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/lit/ - Literature

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11210148 No.11210148 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into Barnes & Noble
>rap music playing loudly on speakers; impossible to focus on reading something
>75% of the store is "gifts and collectibles"
>in-store Starbucks probably pays the store's bills
>only books promoted are Strong Empowered Women You Should Worship, Star Wars, or Trump Something Something
>selection of actual /lit/ books gets smaller and smaller every season

When will it end?

>> No.11211811

When you pass away OP

>> No.11211908

stop being a flyover.

>> No.11211951

You must go to a ghetto city. I live in Columbus, Ohio, and all our B&N are top of the line.

>> No.11212473
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my barnes and noble is great, has philosophers and authors on a giant canvas near the starbucks, a small magazine section, and a whole shelf dedicated to /lit/tier books (gravities rainbow, beyond good and evil, infinite jest, the stranger).

theres always a nigger with green hair at the counter though which infuriates me but other than that its great

>> No.11212714

A M A Z O N !

>> No.11212728

exactly, i was gonna say between the big ass 4 story BN at union square and the BN textbook annex a block away, nyc barnes and nobles are pretty dank, that one down by wtc is not bad either, always had the shit i was looking for

>> No.11212734
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>in Barnes&Noble yesterday
>see a black guy cross-legged on the floor reading
>don't think much of it
>can't believe Barnes&Noble doesn't carry Goethe what a fucking shithole
>start walking out
>"aaahhahahaha oh my"
>look at the black guy to see what book he's laughing at
>the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
true btw

>> No.11212840
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>take the train into Cambridge, Mass
>several bookstores in a half square mile area
>choose one
>classical music playing softly
>people quietly discussing literature
>browse around
>selection is large
>notice there's a downstairs of used books
>the selection of used books is better than the selection of new books at my own local bookstore

>> No.11212855 [DELETED] 

yo i used to love the way the radio would sound in "12th street books" i know gentified to death used bookstore/vinyl store in formerly in manhattan, like the accoustics were so patrish, idk what they played sometimes the talk part sounded like wnyc but then they would play music maybe it was that one with the stickers that say "fuck off weirdo" or something, wfmu i think idk, but it was so comfy to browse that motherfucker

>> No.11212861


>supporting any of the tentacular arms of GAFA-Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon beyond the absolute minimum necessary for daily existence

get a load of this goyim.

>> No.11212864

Fuck I miss living in Boston. LA makes me want to fucking die daily.

>> No.11212867

I find it hard to believe this, mainly because you can find classic French literature in most airport bookstores.

>> No.11212873
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I forgot to mention how there's literally a store that just sells poetry collections

>> No.11212878

delete this lewd

>> No.11212891

me on the left

>> No.11212957

manhattan used to have a store with only detective novels but i think it got gentrified to death

>> No.11213025


>> No.11213148


My area isn't that patrician but it's also quite /lit/. The library system is robust, the newspapers and rags are many, and in addition to dozens of B&Ns (at which I've special ordered multiple items, most recently Xi Jinping's Governance of China), real bookstores include a fine used bookstore downtown, a general used bookstore at a major intersection in the #2 city/capital (they had a jumbo-sized Jung's Red Book last time I was there, and a big green Book of Kells which dad also has), a second-floor shop near the university with some rarities and along the same lines (tried looking for some Cocteau here once), a few occult bookstores, a formidably stocked sci-fi/fantasy/weeaboo shop with a good general and specialty selection (I got Giger's huge art books here, they also have a Psychopathia Sexualis and some Anarchist Cookbooks in the edgy area last I checked), a few literal gommunist/leftist shops (called infoshops as I later learned, got society of spectacle (read) and volumes of Capital (unread) at one), a dedicated mystery-only shop a few blocks from here for which I haven't much personal interest but I checked it out once on principle, a rather dirty and weird but well stocked joint sci-fi/mystery shop (I got an anthology containing the original short story for The Thing here for 3bux once), and others I'm not mentioning. Not to mention several university bookstores and libraries (alumnus of one) which have proved useful. Pop-up stores come and go. There's a rather quiet place I was in like two years ago that didn't seem like it would last, little old lady. But she had Benvenuto Cellini's autobiography for sale so respeck.

I actually don't have a general public library card, need to fix that soon. The local library system has at least one volume that I'm interested in.

>> No.11213592

Man I miss Powell's.
Also Half Price Books, anon.

>> No.11213667

>Live in a nice New England college town
>B&N is two stories with a huge selection of both non-fiction and fiction as well as the the regular Kids/Magazine section. Several shelfs for poetry
>Staff is genuinely friendly and helpful
>Used bookstores in town that are good for more obscure selections but have a faggoty hipster vibe

>Move to shitty desert city
>B&N is the size of a small Trader Joe's
>Kids/Music/Magazines/Bullshit is half the store
>Non-genre fiction section is one column wide and 5 rows deep
>Philosophy section is literally 1 single bookshelf
>Cookbook section is 8 shelfs
>Worker literally told me to look on their computer instead of just telling me where their poetry section is
>It's 1 half sized shelf on the dividing wall of the Kids section
>4 separate front facing copies of Milk & Honey and like 15 total
>Always full of loud ass teenagers and 50+ year old upscale types who sigh audibly if you are "in their way"
>Used bookstores in town are faggoty and cater to the Sci-fi/Fantasy crowd and are across the city from my Barrio.

>> No.11213766

Can anyone remind me of who this frog is modeled after? I thought it was Harold Bloom.

>> No.11214411

>go to barnes & nobles
>get lost in the 5-story Starbucks megaopolis in the middle of the store

>> No.11214448

Apple is shit but the internet without the other three is barely worth using.

>> No.11214488
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>Walk into Blackwells
>Can't find literary fiction book I'm looking for
>"Maybe they put it in the philosophy section"
>Walk over to philosophy section
>It's 50% Marx

Nice fucking meme. It's like walking into Holland and Barrett and seeing their homeopathy section marketed as actual supplements.

>> No.11214746
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>want a book
>go to Foyles
>they have my book

wish it looked less like an apple store though desu

>> No.11214750

Sitting down on one of those chairs they had near the mezzanine and reading film magazines are the comfiest memories I have of my teens. Made up for the resentment I felt over not being accepted into Harvard despite by dumber brother getting in

>> No.11214763

That's the one in Leicester Square innit? Apple Store design choices are mainly a ground floor thing, the actual shelves are fine. Some real niche authors in there too. e.g. Gabrielle Wittkop

>> No.11214766

>still uses Facebook
Are you amerimutt by any change?

>> No.11215869
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Why can't it be like this everywhere

>> No.11215885
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>4 separate front facing copies of Milk & Honey and like 15 total

Argh you fuckin' got me there.

>> No.11216042


Oh my sweet summer child.

>> No.11216082
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imagine being this much of a pleb

>> No.11216108
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>tfw live in a rich Jewish area of Brooklyn so the barnes and nobles near me has a fully stocked history, philosophy, politics, classic fiction, occult, religion including buddhism and hinduism, science, art, etc.

>> No.11216242

>just don't live anywhere but California brah x)

>> No.11217251

>Stop being a flyover
Stop being a coastal

>> No.11217266

>he said, while completing yet another captcha for the google deep learning projects
also amazon is good they give me every book with a 15% discount I don't care about how many chinese children they eat for lunch

>> No.11217634
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Back to Tumblr.

>> No.11217647

“There’s stupid hippie shit at every bookstore” is the most coastal problem I can think of. I know, I’ve lived in South City, (not SF) CA and Tampa Fl my entire life.

>> No.11217654

>Strong Empowered Women You Should Worship

>self promoters who variously claim to be nutritionists, entrepreneurs, and social media experts, but who, unlike Tim Ferriss, have never done anything exceptional in their entire lives

>> No.11217658

I too, get angry when I see someone with ugly hair. In fact I get so upset about it that I anonymously complain about that ugly hair online.

>> No.11217663

That was Chad

>> No.11217679

>Holland and Barrett and seeing their homeopathy section marketed as actual supplements.
Does this really happen, I think I’d actually get angry if I saw that irl?

>> No.11217685

He’s right

>> No.11217740

>See acquaintance in B&N
>Greet him etc
>He doesn't have anything, assumed he first got there
>Be on my way
Two days later
>Sit across from him on break.
>He pulls out a copy of 12 rules for Life by Jordan Peterson with illustrations.
>Visibly chuckle thinking of all the /lit/ and /pol/ memes.

>> No.11217967

I feel ya buddy. At my local bookstore, there's no longer a classics sections. Just celebrity biographies and cookbooks.

>> No.11218004

Yeah it's fucked, you also need an offline list for stuff to look for because they throttle the internet to avoid people using amazon.
Similar issues though, the NYC ones are like 4 floors and have better selections, but they still have whole floors dedicated to non-book bullshit.

>> No.11219226

I think it's the Tim Heidecker image

>> No.11219232

A nigger nigger or a "nigger" nigger?

>> No.11219238

>paying for books that aren't copyrighted

>> No.11219240

when ur normal and not mad that someone made fun of ur shitty hair on 4chan

>> No.11219276

But you're surrounded by the scum of the earth.

>> No.11220930



>> No.11221303

a real negro, an uppity negro at that

>> No.11221322

Nice bait...

>> No.11221330

>go to local used bookstore
>no music playing
>aisles are narrow and shelves go up to the ceiling
>always find stuff i want but never the book i actually came to buy
>everyone who works there is rude and unhelpful
>buy 15 books for $2
>owner's cat sits by the exit and either swipes at you with their paw as you walk past or tries to run outside

>> No.11221352

Internet not worth using without Facebook? Ok...

>> No.11221358

These are fronts for shuffling around illicitly obtained money.
Think about the rent.
Think about the upkeep.
Think about how much any other business could make at the same location.

They fix the books so they make it look like they're selling some esoteric poetry for tens of thousands per month.
The truth of the matter is, often the owners are involved with cannabis or prostitution.

They know they can't just blow that on Mercedes without tax man coming by so they just start it up.
Go in and ask how does this place stay open and they look nervous.

I want to root these people out. I want to expose them. People think they're good guys because they own some quaint little shop but they aren't.
The same thing happens with modern art. Simply a means to overtly broker illicit dealings.

>> No.11221381

>go to local bookstore
>niggers everywhere
>the only white person in the store other than me is the owner, who appears only as a ghost in the background, a sad, withered old man with an expression longing for sweet death
>Try to ignore the niggers jumping about the store, knocking knocks off shelves and racks while listening to their nigger rap on their nigger phones
>Push past the wildin' niggers towards the classics section, but something stops me...
>It's the niggers
>They're holding books, but... they're not reading them
>What are they doing?
>Good god, are they... are they grinding on the books?
>I finally notice that they're bending the books all the way outwards to form a crevice in the middle and are the shaking the books like they're twerking while grinding them on their groinal regions
>Hear a gunshot behind me
>Look back and the owner has shot himself
>The niggers start to close in on me
>"Wha'chu lookin' fo' whyboy?"
>"I have come for The Gay Science."
>Nigger wildin' intensifies, grinding becomes more rapid and aggressive
>"Nigga, u gay?!?!?!"
>"Only for science."
>"I show u sum science, whyboy."
>Niggers summon Yakub and perform a voodoo ritual on me that reverts me back into my original negroid form
>I suddenly no longer have any desire to read
>Start twerking and grinding on books with my now fellow niggers
>mfw I'll never know what it feels like to be a comfy white patrician

>> No.11221403

When did you realize B&N was going out of business? For me, it's when they started selling gunpla and showcasing poorly built kits made by the employees.

>> No.11221747

>*knocking books

>> No.11221799

>started selling gunpla at a 200% markup

>> No.11222025

i like this greentext but its clearly fiction. barnes and noble is a bastion of the white race. there is a force field against the blacks

>> No.11222093

>go to local bookstore
>floor-to-ceiling packed with books
The owner did an interview with the local news when they were doing a special on "local landmarks" where he claimed to have well over 2 million books. And I can believe it.

It's one of those places where you have to dedicate a couple of hours when visiting. You get lost in its labyrinthine bookshelves.

>> No.11222099
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Forgot picture.

>> No.11222141
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I like my local library

>> No.11222155

That was no barnes & noble, lad

>> No.11222169


>> No.11222185

Front for criminal enterprise.

>> No.11222470

non-burger here.
would you mind giving me a quick rundown on LA vs Boston?
I got that Boston has more bookstores but what makes you want to die about LA? (I know is has retarded traffic)

>> No.11222486

>tfw eternal childhood memory of Norah Jones "Don't know why" playing on the speakers at local Borders on a Saturday while I browse for a non fic book to give to my parents to buy
feels good mane

>> No.11222496

California as a whole, and southern california especially is all the negative aspects of American pop culture and consumerism x10. People there quite simply have no souls.