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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 1200x600, PewDiePie-1200x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11206308 No.11206308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did he save literature?

>> No.11206311

don't shill yourself mate

>> No.11206318


>> No.11206320

bait, this is clearly a serious thread please respond as such.

>> No.11206323

>i'm so cool for pretending not to know who the worlds most successful youtuber is

im not a fan of the guy either but this is just embarrassing

>> No.11206328

Fuck I'm a massive fan of 'amnesia epic jumpscare complaition'. this guy's great love the jokes

>> No.11206330


>> No.11206331

i know who the fuck you are, stop shilling.

>> No.11206333

unironically, yes. he single handedly brought the most people to read since philip defranco

>> No.11206334

About since 2016 he's been cool, done a lot less game stuff and only plays them when sponsored or he actually likes the game.
Not original content but whatever, literally the best representative of youtube

>> No.11206337

he even hated those episodes himself

>> No.11206338

stop samefagging

>> No.11206340

wow i feel like a celebrity

>> No.11206342

Not him but I don't know who he is. I don't know any youtubers. Except John Green I guess. But I don't watch him.

>> No.11206352

His new stuff isn't much better.

>> No.11206354

your girlfriend is constantly on helium please give her some Sulfur Hexafluoride for once

>> No.11206376

your using alot of big words i dont understand and im gonna take that as a sign of disrespect

>> No.11206394

kids tv presenter


>> No.11206396

pewds is singlehandedly saving Youtube, videogames, politics, literature, the white race, and the West

>> No.11206408

listen to her voice - your girlfriend is on helium

>> No.11206410

people are reading sun and steel
people are readying themselves to storm the palace
people are ready to reinstate the emperor

>> No.11206420

she sounds like björk on helium

>> No.11206427

I'd like him to review some philosophy. Tell him to read the Critique of pure reason. A good summer read, fairly enjoyable.

>> No.11206435

this unironically

>> No.11206438

>people are ready to reinstate the emperor
Not until they get rid of Michiko.

>> No.11206451

>Critique of pure reason
>fairly enjoyable

a what

>> No.11206462
File: 1.65 MB, 2142x2163, Kant Fichte lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a bitch

>> No.11206479

Pewdiepie doesnt even review books, he summarises them.
Could he even attempt that?

>> No.11206490

Bait post who cares. He's a hype man, where you can respect that he cares about stuff and has a platform to put on cool stuff but at the end of the day when he talks about books it's like hearing wind blow through the door. He's too new to literature to really say anything interesting about it, so at best if you're already a pewdiepie fan it's cool that he's taking a bunch of gamers and millennials and introducing them to a world of books, but he's no professor and he doesn't really have the chops to actually say much exciting about literature.

>> No.11206492
File: 1.11 MB, 878x881, 1527001530325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's reading a lot of books often praised on /lit/, and I'm almost certain he browses /lit/ himself.

He's shown a great appreciation for Japanese literature. The only reason you're all up in arms is your elitist image board book club is no longer going to be niche or fringe because everybodies starting to read the book you've all been talking about for the past six years.

Why can't you guys just be happy that people are starting to appreciate the classics?

>> No.11206530

>He's shown a great appreciation for Japanese literature.
Ahahaha, do you also think /lit/ has a good appreciation for Japanese literature?
> your elitist image board book club is no longer going to be niche or fringe because everybodies starting
It was never niche for fringe and the books were always being read commonly. This is not a movement.

>> No.11206537
File: 161 KB, 914x749, 1521784806955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahahaha, do you also think /lit/ has a good appreciation for Japanese literature?

Yes, I see threads on Japanese literature all the time.

>It was never niche for fringe and the books were always being read commonly. This is not a movement.

Then why the fuck is everybody so pissy about books getting popular on this board retard

>> No.11206548

Ok Stoner and what else?

>> No.11206555

well, fucking duh, if you want a professor to talk about literature you'd go to a seminar. you're measuring pewdiepie's merits with an inappropriate yardstick.

starting from the premise that he caters to an audience of (as some autist in a previous thread called it) "male kids" that are used to 420 jokes, rekt feminist retardation videos, and dabbing to the haters, knowing that there are cool books out there is a noble cause.

and i dont even watch pewdiepie, i dont like videogames

>> No.11206563

god, id do her ass so badly. so adorable. lucky pewd must be tearing it up real good

>> No.11206582

>Had an interview to do an English MA at a top 50 globally ranked uni
>Mentioned one of my favourite novels that isn't widely read is Dazai's No Longer Human
>Later find out it was recommended by fucking PewDiePie

How fucked am I?

>> No.11206594

you're not gonna make it

>> No.11206596

upside is you can pretend thats the reason you dont get it

>> No.11206599

This is exactly what I mean?

Just because you're not hipster and popular doesn't diminish the greatness of a piece of work? You should be happy everybody is enjoying it as you had?

>> No.11206611

Stoner used to be my favorite novel. books for this feels?

>> No.11206617

Get pretty tilted when this happens. Friend was over at my apartment the other day and we were taking a peak at my bookshelf, he recognised pale fire and commented that he too had seen Blade Runner 2049, in which the book had made a brief cameo.

Never seen The Matrix but I was reading Baudrillard's S&S in Uni once and some girl remarked something along the lines of, 'oh cool that's the Matrix book'

>> No.11206621
File: 400 KB, 1366x1024, animated_utena_rose_frame_resources_by_kayinnasaki-dbwhjyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people aren't reading books to gain insights, or to experience other perspectives, or to be taken to other worlds.
they're reading them as status symbols to show off how "well-read" and "sophisticated" they are; how can you show off your superiority if pewdiepie is reading your favorite books?
it's disgusting

>> No.11206622

Watch his videos and find out idiot?

>> No.11206624

I don't care that he recommended it per se, I care that he's the only famous person who has ever recommended it so now it's possible the person deciding whether to accept me on a course with a focus toward postcolonial theory thinks I get my book recommendations from someone who heavily references the alt-right, uses the n-word and mostly appeals to 12 year olds.

>> No.11206634

>the n-word


>> No.11206640

No, he doesn’t read what he claims to read and his fans are all lower iq locusts so there’s a near 0% chance he’s successfully done anything for anyone that reading rainbow didn’t already fail to do.

low iq teacher, shallow reading, no direction, bad person

low iq viewers, low C, not going to follow through, low intuition, incapable of abstraction, bad aesthetic sense, low chance for being taught

you people

>> No.11206647
File: 672 KB, 906x799, 1518953094047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fucking book? Sure maybe they won't understand the underlying themes, or won't read it to gain experience or insight. Fuck, they probably won't remember it, but like dinner, they forget it but it fills them.

The absolute arrogance of making this an us vs. them situation. The poor slobs reading OUR books, that only WE can appreciate. The fucking snobbery.

Thats your issue, you're worried about what somebody will think of you because of a book? Pathetic.

>> No.11206652

>getting this baited

go back to pewd's channel, newfag

>> No.11206658

>heavily references the altright, uses the n-word, and mostly appeals to 12 year olds

soi boi detected, enjoy getting your gf cucked by jamal

>> No.11206672

>enjoy getting your gf cucked by jamal

Does that mean Jamal is gonna fuck me?

>> No.11206674
File: 489 KB, 497x373, tumblr_o52w85w4ay1rggt7to1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr look at this newfag, look at how he brings up decent points

Reddits that way mate, try harder

>> No.11206817

I did. I'm saying Stoner is the only book he mentioned popular here. how did you not get that?

>> No.11206863

Its a monthly video series?

Did you not notice Crime and Punishment for example, or even No Longer Human?

Get your head out of the gutter anon

>> No.11206871

>>i'm so cool for pretending not to know who the worlds most successful youtuber is
I don't know who the worlds most successful cuckold is either. That title means about as much as your opinion on anything to me.

>> No.11206894

Crime and Punishment is one of the most popular books in the world. You could maybe argue for No Longer Human but I havent seen it mentioned much here. So 2 out of like 18 books hes reviewed. Ya he definitely browses /lit/ all the time!

>> No.11206902

>isn’t widely read
>literally one of the most popular books in Japan
You’re like the type of person that thinks they’re erudite because they read Slaughterhouse 5.

>> No.11206907

I feel like you haven't watch any of the videos anon...

>> No.11206923

>Ya he definitely browses /lit/ all the time!
I mentioned this shit to a girl I speak to who watches him. Apparently his friend/editor posts on this cartoon image trading forum and recommends YLYL threads, lit recommendations, etc.