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11211375 No.11211375 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any cases to be made for historical accuracy in the bible? I'm not basing my religion on historical accuracy but I am interested in finding confirmations on my belief beyond what God has already shown me.

>> No.11211380

>beyond what God has already shown me.

>> No.11211503

The new testament at least is pretty much all factual.

>> No.11211504


>> No.11211519

That would be interesting if it could be confirmed that the gift of tongues, the walking on water, or the visions of the apostles and co. in the book Acts occurred. I have no doubt that the epistles are historically accurate, but this would be revolutionary to my own conception of the new testament if the gospels were known to be pretty much all factual. Any sources you can direct me to?

>> No.11211767


>> No.11211913

The Bible is not to be taken literally from beginning to end
Some parts are metaphorical and some are history

>> No.11211925

Genesis is literal. Fight me.

>> No.11211927

And the old testament is just filled with Jewish lies and thievery from other historical tales

>> No.11211942

Back to your containment board dumb stormnigger
>dude what is the fossil record lmao

>> No.11211945

You wouldnt believe any of that shit if you heard about someone doing those things today either.

>> No.11211952

>The class “Dinosauria” was originally defined by “Sir” Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head “coincidentally” in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. The Masonic media and mainstream press worldwide got to work hyping stories of these supposed long-lost animals, and then lo and behold, 12 years later in 1854, Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River, found “proof” of Owen’s theory! A few unidentified teeth he mailed to leading paleontologist Joseph Leidy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct “Trachodon,” dinosaur (which beyond ironically means “rough tooth”).

>> No.11211955

Don't forget the fact that they ''''conjectured''''' about finding dinosaur bones only after the theories of LAMARCK were developed too.

People who look into this kind of thing see a lot of bias as regards this specific area of 'scientific' discovery.

>> No.11211978

That is already obvious to me; nothing in the book played out today can look miraculous when we're familiar with schizophrenia and Criss Angel.

>> No.11212441
File: 66 KB, 720x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>vid related

The LORD our GOD helped Moses split the Red Sea for his people.

>> No.11212662

this site might be what you want

>> No.11213765
File: 17 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new testament at least is pretty much all factual.

>> No.11213779

dinosaurs... were a hoax?

>> No.11213990

I'll break this down into two posts. The Torah (Genesis to Deuteronomy) isn't entirely accurate, and it sort of functions more as a collection of older oral stories and legends from a time before everything was written down. As an example, Exodus - events similar to what is described likely did occur, but not in the manner or scale described. More likely a smaller slave revolt that fled to Canaan and went, in the eyes of the Egyptians, unnoticed.

After that, Joshua. Joshua is interesting. The events described likely did occur, but they're very muddled and unclear here. More likely they happened over several centuries and very slowly. Joshua - probably never truly existed. The Joshua in the book is probably an amalgamate of several figures.

Kings is where things start getting more clear. Chances are a King David existed. He definitely had a son named Solomon, and after this you get into recorded history. The Kingdom of Israel was never particularly powerful, so the scale of things may be exaggerated, here. I don't think Solomon had several hundred wives.

Then you have the Minor Prophets. Basically, folklore from the time immediately before the Israelites made their kingdom.

Maccabees is very interesting because it happened only a hundred or so years before the events described in the New Testament. It's accurate, or at least as accurate as it can possibly be.

Aside from that, I don't remember much OT stuff. There are certain positions one can take regarding physical proof/archaeology - some people say we just haven't found some stuff yet, some say it simply doesn't exist.

>> No.11214002

Fuck this whole shitpost

>> No.11214012

New Testament is, at its core, accurate. Jesus of Nazareth existed and he led a religious movement around the time period described in Galilee. As soon as he went to Jerusalem, he was crucified. The exact details are up in the air - his exact age is debated. Some evidence points towards him being an older man (40s-50s) but it's unimportant. Did he have a wife? Maybe. Brothers and sisters? Almost certainly.

Acts, as far as I can tell, is a summary of how the Nazarene movement spread in the decades immediately following the death of Jesus. It's accurate in the sense that these things happened, just maybe not in the way it says.

The Epistles are fucky. Some of them weren't written by Paul, but by people claiming to be Paul. This wasn't considered an issue in ancient times and was fairly common. They do a good job at describing what being a Christian was like at the time, early sects and arguments that arose, and so on. So some of them weren't written by Paul, but by anonymous people claiming to be Paul - regardless, they're accurate.

Revelation is an acid trip written by an insane Jew who hated Gentiles. The "Synagogue of Satan" were Gentile Christians who weren't circumcised. Not making this up. This is the most glaring disagreement in the NT. Paul and John of Patmos would not have gotten along. It has zero historical value aside from telling us that Christians were persecuted in the Roman empire, which we can figure out from other parts of the Bible. It only just barely made it into the canon.

That's about all I can remember. Please read the Bible. It's very well written.

>> No.11214779


>> No.11216668

>A tripfag thinking he has any authority
Please do enlighten me how Jews didn't just blatantly steal all other cultures creation stories and pass them as their own. It's not like Noah is the ripped off of Gilgamesh or anything. Please do use your words instead of crying like a little bitch please

>> No.11217218

Totally depends which part of the Bible, it was written over a period of 1000+ years.

Who are you quoting?

>After that, Joshua. Joshua is interesting. The events described likely did occur
Actually, it's generally agreed the conquest narrative is innacurate. Jericho was razed about 1650-1500 BC, based on radiocarbon dating of the destruction layer, the famous walls were never rebuilt. So it's much too early for Joshua's time. And there isn't archeological evidence of destruction in the cities named as conquered in the book.

The Exodus itself is more plausible than the conquest, although not a literal reading of Exodus as it has upwards of 2 million people migrating out of Egypt, which would leave some kind of mark. But a smaller migration of semites from Egypt shortly before the late Bronze Age collapse makes sense as the origin of the story, which became exaggerated over time.

>> No.11217800

I never said that they didn't rip off the Epic of Gilgamesh. Because it's pretty obvious they did.
All we can gather from the Pentateuch is that there was a dude named Abraham who lived in the desert, who founded a religion, whose descendants went to Egypt, and eventually a group of Jews (nowhere near the ridiculous amount stated in Exodus) led by a dude named Moses migrated out of Egypt and PEACEFULLY reintegrated into Canaanite society (no invasion of Jericho, that's a bunch of bullshit). The end. Everything before Abraham is fairytales, although there might have been a small-scale regional flood in the Middle East that through generations got exaggerated into a global one.

>> No.11217836

>PEACEFULLY reintegrated into Canaanite society
...this is where you lose all credibility

>> No.11217863

Old testament is to be interpreted in an allegory

New testament is very accurate and is to be seen as historical.

>> No.11217907

There must be something, people have been working on that for about two thousand years.

>> No.11217919

Thanks for sharing your Jewish opinions.

>> No.11217924

Walking on water too?

>> No.11217935

These people can vote

>> No.11217945

the burger "mind" everyone

>> No.11217952

>dude what is the fossil record lmao
Mineralized remains of organisms buried in sediment.

>> No.11217956
File: 1.08 MB, 1344x2739, Bible historicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11217970
File: 3.91 MB, 1292x8757, Shroud of Turin Authenticity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11217985

>funeral shroud means that Jesus rose from the dead
I'm a Christian but this is like the worst proof you could possibly come up with

>> No.11217991

So what is lit's opinion of "Our lady of fatima"?

>> No.11218009

Read the whole thing.

>> No.11218011

>using the Sacra Sindone as a proof while neither Catholics nor Protestant think it's actually authentic

>> No.11218192

Old Testament mentioned Hittite civilization and nobody believed these people existed until ruins were discovered in 19th century