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11210264 No.11210264 [Reply] [Original]

did I fuck up in dropping out of my philosophy course at university?
I'm fulltime neet with no goals or aspirations

>> No.11210269

>did I fuck up
Well you're not doing something right.

>> No.11210271

yes, if you have no aspirations, get on a track and ride it out merely to ride it out

>> No.11210352

No, you didn't fuck up. You came close though. You took some time away from university to reassess yourself and your goals, and wisely concluded in a most Socrates-like manner that studying philosophy probably isn't going to lead to a very fulfilling life. You realized that, unfortunate though it is, money is incredibly important, and so long as you're not committing suicide, you're going to have to work and work hard if you want to take care of yourself and pursue your creative and/or intellectual goals.

Moreover, during your time away from your studies you came to the understanding that it's better to work a comfortable job that allows you time to read and write than to work one or multiple shit jobs that not only deny you time to read and write, but also make your existence a living hell on earth.

Now you're ready to return to university and study a challenging but rewarding subject that will lead to such a career, while studying philosophy and literature and art on the side. Good luck!

>> No.11210359

>I'm fulltime neet with no goals or aspirations
If you had a philosophy degree you'd probably be the same but with less money/more debt.

>> No.11210386

philosophy majors tend to have the highest LSAT scores

It's not completely useless. You just need to keep going.

>> No.11210505

I had my second chance and blew it by picking film studies and italian before dropping out again
my a-level choices were pretty much entirely liberal arts and visual arts courses because I could get good grades in them without trying
shot myself in the foot because I couldn't pick any stem subjects

>> No.11210760

Absolutely not.

Philosophy is a complete waste of time and I say that as someone who got a degree in it.

If you don't come out of a philosophy degree at a university hating philosophy and philosophers you are a brainlet.

>> No.11210790

Please, could you explain further why? I wanted to study philosophy at first because i read some Plato and Descartes, and i wanted to understand /lit/ Hegel memes and to know a lot about subject that interests me to btfo plebs, but instead i failed for stem meme. Now i am pretty annoyed, because i sit at computer and learn calculus + unix whatabouts, while i could be reading meme books in this time

>> No.11210816

It's all wank.

All philosophy can be summarised thus: If we assume X, then Y and Z logically follow.

Note the operative phrase: "If we assume X."

Any philosophical conceit can be utterly nullified by simply saying "I don't assume X."

Thus rendering the entire field a waste of time.

I wouldn't be so mad about it except that philosophers suck up taxpayer money sitting in their cloistered universities.

>> No.11210827

>I'm fulltime neet with no goals or aspirations
On the bright side nothing would change if you had a degree in philosophy

>> No.11210837

So what you really have an issue with is the rules of logic?

>> No.11210847

>Thus rendering the entire field a waste of time.
I think this would suggest that I have a problem with people wasting time on taxpayer money.

>> No.11210857

Law is dying and closed off to most of the hopeful aspirants. its financially ill advised to get into
you basically need to do STEM or be willing to lick asshole and constantly shill yourself at your Uni and other institutes if you eschew the "sensible" path
he's not entirely wrong, he's wrong in the example he gave but his contention isn't in any way alien to the debate about logic's utility or the knowability of facts and deductively derived ideas/knowledge.
you chose your path you didn't i'm just kidding, we're all biological golems

>> No.11210866

But philosophy isn't the only field that operates on logic you mong. You couldn't do mathematics without assuming certain logical premises like the law of non-contradiction, the law of identity, and the law of the excluded middle. You might as well wipe all non-artistic academic fields off the face of the earth.

>> No.11210879

this. you've just skipped a few wasted years and pile of debt. you'd be just as lost if you were a graduate.

>> No.11210885

Philosophy is not maths.

Think about what you're typing for one fucking second you retard.

>philosophy and maths both use logic THEREFORE THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME
I guess cars and trains are the same because they both have wheels.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.11210904

well assume, "wheels" is "foundation" for vehicle. Both train could drive because they have wheels. Foundation of both math and philsophy is logic, and foundament is strong, so both fields are useful and could take you somewhere

>> No.11210915

Maths can be verified. Philosophy can't be.
Maths also produces concrete conclusions with application. Philosophy doesn't.

>> No.11210917


>> No.11210925

The point is you can just say "well I don't believe X therefore math is meaningless". If the operate by the rules of logic then:
>Any[...] conceit can be utterly nullified by simply saying "I don't assume X."
Well I don't think 2+2=4 so math is bullshit. This is the level you are attacking philosophy, I don't think you can see it, but you are actually saying anything that can be doubted is false.

>> No.11210935

>The point is you can just say "well I don't believe X therefore math is meaningless"
Indeed you can, and you can try and build a house without maths and fail, and your mistake will be immediately obvious and you will need to correct it to progress in your goals.

Not the case with philosophy.

>> No.11210938

Stem degrees suck, don't plan on being able to manage hobbies, social life, reading and studying.
T. I dropped out of a chem degree because I realised I didn't want to work as a lab tech at a dog food factory

>> No.11210952

are you a NEET now? what do you do?

>> No.11210971

>because you can't build a house with philosophy it's unfalsifiable
so this is the power of stemfags...

>> No.11210973

t. brainlet

>> No.11210976

Not an argument.

>> No.11210978

I guess I am kind of, but I don't plan on staying that way for long. My problem is, I realised is that I don't want to settle for "comfy" I want to change stuff create stuff and I realised I was never going to do that with a half assed Chem degree

>> No.11211010


I assume you're living with your parents so just do an apprenticeship or something. You clearly don't have the motivation to succeed at university right now. You might at another time but with some actual work experience under your belt you'll at least have a better perspective.

>> No.11211014

I never said it was unfalsifiable. In fact I said the opposite, it's too falsifiable. Philosophy is built on literally nothing but baseless assumptions. You can "falsify" it simply be refusing to indulge those assumptions.

>> No.11211024

thats admirable

>> No.11211039

Exactly why I'm living in a shed with three other dudes with a studio we built ourselves. You will encounter the absolute shit of life if you want this route but understand you may never change anything.

But you can always try and damn does it mean something to me to try.

>> No.11211040

>You can "falsify" it simply be refusing to indulge those assumptions.
Again, this is an issue with logic; and issue which goes so much farther than just philosophy. You don't understand how foundational reason and logic are to knowledge, do you?

>> No.11211065

>Again, this is an issue with logic; and issue which goes so much farther than just philosophy.

I direct you to my analogy about trying to built a house based on the assumption that 2+2=5.

You are so high on your own supply that you are now denying the existence of a world beyond pure logic.

This kind of wank is amusing. It becomes aggravating when you realise that working men and women all over the country are robbed at gunpoint to fund it in our universities.

Every philosophy faculty represents a theft from those who are hungry but are not fed.

>> No.11211091

Maybe, but I realised that every time I witnessed something beautiful I would get depressed because I would never do such a thing and now at least I can try and who cares if it all goes wrong, I would rather live that life than the one of my parents who spent their lives being slaves to the NHS as doctors for nothing but a very stable income and pension

>> No.11211097

such a fucking tard

goodbye /lit/, not even defending the philnerds, you're just embarassingly stupid and illiterate (in the subjects you're pretending to be attacking and defending competently)

>> No.11211108

>denying the existence of a world beyond pure logic.
denying the existence of knowledge beyond reason, absolutely. I still don't think you understand the objection though, why are you able to use building a house a proof of math? The very nature of proof implies a logical standard, and if you can deny the standard (it's a logical assertion after all) then there is no such thing as the possibility for a proof. You undermine the very concepts of "true" and "false".

>> No.11211122

Not an argument.

>why are you able to use building a house a proof of math?
Why do you think I'm proving anything?

Maths is an abstraction of reality that allows us to better conceptualise our manipulations of the physical world. It's only as accurate as the abstraction, and the abstraction is only as accurate as our observations. That's why as we develop better, more precise equipment to make observations we are able to develop our mathematical models further.

Maths is useful. Its utility disappears when you veer off into nonstandard assumptions, which is why I suggest you don't do that. You learn maths so that you can use maths to assist you in achieving some task that you have set for yourself, like building a house.

Philosophy is a waste of time precisely because it lacks this utility.

>> No.11211128
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so how does one become a "full time" NEET exactly?
i'm siting here, being a NEET, but i'm not receiving any compensation for my efforts, or lack thereof... so i really can't by definition bring myself to call my NEET-dom "full time"
share your industry secrets, wise OP

>> No.11211142

You want the disability pension, which is easy to get by faking mental disorders.

Or hell, if you actually want to be a NEET you've probably got the real deal disorders already.

>> No.11211157

It takes about 100 years for Physicists to understand and use Mathematics for physical research. It takes about 100 years for Engineers to understand to use Physics to make real-world stuff. Finally, it takes mathematics about 100 years to understand the philosophy of math that underpins their field. All of the fields have practical application, and just because it doesn't have immediate application doesn't mean that it's always useless and unworthwhile to be known.

>> No.11211164

Philosophy is the train that the sciences use to move to establish new stations, or what we better know as, disciplines and concerns.

>> No.11211168

Logical assertions which could be denied in this post:
1) math is an abstraction of reality
2) abstractions are true if they correspond to observations
3) we make observations which correspond to reality
these are all "if X then Y and Z"; there are no mathematical proofs for these assertions. See how you inescapably make these logical assumptions? This isn't a coincidence, you need these assumptions. You cannot separate math from logic in the pragmatic way you want to, because even pragmatism assumes some sort of criteria (e.g. a well built house is better than a shitty one). I am starting to run out of ways to explain this to you.

>> No.11211175


>just because it doesn't have immediate application doesn't mean that it's always useless and unworthwhile to be known.
Philosophy has not had a single application in 5,000 years.


Philosophy was a holding pattern that existed before the necessary tools were developed to start doing real work.


Go ahead and deny them.

I never said that you can't, I just said that you won't get very far if you do.

That's the distinction between useful fields and wastes of time. In a useful field, like maths, you play by rules and get results. In a waste of time field, like philosophy, you never get results no matter which rules you play by so who cares lol, anything goes.

>> No.11211192
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>In a waste of time field, like philosophy, you never get results no matter which rules you play by so who cares lol, anything goes.
literally brain-dead, I give up

>> No.11211209

Not an argument.

All I'm asking for is a single example of philosophy ever being relevant to anything in all of human history, and in my years of study in university, further time spent doing independent research, and now years of shitposting on /lit/, nobody has been able to provide it.

Philosophers just assume that what they do is important, probably because the habit of making baseless assumptions is one that they have well formed.

>> No.11211211

>doesn't recognize pythagoras
wew lad I really hope this was bait

>> No.11211221

>pythagoras was a philosopher
>therefore everything he did was philosophy
I guess every time pythagoras took a shit he was practising philosophy then.

>> No.11211229

do you mean to tell me people actually *want* jobs?

>> No.11211233


I derive meaning from my work.

>> No.11211251

>t. never read any Pythagorian fragments

>> No.11211486

delet this cursed thread for the good of us all.

>> No.11211779

Helped people find meaning in life, be more thoughtful, conscientious, contemplative, and ethical. Inspired political systems and revolutions.

>> No.11212719

get a comfy office job where you have most of the day to yourself and can browse the web