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11209792 No.11209792 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books you read
>other anons r8

>> No.11209801

Le grand meaulnes
A man asleep
The glass bead game

>> No.11209805
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29, my dudes.

>> No.11209822

>under the volcano
>under the volcano
>The magic mountain
>The magic mountain

>> No.11209826

How long did it take you to read The History of the World?

>> No.11209858
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I paused the timer while taking notes and looking up more information about certain topics in the internet, my dude. It’s a great and enjoyable book, would recommend.

>> No.11209868


Say Cheese and Die again
The Joy luck club (didn't finish it)
The handmaiden's tale
Fatherland (didn't finish it)
Unwind (didn't finish it

>> No.11209872

>Gorgias, Fellowship of the ring, 12 Rules for Life, Tao Te Ching, The Roman Emperors.

>> No.11209873

The Magic Mountain. Do you have a favorite patient?

>> No.11209889

>Tales of Moonlight and Rain
>Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost Finder
>Life and Fate
>Plutarch's Lives

>> No.11209899

Return of the King
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Guns, Germs, and Steel
World Order

>> No.11209932

I did not expect an answer this precise. I think I might start it this week. I bought a hardcover copy like 5 years ago, and only ever read the first chapter.

>> No.11209939

>Robinson Crusoe
>Jung: A very short introduction
>Dr. Jekyll och Mr. Hyde
>The Island of Doctor Moreau
>The Alchemist

>> No.11209942

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Sackett's Land
>His Dark Materials
>The War of the Worlds
>Against the Day

>> No.11209943

Story of the Eye - Bataille
Candide - Voltaire
Against Nature - Huysmans
Salome - Wilde
The Lake - Kawabata

>> No.11209949

The Invention of Morel
Blood Meridian
War and Peace
The Idiot

>> No.11209959

The outsiders
Old man and the sea
A thousand splendid suns

>> No.11209961

>The myth of Sisyphus
>The fall, the stranger
>Crime and punishment
>Thus spoke Zarathustra
>Discourses and selected writings Epictetus

>> No.11209965

The dionysian, Peeperkorn
He is a welcome relief from the intellectual settembrini and naphta.

>> No.11209993

>Divine Comedy
>Brothers Karamazov
>some short stories by Pushkin
>Maupassant’s Mont-Oriol

>> No.11210031

Nietzsche birth of tragedy
Xenophon - Anabasis
Xenophon - Education of Cyrus
Xenophon - Hellenika
Euripides - Bacchae
Euripides - Medea

>> No.11210096

Are you reading them in alphabetical order on purpose?

>> No.11210102


>> No.11210114

The Wind-UP Bird Chronicle
Inherent Vice
The Sirens of TitaThe Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.11210118

Q - Luther Bissett
The Pale King - DFW
Antwerp - Bolaño
Invisible Cities - Calvino
Suttree - McCarthy

>> No.11210120 [DELETED] 

>Finnegans Wake
>The Canterbury Tales
>Being and Time
>Infinite Jest

>> No.11210123
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Ernst Jünger - Storm of Steel
>Mishima Yukio - My friend, Hitler
War and Peace Volume IV
>Natsume Soseki - The Gate
Mihail Lermontow - A hero of our time

>> No.11210167

Have you read Kokoro by Soseki? Jünger and Mishima - good taste. Mishima's Temple of the Golden Pavilion was great.

What do you think of Jung's thought? Is it true that The Alchemist is a poor man's Siddhartha?

I got halfway through Le Grand Meaulnes but put it down, did it pick up at the end?

>> No.11210188

Metro 2035
The Indian Queen - John Dryden
Covert Joy - Clarice Lispector
Poem of the End - Marina Tsvetaeva
overall breddy gud/10
increasingly patrish/10

>> No.11210193


Napoleon Hill-Think & Grow Rich
Albert Camus-The Myth of Sisyphus
Albert Camus-The Stranger
Jean Paul Sartre-Nausea
Daniel Chidiac-Who Says You Can't? You Do

>> No.11210199

>Don quijote
You won't regret it

>> No.11210204

Augustine - City of God
The Pilgrims Progress
some book about the afrika korps
Fear and Trembling
some memoir from a belgian ss dude

>> No.11210209

Isn't 32 a little bit young for a midlife crisis?

>> No.11210211 [DELETED] 
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>Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
>The Nick Adams Stories by Ernest Hemingway
>Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
>The Complete Short Novels by Anton Chekhov
>The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck

>> No.11210213

I haven't had the chance yet to read anything else from Soseki, besides one if his novellas.
I have a copy of Botchan though, I just haven't read it yet.

>> No.11210218 [DELETED] 


>> No.11210223

under the volcano, is it good?

>> No.11210225

The struggle of being born
The Trial
Bartleby the Scrivener
The pale King

>> No.11210231
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in 2018, middle age starts at 24

>> No.11210235

forgot age

>> No.11210247

> rendezvous with rama
> the fifth head of cerberus
> book of the long sun vol 2 + 3
currently reading crime and punishment

>> No.11210252

We the Living
Dune Messiah
The Witcher: Last Wish
From the Earth to the Moon

>> No.11210293

It is great. It demands to be re-read though. There are some very overt themes and allusions (garden of Eden, Faust, Don Quixote, etc.), but it is also very subtle with concepts from Jung, Freud, Spinoza and the occult (to name a few).
If you like Joyce you will like under the volcano.

>> No.11210296
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>Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
>The Nick Adams Stories by Ernest Hemingway
>Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
>The Complete Short Novels by Anton Chekhov
>The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck

>> No.11210311

I read it first in 2009, going for a second read almost a decade later. Spanish is my native language so I get the undiluted prose.

I remember imagining perorations in my day to day activities was fun.

>> No.11210323

Dubliners - I struggled to enjoy the naturalistic style and nuanced symbolism in some of Joyce's stories. A Painful Case was excellently evocative, definitely my favourite entry, with Counterparts and The Dead being most memorable to me out of the twelve other stories. Having heard of the complexity of Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake, I was content to find that Dubliners is accessible, though perhaps dry at times.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold - Having heard great praise for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, I read The Spy Who Came In From The Cold with expectations met with apprenension upon reading that it is 'THE THIRD GEORGE SMILEY NOVEL'; my concerns that I would not fully understand the plot due to not reading the previous books were unfilfilled. Leamas' weary cynicism is a natural byproduct of his long career 'in the cold' and is a sharp contrast to Fleming's charismatic, confident and complicit Bond. His dissaffected attitude sets up the ending well and hints towards greater feelings towards Liz: hope, despite the knowledge that he can never really ever come in from the cold.
The Complete Stories Volume II - With the notable exception of Nightfall and The Ugly Little Boy, Volume II is suprisingly whimsical - even Sally, its implications bleak, has an air of silliness to it.
Ways Of Seeing - For the same reasons I was unable to easily understand the pictorial essays, Ways Of Seeing was interesting and enlightening.
Neuromancer - Compelling cyberpunk. Case's level of drug use altering the writing style was neat. I want to read more.

>The handmaiden's tale
How is it? Why didn't you finish the others?


That's gross, man


agnostic edgelord

>A thousand splendid suns
How does it compare to TKR?

>> No.11210351
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The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Hacking : The Art of Exploitation
Gulag Archipelago
The Collected Writings of the Unabomber

>> No.11210517

8/10. Hope you're aware GGS is somewhat outdated nowadays (if you want "big history" read people like Acemoglu, North and Mokyr).


Hi Mom


meme/10 but if you actually read all of this at 15 I'm impressed.
>announcing yourself as underage
Good luck not getting banned.


Somewhat edgy

The Prince
Finnegans Wake
Venus in Furs
Aristotle's Politics
The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.11210542

Don Quixote
Red Badge of Courage
Pale Fire

>> No.11210552

And I'm 21

>> No.11210569


>Portrait of a Lady
>White Noise
>Madame Bovary
>The Odyssey
>The Robbers

>> No.11210701

>The Human Stain - Philip Roth
>Death Sentences - Kawamata Chiaki
>Nine Stories - J.D. Salinger
>I Wear the Black Hat - Chuck Klosterman
>The Water is Wide - Pat Conroy

>> No.11210726

>The Bostonians
>Winseburg, Ohio
>Gravity's Meme
>Emerson's Lectures
>Blood meme

>> No.11210752

Last 5 books read:
>The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzche
>Stoner by John Williams
>Submission by Michel Houellebecq
>Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë

Current reads:
>The Elementary Particles by Michel Houellebecq. Love it. Will have read it in four days.
>Leonardo Da Vinci biography
>The Sickness Unto Death by Kierkegaard
>The Golden Bough by Frazer (though it will take me a long time to read)

>> No.11210756


>Crying of lot 49
>Great Gatsby
>Confessions of a Mask

>> No.11210765

Did you enjoy Gravity’s meme? I hope to get into Pinecone next year, or at least when I can buy some of his bookos

What did you think of Madame Bovary?

Did you finish the wake and cross the river to the other side, where you recognize it as a work of pure genius, unlike anything ever written?

>> No.11210767

The lighting theft
Dragons of deltora
My sister's diary
The alchemist
The outsiders

>> No.11210768


Krasznahorkai - War & War
Soseki - Kokoro
Hesse - Steppenwolf
Dazai - No Longer Human
Junger - The Glass Bees

War & War was by a good margin both the most difficult and the most interesting, though the others were all good. I read the ending of that book more intensely than I've read anything in a very long time, I miss that feeling.

>> No.11210781

>Gravity's Rainbow
It was quite amazing, in terms of its scope, as well as the large number of references to different kinds of topics and themes, but I wasn't really able to understand where it was supposed to lead me to.
>The Old Man and the Sea
Good, simple, short.
>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (it's the 3rd time I've had to re-read it for class)
Pretty good as an excercise on philosophy and logic, but not very good at actually explaining the way language works in real life. Wittgenstein's Philosopical Investigations are much better at this second point, in my opinion.
>The Ego and His Own
Before reading this book, I would have probably identified myself as an anarchist, or a Nietzscheian moral relativist, not too different from Stirner himself. After reading it, I have been absolutely convinced that social structures and rules are not only good, but that they are absolutely necessary for the well-being of all humans.
>Heart of Darkness (re-read)

>> No.11210786

What do you think of the glass bees?

IMO, it had good insights into technology reshaping society, but it was a little underwhelming, and Jünger kind of does the Tolstoy thing of more or less affirming of traditional values

>> No.11210795

I found it okay, personally. He's clearly a very inventive guy, has an incredible ability to synthesize different topics under a kind of wacky urbane style and modulate between farcical and tragic. Not entirely for me though cause a lot of the time it felt tedious and overwritten, particularly part three. Everything about the fourth part is great though.

>> No.11210811

Sjón The Blue Fox
Fleur Jaeggy Sweet Days of Discipline
Shusaku Endo Silence
Jamie O'Neill At Swim, Two Boys
Fleur Jaeggy I Am the Brother of XX

>> No.11210818

>do androids dream of electric sheep
>boredom - alberto moravia
>death in midsummer and other stories yukio mishima
>in the evenings - gerard reve
>a supposedly fun thing ill never do again - dfw
currently finishing middle c

>> No.11210828

war and war is one of my favourites ever and i'm glad the end struck you that way
have you read any other krasznahorkai?

>> No.11210835

why does everyone here read the same ten books?

>> No.11210842


Shantytown by Cesar Aira
Fisher's Hornpipe - Todd McEwen
The Tanners - Robert Walser
How I Became a Nun - Cesar Aira
My Cat Yugoslavia - Pajtim Statovci

>> No.11210880

Cause they’re fucking casuals who don’t know any better and read only meme books

>> No.11210893

1) there's a core of critically acclaimed and board relevant books that most people will be exposed to and inclined to read due to their prevalence here and elsewhere and demographic factors. as more people read and post about them, more people will be exposed to them and tempted to read them and so on
2) you're glazing over the books you don't recognize and focusing on the thing you're looking to see. it's called 'confirmation bias'.

>> No.11210899
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Just started reading outside of Uni work in december

>> No.11210924



The master and Margarita

Stalin (vol I): paradoxes of power 1878-1928

Portrait of the Artist

Phantom Terror: revolution and repression of liberty 1789-1848

Moby Dick

>> No.11210931
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>> No.11210961

The House On The Borderland
The Aeneid
The Stranger

>> No.11210991

Mors Mystica: Black Metal Theory Symposium
Notes from the Underground
The Aleph and Other Sho
The Dark Heart of Italy

>> No.11210993

Not really, it got progressively worse but it's my mums favourite book, but it probably wasn't the best thing to read after a breakup

>> No.11211016


The Love of a Good Woman - Alice Munro
Chimera - John Barth
The Essential Keynes - J.M. Keynes
Three Theban Plays - Sophocles (Fagles)
Encyclopedia Logic - G.W.F. Hegel (Miller)

>> No.11211021

Not agnostic :)

>> No.11211075
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Storm of Steel , Ernst Junger
Anarcho Syndicalism by Rudolph Rocker
Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (Counter-Power vol. 1)
Out of the Ashes: Life, Death, and Transfiguration of Democracy in Chile, 1833-1988
Starship Troopers

>> No.11211146

>Outer Dark
>Amazonas (Döblin)
>Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor
>Wallenstein (Schiller, not Döblin)

I read mostly in English these days. Then I start feeling bad because I neglect my native German and go on desperate German lit binges lest my native language atrophy

And I know Wallenstein is a play. If I had to pick a book in its stead, I think I read The Piano Player by Jelinek recently (would recommend)

>> No.11211258

In order from the last:
Memoirs from the underground
Crime and punishment
The count of Montecristo
General tales of ordinary madness
The Stranger

And I think tomorrow I will finish The Great Gatsby

>> No.11211294

>How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading
>Plutarch Lives of the Noble Grecian's and Romans
>The Bible: Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel According to St Mathew
>Programming Principles and Practices Using C++ Second Edition: Bjarne Stroustrup
>The Clouds: Aristophanes
>Lysistrata: Aristophanes

I made a mistake waiting so long to read "How to Read a Book" though. I'll have to go back and re-read everything from the mindset of actually trying to learn from the books.

>> No.11211297

The World Without Us
Norse Mythology
I'll Be Gone In The Dark
Geek Love

>> No.11211358 [DELETED] 
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Aristotle: The main works
Kant: Critique of pure reason
Michelangelo biography

>> No.11211368

have you listened to the woyzeck opera yet?

>> No.11211373
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if u mean the da vinci biography from walter isaacson, what's ur opinion so far?

>> No.11211379

no, but i watched the film with klaus kinski

>> No.11211387

that's also good
the berg opera is spectacular though

>> No.11211398

You have to be 18 to use this site. Which is a shame since that list isn't too shabby.

>> No.11211399


>> No.11211406

what would be a shabby list

>> No.11211421
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>ITT: A bunch of 20-something dudes post 5 books to impress random strangers on the Internet, refreshing the thread every few minutes to see if anyone has rated their post positively to finally feel some fleeting sense of accomplishment, while not even reading a single post other than their own, because they actually don‘t care about anyone else but really want other people to care about them

>> No.11211428


>> No.11211431

>Dragons of deltora

Patrician choice, anon

>> No.11211442
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>Atlas Shrugged
>La Cantatrice chauve
>The strange death of Europe
>The crying lot of 49
>The prodigy

>> No.11211447

in order to know the things you mentioned, you first need to understand what goes through the minds of those who post sth here, meaning u are one of them with the difference that you probably didn't post anything. but in fact you are the same

>> No.11211455
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this one?

>> No.11211461
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>> No.11211463
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>ITP: a 20-something dude posts a piece of self-evident information in a vaguely scolding, passive aggressive tone in a bid to feel superior and maybe get some (you)s
well here you have it

>> No.11211526

Crime and Punishment
Infinite Jest
The Ego and Its Own
The Tale Of Genji

No bully

>> No.11211534

Yeah it didn't really do much beyond what one might expect of it (some of the parts about Zapparoni himself were interesting, I wish he'd gone more in depth into his character). But you also have to consider when it was written and the things that have come after it - the subgenre has been pretty saturated now that we have Black Mirror and even total normies are exposed to these ideas. Also I find it interesting that he was able to predict things like drones, increasingly immersive video media environments, etc. with some level of specific accuracy. The conclusion it comes to isn't anything new even for his time, but I think it represents a sort of returning to those values for him, since some of his earlier, pre-WWII ideas were pretty different from what he talks about in this book.

I won't pretend to understand every nuance but yeah the ending was incredibly powerful. Do you know if the website ever actually existed? I looked at it and it was 404'd but it seems like it's intended to be that way. I've read Satantango, which was also great, only slightly less so imo. Are his other two novels both on par with those? The book of short stories that was translated recently also looks interesting, he doesn't strike me as a writer who would be well-suited to a shorter form but I'd like to see what he'd do with it.

>> No.11211566


>> No.11211781

What did you think of meditations? I thought the metaphysics in it were silly and didn't even finish it... Felt like a self help/motivation book.

>> No.11211879

Death of Ivan Ilyich
Crime and Punishment
The Sound and the Fury
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

>> No.11211897

The Conference of the Birds
Prose Edda
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Child of God

>> No.11211940
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>> No.11211982

25, don't spare the juicy deets

Vilfredo Pareto - Manual of Political Economy
Pappus - Collection Book IV
Aristotle - Metaphysics
Diophantus - Arithmetica
Plato - Critias

>> No.11212006
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>Storm of Steel - Junger
>Stories of Your Life and Others - Chiang
>The Perfect Storm - Junger
>Theogony and Works and Days - Hesiod
>The Iliad - Homer

>> No.11212023

The Babylon one was great. What’s your favorite?

>> No.11212031
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>> No.11212078

>Underworld by Don Delillo
>The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
>Mexico City Blues by Jack Kerouac
>Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
>The Trial by Franz Kafka

>> No.11212151


>The Taming of the Shrew
>The Girl With Seven Names
>The Tears of My Soul
>Friday Night Lights
>A Clockwork Orange

>> No.11212163

>Inherent Vice
>The Alienist
>Less Than Zero
>American Psycho

>> No.11212171

I read the Alchemist when I was 16 and loved it... so basically, yes

>> No.11212180

In search of lost time
Fictions borges
Senecas letters
Suma theologica

>> No.11212181

>Jakob Von Gunten - Robert Walser
>Nietzsche - Walter Kaufmann
>Capital Volume 3 - Karl Marx
>Molloy - Samuel Beckett
>Gilles Deleuze - John Marks

>> No.11212195

> 22
> In Patagonia
> The Death of Ivan Ilych/The Devil
> The Gate
> Botchan
> Kusamakura

Listed from most recent to furthest down. Went on a bit of a Soseki binge at the beginning of the month.

>> No.11212196

Notes from Underground
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
The Sacred and the Profane

>> No.11212359

>last 5 books you read
Art of fear
Red dragon
Letters to a young poet
A treatise on human nature

How did you find that Jung book? I'm interested in getting into him

>> No.11212559

>All this jung

>> No.11212572


>Something Happened
>Confederacy of Dunces
>NM: Based on a True Story
>In the Name of the Rose

>> No.11212594
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The Good soldiers
One Bullet Away
On Killing
Sins of Empire
Autumn Republic

Right now reading Storm of Steel. I want to write a story that has contemporary warfare, which is post-WW2 and somewhere around the seventies to the early 90s.

>> No.11212652

Yeah that one. It’s alright. Sometime boographies about great characters can be indulgent in their romanticism, but most of the time it’s fair. I’m an aspiring artist myself so learning about his technique and artistic obsessions has provided me with some new ideas and ambitions. Definitely worth reading if you’re already interested. Glad I bought it

>> No.11212874

>A Scanner Darkly
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>Notes From the Underground
>House of Memes
>The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.11212892
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>The Pale King
>The Screwtape Letters
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.11213051

>Crime and Punishment
>Anna Karenina
>A Portrait of an Artist as Young Man

>> No.11213064

The sun also rises
Blood meridian
The stranger
American psycho

>> No.11213086

Letters from a stoic
The metamorphosis
Norwegian Wood
The brothers karamazov

>> No.11213088

Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades Freed
Riders of the Purple Sage
120 days of sodom

>> No.11213108

"Schopenhauer" is a book? Is it a biography?

>> No.11213112

Being There
Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius
Philosophical Investigations
Empire of Illusion: the end of literacy and the triumph of the spectacle
You Are Not a Gadget

>> No.11213114

Godel's Proof- Ernest Nagel
The Lime Twig- John Hawkes
Escape from Freedom- Erich Fromm
A Mathematician's Apology- G.H Hardy
The Summer Book- Tove Johannsen

>> No.11213123

>Canterbury Tales
>The Crying of Lot 49
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Huck Finn.

>> No.11213124

you say it like it's not obvious

>> No.11213158

Fear and Trembling
The Idiot
The Little Prince
Black Death in the Middle East
Poland, Champion of Latin Christianity

>> No.11213171

The Brothers Karamazov
The Sound and the Fury
Gravity's Rainbow
Being and Time

>> No.11213176
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Brothers karamazov
Notes from underground
Temple of the golden pavilion

>> No.11213185

why slav cruel to cat?

>> No.11213216

How was Pale Fire? I've meaning to read that

>> No.11213241
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Man and His Symbols
In Cold Blood
Letters From the Earth
Croatia: A Nation Forged in War

8/10. not bad for 19

6/10 getting there

7/10. could be better

ILLUMINATED GREEN PILL: may you pierce the veil brother. 9/10

>> No.11213243

It was alright I think. Honestly, though, I probably only understood about like 17% of the actual story. I just really liked the sound and flow of the words, very flowery. The actual content of the story pretty much eluded me—though I tend to think that anyone who reads for plot is essentially an aesthetic philistine.

>> No.11213244

>King Queen Knave
>The Rise of the Volga in Europe
>Literature Class - Cortazar
>Billy Budd and the Piazza Tales
>Psychidae Microlepidoptera of Europe

All these young'ns just starting to read/10

>> No.11213251
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> 20
> A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth (Evola); On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (Carlyle); Land and Sea (Schmitt); Defensa de la Hispanidad (de Maeztu); and An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (Suzuki).

>> No.11213341

"The Fall" by Albert Camus
"The Crippled Giant" by Milton Hindus
"Fable for Another Time" by Louis-Ferdinand Celine
"Conversations with Professor Y" by Louis Ferdinand Celine
"Seize the Day" by Saul Bellow

>> No.11213360

Sun Tzu's Art of War
Thrawn Trilogy (3 books)

I'm a Star Wars shill I can't help myself. Does good science fiction not based on movies or pre established stories exist?

>> No.11213380

The Castle
Confessions of a Mask
A Dream Play

>> No.11213402

I don't rate niggas I ain't gay.
>last 5 books you read
Dosty - Demons
Gogol - Dead Souls
Joyce - Dubliners, Portrait
Sterne - Tristram Shandy
R8 me lads

>> No.11213415

Crime and punishment
48 laws of power
33 strategies of war
The Prince

>> No.11213426

Holy shit I am 99% going to buy some weights as soon as my vacation starts on Sunday. I need to get my shit together

>> No.11213443

How was Christianity? I've been thinking about reading it for a few months now.

>> No.11213484

Grandpa, that's bad for you!

>> No.11213488

you elder horny man!

>> No.11213823
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How to profit by one's enemy
48 Laws of Power
Book of Five Rings
The Call of Cthulhu (Don't know if a short story from the necronomicon counts)
The Old Man and The Sea
Pls no bully

>> No.11213851

24, I'm only counting books I have finished reading.

Lord Jim
Shadow and Claw: First Book of the New Sun
Cugel the Clever
Surely You're Joking Mr. Fenyman
The Republic of Thieves

this post gives me a serious case of deja vu

>> No.11213862


Divine comedy
Paradise lost
How much Land Does a man need
Short stories gogol

>> No.11213878

The Bible
Don Quixote
One Thousand and One Nights
Tears and Saints

>> No.11214304

8/10 catching up well on the essentials



>Mencius (Mencius)
>The Bible: A Biography (Karen Armstrong)
>Hymns to the Night (Novalis)
>Ta Hsüeh and Chung Yung
>Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth: Ancient Near Eastern Art from American Collections (Trudy Kawami)

>> No.11214346
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Brave New World
The Art of War
Crime and Punishment
War and Piece
The Stand

>> No.11214350

Peace fuck autocorrect

>> No.11214356

Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare
The Annotated Milton Complete English Poems
The School of Husbands by Molière
Andromaque by Racine
King Lear by Shakespeare

>> No.11214360

The Republic
King James Bible
How to Win Friends and Influence People
All Silver and No Brass

>> No.11214444

Give us an age, old man

>> No.11214485


>> No.11214500

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Propaganda by Bernays
The Social Contract
Literally Show me a Healthy Person by Darcie Wilder
Rhinoceros by Ionesco

>> No.11214606

>Commie Manifesto - Marx & Engels
>Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
>Till We Have Faces - C. S. Lewis
>Science, Politics, and Gnosticism - Eric Voegelin
>The Aeneid - Vergil

>> No.11214619

Skin in the Game
Death's End
The Right Stuff
The Box
Manufacturing Consent

>> No.11214641

Pale Fire
Love in the Time of Cholera
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.11215138

The World as Will and Representation vol. I & II
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Twilight of the Idols
The Will to Power
Beyond Good & Evil

Working on my master thesis.

>> No.11215171

hey pal

you just blow in from atupidtown

>> No.11215202


>The great shark hunt: strange tales from a strange time
>Polikushka and Two Hussars
>The cyberiad
>L'Art de Payer Ses Dettes Et de Satisfaire Ses Créanciers Sans Débourser Un Sou
>Miso Soup

>> No.11215231


Infinite Jest
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
White Noise
Zero K
Cannery Row

>> No.11215235

you're alright

>> No.11215346

The Cities of the Red Night trilogy
Walden Two
Behold! A Pale Horse

>> No.11215442

What app is this???

>> No.11215553

>Dune (the first 4)
>Notes from Underground

>> No.11215570


>> No.11215602
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The Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and Its Future
Narcissus and Goldmund
Siddartha (2nd time)
12 Rules for Life
Killer: A Journal of Murder

>> No.11215623

Fanged Noumena
The House of Leaves
Madame Bovary
The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.11215637


>> No.11215662

>A Happy Death
>White Fang
>Master and Margarita
>Die Verwandlung

>> No.11215739

The Trial
Notes from Underground
Brothers Karamazov
Oxford very short intro to existentialism aha

>> No.11215758

>The idiot
>The Brothers
>The adolescent
>Notes from underground
>The Leopard

New to fiction so I started with the Leopard for some reason and decided to read all of the Russians then move to other languages

>> No.11215770

Seems Dostoevsky is popular along with stoner

>> No.11215771

>Nicomachean Ethics
>Madame Bovary
>Ulysses, half of it
>What is Art? by Tolstoy

>> No.11215786

Yeah, or it He atleast is here. I normally read non-fiction and took a leap and bought The Leopard from Everyman's library, really enjoyed and loved the quality of the book.

Looked at their website and saw all of Dostoesky's stuff and thought I would buy it and read it since it's praised a lot here. Finished that and I'm now on Tolstoy. Pretty pleased

>> No.11215837

Very nice. I need to reread notes though that cheeky bastard

>> No.11215855

Another Fine Myth
True Hallucinations
The experience of No Self
3 Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.11215875
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>28 year old boomer
>only lists 4 books, which are all memes

You truly are an insufferable faggot. Congratulations.

>> No.11215909 [DELETED] 

Beyond Good and Evil
The Satanic Bible
Can Life Prevail
The Prince

>> No.11215912

hey look this guy only posted 4 books too LOL what a faggot

>> No.11216145

I don't know if you knew this. But, a trilogy is 3 books...

>> No.11216155

slaughterhouse five
one hundred years of solitude
amulet (bolaño)
the tunnel

>> No.11216197

>The Invention of Morel
how do you like it? I tried reading it in Spanish but I found the language and style way too pretentious.

>> No.11216206

brave new world
the savage detectives
inherent vice
do androids dream of electric sheep?
white nights

>> No.11216322

That’s weird because I thought the prose was very simple yet precise and entertaining. I read it in spanish too, but that’s because I’m spanish myself.

>> No.11216383


Good taste

are you into LA literature? I will recommend you chronicle of an announced dead



>> No.11216387

In the Name of the Rose
Tom Sawyer
The Solitude of Prime Numbers
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

>> No.11216413

Actually also Robinson Crusoe, just not the latest one I read

>> No.11216432

Rendezvouz with Rama
Pacific - the ocean of the future
Flowers for Algernon
The Dark tower vol 1
Down Under (Bill Bryson)

>> No.11216449

>Towers of Midnight
>The Gathering Storn
>Knife of Dreams
>Crossroads of Twilight
>Winter's Heart
bought The Eye of the World on a whim when i was browsing through a book store, once im done with A Memory of Light i'm gonna read New Spring and the companion books too.

>> No.11216460



The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Crisis of the Modern World
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Capitalist Realism
CCRU Writings

>> No.11216467

I liked Tower of Babylon a lot too. Also the one where the guy takes brainpower injections and "battles" another ultra-smart guy was fun.

>> No.11216478

>Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
>A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
>The Fifth Child - Lessing
>The Stranger - Albert Camus
>Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison

>> No.11216480
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>can't count and/or brain can't parse commas

>> No.11216489

How was Crisis? I have it but I haven't gotten around to it, is Guenon decent? I tried Evola and didn't really like him.

>> No.11216503


Guenon is better and less meme-y than Evola. Crisis was ok.

>> No.11216515

>The Stranger
>reread Onegin
>Concept of Anxiety
>Hero of our Time

>> No.11216536

>War and Peace, Fahrenheit 451, Foucault's Pendulum, Slaughterhouse 5, The Elementary Particles.

>> No.11216568

Why didn't you like Evola? Right now I'm reading Revolt Against the Modern World and even though it's slow at points, I really love it. It's an interesting take. I'll read Guenon soon as well.

>> No.11216619

31, boomer.
Kensai/Mage multiclass
Infinite's Jest
A Stranger's New Land
Rational Exuberance

>> No.11216625

the first witcher book
caves of steel
the first few chapters of metro 2033
can't remember what was before that

>> No.11216627

American Psycho
One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
Starship Troopers
Welcome To The NHK

>> No.11216683


On the road
Finite and infinite games
48 Laws
Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.11216729


The Crying of Lot 49
Bleeding Edge
Wittgenstein's Mistress

>> No.11216759

>the sun also rises by Hemingway
>Anna karenin a by Tolstoj
>hunger by Hamsun
>fear and trembling by Kierkegaard
>factotum by Bukowski

>> No.11216788

>one bullet away

Just watch generation kill if you want to know the truth. Generally speaking officers are romaticizing Faggots who are in love with the idea of themselves as noble warrior-kings and they put an extremely rosy filter on whatever they write. Enlisted men tell it like it is.

Read "to quell the korengal" if you can stomach the poor writing quality. It's a real glimpse into a combat deployment.

>> No.11216793

The Idiot (currently reading)
Notes from the Underground
Crime and Punishment
White Nights
The Bonfire of the Vanities

>> No.11217024

Hey Friend, please tell me what you think of the Idiot once you finish it. I adore that book more than any other and would love to hear peoples opinion on it.

>> No.11217064
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Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Confessions of a Mask
In Praise of Shadows
Le Roman d'Eneas
Confessions of a Justified Sinner

no weeb tho

>> No.11217117

>implying I've read 5 books

>> No.11217133

>Book of Disquiet (Currently reading)
>Speak, Memory
>Consider the Lobster
>Every Man Dies Alone
>Letters from a Stoic
Dosto kick eh? What translations? Which has been your favorite?

>> No.11217172

demons in the macandrew translation is better

>> No.11217173

Not who you post too, but I've read Dosto recently and would like to talk about it friend.

Here's my list:


My favourite has been the idiot so far.

Translation is:Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

>> No.11217606


The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Norwegian Wood
The Idiot
Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11218074
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>Picture of Dorian Gray
>Morrissey Autobiography
>Clockwork Orange
>Death in Venice

>> No.11218162

Speaker for the Dead
Ender’s Game
Ready Player One
Out of Your Mind

>> No.11218197

All boomers

>> No.11218202

gay ass nigga

>> No.11218341

Thanks for your input.

>> No.11218795

Have you read C&P yet?
I'm probably going to read the Idiot next, then Demons (although these two could easily be switched, unsure which one first), then saving Brothers for last

>> No.11218810

pedophile scum

>> No.11219101


Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength
Norwegian Wood
The Real Frank Zappa

>> No.11219137

Infinite Jest (in progress)
The Dark Tower
The Pale King
The ego and its own

>> No.11219187
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>> No.11219200

Letter from a Stoic - Seneca
The Hero with 1000 Faces - Campbell
Selected Works of Cicero
Epictetus - Dialogues
The Fat of the Land - Seymour

>> No.11219565

Yeah, I've read C&P really good as well, but the idiot is still my favourite, however I do admit I believe the brothers is the best

>> No.11219625

>Predictably irrational
>Blood meridian
>The slight edge
>Bhagvad Gita
>Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.11219762


The Great Gatsby
The Godfather
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Sicilian

>> No.11219828

Cool I'll probably do the Idiot next. It's beefy though, going to work through a few shorter books first

>> No.11220297


The Idiot
The last days of socrates
The road to wigan pier

>> No.11220672

Crime and Punishment
Don Quixote
The Da Vinci Code
Modern Man in Search of a Soul

>> No.11220837

The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
Hawthorne’s Short Stories
The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Novels
American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman
Love and Death in the American Novel

What did you think of Cicero? I’ve been working on my Latin parsing skills and I think I want to start trying to read him because I’m tired of Caesar.

Was that your first time reading any of those? I interested in hearing about people’s first impressions on the first three especially.

>> No.11220852

100 Days - VAdm Sandy Woodward
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Jeeves Omnibus 1 - PG Wodehouse
How to be a Conservative - Roger Scruton
Some do not... - Ford Madox Ford

>> No.11220889


The Girl Next Door
Grapes of Wrath
Mason and Dixon
Moby Dick

>> No.11221136

Does manga count? Currently reading Berserk, on vol 26 or something. If not,

World War Z
Fellowship of the Ring
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)

>> No.11221154

Confessions of a Mask
The Sound and the Fury
Moby Dick
On the Road
Under the Volcano

>> No.11221156
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Yes Manga counts.

I've recently been reading pic related

>> No.11221167

Looks interesting, what are the major themes?

>> No.11221175

Consumerism, greed, sloth and pride.

>> No.11221245

War and Peace
Master and Commander
The Crossing
A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.11221260

>crime and punishment (currently reading)
>dantes inferno (just finished and decided to >read purgatory and paradiso after i finish c&p)
>american psycho
>mishima - the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.11221274

Du Côté de Chez Swann
Les Liaisons Dangereuses
En Attendant Godot
La Châtelaine de Vergy

I don't even know what English is anymore - thanks uni!

>> No.11221280

Tibetan Book of the Dead
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Economic History of England in the 19th Century
The Alphabet Effect
My War Gone by, I Miss it So

>> No.11221342

Quiet days in Clichy
Tropic of cancer
The great Gatsby
To kill a mockingbird
Ubu roi

>> No.11221409

“delueze and guattari: intersecting lives”
“pynchon and the political”
“grand hotel abyss: the lives of the frankfurt school”
“hayek's challenge”
“a system of social science: papers relating to adam smith”

>> No.11221429


The Master and Margarita
A Country Doctors Notebook
Heart of a Dog
Notes from the Underground and the Double
The Talented Mr Ripley

>> No.11222440

Tom Jones
Tristram Shandy
The Moviegoer
Mason & Dixon
Gulliver's Travels

>> No.11222458

Not bad, not great, but pretty good for 19. Ubu Roi is something I've wanted to read for awhile. What did you think?

>> No.11222727

The Blank Slate
Starship Troopers
Against Empathy
Altered Carbon
Ready Player One

(Only started reading in the past few years, next book is A Farewell to Arms)

>> No.11222809


Notes from the underground

Crime and punishment

Don Quixote


Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11222819



>> No.11222864

Faulkner: Collected Short Stories

Meditations (Aurelius)

The Sound and the Fury

Tao Te Ching

Idk, probs The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.11222892
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Yep. I haven't finished them but I'm enjoying them so far. I really like the way Dostoevsky writes. He's good at making me empathize with the character. His dream about the tavern people beating the horse was A+.

Don Quixote is fun to read but I find myself blanking on big passages of it so I've taken a break from that.

Dracula is my favorite of the three. I find I remember pretty much everything I read which is rare for me, especially with older books. I'm waiting to see where the Anti-Semitism starts.

The furthest book I'm into is Crime and Punishment. I'm on Part 2 Chapter 3 right now.

>> No.11222956

The Handmaid's Tale
The Master and Margarita
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Republic

>> No.11222968


>> No.11223042


The Encheiridion
Blood Meridian
Star Wars: A New Dawn
The Outsider
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger

>> No.11223049

Moby Dick
Doctor Zhivago
Tristram Shandy
Don Quixote
Anna Karenina

>> No.11223069

Infinite Jest
Great Gatsby
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Bell Jar

>> No.11223075 [DELETED] 





>> No.11223160
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>Corpus Hermeticum
>The Once and Future King
>The Illiad
>Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
>Middle Egyptian Literature Collection

>> No.11223199

>being this /lit/ also underage
5/10 because of Shakespeare
10/10 Because you read the bible backwards like a true patrician

>> No.11223215

rate me fampai

Billy Budd, the Sailor
Prelude to Revolution
Been down so Long it Looks like up to me
a Euripides collection

>> No.11223220

oh wait nevermind, I just realized your ratings are based solely on how often a given work gets memed on this board, and that you probably have no independent interest in literature

>> No.11223224

Storm of steel
The Gulag Archipelago
The Plague

>> No.11223240

>Afterland by Mai Der Vang
>The Balcony by Jean Genet
>Confessions by Jean Jacques Rousseau
>Nausea by Sartre
>Look Back in Anger by John Osbourne

>> No.11223281
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>Nichomachian Ethics
>The Varieties of Scientific Experience (Sagan was an insightful dude, highly recommend)
>Intuition Pumps
>maths text
>The Biology and Technology of the Culivated Mushroom
21 this week

>> No.11224051

>Storm of Steel
Your thoughts?

>> No.11224069

Madame Bovary
The Book Thief
The Sorrows of Young Werther
John Dies at the End
This Book is Full of Spiders

>> No.11224125

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Do Android's dream of electric sheep

>> No.11224159


The Sufis by Idries Shah
Less than Nothing by Slavoj Zizek
Structural Anthropology by Claude Levi-Strauss
Science and Sanity by Alfred Korzybski
The Way of Zen by Alan Watts

>> No.11224230

The Call of Cthulu
At the Mountains of Madness
King Lear
The Colour out of Space

>> No.11224246

Latro in the Mist
The Idiot
The Book of Disquiet
400 pages of War and Peace
Sound! Euphonium

>> No.11225073

>Do Android's dream of electric sheep

How is it?

I just torrented a pdf of it might read it that or Stalingrad.

>> No.11225209

The Missionaries - Stanley Owen
Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola
Ride the Tiger - Julius Evola
Chartism - Thomas Carlyle
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines - René Guénon

>> No.11225239

*Owen Stanley, not Stanley Owen

>> No.11225268


Reaper Man
Soul Music
Guards! Guards!
The Golden Compass

>> No.11225323

Schelling: arms and influence
Popper: poverty of historicism
Strauss: on tyranny
Price: Dispatches from thr Weimar Republic

>> No.11225328

Forgot the virtue of selfishness by Rand

>> No.11225415

Terrible, but you get a highschool pass

>> No.11225450

Stop Walking on Eggshells
Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care about Has Borderline Personality Disorder
I Hate You - Don't Leave Me
Understanding the Borderline Personality
Understanding the Borderline Mother
Helping Her Children Transcend the Intense, Unpredictable, and Volatile Relationship
Fire and Fury Trump in the White House
Ready Player One

>> No.11225470

>ayn rand
wat nigga

>> No.11225485

Some book about sociology for a class
Some book about chemistry for a class
A Little Life

>> No.11225520

It was breddy gud, picked up atlas shrugged to learn more

>> No.11225523

Jesus christ dude

>> No.11225554

Barrett - Irrational Man
Danto - Beyond the Brillo Box
Rieff - The Triumph of the Therapeutic
Baudelaire - The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays
Beyond this, I can't remember what the last book I read cover-to-cover was. I read poetry and short stories, mostly. I think the last novel I read was The Corrections, and it felt like a huge waste of time.

4/5 Would be a full 5, but I need you to drop the Nietzche and continue starting with the Greeks, friendo.
Pretty bland selection but not bad by any means. How's the Metro series? My mom bought me a copy of 2033 a few years ago because I was really into the games, and it's been sitting on my shelf ever since.
>Pilgrim's Progress
>City of God
5/5 top tier christian comfy
5/5 for not being pretentious
>freshman year of college
2.5/5 but keep on keepin on
How are Salinger's short stories? When I finished Catcher, I was so baffled at the idea that it had become a modern classic that I immediately forgot about Salinger's existence. I guess I should give him another shot though.
>my sister's diary
link pls I can't find this anywhere
>>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Oh, this is a load of fun. I agree with you though. His late philosophy really illuminates everything that was going on in the Tractatus. I've only been through it once, so I wouldn't claim to know it well, but I think Philosophical Investigations is much easier to understand and appreciate after.
0/5 Christian? Are you trying to squat in my board?
5/5 gave me that nice tingly feeling down below the equator

>> No.11226311

>How's the Metro series?
The first one is a lot of fun if you're a sucker for worldbuilding and the idea of mini-societies. The other two are decent adventure novels.

>> No.11226320

>Sickenss Unto Death
>The Idiot
>Fathers and Sons
>Notes From a Dead House

>> No.11226325

Logic and theism
The miracle of theism
The Antichrist
Dialogues on natural religion
Critique of pure reason

>> No.11226355

Drop Hesse, otherwise 10/10

>> No.11226790

don't fucking drop Hesse

>> No.11227054

imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.11227078


Name of the wind
Starship troopers
East of Eden
Fellowship of the Ring
Something wicked comes this way

>> No.11227096

Hesse is a hack

>> No.11227153
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>> No.11227286

He is an enjoyable hack though

>> No.11227325

And your name is probably Marcus, right?

>> No.11227333

Yeats collection
Revolt against...
Dead souls
Night land

>> No.11227340

Fiasco - Lem
Eden - Lem
Why we sleep - Walker
World Order - Kissinger
The Great Passage - Miura/Carpenter

>> No.11227342
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>logic of desire
>phenomenology of spirit
>a hundred years of solitude
>the hidden life of trees

>> No.11227353

>The Stranger
>The Fall
>Martin Eden
>Some czech poetry no one here gives a fuck about
>The Golden Ass (reading now)

>> No.11228256

Crime & Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov

I'm sorry I just recently realised how godlike books are, and those are the only two books i've ever finished......

>> No.11228262

Read Notes from a Dead House

>> No.11228275
File: 1.06 MB, 1743x2560, The_Ascension)_by_Benjamin_West,_PRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The New Testament and the People of God by NT Wright
>Jesus and the Victory of God by NT Wright
>After Virtue by Alasdair Macintyre
>Whose Justice? Which Rationality? by Alasdair Macintyre
>The New Testament: A Translation by David Bentley Hart

>> No.11228278

>Nichomachean Ethics
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Geneology of Morals
>Trump Revealed

>> No.11228297

ultimate head, Beckett and Marx are the highest levels of reading. plus Deleuze is top philosophy

> Karl Marx - Capital Vol. 1
> Henri Michaux - Ideograms in China
> Samuel Beckett - Echo's Bones
> Robert JC Young - Colonial Desire
> Michel Foucault - Society Must Be Defended

>> No.11228386

Thank you friend, I will look into it.

>> No.11228474

>The Collector
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Death Of A Salesman
>Catch 22

>> No.11228723


>1984 (first time since high school)
>A Brief History of Time (Hawking)
>Basic Economics (5th Edition)
>Moby Dick
>Plato's Republic

Currently on; For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.11228730


The Brothers Karamazov

The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State

The Glass Bead Game

On the Eve

A History of Western Philosophy

>> No.11228751
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>> No.11228773

>A History of Western Philosophy
I read an hour of so of that the other day, going to pick it up again maybe after I finish For Whom the Bell Tolls.

How do you like it? So far I get the impression it is very much so a history and not so much so Philosophy.

>> No.11228834


It depends on what is meant by "philosophy", of course you can read the originals but from my point of view it's best to first get a general digression. For me as a newfag, it gave an overview of the subject. In some moments it was hard to read, but I managed

>> No.11229228

>Hunger games
>Alex rider:scorpia
>Halo: first strike
>Lightning Thief

>> No.11230719
File: 164 KB, 962x1264, t3_83q5mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Going into Steppenwolf I had just read Ellison's Invisible man-->Notes-->C&P-->Quixote

Steppenwolf had its quirks, but after reading a series of books where the idealist/book-loving protagonist descends into insanity I feel like Steppenwolf provides a good reminder of the importance of putting the books down and living a little bit.

>> No.11230852


Notes From Underground
Lolita (reread)
Crime and Punishment
Atlas Shrugged
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

sorry for pleb taste, started getting into /lit/ like a few months ago

>> No.11230933


Utopia of Rules
Hadji Murat
Anna Karenina
War and Peace