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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 111 KB, 795x1005, Judge_Holden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11217857 No.11217857 [Reply] [Original]

>Society and the human race has gotten far too complex and degenerate lately. Atomization, technical and information innovations, economic uncertainty, climate change, political polarization and total hedonistic nihilism are breaking us down and tearing us apart. There has to be a levelling, a stamping of the hornet's nest, to destroy all that has been built up and wipe the slate clean and start anew or, if possible, wipe out existence itself.

Books for this feel? Preferably philosophical, though fiction is OK too.

>> No.11217868

Just go read the right wing thinkers and fuck off already
Evola and Guenon are the most talked about

>> No.11217879

ready player one for fiction, lauren southern's last book for nonfiction

>> No.11217883
File: 108 KB, 399x371, 1527368777082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things are bad
>lets make them worse still
What a fucking moron

>> No.11217891

>posts this to 4channelu without a trace of irony

>> No.11217899
File: 56 KB, 688x560, 1459385443100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want to usher in a satanic hellscape of war and atrocity

>> No.11217914
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>he doesn't want to live in the decaying interstices of hyperreality

>> No.11217925

that dfw short
a supposed fun thing that i will never do again

canticle for liebowitz

fear and trembling
prometheius rising and cosmic trigger
various manuals on going innawoods
various luddite/ anabaptist/menninite texts
the westboro baptist website

>> No.11217936
File: 254 KB, 434x273, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 6.42.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miguel Serrano's NOS: Book of the Resurrection

My politics are best described as a synthesis of insurrectionary apocalypticism and Esoteric Hitlerism with elements of jihadi islam and the Manson Cultus. Love shall begin when the world ends! Death is the way to Eternity!


Manson lies it down pretty clearly when he talks about the power of death and fear symbols in a hyperreal world. better than those french philosophers

>> No.11217940
File: 75 KB, 750x791, 1527368211452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save time and kys yourself

>> No.11217949

This picture of the judge is so shit - completely wrong

>> No.11217979
File: 234 KB, 454x243, Screen Shot 2018-05-26 at 6.49.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slave of atlantis, I am not from this earth, the myth of the White Gods flows through my veins, my soul yearns for the Morning Star, for the Black Sun, I am drawn to the Inexistance of the Green Ray. All Hail the Black Sun!

>> No.11217988

There will be no leveling. The apocalypse already happened. Read Baudrillard.

>> No.11217992
File: 1.20 MB, 3270x1514, 1518895184902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read SIEGE by James Mason, read SIEGE faggot

and read the coming insurrection by the invisible committee for balance

>> No.11217993

Was thinking the same thing, no baby face

>> No.11218002

>putting yourself on an FBI watchlist because you want to be edgy to own the libs


>> No.11218006
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>this meatbag talks to me about the sublime
Greys are just hyperadvanced cyborgs. Pleadeians are just cosmic refugees; full of lies, wandering jews in fact. We are cattle or if we are cunning, timid frightened scavengers. Either way have you ever watched the time elapsed video of a fox decaying?

>> No.11218007
File: 18 KB, 350x500, 1259806353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Foundation for Exploration is exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.11218031
File: 148 KB, 537x752, apoca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about 'owning the libs' its about aryan jihadis taking down the ZOG machine once and for all.

>> No.11218050
File: 168 KB, 825x464, avengers-infinity-war-trailer-breakdown-analysis-thanos-infinity-gauntlet_106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinity War

>> No.11218056

>Implying it isn't the actual FBI posting that

>> No.11218119

Neo Nazism is a great example of exactly the kind of degeneracy I'm talking about. The Levelling should be apolitical and not discriminate in accordance with retarded delusions regarding racial superiority and le Joos.

Your last name is Goonan, isn't it?

>> No.11218152

I'm not an alt right neonazi or white nationalist. I don't care about saving white america or the white race. I only care for the endtimes and a warrior's death. I wanna take the biggest fear symbol there is, because your fear is your power and your power is my control. I am going to rule this whole planet.

>> No.11218235

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.11218722

You're just frustrated youth and thus prime recruiting grounds for neo-nazis.

>> No.11218823

I'm so fucking angry anon, I'm so close to doing something really fucking bad.

>> No.11218830

do it you faggot

>> No.11218843
File: 184 KB, 928x1200, DQ5QBsPX4AAB67H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the swastika the last forbidden symbol and denial of the holocaust the last blasphemy? look at those who call themselves leftists: the lapdogs of the establishment. power is transgression and fear. you must yield to the power of the forbidden, and the occult.

“The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”

“The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World. . . . Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians. . . . We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.”

>> No.11219247


>> No.11220053

I slept on it and I feel better now. Perhaps tomorrow night anon.

>> No.11220072

hello fbi

>> No.11220081
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>> No.11220093

>le DAE born in the wrong generation

>> No.11220111

Its not about wishing to be born in the past but of recognizing that the future is not going to get better on the path that we are on and a radical deforestation of life and society has to be enacted. Whatever comes next may not be better but it will have a future. It will progress.

Its also partially because I'm a total screw up in my own life and wish to bring down the rest of the world to my level in a mewling act of spite and resentment.

B-b-but m-mostly the f-f-former.

>> No.11220130

So stfu and kys you pretentious faggot

>> No.11220227


>> No.11220237

You're gonna die miserable, alone, a virgin and surrounded by bottles of piss

>> No.11220243

Probably going to die in prison most likely so I'll have a toilet but the rest is spot on.

>> No.11220259


Tim Robbins meet The Sisters.

>> No.11220271

Not from Burgerland, we don't indulge in sodomitic practices in response to imprisonment, we have more class than that.

>> No.11220326

The way you talk makes people wanna knock all your teeth out. In prison, they will.

>> No.11220352

No they don't, I'm very well liked.

>> No.11221816

just eliminate the resentment bro

>> No.11223254

Feels like a surrender.

>> No.11223352


>> No.11223483

nah more like a transcendence
read deleuze's nietzsche on philosophy
noble active force is the answer bro

>> No.11223857

I guess. I feel like in order to get anywhere I have spiritually kill myself - all that is me has to be purged and replaced with someone else. I don't think I want to die like that. I want to experience all the joys of life myself, as I am, not hand them over to another, some strange future self who resembles me only in name. It feels like giving up, like letting them all win.

>> No.11223901

i think that's the faculty many people who experience life success (not the bugman kind, the real /lit/ shit) possess -- the shedding of the skin, the willingness to purge (keats's "negative capability") and animate different modes of thought & being; but i've never heard it quite like "giving up". who's the "all" you're let winning? your future selves or the people who condescend to push you there?

>> No.11223936

What happened to you to make you this bitter?

>> No.11223986

>but i've never heard it quite like "giving up
But it is, in a way. It's saying "as I am, I am not enough and never will be enough." So you cleanse yourself and become someone new. The person I am now has been formed gradually from birth by myself, by my family, friends, environment, by my rare successes and by many tragedies. It is not a cynically created self. There is a purity to it. It is as natural a Self, a real "me," as is at all possible to find. And it's not enough. All it's hopes and dreams - it will never live to see them. It's only chance for them to be fulfilled is to sacrifice itself so another can fulfill them. That's a surrender. A noble one but a surrender none the less.

>your future selves or the people who condescend to push you there?
Both but mainly the latter.

I resent having to change myself so utterly while others can skim through life without a care, just purely as their natural god given selves.

>> No.11224042


>> No.11224194

Maybe because life in the 21st century is shit if you're not one of the few who had a stable family, money, good looks, confidence, etc.

>> No.11224212

god i love this board

>> No.11224239

we can think of it like sculpting: some clay and stone lend themselves to easy tchotchke, fully formed ceramics in short time; other materials are used to sculpt david, honed for years by the hand of genius. life is that hand of genius; we ourselves are the materials, and our consciousnesses must be thoroughly chiseled and honed over time to become masterpieces -- don't get too attached to the fat of the ego. those pure lifeskimmers are not enviable or worthy of resentment; they are ornaments, unwilling to understand the sacrifice and courage you can understand and implement, and are doomed to play this lovely game on weak settings.

and what do we mean by 'change', really? get a haircut, speak normiespeak, die in a cubicle? what if you just took yourself as you are -- with your hopes and dreams and tragedies and small blisses -- and went to your absolute limit? you'd be transformed, but wouldn't forsake yourself as you now live; i'm sure that's something like "change". you'd need faith tho, or something awfully like it.

>> No.11224250
File: 132 KB, 1175x1762, kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kane is the perfect libertarian dispshit to play the Judge, Cormac fags wouldn't be able to admit how childish their fav is though

>> No.11224316

Death of a parent, developmental disability, bullying, cancer, inceldom, serial unemployment, genuine unavoidable incompetence at everything I do, no matter how hard I try.

>> No.11224401
File: 56 KB, 780x439, Glenn Kane Jacobs Wins Knoxville-area Primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw kane is running for city mayor

>> No.11224495

Blood Meridian is the best book written in the last 50 years. This is a fact.

>> No.11224502

No ones done any good art of the Judge

>> No.11224536

Get off your computer and do it then, fag

>> No.11224922

actually portraying him as Kane the wrestler would be great. it would give you the surrealism he encompasses plus the 'Kane' gimmick and name works perfectly with Cormac's biblical style

>> No.11224943

It's weak fanfiction.

>> No.11226018

I suppose, just the disparity enrages me, especially when it comes to women.

By change, I mean cleansing myself of all the egocentric desires and habits, all of which make me "me" as well as change my physical form. A haircut is a small compromise in a vast tapestry of compromises that I have to do in order to be loved. I will be a comprised being, totally and utterly.

>> No.11226971

No-one can play the Judge.

>> No.11227079

Except for Kane. The guy's two meters tall and is a libertarian (so he'll have no moral qualms about playing a murderous pedophile).

>> No.11227137

Change isn't an instantaneous process. It takes time. There will be setbacks.

I've forced myself to face a lot of "who I am" over the last couple of years, precisely because I realise that in order to make sense of this shitshow of a world I need to dig deeper and explore my own biases. Guess what? I'm still working on it.

There's been times when I've been absolutely convinced that I was on the threshold of some "great big transformation", that I was about to reach some kind of awakening / transcendence / superior state of being. What happened each time? I came home and jerked off after nothing happened.

That's not to say I haven't changed at all. In fact I have, greatly. But I'm still "me", just slightly more aware, slightly more courageous, slightly more patient. Most days I wish I could just sleep forever and forget about this hellscape civilization, but I've got no choice but to just keep going. That's all you need to say. Might as well keep going.

Because let's face it - whether you accept the struggle or don't, you'll end up dead anyway. At the very least, if you accept the struggle each time it comes to you, by the time you do die, your peace will be all the more sweeter.

Just my two cents.

>> No.11227534

Thank you anon.

>> No.11227539

Spengler's Decline of the West

>> No.11228382

>Decline of the West
Not really relevant is it?

>> No.11230322

>Edgelord incel thinks he's the Judge


>> No.11230442

Nailed it on the head. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.11230483


>> No.11231116


"The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism & the New Age" by Charles Upton

"The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times" by René Guénon

"Men Among the Ruins" by Julius Evola

Start with Guénon, continue with Evola and update to the 2000s perspective by Upton.

>> No.11231131

Jacques Ellul
he turned me into anti-tech/progressivist

>> No.11232298

Good recs

>> No.11233348

lmao u sound like a turbo faggola with a side of fries

>> No.11233398

Scheiß auf Jude

>> No.11233421

Iss mein Arshloch, faggola

>> No.11233472

this but read kazynski first for that blow your mind gather-your-ammo feeling

Religious stuff if you're a larper