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File: 270 KB, 517x478, nontoxic male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11217407 No.11217407 [Reply] [Original]

Is Vonnegut better than DFW?


>> No.11217424

How did DFW even become associated with "toxic masculinity" in the firsst place?

>> No.11217425

I cant even tell anymore

>> No.11217432

to be fair I have to meet someone who liked DFW and wasn't a huge brainlet
the article is satire by the way

>> No.11217460
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>another fucking hefty mid-thirties broad telling me how to properly strap on my chastity device and perform all the self-flagellate shibboleths of modern fag culture properly so that she will accept my Tinder invitation to buy her some chai boba and have a polyamorous relationship with me and three Austronesian serial killers who have the "warrior gene"


>> No.11217461

>Is Vonnegut better than DFW?
He's a better novelist at the least.

>> No.11217583

kek this is a pretty good post

>> No.11217589

it's satire actually

>> No.11217598

can't see any masculinity of any kind in this article

>> No.11217611

Great post. /lit/ really is the best board.

>> No.11217617

points 4 and 5 seem ernest

>> No.11217619
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Why do you even care? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just saying that anyone that unironically listens to these kinds of bullshit brainwashing "perfect man" check lists is probably just some middle aged lonely spinster bitch in her 40 that doesn't know Jack shit about anything, and has to have some hack writer from the Jew Yorker fill their empty head with propoganda to give her some sense of purpose to her empty, lonely life that they themselves are responsible for in the first place for being such a choosey nitpicking cunt

So yeah why even bother worrying about this kind of trite sensationalism anyway?

>> No.11217622

good post

>> No.11217624

>buy her chai boba

>> No.11217655

lol this is a pretty good post desu anon

>> No.11217668
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>toxic masculinity
>being pushed by jews

>> No.11217669


>> No.11217677

I'm going to be honest I don't understand this coastal elite humor

>> No.11217701

>implying that the people who produce the new yorker aren't bourgeois trash

>> No.11217703

Saw this on /fit/.
>it's not satire
Me neither. I tried watching SNL now and then but I don't recall laughing once.

>> No.11217747

Anyone who didn't immediately realize that it was satire is severely autistic.

To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand the satire of the coastal elite. The humor is very subtle, and without a solid foundation of American university education most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head.

>> No.11217753

guys guys its clearly tongue in cheek no need to get too mad

>> No.11217769
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The New Yorker is such a joke.

>> No.11217771

Both correct, it is humor, thinly masking earnestness. This is the cultural aesthetic that's been prevalent since the grunge era, where bands who disavowed fame-striving corporate rock played just as loud and hard, repressing their own rockstar aspirations insofar as it gave them "cred" to be anti-establishment. They all eventually signed, of course.

See also 2004-era hipster irony

>> No.11217784

this is satire you autists
though i know for certain there exists people who genuinely believe things like this so there's not really any silver lining anyways

>> No.11217785
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>new yorker

>> No.11217786

Killing yourself after writing your magnum opus is the definition of toxicity you bigot.

>> No.11217793

Someone please post the tracksuit anecdote

>> No.11217799


>> No.11217803

I haven't seen a cringier attempt of satire.

>> No.11217824


Audience pussy.

>> No.11217829

>7. He strictly follows all traffic laws when he plays Grand Theft Auto. His Sims world is a matriarchy. He does not have a Twitter account.
It's very clearly meant to be humoristic. Point 4 and 5 seem more earnest only in order to mock feminists further.

>> No.11217841
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>> No.11217854


>> No.11217859

>not pig_in_heat.jpg

>> No.11217871

This post is clearly satire.

>> No.11217885

they're both bad desu

>> No.11217886

that would be sexist

>> No.11217902

he was a violent, dysfunctional weirdo who stalked and abused a woman named Mary Karr, who's accusations the media largely ignored. her story eventually got picked up by a bunch of sjw media outlets--the only type who use terminology like "toxic masculinity" in the first place-- and it spread from there.

>> No.11217910

>only pretending to be retarded

>> No.11217920


Inspired post anon. Musical even. 10/10.

>> No.11217927

is this satire? like what even is this? What

>> No.11217928

Nobody is forcing you to read it

>> No.11217929

>who stalked and abused a woman named Mary Karr
translation: he asked her out a few times and went to the same bars as her just to "accidentally" run into her

>> No.11217932

do the two rocks and dark hole behind her represent her fat old ass and gaping vagine?

>> No.11217957

its called post-irony

>> No.11217980


Yes. DFW wrote one good, flawed, influential novel, that arguably touches on greatness in spots. Vonnegut wrote a handful of good novels, some of which arguably touch on greatness in spots. I'd say he's more popular than influential, which isn't a bad thing. DFW also has the black mark of being a literary theorist against him.

>> No.11218519

How is it not stalking? Would you be cool with a 500 pounds whale in position of power (and all the implications with it) trying to get your dick that hard?

>> No.11218556

I'm fucking done.

>> No.11218561

I understand this is satire, but I don't understand why some liberals hate Wallace. All I can see online is women saying males who read him are assholes.

>> No.11218574

seems like they hate basedboys as much as us.
is /lit/ chimping out because--dare i say--they didnt read the "humor" article?

>> No.11218583

s o y l e n t

>> No.11218610 [DELETED] 


My friend tried to tell me the first sentence of point #5 means Chee is fishing foe cuck boyfriends.

I told him he was unitonically a cuck if that was his interpretation and that literally 99% of people didn’t see it. Nabokov wasn’t a pedophile just as Bret Easton Ellis has a conscience. Art is meant to be interpreted is what I said, Idiot. Sympathy doesn’t ephal empathy.

>> No.11218618

this post is illegible to anyone 2 yrs ago lol

>> No.11218621

brother, would you spare me some oats?

>> No.11218640

My friend tried to tell me the first sentence of point #5 means Chee is fishing for cuck boyfriends.

I told him he was unironically a cuck if that was his interpretation and that literally 99% of people didn’t read it that way. Nabokov wasn’t a pedophile just as Bret Easton Ellis has a conscience. Art is meant to be interpreted is what I said to that Idiot. Sympathy doesn’t equal empathy doesn’t equal telepathy.

>> No.11218651

They both sick

>> No.11218696


>> No.11218717
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>> No.11218789

No, these are my oats, you must gather your own

>> No.11218952


>> No.11219006

he was following her kid to school and shit. you're obviously an MGTOW incel woman-hater, but if she was your sister, you'd have rightfully taken a bat to his head.

>> No.11219020

excellent post yet again! we're on a roll here, ! haha

>> No.11219023

you understand it just fine, you’re just not weak and effeminate enough to convince yourself it’s good

>> No.11219031


>> No.11219034

lol, I love it!

>> No.11219039

Am I losing my mind or was that clearly meant to be satire? Seems like they were deliberately making fun of the kinda guys who go out of their way to be as "non-toxic" as possible and end up just looking spineless and boring. I'm honestly surprised the New Yorker put that out.

>> No.11219073

It's written right there that it's supposed to be satire. I don't know why the fuck you spergs are losing your minds over this.

>> No.11219156
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This is absolute gold. Love that the New Yorker knows they can still take the piss.

>> No.11219698

>The New Yorker mocks the concept of Toxic Masculinity

Don't see that every day. I actually liked this article, it evoked an emotion of rage from me despite obviously being parody simply because I know the men they're talking about actually exist. This shit is gold.

>> No.11219707

I mean this article does manage to make fun of BASEDboys while making /pol/ spergs who have zero ability to pick up on humor mad as fuck. It's good parody.

>> No.11219710

>i like dicks in my butt
the post

>> No.11219724

Put me in the screencap

>> No.11219731

i don't like dicks in my butt at all though. Ever since I got anal fissures from shoving small objects up my ass as a preteen I vowed never again. Even today if my diet is poor my ass will rip open and start bleeding again.

>> No.11219742

he stalked her child, destroyed her furniture in fits of rage and once attempted to throw her out of a moving vehicle.

>> No.11219748


>> No.11220765

It's too difficult for women

>> No.11220767

He was known for being violent and rude.

>> No.11220794

>the New Yorker is using Cuck in their """articles"""

What a world we live in

>> No.11220797

Based. Based!

>> No.11220817

like right outta nabokov

>> No.11220819
File: 230 KB, 657x471, 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me finally take that leap from centrist to alt right. thanks pal, im gonna go workout for the second time today

>> No.11220822

>Nabokov wasn't a pedophile

>> No.11220823


>> No.11220831

Welcome to the resistance Brother

>> No.11220833
File: 2.09 MB, 400x286, 1410121808596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey guys



what about if it


you know

the JEW yorker?

>> No.11220844


>> No.11220846
File: 252 KB, 1454x1454, 09-26-30-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one cuckerson looking mofo

>> No.11220863

Le include le me in le screenleshot

>> No.11220865

I look out for myself first in the workplace but I do try to advance women over men who aren't my friends cause women are much better to work with for me. Guys tend to either be extreme slackers or be hypercompetitive workaholics despite most of them not having really good abilities. So you have a 70th percentile guy turning into a huge asshole and giving himself health issues and executing complex plots so he can do 73rd percentile work. I just don't need that behavior in my life.

>> No.11220869


>> No.11220871

/pol/ can't even take a joke lol

>> No.11220890

the weirdest part about that to me is that mary karr doesnt seem like shes particularly insightful or talented, but i guess she's had like >20 years for her brain to turn into the same mush that affects every writer on twitter

>> No.11221107

he's popular with lit-reading betas and "toxic masculinity" as a concept exists mostly as a bludgeon to keep the eternal beta in line

>> No.11221120

Fuck my sides

>> No.11221826

ooh lala

>> No.11223058

That's obviously David Remnick.

>> No.11223081

fucking nice

>> No.11223091

I've done 5 out of 7 of these.

>> No.11223098

The Jew Jorker is wrong about everything. Liberals hate DFW because he writes women as they are in real life. Vonnegut is good but DFW is a better writer.

>> No.11223107

>he writes women as they are in real life.
What are his women like in a nutshell?

>> No.11223109

Brief Interviews. Which is redpilled as shit. Also (I know someone already posted this) women don't understand him

>> No.11223112

New Yorker is operating on so many levels of irony here that even 4chan is triggered

>> No.11223113

Takes one to know one I guess.... you clearly are not a close reader or well read and all your friends are hipsters

>> No.11223121

That is specific as hell

>> No.11223128

Being obese on a post industrial scale is 'natural' to the yid

>> No.11223129
File: 14 KB, 480x360, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based David.


>> No.11223131

It's a single level of irony, otherwise known as sarcasm. Go back to twitter, summerfag.

>> No.11223136
File: 93 KB, 819x592, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole article is stupid, but who the hell watches a movie like this?

>> No.11223141

You're like the retard who doesn't like a band because the lead singer is violent. Who fucking cares about their personal life? You don't have to be friends to like their work

>> No.11223144

Chubby guys in purple tanktops.

>> No.11223151

Yeah like wtf are they even trying to say? Are they making fun of toxic masculinity or basedboys or what?

>> No.11223156

They're not the female character on almost every tv show. They are like the women on Breaking Bad however

>> No.11223161

Overrated, and you guys praising this are midwit CHUD pseuds.

>> No.11223163

Breaking Bad is cartoonish though.

>> No.11223169

Toxic masculinity. It's the new yorker, guys. Overthinking it is giving them far too much credit.

>> No.11223171

>Q. In his relationship with the author Mary Karr, Wallace exhibited a good deal of anger. You write that he once considered killing her husband and that he once tried to push her from a moving car. On Twitter, Karr wrote: “As for my ‘sinking’ him, DFW had two major suicide attempts before I met him. He came crazy, I didn’t make him that way.” What was it about his feelings for her that created such trouble for Wallace?

>A. Until he met his wife, Karen Green, in 2002, David preferred what he called, in a letter to a friend, “serial high-romance and low-intimacy” relationships. He cared more about the hunt than the capture. Mary, who was married when they met, was not smitten by him and gave as good as she got. I always think of the line in “The Great Gatsby” about how a bad driver is safe until he meets another bad driver. Mary was that driver. And they were both newly sober. I don’t think a lot of clear thinking went on between them. But she opened him up to the kind of heartfelt and direct writing he was afraid of. I’m convinced her rejection made him teachable; it touched his core of self-doubt.

He was answering the question of why DFW is considered to be an example of toxic masculinity, not making a statement of whether or not he liked DFW's work, you colossal retard.

>> No.11223172
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>thought this was an edit
>look it up
>it's real
>she's dead now
>The New Yorker tweeted the same picture when she died

>> No.11223173

You said nutshell bro. And I'm a fonefag. Don't want to tyoe shit. I do want to start a DFW thread when I get to my laptop in like 20 min though. I can go into derail

>> No.11223180

honestly, you are a literal pleb
also your post reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmkq7yylRkU

>> No.11223183

Ok. I want to read him but if he's like Breaking Bad I will stay away. But will be interested to read your thoughts.

>> No.11223187

Her? Dead? You must be shitting me. Someone in their prime just goes for no reason. Makes you wonder

>> No.11223204

Is Vonnegut better than DFW? That was the only question. Word for word. Check yourself. It's not as difficult as you think.
Learn English and get back to me Hans

>> No.11223223

The point is it doesn't matter what someone is like in real life. Their work is apart from them as a person. How are you not getting this? It's pretty simple duality. Go to college

>> No.11223379

As far as I'm concerned, the details of an author's life are just flavour text. Nice but not necessary, won't change my opinion on if I like somebody's work. Your gripe should be aimed the people being satirized in the article who believe certain authors should not be read because of their real life behaviour, i.e. people who need authors they enjoy to be champions of morality so as to not compromise their own apparent morals. You are instead firing misaimed complaints at someone who wanted to know what those people think is so bad about DFW's personal life, an anon who answered that question, and an anon who has to explain to you that no one ITT is saying to not read DFW or any other author because of goings-on in their lives. You're trying to argue against people with a specific belief who aren't even here.

>> No.11223430

Why does his personal life matter at all? That's what I'm saying. No one should be focusing on his life because it's meaningless to his work, or at least should be. It's detached. Whether DFW or Vonnegut are the better author has nothing to do with their lives, and DFW being called toxic should have nothing to do with his life. I know they're calling him toxic because of what he's written, and not because of a stalking incident the person who wrote the New Yorker article is not at all referencing.

>> No.11223440

No. I don't worship DFW, but vonnegut was literally a brainlet.

>> No.11223466
File: 217 KB, 1148x1200, DdpkLNzWkAAelhI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read her poetry?

>> No.11223467

Well this thread is still alive, so no point in my starting a new one.

His writing is not like Breaking Bad, first of all. He writes in a way that goes into extreme detail, sometimes seemingly without a purpose, but the detail itself becomes the purpose, and often those details are the exposition of the characters' internal dialog. In other words, he writes details about everything around in the environment, and also psychological details from the characters' minds. In that sense he's the complete opposite of Bret Easton Ellis and Cormac Macarthy who write almost no exposition. Wallace writes tons of exposition. To me, this makes a good read. Macarthy is enjoyable, but too simple and easy and it goes by too quickly. It's just like watching a movie. But reading DFW forces your brain into thetawaves, so in that sense it's totally different from being fed images on a screen. But, unlike me, his writing isn't just rambling. It's all well crafted and centered around a main idea, so there is always a pay off and an insight into every scene, etc. He gives you a lot to think about. All the Pretty Horses is a good book, but it's for people who don't like to read, is what I'm saying. Infinite Jest is for people who want the ultimate read.

>> No.11223505

that's not bad

>> No.11223516

Yes it is.

>> No.11223528

It's almost like they believe a writer's personality and views can play into the content of their fiction.

>> No.11223531

the amount of damage she did to "the land" by consuming literally tons of meat and grain products, and hundreds of gallons of soda each year is incalculable. She is raping that georgious rock with her fat lard body. Just wish a coyote would've eaten her desu.

>> No.11223532

All poetry is bad, so what.

>> No.11223537

But that would imply that they aren't making fun of the people pictured which they clearly are. Are they going after both?

>> No.11223538
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>> No.11223592

Yeah I really need an east coast liberal arts education to notice the word humor in the url. /lit/ has really gone down the shitter since so many people has missed what is obviously meant to be a joke.

>> No.11223898

Dfw is the canonical favorite author for guys who are hot but also self-centered headcases

>> No.11223922

No. For fuck's sake. The pics are their readership.

>> No.11223966

I've worked in entirely male workplaces and they're so intensely retarded I never want to do it again. I don't mind women in the workplace. I just find it incredible that women have cucked men into allowing institutionalized sexism in the workplace through affirmative action schemes.

>> No.11223995

Lewis Carrol was a kid fucker. Does that stop people from enjoying Alice? Hell no

>> No.11223997

this is why i pretend to hate him irl

>> No.11224004

Thanks for sharing. I always wondered what a gay bar was like.

>> No.11224008

Okay, this is epic

>> No.11224017

Persona before content. How's that working out for you?
Is everyone in here gay? Who the fuck cares what people think of you?

>> No.11224025

They're making fun of BASEDboys. They're mocking their desperation to virtue signal. They're making fun of them for being pussies. They're making fun of their pretentiousness. They're mocking the inherently condescending nature of their savior complexes towards women. Really this article is mocking the typical male New Yorker reader which is good shit.

>> No.11224028

Is this, dare I say it... the hottest post on /lit/ this decade?

>> No.11224128

Those guys are represented in new Yorker readership but many are mongoloids who just read blogs about video games and george rr martin

>> No.11224215

me too'ers

>> No.11224963

Only because Vonnegut wrote "Harrison Bergeron".

>> No.11225005

Have you ever been to a party where a bunch of faggy nu-males start loudly discussing Infinite Jest. I have. It is toxic in its own way.

>> No.11225218

Immortalise me in the screenshot please

>> No.11225245
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>> No.11225251
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It's manifestly satire. I hope this post is, too.

>> No.11225315
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>garbage simpsons meme

Shut the fuck up, Liberal. You can MANIFESTLY blow your bad takes and weak-seed unfunny memes out your ass.

>> No.11225319
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>> No.11225325
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So it is satire. Glad to have that cleared up.

>> No.11225340

this. Its clearly post-ironic

>> No.11225365

Don't forget to make your monthly Chapo payments, dweeb.

>> No.11226184

I once asked my gf if she ever read Vonnegut and she said “what kind of basic bitch white girl do you think I am?”

>> No.11226213

ITT: Retards who can't see this is in the satire section