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11206633 No.11206633 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a philosophical solution for when a girl doesn't like you that doesn't involve the material nihilism of EvoPsych pseuds?

>> No.11206648


>> No.11206653

The stoics divide the world into that which you can control and that which you cannot control. As her feelings would be beyond your control, you should not waste energy worrying about them, but focus on what you can do.

>> No.11206682

Or you can be normal and be bummed out by it, then go out with friends and try to get over it?

>> No.11206695

>Philosophical solution
Not really what anon was asking for.

>> No.11206705


>> No.11206707

Just girlfriend one of your many qt admirers.

>> No.11206744

It's called waifuism and its greatest proponent is Dante.

>> No.11206752
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It's called enforced monogamy aka mandatory gibs me a gf and its greatest proponent is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.

>> No.11206757
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Asceticist acolyte of any particular order advocating such.
Or embrace the 2D.

>> No.11206787

This would have made me angry if it didn't make me incredibly sad and dehumanized

>> No.11206831

I think she likes me but she's also clearly still attached to her exboyfriend (who is my friend and got her while I was still wussing out). So I guess more of my problem is not so much tfwnogf, so much as tfw no timeline where they were never together and she worshipped me.

>> No.11206836

I don't want a girlfriend, I want her ._.

Do you think she'll fall in love with me if I clean my room?

Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.11207196


>> No.11207201

>not an argument

>> No.11207211

Yes. Clean your room, sort yourself out bucko, and slay the Dragon. Do all that and then she'll be yours!

>> No.11207229

No, that's for when a girl does like you but you're too afraid of commitment.

>> No.11207237
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>> No.11207243

Also afraid of this because I'm worried she'll see how ugly I am on the inside and judge me harshly and I won't have any other reference point of someone who is caring and compassionate.

>> No.11207279

when did lit turn into pathetic blog posting disguised as asking for philosophical solutions?

>> No.11207289

Not him, but I unironically have no empathy and I still make the magic

>Why can't you?

>> No.11207302

Depends. Is she someone you know very very intimately, or is she mostly imaginary projection?

>> No.11207309

New waves of younger posters regularly wash up on the shore of /lit/ every year as you continue to get older. Then one day you realise that you're surrounded by children asking childish things that come across as absurd to you. It's not their fault and they're not stupid for doing so. It's just their time to use this board now. You've had your time. Don't be outraged. Simply move on.

>> No.11207319
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Someone picked the wrong thread

>> No.11207332


true love is unrealized love

>> No.11207351


>> No.11207360
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>implying that philosophy isn't just a collection of self-masturbatory blog posts disguised as legitimate solutions

>> No.11207381

Since I decided I liked you faggots better than /r9k/.

I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to mean.

She's 3DPD and we have a fairly well established friendship, though I've only known her for about two years.

I feel like I read something by Milton that was like this, but I might be remembering it wrong. He was in love with his patron's wife, as I recall?

No Anon that's not nice.

>> No.11207405

>tfw qt autist girl didn't like me in undergrad
>used rejection as motivation to improve
> absorbed all her interests into my own life, the ones she was so protective about
>sadly, she is a NEET now, mooching off her parents and degenerating
If I can't have her body, I will have her soul. I will live the life she wanted for myself. If she wants to come back then I'll give it to her, but otherwise it's mine.

>> No.11207419

Ahh unrequited love. Dost thou love me romeo?

>> No.11207425

>I will have her soul
So when are you starting HRT, hon?

>> No.11207433

fortunately I don't have to, since she was a lesbian male brain autist, kek. Probably why she rejected me in the first place 2 be honest

>> No.11207462

>I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to mean.

As a person incapable of emotion, why am I better at emotional connections than you?

>> No.11207500

not OP, but you're probably good at faking it

>> No.11207535

Idk man in terms of whose acting as sword and sheath in this scenario you look to be firmly planted in the latter category.

You probably aren't good at evaluating it. Most normies aren't.

>> No.11207550

absorbed was a bad word, I occupied them and added them to my own. Partly b/c I'm a fag with oneitis, partly b/c they were interesting in their own right. No regrets

>> No.11207551
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It saddens me greatly that there are people who, if not beasts, willingly don the mask thereof
and remain obstinate in their despairing of the world while simultaneously desiring to consume it.

>> No.11207556

You're better at pretense, not emotional connections, otherwise you would, you know, have emotion. You would necessarily be worse at actually making emotional connections.

>> No.11207620

Pretty good.
I evaluate my relationships by the level of control I have over them. Imagine someone controlling someone without them knowing they're being controlled.
I can't love but I can fool someone into thinking I love them

>> No.11207630

that's just sad though. There's no point in a relationship if you aren't experiencing love. I'd image it'd just be a hastle with minor physical benefits and major costs to time + money.

>> No.11207645

You don't eat your enemies' brains to gain their knowledge?

>> No.11207657

There's a philosophical solution for everything - that's kind of the point of philosophy.

Regardless, I can't help you. I have no idea what you're experience. I've only ever had one break-up, and that was as a child. The second girl I dated I decided I would married, and we've got almost 11 years under our belts.
I would imagine the best thing to do is to either openly express your feelings - a confession, I suppose - or to simply do everything you can to forget her.

If it were me, I would embrace some Eastern shit like vacuity. Spend a year making a sand mandala, and then destroy it immediately. Embrace the ephemeral, temporary nature of things. I don't think the West really ever wrapped it's head around this very well, and the East's solution is to free yourself from the burden of desire.

>> No.11207682
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Any philosophy that drives home the transience of things, the meaninglessness of desire, the reality of the void and the inevitability of death. Overcome your broken heart so fucking hard you overcome the human condition. I-it's what I did.

I recommend: Michelstaedter, Shestov, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Weil, Kazantzakis, and Lacan/Zizek

>> No.11207708

>inevitability of death
I have a feeling of absolute certainty that once I die I'm just going to pop back in somewhere else as someone new. The ride truly does not end, ever.

>> No.11207716

Relationships are only worth something to me when I get something else in return. In this example, I have a girlfriend who provides social security. However it wouldn't mean anything to me if something happened to her

>fun times

>> No.11207722

>wasn't responding to an argument

>> No.11207748

what does life even mean to you in that case? Is it just fear of death, or do you experience other emotions, just not for people?

>> No.11207898

Life is kind of like a game, I try and use everything I can to better myself. I don't fear death, but I don't want to die. I would describe my emotions as very muted, and reserved for very specific people. Those people, my parents, I believe saved me from a life of violence and self-destruction through their genuine care. I respect them greatly and don't want anything to happen to them, but I wouldn't necessarily be depressed/sad if they were to die

>> No.11207911

>Autism in its natural habitat

>> No.11207920

Interesting philosophy.

>> No.11207922

Autists have trouble in school lol, I tried to kill my brother

>> No.11207939
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Life is kind of like a game, I try and use everything I can to better myself. I don't fear death, but I don't want to die. I would describe my emotions as very muted, and reserved for very specific people. Those people, my parents, I believe saved me from a life of violence and self-destruction through their genuine care. I respect them greatly and don't want anything to happen to them, but I wouldn't necessarily be depressed/sad if they were to die

>> No.11207964

>I pushed my 3 yr. old brother down a marble staircase and broke his arm, then tried to strangle him
>Slit the family golden retriever's throat
>Beat the shit out an annoying neighborhood kid with a baseball bat and shattered most of his teeth

I can go on

>> No.11207984
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>I pushed my 3 yr. old brother down a marble staircase and broke his arm, then tried to strangle him
>Slit the family golden retriever's throat
>Beat the shit out an annoying neighborhood kid with a baseball bat and shattered most of his teeth

I can go on

>> No.11207998
File: 65 KB, 1300x974, beautiful-success-young-woman-giving-thumbs-up-gorgeous-girl-in-plain-white-t-shirt-mixed-race-latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yung memer

>> No.11208033

lurk moar

>> No.11208056


I just had this problem anon. You’re likely going to fail. But your Only hope is to bite the cuck bullet Andy hold her hand until she warms up to you enough to fuck you. And she must surrender this you cannot force the issue.

You’re in a precarious place anon it’s called bad timing and your best bet it to next her. Friend zone Is a risk here and I tell you to leave it because the more time you spend around here the more it will hurt if she does.

>> No.11208073


Either swoop or gtfo. Keep contact but don't be her friend

>> No.11208106


>> No.11208118

>There was a pause before he added, “kek,” memespeak for “lol.”

>> No.11208394

But I just want to read books about solving my problems, Chad.

>> No.11210122

I don't have friends.

>> No.11210181

Can you say a little bit more about this?

>> No.11210709

mom's wisdom
"plenty of fish in the sea"

>> No.11210730

>You shouldn't care about the feelings of a girl
Were stoics misogynists?

>> No.11211512


>> No.11212941

why though?

>> No.11212979

idk about anon, but I'm bumping this just in case that sociopathic anon wasn't joking about slitting his golden retrievers throat. If you're still here, I hope you realize that killing yourself is the most moral option here. That or some sort of severe electroshock or psychadelic therapy. Man would I love to have you locked up so I could see if enough lsd could cure you. Would be fascinating.

>> No.11212989

contd. there's no way taking 10,000 mics or so wouldn't change somebody permanently in some way. I have to see if it's ever been tried on sociopaths.

>> No.11213032

(because it's my thread......)