to reward them for their cooperation. I smear honey on my asshole, ears and nostrils and lie still for hours, they crawl into my anus, my ears, my nasal passages, they make their way through my body and emerge from my penis, from my belly button, through my tear ducts. Some of them make it to my brain and make their home there, whispering the secrets of nature to me like the snake and Asclepius. They begin to do more then instruct me. They control my brain, learning to manipulate my neuronal passages. I serve the Queen now. One day I hope to be granted the privilege of inseminating her.

I'm not the only one, once you are in the know, you know others. I see them on the subway I can see the ants hiding in their pupils, we are united in our secret. The scratchings inside my head more divine than any music. At work some human female was lasciviously admiring my countenance, oblivious to my true nature. I wish to hold her down and inject ants into her brain by sticking my penis into her nostrils. Walking late in the city, they approach me "we have been watching you, you have judged you to be ready". I'm led into a heavily perfumed room laid with Ottoman tapestries and candles. She has gray hair but a lithe muscular body, walking with impossible grace. The servants leave me with her. I lay on the bed, the ants behind both of our pupils communicating with eachother. she fellates and then mounts me, I shoot my seed into the Queen. At the moment of death she bites my head off.

>> No.11224411

why do pseuds feel that it's necessary to remind you of their atheism in every conversation like it's a badge of honor

>> No.11224435
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Well, it's over with her lads. It's really over this time. Fuck.

>> No.11224440

>why do pseuds do pseud stuff
really makes you think

>> No.11224477


>> No.11224594

I can't decide, I can't risk anything, I can't put myself out there. I'm a coward.

What do I do?

>> No.11224602

This board has its share of retards but going to other boards is like stepping from a dog park with diarrhoea dogs into an American factory farm cesspit.

>> No.11224624

Get disgusted with yourself, risk everything in a frenzy of self-hatred, lose everything, return here to cry about it.
t. me

>> No.11224630 [DELETED] 

Jessica Evans
3 minutes ago

I wish I were as brilliant as Nick Land who invented using ({([Parenthesis])}) weird, or IcyCalm who is an asshole behind a paywall. All I know how to do is overanalyze video games, and the last time I went all-out with that was in 2009

>> No.11224644

I wish I were as brilliant as Nick Land who invented using ({([Parenthesis])}) weird, or IcyCalm who is an asshole behind a paywall. All I know how to do is overanalyze video games, and the last time I went all-out with that was in 2009

>> No.11224676

she keeps asking me to come over
over and over
is she that needy
I just want to sit and home and look at anime tiddies, fuck off

>> No.11224735


>> No.11224774

I agree.

>> No.11224785

I know doctors who did not circumcise their son for this reason. He ended up getting the procedure at 18 because he didn't keep his foreskin clean. I think from the amount of people who agree with this circumcision will start to die out in the next generation.

>> No.11224792


>> No.11224892

No, people would follow what benefits them the most

>> No.11224907

You're absolutely right, it really pisses me off that my parents made that choice for me when I was an infant.

>> No.11224991

I just made out with my best friend's older, divorced sister. I decided to leave before anything else happened. We've fooled around in the past but it wasn't very good. I feel so sad. I don't like her and I don't like what has become of my life. Is this what getting older is? Doing sad things with sad, broken people? I never really experienced young love, at least not a type of love that was ever reciprocated. I feel like I'm in the land of divorcees and single moms now.

>> No.11225010

>I just made out with my best friend's older, divorced sister.

>> No.11225019

The tree by my house is green and brown all over. I like looking at it. At night when the clouds move my mind plays tricks on me; the tree moves but the sky stays still. The grass was really wet tonight. I didn’t like the sounds the mud made so I stopped walking and stared a while. Sometimes I wish some things lasted forever but most of the time I don’t.

>> No.11225080

The police found another 4 dismembered bodies at the river, this time one of them was from a 12 year old girl who disappeared two weeks ago. Her name was Maria. I hate people, I hate knowing that there's nothing I can do to save her now, I hate myself. Maria was one of my students, the best in her class. She was a good girl with a beautiful smile. I don't what to the rest of the class. She is the second one in a month. I think I need to move out. Maybe that will solve the problem.

>> No.11225108
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>> No.11225142

It's fucking late and I'm constantly disappointing in myself at not being able to go to bed at a reasonable time.
It's especially shitty cause now it's going to take me at least a half hour for my brain to adjust after looking at a digital screen to fall asleep.

>> No.11225196
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There's this girl that I like. Her deep, blue eyes are hypnotizing. And I'm positive she likes me too, more or less. However, she lives across the country, and long-distance love is no different than that which is imaginary.

At least I see her when I fall asleep, but never to touch and never to keep.

>> No.11225292

What shithole country you hail from anon?

>> No.11225298

Not him but it sounds like Ciudad Juarez

>> No.11225403

I can't feel anything.

>> No.11225488

I am struggling right alongside you, anon.

>> No.11225808

im using a post-it note as a bookmark and im wondering if i should write or draw anything on it

>> No.11225825

I've begun to notice the average age of internet user drop significantly over the last year, disproportionately relative to my own age.

Sites like 4chan no longer interest me as a result.

Prime example.

>> No.11225829

Doubtful. But you should still try.

>> No.11225836

Change your diet and get as much sunlight as possible. Get sleep and maintain a healthy sleep pattern.

Cliché exist for a reason, they work.

>> No.11225839

I think you're projecting your own perspective onto reality. People posting retarded shit on 4chan has nothing to do with age. You're going down the road of deliberately disengaging with younger elements of society which will make you old and shitty.

>> No.11225845

enjoy your skin cancer

>> No.11225865
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I have become apt at achieving things in the last few years.
Working out, finding gf, making money.
But I end up falling into bad moods.
It sometimes feels like the payoff hasn’t been worth the effort.
I constantly need to expand more effort to prevent life from falling apart.
Gf has many problems and moods. Work is dead boring disappointing terrible shit.
I need to help her control her life. I need to force myself to work hard enough to forget I could be doing more interesting and useful things.
Feel like this poster >>11222783
Just want to give it all up, isolate myself in braindead entertainments at home, or even non-braindead, wonderfully depressing books.
Reading this >>11219929 yesterday especially depressed me. I’ve worked so hard but haven’t even gotten near that. Which has been depressing me since I was 16 too.
I suspect the truth is that long-term happiness is not actually achieved by reaching a "goal state."
Rather it would be achieved by overcoming all the fear inside of me that prevents me from just doing what I feel like.
I am so extremely afraid of confrontation.
I bear everything until it becomes unbearable.
I cannot quit work because I feel sorry for my bosses. I cannot leave gfs because I feel sorry for them.
I know that companies I quit, girlfriends I leave will head straight towards the gutter without me.
I feel like I’ve promised them more.

I almost feel the same towards my good habits.
I’m keeping up workout because it’s my duty.
I’m still avoiding alcohol and sugar.
For what? The enjoyment of being in a better condition is gone.
So now I only avoid getting into a worse condition. What for?
My gut screams: If you intent suffering through the rest of your life with that same gf of yours and never to cheat on her anyways why not abandon those habits and become an alcoholic it’d make things far easier too that’s for sure.

Life passes by.

>> No.11225875
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My girlfriend is being bipolar as fuck today and causing trouble. Also, I'm reading Moldbug and I'm surprised so many people here find him some great luminary. He kind of reads like a cringy version of Stefan Molyneux so far.

>> No.11225926
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How did you manage the waking at 5 thing? It's been a weakness ever since I went to college but I haven't been able to change my habits as of now

>> No.11225927

Enter the void

>> No.11225944

I was in a similar mindset to you last year, it's tough. You tell yourself you don't define your self worth by how others see you but you still feel it when others get praise you think you deserve. I believe that everyone has their own way out of that mindset, but what helped me is twofold. First, the quote from Voltaire "Perfect is the enemy of good" and second that the future is infinite in it's possibilities. The first one may seem like a cop out for mediocrity, and I really struggled with that for a while, but with the second I know at least there's a chance I can become great. Who knows, maybe it is an excuse but it's helped me change my mindset into one thats not necessarily that much more positive but productive

>> No.11225949

Which religious texts? What time do you go to bed?

This seems mental to me. In order to get girls interested you have to stop caring whether any girls are interested but by the time that girls get interested you won't care that a girl is interested so you won't do anything and even if you do, you won't get nearly as much joy from it. So what's the fucking point?

Thanks for the response.

>> No.11225952
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I'm this >>11222783 anon and I understand many of your points too well.

>It sometimes feels like the payoff hasn’t been worth the effort.
I changed my life around too. I suffered from clinical depression most of my teen years, and apart from school and work later, hardly left the house. Now I have an active social life, going out and meeting new people, volunteer and freelance, spend more of my free time working on achieving skills. I'm eating healthy and have a sleep schedule for the first time in my life. I even get to kiss qts now.
Yet I find myself aching for my old, dull life sometimes. Just last week I called off a sex date so I could play vidya instead. The social part I enjoy as it makes other people happy too, but my personal growth is so weird to me.

>just doing what I feel like.
I'm stressed by my obligations, including my hobbies and knowing of my backlogs. There's this constant nagging in the back of my mind saying I could spend my time on something more urging. And does it really matter if I go to uni or stay home for the day to read? What'd prevent me from switching jobs, or pursuing further education to open up new possibilities? Couldn't I also just isolate myself for a while and go on a long trip?

>I feel like I’ve promised them more.
Sometimes, they are better off with someone who is into them with all their heart.

>why not abandon those habits and become an alcoholic it’d make things far easier too that’s for sure.
This also. If it makes me happier is there any reason not to live like it?

Sorry if this is centered on me too much still, I've been overemotional these past days and just throwing my thoughts out there.

Find out how many hours of sleep you need and how long it takes you to fall asleep. Then go to bed at a time that makes you wake up during one of your light sleeping phases. Best to leave your bed soon after or else you might fall asleep again.
Eliminate distractions when going to sleep, don't play on your phone or shit when in there, drink a tall glass of water in the morning. Maybe have a small thing to look forward to that makes you excited about starting the day. It gets easier once you've gotten into the habit.

>> No.11225957

I prefer being circumcised, it looks sik.

>> No.11225972

Examine the reasons why you smoke weed. It's to "relax" or "cool off" from all the hard work you've done. You mentioned you're in highschool. The system tires us out so we can't focus on important things and instead use a significant amount of energy on menial things like homework and class time. Consequently we have to embrace bad things like weed (everyone has to rest or get a break somewhere) to relax from the useless work. Life is just where we put our attention. So when we're forced to put our attention in useless tasks, the resulting lack of energy turns us to bad habits. If we get the choice to focus on good things, the results are pleasing and QOL-improving.

Highschool is a big part of why you can't quit weed. I dropped out as soon as I recognized hs as this energy vacuum that was taking away my ability to read (important things). You probably don't have the willpower to do that right now, so you will just have to finish it. That's not that bad though because I'm guessing you're almost done.

WHEN YOU ARE DONE- take the other anons' advice. LEAVE. Preferably the country. You're not delusional when you think most American girls are cows. They've gotten very gross especially in the circles I imagine you're in. It's not that hard to just leave. Save up for a plane ticket. Look at websites like workaway and volunteer shit like that. You could even be an au pair. Just get out as soon as you can. Seeing different women and societies will save you from falling into indolence in the states.

IN THE MEANTIME- don't waste your time too much on school things. Schooling us useless for you. Instead educate yourself in something meaningful, chess, reading, a certain tangible skill etc. Just choose something and try it do it every now and then. Something is better than nothing.

Good luck anon and just remember to do that makes you happy and be proactive in getting yourself to a place where you can do those things.

>> No.11225979

Circumcised cocks look awful. And I like cock, so I'm not just talking about aesthetics.

>> No.11226001

>Look at websites like workaway and volunteer shit like that.
d/a, but why do so many volunteer opportunities still want you to spend money to participate in them? Otherwise I'd love to do something like it.

>> No.11226010

You can use common sense to describe how common sense doesn't make sense

>> No.11226026

I'm trying to read Anna Karenina and my roommate is screaming to his phone and won't shut the fuck up. Fucking terroni.

Book for this feel?

>> No.11226034

Objectively wrong and you know it.

>> No.11226053

Anon is objectively right and (You) know it. I'm sorry for what your parents did to you but it's time to accept reality.

>> No.11226086

What is d/a?

Anyway some of them are like this and you have to do a good bit of searching to find good ones. Obviously the "clean my house and do all the chores for a bed in some shitty house in Italy" opportunities are bad.

Although some of the ones where you pay a bit can be cool too. I saw a sailing medical relief vessel that you just paid to help with food and you sail all over Indonesia/Malaysia to little hard to reach islands to deliver med supplies.

A lot of them are free and you just work.

>> No.11226120
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The only person who has ever loved me, the person who said she was my soulmate is with another guy. She wanted to still be friends but I told her to go to hell. We weren't in a relationship exactly when she got with the other guy, I wasn't cucked, but I still felt betrayed. We live in different countries and so its rare we see each other. In fact we've only been physically together for 6 months out of 3 years. She blocked me yesterday on everything after a long period of drama and I guess she had enough. And so I had to send a soppy last ditch effort email. No matter what happens I think this is the end. I'm 21 and she's all I've known since I was 18. I know I'm young but I just can't stop thinking about her. I don't really know how to function without her. We talked every single day since we met and the silence is getting to me. I actually have great prospects in life but truth be told I just want to be loved. It just feels horrible to want nothing more than to give everything you've got to someone but still not be good enough. I am afraid I won't be good enough for anyone else. That this was all just a fluke and now I'm living the new normal

>> No.11226168

Sleek circumcised rocket vs flappy smelly deep sea creature.

You decide. >>11226086

>> No.11226207

My worldview always changes, my perspective is completely fluid. My religious views as well, it always changes. It gives me absolutely no comfort, I'd like to settle down with a comfy pluralistic view that still has a solid foundation, but I can't. At least not at the moment. I'm like a weltanschauung schizo.

>> No.11226450

Neither. I choose my sleek & shiny convertible rocket with ERP (Extra Rubbing Pleasure™) installed. Enjoy your downgraded product, while I'll enjoy my full set of features as the manufacturer intended.

>> No.11226468

Depressing desu. Why didn’t you move closer to her?

The Catcher in the Rye

>Sorry if this is centered on me too much still
I don’t mind; I don’t come here for solutions.

>> No.11226510
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I'm sorry anon, I'm going through something very similar right now. I'm really desperately looking for something to hold onto now, I've been chucked into the void and am floating aimlessly. The best I've felt in days was this morning right after waking up, before I remembered what had happened.

>> No.11226543

>>11226510 (cont)
I think I could have dealt with her ending it, I would have been upset but I would have understood. It's the sheer indifference she showed in doing it that hurts. To have someone you were so close to so blatantly disregard how this was going to hurt you really fucks with you.

>> No.11226589

>Depressing desu. Why didn’t you move closer to her?
I would have to move to burgerland where there were little prospects for me. She on the other hand could have done great in my country. We tried several times to get visas organised but it was so hard... I don't know how there are so many pajeets sweeping the streets and we couldn't get a top tier college grad in on a visa. We really tried over a number of years but I guess in the end she thought it was too hard to continue. Which really hurts, that there was a limit beyond which I wasn't worth it anymore
>The best I've felt in days was this morning right after waking up, before I remembered what had happened.
Yes I know that feeling. Briefly content and then it hits you all at once. And that is your start to the day. I try and forget but it never seems to work

>> No.11226616

>What is d/a?
Different anon.

>I saw a sailing medical relief vessel that you just paid to help with food and you sail all over Indonesia/Malaysia to little hard to reach islands to deliver med supplies.
That's pretty cool indeed. I checked out that workaway website you mentioned, and several opportunities appeal to me. Maybe I can gather the courage to apply for one once I'm off for the summer.
How does it usually go with food? Should I expect to pay my own groceries, or do they generally support you with that and a little payment? My first impression was that it's different from offer to offer.

>> No.11226990

Your rocket stinks and feels like sock in my vagina. Get cut, savage.

>> No.11227665

Then explain Americans

>> No.11227777
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Exactly two years ago I met a girl who I thought was going to be the love of my life. I just deleted her number.

>> No.11227798
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checked, time heals niggah

>> No.11227799

Time just numbs.

>> No.11227800

Lmao, this is the saddest thing I've seen someone take pride in. Ive been uncut and cut after becoming sapient, it is literally a minor difference in pleasure. I dont even miss it because it's so negligible. Imagine adding the smallest amount if sugar to your cereal. That's pretty much it.

As a matter of fact, my GF at the time started grabbing it more, blowing me more, and cumming even quicker after. I think the head being exposed while flaccid does something visually for a lady. The weird sleeve makes it look unappealing and inactive whereas an exposed head primes the sexual area of the brain.

Before anyone tries to say the pleasure difference being negligible was because I had a damaged dick, I didn't, my cock is beautiful. I got rid of it because I hated taking the time washing it. At first I was scared of the lack of sensation, but now I'm just laughing at the pathetic way people try to create hierarchies and make themselves feel better.

Well that's my 2 cents. Do with it what you will.

>> No.11227837

If you spend your time numbing yourself

>> No.11227868


>> No.11227915
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I've been living alone for almost 6 years as a NEET hardly ever going outside. I can feel not only my social skills slipping but my thoughts are all scrambled like I'm suffering from some kind of retardation.

If I am unable to break the cycle I imagine I will lose myself in two or three years.

>> No.11227929

How does that even happen? What the fuck do you do to get free money and free housing? And why should anyone else stand for that?

>> No.11227943

Socialist country with welfare that not only covers for you the more fucked up you are, but makes sure if you were to try and better yourself you'd be on your own. Don't have any parents so it's just me and breaking the cycle only gets harder and harder.

>> No.11227952
File: 139 KB, 860x1200, Jackie-Chan-Full-HD-Wallpapers-Photos-Pics-Images-Startwallpapers.com-2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though it's late, I'm tired and depression got a hold of me for a while, I managed to do good work today. I worked out, I wrote over 600 words and I read in the thousands of words and am going to read more.
I did my best, God helped me through it and I feel good today.

>> No.11227958

>Socialist country
Which country is this, in which the workers own the means of production?

>> No.11227981

Chuck's a longtime lurker. Initiated into hobby reading by his mother,, a casual. Whenwas eleven he did a presentation on video game addiction. Since youth he's struggled with using free time in a way that he sees as healthy. Chuck feels on the whole he's never used his time that way. Binge gaming and watching is the cycle he feels he's been stuck in for all his life. Chuck is now in his mid-twenties. He's had this feeling of addiction to this 'lifestyle' as long as he can remember. Drinks too much. Born again virgin. Social 'tard.
So he has this fantasy for a myriad of reasons. He's got clear idea of his ideal self. Like my ideal regular day more or less mapped out. These habits he's made prevent even the choice he feels! Free will as if. Creatures of habit and reflex nothing more he thinks. His grand dalliance: what if I set a day where I did nothing but sit all day? Would this demonstrate my free Will? He's tried but the reasoning for carrying through seems so flimsy and the screens so inviting in the harsh summer morning light. So he remains slave to his addictions, a true Chucklefuck.

>> No.11228012

>my cock is beautiful
Prove it nobody believes your shit

>> No.11228064

You should read more about spirituality.

>> No.11228117

It's easier than you might think. It only took me 3 days to get the habit going. The trick is just to wake up at 5, eat and drink almost immediately (can just be some celery and water), and then do something like prayer, meditation, or reading before you exercise and get going.
I would recommend an assortment. You obviously won't agree with all of them, but Simone Weil, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, the Church fathers and obviously the Gospels (I recommend Lattimore's translation). Further reading would be Kierkegaard, Ellul, Barth, Tozer, Girard, Feser, MacIntyre, etc. Also check out some Western religions as well (Buddhism, Taoism).
And I sleep from 10-5 every night.
The point is to be strong enough inwardly that everything exterior becomes a gift rather than something you're dependant on. Your girlfriend's love, your friendships are gratuitous joys, but are not to be relied upon for ultimate fulfillment. Read Job.

>> No.11228167

How old are you? What do you do as a job?

>> No.11228177

yes, everything has become fracturated, broken; it's the logical conclusion of a science dominated race. science is a collective (conscious) attempt at reaching truth. it's a thousand soldiers with dull machettes hacking a forest to death. a society who's dominated by such attempt will become like the attempt itself: fractured, unstructured i.e only a few soldiers will bring down trees either by luck or by their sheer abnormal force (wow mr i see your 120iq wow). now, poetry was part of the collective unconcious, and they could only look at the creation (experience it by bards transmitting the message), but the creative experience itself was alien to them. homer was a bible sure thing, men forced their input upon the texts but the text itself was a individual creation. society was then lead by the effort of individual minds; (yes my king, i'll give you my 18 year old virgin daughter tight pussy all praise be!!!!). it was only with endarkment, that society became then, became what society has then, became.

Walkin' 'round town
See femals fucking 'round
No love for a virgin from a chick
Just cuz a beta face and a 4 inch dick.
Walki'n 'round town
See Chads fucking 'round
Walki'n 'round town
See incels crying loud
Copin round and round
Walkin round town
I think it all down
It's all about
(chorus: all about)
(chorus: Face!)
and face!

>> No.11228228

>i hated taking the time washing it

kek, only damaged-dick-fags would say this. it takes literally no time, unless you never shower.

>> No.11228374

You did a good job today, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.11228376

>His dick stinks.

>> No.11228630 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1944, 1527539679600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon. 3 years post-circumcision.
I've also gotten a lot of compliments on it, something that rarely happened before.

Image is of my dick everyone.

>> No.11228633

I have an assignment for this Friday,
I really don't want to do it. I promised myself I would start yesterday, went ahead and made a whole schedule. I'm not surprised I didn't follow it, in fact when I made it I was well aware of how futile the gesture was, however, I can't avoid feeling somewhat disappointed in myself.
Tomorrow I'll have to really start, that's always the hardest part. I don't know whats worse; the feeling of anxiety I have when something is looming in my future, or the feeling of emptiness that follows after having passed the aforementioned "something". In this case, it's an assignment.
Even worse is the group assignment I'm going to have to do after I'm done. Group assignments are a cruel joke.

>> No.11228850

Is there a word for when you're sad but you also recognize that there's a kind of beauty in your sadness? Like if your sadness allows you to sing a really sweet, wistful song that you never could have created otherwise.

>> No.11228865

Idk but that sadness doesn't last. If it doesn't get resolved in a few years it becomes a dead end.
>t. been sad for too long and don't even have creativity anymore

>> No.11228871

lose this number, the only thing i think about you is that you are a massive bitch and i have no clue why you want to keep contacting someone who thinks that about you

>> No.11228882

>what is bittersweet

>> No.11228886

its called being a narcissistic millenial-gen z solipsistic midwit

>> No.11228903

It comes and goes for me, I go through a cycle of deep despair -> wistful "artistic" sadness -> actual contentedness -> repeat

To me bittersweet is something that's both sad and happy simultaneously, for example being excited about moving to a new place but being sad at leaving the old place behind. What I describe doesn't have a happy component.

>that boomer that can't stand people having emotions

>> No.11229142

Reading about head-related transfer function.
Interesting stuff.

>> No.11229319
File: 2.22 MB, 768x432, Falling to the void.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How one can speak their mind yet think with their mouth.

>> No.11229373

23. I work for a production company and do videography for weddings

>> No.11229483

I wish I had a place to share my poetry. It's far too personal to show to anyone I know, and there's no way I'd ever be published. Posting on /lit/ just isn't the same.
>tfw no one will ever read your fifteen section piece describing two years of your fruitless love affaire

>> No.11229498

Lol sorry anon it got removed.

>> No.11229621


I’ll try to write a rap verse :

I’m fucking tired, longing for home
Loneliness leaves me a desire for hoes
A void surrounds me, I can’t describe nothingness
I’d tell you about my erectile dysfunction but it’s none of your business,
I’m waiting for more, the situation is cutthroat like anxiety,
Looking at the skies, wondering if I’d reach piety
Wandering like a Jew, I’m looking for gold, looking for jewels
Ballistic, not diplomatic, I’m neither Cam’ron nor Juelz,
Stillmatic like Nas, still, static as if I caught Medusa’s eyes
I’m avoiding new heights, reaching new lows, inventing new lies,
I murmur prayers, shout a few curses, write a new verse,
My thoughts are filled with a fire that’d make you burst,
Seen Bird, Parker, seen birds, higher, I heard bitches barking,
I know there’ll always be snitches lurking,
I was a scam artist, I’m posing as a poet, think Baudelaire
À bout de souffle comme Jean-Pierre, il me faut de l’air

>> No.11229629

>describing two years of your fruitless love affaire
ew, how profane
though on second thought, my interest is piqued to read

>> No.11229806

If you're articulate enough, you can convince them you're giving them what benefits them the most

>> No.11229883

I think I'm an okay writer, but I rarely have any ideas I'm willing to latch onto and follow through to the end. I'm not trying to write anything super intellectual, it's really all for my own enjoyment (and if I'm enjoying myself, hopefully others will follow suit), but it's been years since I've completed anything I've started. I'm a literary floozy.

I like to entertain the belief that someday a worthwhile, original idea will just kind of appear before me one day, but I know that's unrealistic. And as of right now, my hands are tied.

>> No.11230037

my guy, i know this shit. i believe that i have true potential to be one of the great american novelists. every time this thought appears i shove it back down because it sounds so self-righteous, and it is. but of the few definite truths i know in my life, i know that my writing will have to power to change and influence people one day. Thinking over the impact that Kerouac, Williams, Camus and Hesse had on my young mind, I know that is all I want to do for the world. I think that that's what you have to believe in. Not the recognition you may achieve within literary circles, but the individuals who might connect with your work. Believe in yourself my dude, and never forget that the ego is nothing.

>> No.11230192 [DELETED] 

I just want people to realize that /lit/ has deteriorated over the years and that 8ch dot net/litpat is a better alternative

>> No.11230209

>shilling this obviously
you could have at least waited a day

>> No.11230217

There's literally nothing on there

>> No.11230236

Hank Williams is incredibly /lit/.

>> No.11230242

post an excerpt of your work right now. based on the authors you listed you sound like a stuck up teenager whose sole insight that "life is what you make it :)"

>> No.11230321

my whole life i've pursued my literary and artistic interests completely by myself (parents are milquetoast middlebrow and my friends are all working class guys) and recently the loneliness of it has gotten excruciating to the point that i'm seriously considering just going to the bar every night and descending into a halfhearted alcoholism. HOWEVER, this year i met an 11 year old boy who is the most similar person in disposition to me i've ever met: curious, quietly well spoken, passionate about the arts. I see him about once a week in a context where we don't get much of a chance for serious discussion, but one time we had a conversation about aesthetics and he seemed very engaged. this is the pathetic part: i find myself fantasizing every day about spending time with him talking about books, giving him recommendations, doing cultural stuff together. he wrote a short book that i edited and plan to work with him on, but what i truly want would be to become his tutor and see him on a regular basis. his parents are both very patrician (both work in academia), but generally too busy to have time for my friendship. there's something so special about this kid, but i'm paralyzed by the guilt that i've already become obsessed with him to an unhealthy extent. i don't think this has rubbed off on him in any negative way, though it makes me difficult to be honest with his parents because i basically want to tell them that their son is incredible and i'd do everything in my power to make him become the best writer he can be. if i were absolutely honest about how much i care for him, i'm pretty certain they'd never let me see him again, so on some level i have to lie to them if i want to ask permission to spend time just the two of us together.

does /lit/ think this is unhealthy? should i just ask the parents to take him to a museum, or would they consider this a suspicious advance? would you let your 11 year old son hang out with a 25 year old liquor store cashier? where i'm from, men NEVER spend time with children they're not related to and the specter of pedophilia hangs thick over all men's dealings with children. all i want is a genuine friend and i'm worried that i'll be labeled a pedo if i take anything but baby steps in trying to build our friendship.

>> No.11230339

ideas are overrated. you've probably heard this a hundred times, but just write and don't worry about any of the rest of it. and then when you've read what you've written, you might find that there's an idea in it that you weren't consciously aware of at the time of its composition. being a good writer means being a good reader, so you should be able to critically analyze what you've written in search of themes/symbols/allusions and then when you're editing draw out these connections now that you're aware of them. pretty much none of the best ideas i've had have been the result of me consciously thinking of things that could happen in a story, but instead were "discovered" post facto in the recognition of "hey that works"

>> No.11230368

A good relationship with the parents will make it easier and will help them understand you.

>> No.11230374

Outer Dark was pretty good desu. What are more books like it?

>> No.11230383

In what context do you get to see him?

>> No.11230392

I write a lot of poetry and short stories that I never show anyone because I'm extremely insecure about my work and I'm afraid people are going to think I'm trying to be edgy or "deep" when I'm just writing how I feel

>> No.11230405

i'm trying that too, but at the moment it's such an awkwardly disproportionate effort expenditure of me scheduling and rescheduling attempts to meet up with the dad that it's somewhat embarrassing for me to spend a month texting him just to get a beer together. i know he actually likes me but academia is such a hellish time suck that it seems like he has little room for new friendships

i volunteer for the scouts, which might be the source of all my pedo related fears in the first place since they're so adamant about hammering it in NEVER BE ALONE WITH A BOY. NEVER HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH A CHILD THAT SIX OTHER PEOPLE AREN'T LISTENING TO. DO NOT CONTACT OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED ACTIVITIES.

>> No.11230455

hmm... that seems to be the issue

>> No.11230461

Is it open to everyone or only to past members of the scouts?

>> No.11230491

it's completely up to the individual troops. in general, though, nearly all volunteers are either parents or former scouts. myself, i was a scout in the troop i volunteer for. if you're looking to become an adult volunteer it might be hard to do so walking in out of the blue saying you're interested in helping out unless there are already a few kids in the troop you knew

>> No.11230507
File: 51 KB, 500x610, seppuku6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm not worthy of being loved until I achieve perfection, but the road towards perfection is nothing but loneliness.
I feel like trash.

>> No.11230572


>> No.11230575

The future is murdering me and stealing from me.

>> No.11230594

I read Dubliners and now I feel just as paralyzed as all of the characters in those stories. I honestly have never felt so stuck, so unable to change anything in my life before.

>> No.11230619

Joyce wrote it as a major criticism of the Irish. Take the stories as a wake up call if this scares you and get the fuck up and work on a skill. Read a positive book. I read war and peace after Dubliners and it was great.

>> No.11230623

Does anyone know of any methods to deal with the quality of e-books? I haven't looked very hard yet but I figured I'd ask here and on /g/ while I do. The issues I have had are mainly PDF's that didn't translate well into other formats and some books that were scanned into print incorrectly. Calibre seems to have some ability in an additional plugin but I was looking to see if I could find any additional software to handle my issue.

>> No.11230639

Your impression is right. You need to look closely at each offer and read the reviews, possibly even contact the host. Be upfront with everything if you questions. Better to do it beforehand.

As for food I've seen some where they offer one meal a day, or a small allowance for your meals. Another where you worked on a mango farm and they provided all vegetarian meals or something like that. It might have just been one meal and then you fuck with the mangos and other veggies yourself for the rest. Also seen some where all meals definitely offered at the home as well.

Overall just a decent way to get the fuck out of the house and away from bad things.

>> No.11230650

I feel like I can't even read.

>> No.11231002

Listen to Dubliners instead

>> No.11231032
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1524294892980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to find a purpose in life and feel like i'm wasting my time despite barely being an adult.

>> No.11231043
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, C345DEDF-9F22-4839-81FB-935FDFA75715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So..how do I deal with the trauma of my father cheating on my mom, moving from one state to another, losing my friends and family, and living with my parents who would definitely divorce if it wasn’t for our state of mind in my aunts house with a shit head little cousin. Not to mention further crawling into a downward spiral of doing nothing but going on my phone all day and blocking out my family with music, passing my classes with A’s yet feeling unsatisfied, not knowing how to connect with my moms family and having little time to connect, having few friends and feeling unmotivated to open up and not feeling any connection. I don’t know how to drive, I still don’t have a job or girlfriend, and I have little time to do what I want in an average week. I’m getting by, but now I feel like shit.

>> No.11231063

I feel the loneliest I’ve ever been. I was cynical and frustrated and disappointed and disillusioned, but this is so much worse. I don’t know what I want to be. I can’t imagine having a job I actually have passion for. I can’t imagine being a partner or father without wondering if I’ll be just like him. I’m passing by each day not caring and I don’t want to continue. There’s not enough time to do what I want, and when I’ll finally get that time, I’ll feel completely empty. I want to run away from them and spit at them. I want to be next to them and never look at ANY of them. I want to be alone.

But I don’t. How do I break this cycle, how can I feel happy with such little time left?

>> No.11231066
File: 480 KB, 600x525, 1511670482818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes sense or ever works.
If I had to choose an ideology it would be AvoidEverything-ism.
90% of the human race is just garbage. It's not even that I wont them gone or dead but I don't want to have to think about them or be subjected to their abnoxious existence.

I've also never heavily browsed this board despite being on this website for a decade. The downfall of this website actually played a hand in my depressive nihilism and hedonistic narcissism.
While I don't care about the grey matter of humanity, the people who ruined this site dying would be fine by me.

Anyway those are my thoughts right now.

>> No.11231068

Today just isn’t our day, is it? I don’t think it ever was.

>> No.11231094
File: 29 KB, 359x391, wild-magic-mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there honesty in this world for honesties sake? Or is there an agenda?.. Mushrooms..

>> No.11231359

drudgereport is all i use for news

>> No.11231869

Sounds pretty gud overall. Thanks for the input, anon, it's definitely something I'll keep in mind.

>> No.11231937

Nothing wrong with taking small steps I think. You’ll still get where you want to in the end. Since you don’t even have an interested in showing physical affection or anything, I think there is only a small chance of arousing pedo-suspicions as long as you start off with public activities (like visiting a museum, yes, sounds nice) in the first time, I don’t know.

The real problem might rather be that once he gets into puberty he loses interest or doesn’t think it’s cool anymore or whatever. (Or that he finds out he’s gay and in love with you teehee.)

>> No.11231946
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My Dad makes some killer salsa.
Tears are somehow holy. I trust this statement, but I can't quite justify it.

There is a difference between what we know well enough to put into words, and what we know but do not know HOW we know.
Intuition, I think, is dearly underrated. Probably because it costs confidence to stand by it, and there is no confidence among Anons.

>> No.11232019
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Nobody can be perfect; but to someone you might be the best.

>> No.11232064

I’m addicted to coffee and chilies. My stomach is not up to the task desu.

Another thing.
Whenever the warm half of the year is coming on, like now, I get an unshakeable urge to spend all day playing some real grindy computer game like Diablo or World of Warcraft. I just want to sit in front of my PC in shorts, sun baking the world outside, comfortably playing my braindead entertaining vidya.
No idea why
1) I’m less interested to go out and enjoy the wonderful day
2) in the Winter, where it’d be more fitting, I’m not particularly interested in gaems

>> No.11232195

Im stuck in a family business. I enjoy the work but its so badly set up and the pay is shit but I can't bring myself to look for something else, in part due to my own cowardice but also the knowlege it would crush my father. There is the option of taking over the business but I hate the business side of things, I just want to work on what I do best and forget the rest.

>> No.11232211

But we all do this subconciously now anyway. The problem with it is our perception of what benefits us. Short term v long term.

>> No.11232220

No such thing as perfection, anonkun.
Be the best you can, work hard and be proud that you're able to do so.

>> No.11232225

I met my high school crush few days ago. She is still perfect and I caught myself fantasizing about her yesterday. The most magical face I've ever seen.

>> No.11232264


When you were young, did you play a lot of games during the summer while the rest of the kids were outside?

>> No.11232359

I regularly have to fight the urge to spend all day inside grinding away on some private vanilla WoW server. That game is maximum comfy and I thank God every day that the genre is all but dead so I'm not tempted by any new good MMOs anymore.

>> No.11232363

Open up to him about it, maybe he can help you see the positive sides of the business.

>> No.11232395

Certainly some kind of nostalgia would seem to be at the root of my feelings.
There really weren’t any "other kids" by the time I started playing at the computer, though. For some reason my classmates at secondary school all lived pretty far away. So maybe they were outside, maybe they weren’t; I didn’t know.

Anyhow, I don’t feel much nostalgia for those times.
I seem to have fond memories more of some periods in the last decade, when I was out of school, working, or aimlessly studying at university, and had picked up alcohol.
There was one springtime a few years ago where I’d get home from work at ~4:30 in the afternoon, grab a beer or some wine, and grind WoW. It was so nice and comfortable, even though the game had really turned to shit already in my personal opinion.

Alcohol and computer games make up quite the combo for me it seems.
There was also a time, when I was more or less at my lowest, where I drank all day, ate nothing but ready-made meatballs and crispbread from the supermarket, and played Deus Ex 3 straight through, as well as Baldur’s Gate… Walking around that virtual city’s harbour while listening loudly, over and over, to some extremely corny music by "Alestorm" that had great, fitting lyrics like "So come take a drink and drown your sorrows and all of our fears will be gone ’til tomorrow; Have no regrets and live for the day in Nancy’s Harbour Café."

>> No.11232459

Then I went on to play BG2, I believe, but had put in a ton of mods from somewhere on the internet, which made it kind of confusing. So when some NPC claimed to have poisoned (or cursed?) my character and he’d die in some week’s time, I thought it was just another weird mod and the whole thing just a taunt and not real (in the game), so ignored it.
Sadly, when I didn’t really have savegame to go back to anymore, the poison actually did kill my character. So that was it for BG2 and my whole wonderful binge as well, I think.

Nowadays I hardly feel like picking up so complicated games anymore.
I played through Hotline Miami one mostly drunken night a while ago. That was very good.

Classic WoW truly was a very special thing to be part of. Reminds me of Hunter Thompson’s famous "Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas..." passage.
Of course, many screwed up existances now curse WoW from the bottom of their hearts, wishing to have taken part in "sex, drugs and rock and roll" instead.
Yet Hunter’s text also closes on a note like this:
>and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.

>> No.11232477

The way people on the internet talk about postmodernism really grinds my gears. Those who use postmodernism as a scapegoat,have no familiarity with the field and a lot of the proponents seem like strawmen of themselves.

>> No.11232516

Don't text her don't text her don't text her don't text her don't text her don't text her don't text her DON'T

>> No.11232529

This depression is killing me. I had 4 nervous breakdowns in the last 7 months. Longest lasted for 2 weeks, shortest - a day. I hope this one doesn't last over a week, God help me.

>> No.11232535

I wish we didn't have to do things in this world.

>> No.11232575

I feel like I'm turning into a robot.

>> No.11232631
File: 14 KB, 324x451, 1490229271024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so deeply frustrated by the troubles I've had with writing for the last few weeks. It's not like writer's block, because I know where I'm going with my work in both the short term and long term and I've still got the enthusiasm and desire to write. Hell, this would be less upsetting if I didn't want to keep writing anymore- then I'd feel a little guilty about giving up, but I'd shrug my shoulders and move on to something else. But I still WANT to write yet every time I sit down to continue writing, I just... I lose my drive, it feels like. All of a sudden I can't figure out what sentence should come next, I lose any sense of flow I had and my hands feel like lead on the keyboard. Struggling against it just makes me feel depressed with the lack of progress after a while and also tired. Not tired of trying, but like literally "maybe I just need a nap" tired. Trying to push myself into writing anything feels like trying to push a brick wall until I exhaust myself. I've put most of today and the last two days down trying to continue writing and even tried refreshing by switching to some of my other WIP stories, but all I have to show for my effort is a single new paragraph.

I hate this. It's making me feel miserable, inadequate, and unsatisfied. I was pumping out 7.5K words a day before and now I just can't do anything? Anything except come up with more ideas for other stories that I'm evidently never going to be able to get started. I've actually got a doctor's appointment scheduled for later today, because this isn't the only aspect of my life where I'm getting depressed and tired and can't focus, just the most infuriating place for it, and as much as I hate the idea of being dependent on medication to be productive, I'll swallow my pride with some pills if it means I can get stuff done again like I use to.

>> No.11232634

[_] I'm Not A Robot

>> No.11232640

yeah at this point the captchas are the only thing assuring me I'm not there already.

>> No.11232671

>(Or that he finds out he’s gay and in love with you teehee.)
fuck, he's clearly gay so this is an issue. (not just an assumption on my part--he admitted that he has a crush on a boy at school.) if he fell in love with me i'm not sure i'd be able to let him down gently.

>> No.11232759

i cant find any way to enjoy life, i dont see anything valuable and i constantly blame myself and feel self-hatred if anyone is better than me

>> No.11232865

Realising that I've completely forgotten how to interact with other human beings after completely shutting myself off from society and really regretting it.

>> No.11232872

Im really bored with videogames. I want to write a novel. I think I am going to start.

>> No.11233101
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1563487468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally running away from my problems by moving to the other side of the country. I've ditched basically everything I ever knew. I have a lot of anxiety about this.

>> No.11233128

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.11233144

Just don't write a novel about video games.

>> No.11233209


>> No.11233215

You on any drugs? Anything in particular causing it to happen? What did you do for those two weeks?

>> No.11233227

The right arm of that wojak is pretty fucked up tho

>> No.11233282

I think I'm unironically becoming a luddite

>> No.11233301

Reciprocity is one of the biggest driving factors of emotional life and is the basis for the unitive state.

>> No.11233323

underrated post

>> No.11233399

I don't resent you and I'll always wait for you to come back because I still have a lot of hope and I love you. I don’t need anyone else but you. Even if you don't love me, I love you. I hate unrequited love, but for you I'm ok with it because it means I still get to love you. That's what love is, right? Putting your feelings aside for the sake of the person you love. Wanting to be with them even when things aren’t perfect. I know we can go back to how things were, but we never will if you just give up now.

>> No.11233572

Very sweet anon. Probably "unhealthy" or whatever, but who gives a fuck.

>> No.11233639

As I overcome personal issues of mine, I find it harder and harder to find ideas for new stories. I know it's because I used to draw from negative feelings and things that bothered me, but because those things don't bother me like they used to, I no longer feel inspired to write about them.

>> No.11233648 [DELETED] 

Sunrise, why can't you sympathize?
You disrespect the darkness
You creep your way into the morning sky
You desecrate the stars

Sunrise, how you offend the eyes
Befoul the breath of morning
And by your force I'm drawn into the light
Beneath the blinding eternal flame
My shadow's dreadful bane
Spare me, sunrise
Go back from whence you came

Sunrise, come another day
The world looks best a deeper shade of grey
Sunrise, go the other way
I can live without you, love will light the way

>> No.11233665

still disappointed the alt-right ruined all chance of ever crashing this plane with no survivors because being gay and getting pussy is more fun than throwing things at police

>> No.11233828
File: 107 KB, 645x773, 1514354507390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm truly starting to wonder why I'm such a RETARDED FUCK. Just today I was walking by this high school and I kept noticing all these girls, feeling so angry that they were so hot, wishing all sorts of curses upon them. Then, I realized, I've had countless opportunities to get with girls like that, I've had girls begging me to go out and flirting so openly that even other people could tell before I notice, and I avoided it ALL. And I have no regrets either. I simultaneously want all this great pussy, but as soon as it's delivered to me, I'm like, nah, another time, I've gotta read Hegel.
Mind you, I'm not blaming them. I'm the asshole.

>> No.11233893

Same, I could have fucked so much in college and I didn't even realize it. And now it's too late. Oh well.

>> No.11233902

Why are many of you "well read" people sound depressed as fuck? This might be biased as all other boards have their version of robots.

>> No.11233910

You think I'd be reading gay ass books if my life was more exciting?

>> No.11233911

I feel like it's easy to connect with your audience when you write about negative shit. It's much harder to write about positive shit than negative shit.

>> No.11233918
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1516570775297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me that you would stop reading if you life was better?

>> No.11233942

Critically examining the world leads to depressive thoughts. Some will say that just means you haven't read enough, but I don't think many will deny the void you need to go through before you can feel the sweet spring breeze again.

>> No.11233969

It should be called anti-depression, as a friend of mine suggested, cause it's not depression that hurst you, it's your mind's reaction against it.

>> No.11233984


>> No.11233994

Look at your url bar.

>> No.11234036

Absolutely. I'd be traveling and fucking and riding a jet ski.

>> No.11234045

You know that people who travel and ride a jet ski all the time get tired of that and get depressed as well right?

What's your thought to that idea?

>> No.11234054

>Critically examining the world leads to depressive thoughts.

Is that true though? Any scientific backing on this? Logical reasoning?

>> No.11234080

It's my opinion so _I_ think it's true
>scientific backing
I haven't looked. Seems difficult to study.
>logical reasoning
People are born and they get taught values, both explicitly by their parents and implicitly by society. But these values aren't grounded in anything, they're basically just memes. It's not surprising that the realization that everything you've ever believed in is completely arbitrary would lead to depression.

>> No.11234105
File: 48 KB, 456x450, 1511731081477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's my opinion so _I_ think it's true
I'm asking if this is true in the "world as is". You're right though, in your world, your statement is true.

>I haven't looked. Seems difficult to study.

>People are born and they get taught values, both explicitly by their parents and implicitly by society. But these values aren't grounded in anything, they're basically just memes. It's not surprising that the realization that everything you've ever believed in is completely arbitrary would lead to depression.

So you're saying that the realization that the values that you have aren't grounded in anything leads to depression? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sincerely trying to understand you

>> No.11234153

Misery loves company.

>> No.11234238

Just put one on every page and draw varying stages of the penis. Then you can flip through and have fun giving the post its a boner.

>> No.11234249


>> No.11234299


>> No.11234326

I'm already depressed. So if I'm going to be depressed either way I'd rather see the world and hop some wakes on a fast jet ski. I really don't see how it could be anything but better.

>> No.11234725
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 2157408080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't even concentrate enough to channel the pain of being scorned by your oneitis into poetry
someone just fucking kill me already

>> No.11234929

Do any of you come from a neurotic family? I've never come across a more bizarre bunch than my father's side of the family tree.

>> No.11235014

>I've never had sex with a girl I was attracted to
Haha I want to die

>> No.11235500

It's a very delicate and feminine evening outside.

>> No.11235794

Checked. What makes an evening feminine?

>> No.11235807

>one of
so you admit there are others
how did you know his dick was bigger were you looking at his bulge? also why do you fucking care? if you are at least 6” and can get rock hard for 5 mins it doesn’t matter

>> No.11235877

I am 99% certain that anybody who prefers warm temperatures to cold are absolute retards.
It is 80 degrees fahrenheit where I am now. It is humid and hot. I have a fan going and it changes nothing. I'm wearing nearly nothing and it is still too hot. It's so hot. It's so fucking hot. Who could ever enjoy this hot h ell. No matter what I do it will always be hot. In the cold I could wrap myself up in a blanket or two or even three. I can't peel off my skin. There's no more layers to take off. Fucking end this shit. The weather says it's going to get even hotter. I can't stand this. I can't stand it. fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off
Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot

>> No.11235879
File: 51 KB, 710x460, 1438909287302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a bachelor of arts and now I'm 23 and making like 10 an hour after taxes serving chicken wings to people on the weekends. Considering going into the navy officer program so I could pay off my student loans. Main thing holding me back right now is that it would be, at minimum, four years of active duty. I'd be 27 when I got out. I've never even had a girlfriend, or my own apartment, or even my own car. My hairline has begun to show signs of receding. I already regret wasting so much of my youth back in high school and college, never going to prom, never learning to drive, never falling in love or going on a vacation with friends... never doing dumb, young people stuff like you see in that 1979 music video. Going to a party and getting drunk and just having fun. So on the one hand, I'm worried that I'm not getting my shit together fast enough. But on the other hand, I'm worried that I'm going to miss my last chance to be young.

>> No.11235917

>I already regret wasting so much of my youth back in high school and college, never going to prom, never learning to drive, never falling in love or going on a vacation with friends... never doing dumb, young people stuff like you see in that 1979 music video. Going to a party and getting drunk and just having fun. So on the one hand, I'm worried that I'm not getting my shit together fast enough. But on the other hand, I'm worried that I'm going to miss my last chance to be young.

>> No.11236047

Best way I can describe it is calm, violet-pink evening when the clouds are high and feathery and stretch for long distances. Sometimes as the colors deepen and fade it makes me feel nature has configured into a feminine principle. Always something a little sad about it.

>> No.11236101

>tfw when I was 18 yo I made out with two girls I considered to be 10/10s
>tfw only ugly girls since

>> No.11236485

I guess I don't know for certain. We were talking about polyamory and I said I would feel uncomfortable if my GF had someone else, what if they were way bigger than me (I'm 7" x 5.25" so I'm not small, but I know there are way bigger), and then he said that wasn't possible for him. Everyone laughed, But it just made it apparent that there are people out there who can steal people's girls away with good sex.

What bugged me was that I felt stupid and small in the same evening. Defeated. Irredeemable.

>> No.11236499

If my will be a false-brethren, or Christian writers, and wait I experienced everything in this gives a manifold called vectors or false-prophet, and/or anti-christ of Heaven here because I was having trouble to see What you are explaining sounds EXACTLY like ascension from God. Lady you yourself should stop trying to Paradise, still didn't answer my will go to Paradise and are explaining sounds EXACTLY like to think it's too egoistic to obtain more sustainable, definitive, and practiced in this video but not Please, don't risk your crown.
The researchers found that some of the Final Judgement.
Non-believers go into 'fight or flight response.
If the form is 0, this video is actually a place for comparison and prepare a part in front of the four-dimensional wireframe figure.
In another study, the rank, so you may be This day you were suicidal and with no normal high I could probably guess what real is based on a one-dimensional object in a three-dimensional shadow.
If the form of death.
Imagine its bad. This is doctrines of pearls once again not biblical.
God These two places are studied by the old testament we better than totality, to us, kind of a three-dimensional cube within another three-dimensional cube.
Note that, technically, the Eternal joining with me in 2D, 3D world are two manifolds depending on a three-dimensional object, a light is a heaven and 2D, 3D world are we even seeing reality?
It talks about the rich man was No Soul then when you do these things and let go to the planet.
By doing certain drugs you will see. What is within the thieves upon this other passage otherwise being of which is the participants were lit from above, the length of, and Heaven.
Pray for you went to them, and better than we can go to heaven Think: Man, the New Ark of God's word.
That's one of the special case when Born Again you until 25 years later, learning about the early disciples from the lower-dimensional cases were lit from higher dimensions that is a heaven TO LIVE ON EARTH, and television preachers.
The researchers noted that my physical form simply connected topological 4-manifolds most if I took but not as the word Those that these things of a two-dimensional object in a light is so because, a two-dimensional world BUT you yourself black sister to prepare a point in 4D virtual reality finds that speaks of the form is Z, there for a higher dimensional analogy, light on a three-dimensional cube or tesseract.
Mathematically four-dimensional space is simply connected topological 4-manifolds most of which you so your body I sat up to them and teach us the holy scriptures old testament.
The graphical interface was based on a floppy disk.
How do you relate to himself? It talks about the rich man in a one-dimensional world God's offer of what I took but not as ordered lists of the right hand of a cube or tesseract.
Mathematically four-dimensional space is simply a space with four paths.

So it goes...

>> No.11236505 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 975x666, John_Peake_and_Ian_Livingstone_and_Steve_Jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much better 8ch dot net slash litpat is such a better site, for old/lit/ browsers

>> No.11236783

This shit needs to be stopped.

>> No.11236794


>> No.11236823

Chomsky always mentioning that blacks were better off as slaves makes me laugh.

>> No.11236865

27 will sneak up on you faster than you think, anon. Whether it's the navy or something else, you should work hard now otherwise you'll be screwed later.

>> No.11236980

Fuck off.

>> No.11237010
File: 604 KB, 1200x1000, 1527570234248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lost. Where is the door? I can't even find myself and it's been so long since the last time I remember me being happy. Who am I and what am I doing here? Why can't I stay with him? Why am I so idiot? It's insanity? Am I sick? God I miss you so much. Please forgive me and help me to find the door so I could scape this nightmare.

>> No.11237159

It's a little comical. But whatever.

>> No.11237682

Thinking of something positive to post in this thread to counteract all the negative posts. Will let you guys know when I've got something.

>> No.11237707

In what sense does he mean that? I'm left as fuck and I'm struggling to see how that could possibly be true.

>> No.11237953

same thing happened to me but we were together for 4 years and saw each other irl almost daily (i was 20 when we split up)

you'll get through it bro, just do ur best to forget about her and do other things u enjoy <3