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File: 144 KB, 540x540, Le Pringles Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11206028 No.11206028 [Reply] [Original]

Pringles Man Edition
>last Pringles book you read
>list some books recommended by Pringles Man
>next book inspired by Pringles Man you are going to read



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
>https://imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21333.jpg (embed)

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.11206042

sanderhack a fag

>> No.11206051

Only read BotNS, but that was several years ago.
I really enjoyed it, and always meant to read Long Sun, and eventually Short Sun.
Should I re-read BotNS before getting into Long Sun, or just dive in?
Soldier in the Mist sounds interesting as well.

>> No.11206062
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>> No.11206072

sanderson is not a hack

>> No.11206084

Let’s see how long before somebody recommends Sanderson, Rothfuss, or Lynch.

>> No.11206105

This, but unironically. I remember once opening up one of his books inside of used bookstore, expecting to laugh at his shitty prose. But instead I ended up reading a perfectly mediocre passage about a man dismembering a crab and then hiding it’s body from his gf. I was expecting something atrocious and I was genuinely disappointed.

>> No.11206109

I recommend Sanderson, Rothfuss and Lynch.

>> No.11206116

>a perfectly mediocre passage
>most successful recent fantasy author
>perfectly mediocre
>ultra successful
>not a hack

>> No.11206120

I'd rather drink bleach than read all these young adult novels that desperately want to believe they aren't

>> No.11206122

but my post was already unironic

>> No.11206128

I genuinely can't understand how someone could enjoy Rothfuss.

>> No.11206138

Maybe some people don't have this thing called "shit taste" like you

>> No.11206155

>Should I re-read BotNS before getting into Long Sun, or just dive in?
You can just dive in, but FYI you should read Short Sun directly after Long Sun, they're much more interconnected than New Sun is with the others.

>> No.11206159


>> No.11206168

t. Rothfuss fan

>> No.11206181

They're supposed to be fun. I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.11206182
File: 41 KB, 334x500, 51TDieWsrQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read this now that it got a flashy TV adaption? Seems pleasantly different from most "urban" books

>> No.11206210

I remember reading some book based on drawing summoning circles and shit being the only magic type stuff. I'll see if I can remember it. Something about gollems and gargoyles

>> No.11206219

>but you have a character like Gandalf, whose magic is basically completely unbounded at the time, and when he uses it to stop the Balrog it doesn't feel cheap because there's also a character moment there
The fuck you on about.
Gandalf fighting balrog is an awful plot device.
For one we dont know how strong Gandalfs magic is or is it strong at all, we have no clue what Balrog even is, when we go into the fight we have not even the slightles hint as to what way it will go, the author can do anything he want and explain it retroactively... which is exactly what Tolkien does.
In real life when someone gets stabbed in the face you know its not good, you can make assumptions and predictions, you know how will die if you are given enough info. Same goes for a good book where you can get a sense of where is the narrative is going, but in Tolkiens world magic is nonsensical and only servers as a plot device fixing or creating problems at random leading the story any way the author wants.
Every conflict involving magic feels random and barely logical.
Why didnt the fucking fly the eagles?

In Sandersons books things dont feel contrived, you know how things work and why. Before any confrontation you get a general idea of what the outcomes can be, nobody will pull a magical sword out of their ass.
Here magic systems feel and integral part of the world, they dont serve as deus ex machinas when a shitty writer puts himself into a corner, generally.
Even Sanderson cant stop himself from truing everything up to 11 every time he ends a series.

World building is the best part of his books, i have no clue how can anybody shit on a fully realized worlds in everything from its fauna and flora to its magic while praising lazy fix it all lot devices.

>> No.11206220

Whoops, thought you said "couldn't" fuck that fatty

>> No.11206226

You should never read anything by that disgusting commie

>> No.11206237
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Oh you can't help that, said the Cat, we're all disgusting commies here

>> No.11206239

Autists are the worst.

>> No.11206242

Of his books I think this is his best by a fair margin. I'd recommend it.

>> No.11206266
File: 145 KB, 452x500, 1504822957549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from last thread

I've been trying to remember a book I read in my high school library.

The main character is part of a low-tech human tribe that exists on a seemingly post-apocalyptic word with many other tribes of different intelligent species. All said tribes hunt each other for food. I think the MC's tribe is inbred and dying or something and he goes on a journey which eventually leads to him discovering the entire planet is either a giant show for the galactic populace or is how the various races decide who gets what planet or something I don't exactly remember. He somehow cheats the system to send his gf off planet into safety.

I specifically remember there being a river scene where a sentient aquatic species is trying to eat them. And I believe they kill a white, meat-skeleton humanoid and eat him describing the meat as "sweet"

>> No.11206292

There's loads of fantasy set in typical medieval/feudal worlds, any with a Greek City or Roman Republic theme?

>> No.11206305

I'm also reposting from the last thread.
>they kill a white, meat-skeleton humanoid and eat him describing the meat as "sweet"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x69VpqoAj1w [Embed]
>i never eat a white meat yet

>> No.11206313

Codex Alera

>> No.11206343

Magic in LotR always has narrative consequences. When Gandalf starts a fire to save the Fellowship on Caradhras, he ends up alerting the Balrog. When the Fellowship relies on Gandalf to fight the Balrog, they lose Gandalf. When Frodo relies on the Ring to hide from his enemies, he is inevitably drawn closer to being corrupted by it. When anyone tries to use the palantir, they open themselves up to a confrontation with Sauron. Furthermore, neither of the two main viewpoint characters, Frodo and Aragorn, have any real magic of their own. Magic is more often a threat than a solution, and forces them to deal with the problem in unique ways.
Take the Stormlight Archive on the other hand. Need a character to win a fight? Have them stumble across a source of Stormlight. Need them to survive their "death"? Guess they secretly had some Stormlight saved up. Need them to accomplish some incredible new feat they couldn't do before? Just come up with a new Oath for them to say, and then use more Stormlight. Need to make it seem like the immortal demigods you have for main characters are actually being threatened? Just have them suddenly run out of Stormlight. Sanderson can come up with all the rules he wants, these things will never stop feeling contrived.

>> No.11206346
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aww what's the matter, did he shove you into a locker?

>> No.11206362

>We don't know how strong gandalf is
The fuck you on about? He is a literal ubermensch. There are only 5 wizards in the entire universe and they were hand made by the gods. It's extremely safe to say they are over powered little bitches

>> No.11206378

I'm almost positive this manlet pussy couldn't beat up a toddler

>> No.11206382

I have no fucking clue what that is.
And i read LoTR and Hobbit mind you.

Is this crap explained once in the books or is it another part of fanfic shit?

>> No.11206384

tolkien babbys need to leave

>> No.11206400
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Diaspora by Greg Egan was wild.
Not sure how I feel about Distress yet.

>> No.11206403

You're seriously arguing that Sanderson's writing and worldbuilding is better than Tolkien's, then
Epic, simply

>> No.11206411
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Hahaha jesus christ

>> No.11206458

>and forces them to deal with the problem in unique ways.
Ye, with more magic...
Balrog defeated by magic, Gandal comes back due to magic and Frodo kills the ring with magic fire.

What you mention are not the consequences of the use of magic in those situation, they feel coincidental, except the ring thing as this one is by design.
In fact one of those doesnt fit the rest, guess which? The ring is actually well written, isnt overly explained but has limitations and drawbacks, on other hand Gandalf pulls spells out of his ass for any situation and dosnt seem to use them again.
>Take the Stormlight Archive on the other hand. Need a character to win a fight? Have them stumble across a source of Stormlight.
How would that fix anything?
A character needs to
1 know how to use stormlight
2 be bound with a spren
3 be a cable fighter, we see multiple stormlight users die only because they cant use their powers
4 commit himself to the oaths and live by them
>Need them to survive their "death"? Guess they secretly had some Stormlight saved up. Need them to accomplish some incredible new feat they couldn't do before? Just come up with a new Oath for them to say, and then use more Stormlight.
And yet you know about it from the start, you know that Kaladin for instance can take a lot of abuse when using Stormlight, and you know that killing such a person is hard.
What you forgot to say there is only handful of Stromlight users in the series and they are an unique class of people, most people will die, and do from any mortal wound.
You know before a fight if a character went through all the needed steps to have a chance or not, and all oaths and what they do are foreshadowed one book ahead.
>Sanderson can come up with all the rules he wants, these things will never stop feeling contrived.
And he can have someone trip and stab himself face first onto their own sword. Your point? Obviously the writer controls the story, what matters is whether he does it in a believable way.

>> No.11206466

It is, by a fucking mile.

>> No.11206474

The Gandalf comparison is really mis placed because he is damn near a God in the lore.

>> No.11206484

have you seriously never heard ubermensch in your entire life? this just goes to show how young you are

>> No.11206509

>Gandalf pulls spells out of his ass for any situation and dosnt seem to use them again
You having a problem with this goes back to what I said last thread about Sanderson being the equivalent of Marvel super heroes
You need everything set up for you so you can fling spittle everywhere and say "Whaaow, it was sho cool when X fought Y, what a great battle, I can't wait to see X fight Z in the next book!" and picture the X-Z fight in your head - with so many constraints that it can only go one way in any particular situation - while you wait for it to happen in the next yearly dose of mediocrity
As opposed to Tolkien, who wanted to tell a fucking story, you know, the thing books do really well, and used magic to advance the plot rather than coming up with a plot to show off magic
If you thought the magic in Tolkien's world felt cheap I am really tempted to pull out the autism card; the magic in that mostly served to highlight character moments that were emotional
If the only emotion you can connect with in a book is self-satisfaction for understanding why something magical happened, you really should not consider yourself capable of discussing literature

>> No.11206513
File: 104 KB, 600x722, 1427593706977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does the Gene Wolfe Pringles meme come from?

Also rec me some good stuff similar to Lovecraft, I just finished reading basically everything he's ever written

>> No.11206528
File: 96 KB, 900x443, fae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy some new books. Is this series any good?

>> No.11206541

me on the right

>> No.11206576

nice legs

>> No.11206583

Ye, in the lore... in the books hes pretty useless.
He gets things going but its hard to buy that its all by design not by dumb luck and coincidence.

>> No.11206584

would rape and impregnate then fall in love afterwards to raise the child together in a loving family environment.

>> No.11206590
File: 491 KB, 1600x1116, 83D3BC26-4D9C-4577-8880-94B2FF7ACE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book you son of a bitches. I have nobody to talk to about it

>> No.11206636

>Ye, with more magic...
90% of the problems in LotR are solved through mundane means.
>Frodo kills the ring with magic fire
No he doesn't, Frodo fails. But the Ring is destroyed in Mount Doom, yes, a possibility that is clearly explained in the second chapter of the first book. What is the problem with this exactly?
>on other hand Gandalf pulls spells out of his ass for any situation and dosnt seem to use them again.
Gandalf basically has two magical specialties: flashy fire & lightning magic and more subtle "inspire courage" type magic. Of course this isn't directly spelled out to the reader, but it doesn't have to be as long as the reader is paying attention.
>And yet you know about it from the start, you know that Kaladin for instance can take a lot of abuse when using Stormlight, and you know that killing such a person is hard.
Yes, it kills all the tension to know that Kaladin is functionally invincible as long as he has Stormlight.
>there is only handful of Stromlight users in the series and they are an unique class of people
Basically all the main characters are capable Stormlight users. The only relevant characters who aren't Knights Radiant (yet) are Adolin and Navani.
>Obviously the writer controls the story, what matters is whether he does it in a believable way.
Yes, and what I was saying is that it's not especially believable. Stormlight is a bad storytelling mechanic because it's an invincibility mode with a timer that we as the reader do not see. The character using it does anime backflips and cuts giant monsters in half until they're abruptly "about to run out of Stormlight" when it's dramatically convenient. Most of the time if they'd run out of Stormlight 30 seconds earlier they'd be dead and if they'd run out 30 seconds later they wouldn't have been in any danger at all. When the characters come within an inch of death a hundred times without ever dying, it further destroys any attempt at tension and drama.

>> No.11206637

I loved that one and didn't care for Perdido Street. I don't think I'd be interested in seeing a movie of it. I hate commies and that didn't get in the way of enjoying it.

>> No.11206641

I hate you and I hope we never meet.

>> No.11206649

Maybe, no, dont care
Also what does knowing some German terms have to do with age, care o tell gramps?
>You need everything set up for you so you can fling spittle everywhere and say "Whaaow, it was sho cool when X fought Y, what a great battle, I can't wait to see X fight Z in the next book!" and picture the X-Z fight in your head - with so many constraints that it can only go one way in any particular situation - while you wait for it to happen in the next yearly dose of mediocrity
Oh, yeah, as opposed to that imaginative fight of "the good guys" vs "the bad guys", since all orcs are bad and its ok to kill them, they just want to kill everything, conquer the world, or something, dont ask questions. And good guys are good, yey.
"Cant wait till in next book the good armies beat the bad guys and destroy the EVIL ring"
Fuck man, such a depth of storytelling, you trully showed those comic book fans what a deep and thematically complex story looks like.
>As opposed to Tolkien, who wanted to tell a fucking story, you know, the thing books do really well, and used magic to advance the plot rather than coming up with a plot to show off magic
What story? Your typical good vs evil, do you need magic elfs and orcs to tell a glorified children bedtime story?
Do you Tolkien fans need a pretentious excuse to discus or think on morality on such basic level?

Also this forces me to ask what is Sanderson telling? NotAStory? At lest try making some sense.

And yeah, i did feel Toolkiens world was shallow, badly explained and driven by ridiculous plot devices
I bet you are one of the people who thinks Last Jedi is a good movie, "like turn your brain off and have fun man" "its all about EMOTIONS".

>> No.11206654

Good thing you gave the title.
Yes, this series of 3 images is good, would look at again.

>> No.11206663

It's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in Space, episodic style. Characterization and dialogue are often weak. I love it.

>> No.11206666

>Not immediately recognizing the images
>Not even reverse searching them
I can't help you when you try so hard to be dumb

>> No.11206677

Fuck it I'm just going to ask. The fuck is stormlight?

>> No.11206678

asimov foundation

>> No.11206688

>all orcs are bad and its ok to kill them
You realize the main character of LotR is a complete pacifist, right? Or were you too busy speedreading?
>And good guys are good, yey.
Yes, Boromir and Denethor and Gollum are all monolithically good characters with no flaws. As opposed to someone like Kaladin, who is definitely not a generic hero archetype.
>Your typical good vs evil
As opposed to the Stormlight Archive, which literally revolves around the battle between two gods named "Honor" and "Odium"?
>"like turn your brain off and have fun man"
This is the kind of thing people say about Sanderson, not Tolkien. You must be mixing up your memes.

>> No.11206700

It's the magic power source for characters in the Stormlight Archive. There are ten special video game powers and each of the main characters get access to two of them as long as they have "Stormlight". It also makes them super strong and functionally immortal, but will run out every few minutes unless they get access to more.

>> No.11206701

Stormlight sounds gay as fuck.

>> No.11206712

>What does knowing terms have to do with age
It's literally one of the most popular terms in the world when talking about over powered Mary sues. Not knowing basic shit has a direct correlation to how smart you actually are

>> No.11206717

You are gay as fuck.

>> No.11206742

Insulting me won't make Stormlight not retarded.

>> No.11206769

>90% of the problems in LotR are solved through mundane means.
>No he doesn't, Frodo fails.
He does, the fact hes not the one to make the last step is irrelevant, his mission was a success.
You cant be this autistic to argue over who exactly gets the most responsibility for destroying the ring? what we gonna count the steps made most why wearing it next?
> What is the problem with this exactly?
No problem, just an observation in counter to the point made above. if you didnt notice i replied to something.
>Of course this isn't directly spelled out to the reader, but it doesn't have to be as long as the reader is paying attention.
You mean you pulled it out of your ass as its never explained?
Not to mention you are wrong.
Gandalf can levitate objects and move them with his will, he can read mind,s control minds of other creatures apparently too when its convenient, shows incredible feats of superhuman strength and speed when its needed, and probably others gimmicks i cant remember. He dosnt seem to have one singular set of skill.
>Yes, it kills all the tension to know that Kaladin is functionally invincible as long as he has Stormlight.
It kills the tension to know character In Lotr are borderline immortal.
>Basically all the main characters are capable Stormlight users.
Ye, the series is about them, the new knight radiant .... yet most of them wont have any or much control over it until book 2 or 3.
>. Most of the time if they'd run out of Stormlight 30 seconds earlier they'd be dead and if they'd run out 30 seconds later they wouldn't have been in any danger at all. When the characters come within an inch of death a hundred times without ever dying, it further destroys any attempt at tension and drama.
And how does this differ from stamina?
You can have a race, a chess match, a sword fight in a realistic setting and still its up to the writer what moves characters use, when they get tired, and when they make mistakes.
Do you have a stamina bar in real life?
Also how is it different From Gandalf being able to pull out of his ass a spell that will kill all orcs in one shot and pulling one that just shines a flashlight in their eyes.

Its about believably, understanding how things work helps, dosnt distract from it.

>> No.11206773

>Where does the Gene Wolfe Pringles meme come from?
He invented the machine that cuts the Pringles chips. Some people say the Pringles logo is based on him, but it probably isn't.

>> No.11206782

Stop shitting up every thread. People barely even talk about him lately. Get a fucking hobby you pathetic dick bag. I don’t like Sanderson either but I move the fuck on.

>> No.11206786

Like mana, life energy or chi in other beliefs and series.
Only gets replenished, in people animals and objects when a violent storm comes, hence the name.

>> No.11206813

>English 3rd language author writing sexually explicit scenes in engrish

Why do foreigners suck so much

>> No.11206815

Not the guy you’re replying to, but Frodo failing to destroy the ring is the entire fucking point you retard.

>> No.11206821

Insulting stormlight won't make you not retarded.

>> No.11206823

The guy has clearly missed a lot of the books from what he has said.

>> No.11206837

"Not knowing "basic shit" at most makes you ignorant, and cliched literally devices like Mary Sue definitively arent "basic shit".
You can be an avid reader and have no chance to meet the term unless you discuss books online in a critical manner, if you just discuss them among your friends then you will have to take language difference on top of chances to discuss cliches to begin with.
Not to mention ubermensch is few times more obscure in use.

Bottom line you are fucking retarded.

>> No.11206860

ESLs know that no one will read their story in their native language.


>> No.11206869

>You can be an avid reader and have no chance to meet the term
you clearly aren't an avid reader because it's a term you would learn from a very basic reading of introductory philosophy. It's kinda cute how hard you're trying to defend yourself though

>> No.11206873

Read the book damn you or I swear to God I'll start shilling Sanderson and Sarah Maas

>> No.11206876


>> No.11206896

>It kills the tension to know character In Lotr are borderline immortal.
They're not though. You can't turn around my criticism of SA and apply it to LotR because it's simply not true. Frodo and Sam are ordinary humans but smaller. Aragorn is an exceptional human, but still just a human. Gandalf has magical powers, but is still in a human body. Any of them would die if you ran them through with a sword, unlike the vast majority of the main SA cast.
>He dosnt seem to have one singular set of skill.
I said two specialties, not two things he can do. This isn't the Stormlight Archive or any other autistic video game magic system. There are minor effects Gandalf creates because magic is somewhat mystical, but none of them are especially dramatic effects and none of them really affect the plot in any way.
>shows incredible feats of superhuman strength and speed when its needed
Name one time in LotR where this happens.
>And how does this differ from stamina?
As you might know, stamina is a gradual thing and not an on/off switch between being an invincible demigod and an ordinary human.
>Gandalf being able to pull out of his ass a spell that will kill all orcs in one shot and pulling one that just shines a flashlight in their eyes.
Name one time in LotR where either of these happen.

>> No.11206911
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What's a series that's similar to the Southern Reach trilogy?

>> No.11206929

>It kills the tension to know character In Lotr are borderline immortal.
Two main characters die in the first book. That's a better pace than grrm

>> No.11206933

You could stare at a bag of flaming dog shit and be reading a better book

>> No.11206957

spit my tea out
fuckin' hell. anything that has a similar premise, but is actually good?

>> No.11207003

is childhoods end any good

>> No.11207011

Stay a kid forever anon, that's my advice

>> No.11207014

>wanting to grow up

>> No.11207085

wow his arms are huge

>> No.11207106

>Not even 15 inches
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.11207113

Book? Yes.

>> No.11207118

if you don't recognize the images then you haven't read the books and therefore can't advise if they are good or not

>> No.11207190
File: 27 KB, 427x430, an engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He invented the machine that cuts the Pringles chips
oh shit it's true

>> No.11207195

What if they just know it by it's older images?

>> No.11207213

is the wheel of time worth the read

>> No.11207225

He looks like he is filthy and doesn't shower and that's how his books read like

>> No.11207230

if you like fantasy then yes.

>> No.11207241

The vast majority of science fiction/fantasy fans would rate a brick as "3/5, a riveting tale of fantasy adventure."

>> No.11207356

>book that has multiple points of view and is set in a medieval type setting
The next GRRM what a brilliant read

>> No.11207376

Oh fuck I never noticed he really does look exactly like the guy on the Pringles can

>> No.11207429

No I meant an actual brick, like you'd build a wall with.

>> No.11207468

>tfw reading botns over again
WHERE THE FUCK DID ALL THESE DETAILS COME FROM? theres no way i missed THIS MUCH on my first read through

>> No.11207473

my little fish

>> No.11207485
File: 130 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for the last book.

>> No.11207534

>When the joke goes so far over your own head

>> No.11207541

Yeah me too I'm running low on fire starting paper.

>> No.11207587

>always the same filename
how is this not spam?

>> No.11207606

>Woman author
I can tell this is going to be absolutely wonderful.

>> No.11207792

any good fantasy where demons are the antagonists? Prefer sword/sorcery setting but not opposed to modern day. Please no warded man

>> No.11207814

deciples of the horned one was pretty fun in my opinion. nothing exceptional but pretty entertaining. its sword and sorcery has demons as antagonists and its all wrapped up in a coming of age story.

>> No.11207930

>based on 'actual' magic
Last Call by Tim Powers is based mostly on the Tarot and he does a decent job of getting it right.

People are mostly plebs.

I liked Light by M John Harrison. It's very different in tone because there's less mystery but there is a bunch of weird unexplained shit going on.

If you like epics that drag on pointlessly for a few books at a time.

>> No.11207945

> crtl+F nebula
> nothing
Nobody checking out the Nebula titles?
I've read two of the shorts so far, "Utopia, LOL" and "Fandom for Robots". I really liked them.

links: https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/20/17368312/nebula-awards-2017-winners-science-fiction-fantasy-nk-jemisin-martha-wells

>> No.11207946
File: 101 KB, 699x336, 1star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you pretentious sods was this?

>> No.11207947

Raymond E. Feist's books frequently feature demons, especially later in the series, but unfortunately his earliest books (the ones with little or no demons in them) are his best by far. But his demons are pretty much stereotypical horned, hoofed, blood drinking monsters from "lower planes" bent on annihilating mankind.

>> No.11207966

If you like epic fantasy, and I mean REALLY like it, then yes. You have to be okay with plot lines that span several books before they're resolved, hundreds of named characters, and lengthy descriptions of magic and world building history. Essentially you need patience. If that doesn't sound like a nice comfy read to you, then don't bother.

>> No.11207975

I'm gonna give it a shot, thanks!

>> No.11207983

>Thinking awards in sci-fi mean anything in 2018
Bless your soul

>> No.11208001

I'm glad to provide you with a punching bag, I guess. I wasn't sucking their dick or anything, but whatever.
It's a bunch of links to good quality, free sci-fi stories. If you can tell me about another site where I can find this while remaining cool and hip, I'll be much obliged.

>> No.11208024

Sanderson's writing does exactly what it needs to, no more, no less. It's simple, adequate prose and structure. Sanderson is first and foremost a storyteller, he uses prose to tell stories, and he does it very well. People who read Sanderson are looking for cool magic powers, engaging action, and fantastical mystery. They care about the artistry of the prose about as much as you do about the quality of the cement under your feet when you walk down the street. Which is to say it's something you never notice as long as it's doing what you'd expect and would probably desperately want to avoid anyone who tried to talk to you at length about it and think them an insufferable bore.

>> No.11208055

Thanks for the link. I seem to get distracted reading novels (I have 5 right now) so short stories and novelettes will help I think.

I may not agree with the winners but the nominees are helpful in parsing all the stuff out there.

>> No.11208075
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>demon antagonist
>not demon waifu

>> No.11208081

>falling for the demon that is controlled by your father just so he can take your power and become stronger

>> No.11208132

or you just fall for the demon and take the skull for yourself

>> No.11208140

>>Not even reverse searching them
Ah yes, i should fix your retarded posts for you. What next, do your homework while im at it?
Ever wonder what was written language invented for?
Funny enough did read them, but what my local publishers like to do is those one color covers with fonts big enough to cover most of it with no images, was true 60 years ago and still seems to be true today.
If you didnt realize covers will differ between regions, re releases, or even they way they are formatted. some regions have special covers designed for them, not to mention those are not the original ones.
So how about you fuck off next time and think before you post?

Series starts great then shits the bed, as the original premise gets replaced with other random ideas, oh no a race of magical humans are messing with the plan!
The sequels written 30 later are just awful all around.
I really hate when authors meander within a series even when they have a clear path to go.

>> No.11208272

>/sffg/ says Throne of Glass is shit
>It's actually really good
Contrarians are pretty reliable when they're always wrong.

>> No.11208283

How are female characters portrayed?

>> No.11208310

you should try reading the Demon Cycle by Peter V. Brett
it's REALLY good!

>> No.11208314

The only one who can fight isn't completely human.
Rest are normal humans

>> No.11208330

I'm not him but those are the iconic covers for the Foundation series. Even I know this and I've only read one Asimov book. I'm sorry you're mad online for not knowing stuff that everyone else does.

>> No.11208331

Book 1 is unironically good until the boy turns into an adult. I have no idea what the author or editor were thinking after book 1 though. I dropped the second almost instantly after I realized the entire thing was basically about the muslim people. And all the horrible reviews never made it to the author because he apparently kept writing about more random boring people instead of the boy and his 2 companions. He fucked that series up royally

>> No.11208384

How do they justify their actions, is it yass queen shit or do they have complex motivations? How do their interact with male characters?

>> No.11208390

Why do I have to apo everything for you?

>> No.11208401

You don't.

>> No.11208434

Should I read in the publication order or go back and forth with the different series?

>> No.11208506

i read them in publication order jumping form series to series, and its quite interesting jumping form place to place exploring the world.

>> No.11208577

I am literally erect at how unimaginably mad I've made you

>> No.11208591

Should I read Wheel of Time or Stormlight? I read about 100 pages into each and they both seem comfy.

Also when the fuck is Thorn of Emberlain coming out.

>> No.11208616

Which fantasy book should I read if I have hardly read any books before?

>> No.11208620

Wizard of Earthsea

>> No.11208629

throne of glass
harry potter

>> No.11208631

The first few books are a little different, but you can read in publication order. Or you can start with a random introductory book. I first read them in the order I took them off the library shelf, so pretty much random.

Guards! Guards!

>> No.11208647

Throne of Glass

All 3 great entries

>> No.11208655
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>> No.11208661


>> No.11208751

Is it good?

>> No.11208799

It's difficult. The setting needs a hook. If you just dump lore on people without context they'll forget 99% of it. Even worse when it's laden with unknown words.
But if you start an exotic setting in medias res you glaze over it just the same, because you don't know under which rules the situation operates.

>> No.11208807

>>last Pringles book you read
A Borrowed Man
>>list some books recommended by Pringles Man
Herodotus Histories
>>next book inspired by Pringles Man you are going to read
I dunno lol

>> No.11208817

>still being a puppy and insisting if you don't win its a conspiracy
Nebulas not the Hugos mate its not a popular award, its voted on by the SFWA

>> No.11209070

Does anybody know of a book where a caveman gets abducted by aliens?
I swear I read something like that when I was younger but I can't remember the title for the life of me.

>> No.11209074

Battlefield earth ?

>> No.11209141

i read something similar but its about a barbarian that went was obducted by ayyliens and made to fight for their entertaintment or work in mines or something. i think it was 3 books. i remember the first one had some big arena fight against some worm thing. cant for the life of me remember any of the character names or the book titles though.

>> No.11209258

I listened to the first few hours of the audiobook yesterday evening. Not exactly good but way better than I expected. I'm going to continue listening to it today.

>> No.11209406

The Engineer trilogy, from what I recall

>> No.11209531


>> No.11209580

Shouldn't it be
*sisfist* or *magnacumlaudefist*?

>> No.11209587

Time for me to aggressively shill some litrpg so sffg will read it.

>> No.11209630

Rome burns

>> No.11209640

What, now?

>> No.11209878

If this is a Pringles thread, anyone want to talk about Urth of the New Sun? I loved BotNS but I'm not sure how I feel about Urth. BotNS was a lot of wandering around; in Urth the first half was a very standard boring sci-fi story and then the latter half completely ditches science and goes full fantasy. Unless I'm missing something "scienceish" that explains how he literally became a wormhole? Are we supposed to not believe Sev on those parts? Him lying on that front would not really mesh with Sev-as-Christ and Wolfe being a devout Catholic.

>> No.11209908


Nigga no

>> No.11209915

I'm generally just not a fan of standard sci-fi. If you like standard sci-fi, maybe it's not boring; I dunno. Chasing aliens around a ship and battling space hobos with robots doesn't do much for me.

>> No.11209940
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This is hardly standard sf, but fine, OK, who cares

>> No.11209995

I was kind of ambivalent about the parts on the ship too, but everything after he reaches Yesod was great.

>> No.11210001

okay, thank you

i meant the book you faggots

>> No.11210466
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I think it kind of says a lot about Wolfe’s writing that Severain is pretty much a complete Chad, but it never comes off as Mary Sueish like Name of the Wind does.

>> No.11210512

Hey guys


>> No.11210744

>Sev is a Chad
He had a woman put to death because he was insecure and thought that she thought of him as a little boy
Getting cucked in book 5 made him so mad that he used the power of God to summon a storm
He lived in fear and paranoia for the better part of BotNS because a woman was hunting him

It only adds an extra layer of talent to Wolfe's writing that he wrote someone who isn't a Chad pretending very convincingly to be a Chad

>> No.11210782

I'm on my first readthrough of BotNS and I am finding it slightly tiresome that he bangs just about everyone he encounters, but he certainly doesn't seem like a Mary Sue no.

>> No.11210807
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Yes, I thought Downward To The Earth and Dying Inside were better but still bretty gud.

>> No.11210813

How much juggling tutorials are in these novels?

>> No.11210954
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So Chaol or Dorian?

>> No.11210974

Not a series, but Solaris and His Master's Voice have a similar vibe.

>> No.11210980

what the fuck
nobody's even posted a new thread yet, go away you wanker

>> No.11210988

None. Silverberg wrote the Majipoor books because he wanted to chill out.

>> No.11210996
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>> No.11211002

I asked a question to incite a discussion.
The image is there so people instantly know what series I'm talking about because visual cues are handy for that.

>> No.11211004

If you want to start on the road to being a cultured, genteel sort of anti-Semite instead of the toothless skinhead sort you could do worse in terms of familiarizing yourself with Jewish insecurity & resentment than reading Dying Inside. Silverberg is less pretentious and more self-aware than Roth.

>> No.11211035
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Did anyone else really like this book? My favorite parts were learning more about the Masquerade, im glad the next book seems to be centered around it.

>> No.11211156

I think just seeing the thumbnail made me gay

>> No.11211169

What impressed me the most is how fucking on point the dialogue is. He nailed the balance between information, exposition, and hinting at stuff, it really worked for me. Felt like the author was aware throughout the entire book what I knew, needed to know, and could reliably guess at.

>> No.11211178

Honestly it looked like young adult based on the cover and the sample chapter. If it's not children's trash I'll pick it up

>> No.11211189

Literally nobody here reads your shitty series. Eat shit and die shill

>> No.11211199

Tell me more how ancillary justice isn't garbage you giant faggot. Fuck outta here with your pleb opinions

>> No.11211239
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Have any good Anthologies been published somewhat recently?

>> No.11211362

Yeah I thought it was excellent.

Its more Count of Monte Cristo in style.

>> No.11211382

I liked Engineering Infinity, if 2010 counts.

>> No.11211482

This is like saying Snyders cinematography is better than Kurosawas.

Or the great buddha temple is nothing compared to the Sears tower, etc.

>> No.11211515

I have no idea. I listen to audiobooks while I commute and walk the dog. I managed to get through the first book and thought it was poorly done but maybe the author could pull himself together. I turned off the second book, as I was just bored and saw it was not going to pull itself into coherency.
I did not realize it had a huge following. It shouldnt.

>> No.11211530

I'm actually reading Throne of Glass lol. I started it before the shilling. As I've stated before, it's about Rofthuss-tier.

>> No.11211605

>It's about rothfuss tier
Is this supposed to be an endorsement?

>> No.11211616

It was alright.

>> No.11211710
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, nnt108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything similar to the oddworld games?

>> No.11211721

Finished Mistborn (The Final Empire) yesterday. The action scenes and training were straight slog because of all the magic crap but I did like the Victorian aspects to the world. Do the next two books have even more garbage fights and metal magic jerk, or do they focus on politics/ court affairs?
It would be great to get some recommendations for similar worlds too, preferably low magic or with sci-fi elements

>> No.11211744

Your photo album tbqh

>> No.11211771

The next book is really focused on politics. The Powder Mage series has a similar feel to Mistborn so you might like that. Although if you really dont like the Magic System you might not enjoy the books.

>> No.11211788

fukken destroyed that faggot m8

>> No.11211799

>i'm not triggered! i'm not triggered! you're the one who's triggered!

The Alloy of Law series goes full Victorian/wild west from the two I've read in it. About a 50/50 mix of detectiving and action scenes. I found it more entertaining than the slog of the last two Mistborn books but Sanderson is just so wooden in general I don't really feel the need to continue.

>It would be great to get some recommendations for similar worlds too, preferably low magic or with sci-fi elements

Well there's the Powder Mage series which is basically Fantasy Napoleonic Wars and is written by one of Sanderson's students but was far more readable overall IMO. There's also Django Wexler's Shadow Campaigns series which is similar but makes itself closer to historic events and limits the fantastic elements a lot more.

Glen Cook's Garrett PI series is about a ex-Marine turned private investigator in a sort of Ankh Morpork melting pot city that's more "historical drama about 1860s New York City" than Discworld.

The City of Stairs series by Robert Jackson Bennett is very good. Takes place in a late 1800s period where after the Magical Empire is overthrown people are figuring out science and engineering, but some elements of the old world are still showing up.

Peter Higgin's Wolfhound Century series is set in what could best be described as a "mythic Russia" that has advanced to a 1930s tech level, a policeman is called from the hinterland to the capital to hunt down a terrorist but he quickly gets involved with much stranger things.

>> No.11211840

It seems I touched a nerve bitch boy

>> No.11211844

Also learn how to greentext properly and format your post like you aren't a fag, your entire post reeks that you just came from reddit

>> No.11211856

lolno. Rothfuss is plebby. Maas and Rothfuss both write power fantasy characters who are great at everything they try.

>> No.11211859

I'll likely grab the sequel. I read a few yt comments saying it dragged until the end but they're probably the same people that get giddy about the Pushing and Pulling which I struggled to visualize.
Thanks for that list, Wolfhound Century sounds especially interesting. I'm fairly new to reading (wasted my younger years on anime) so I appreciate a good starting point. Anything with a similar scope to ASOIAF? Not trying to be that guy but I do have a raging hard on for intersecting plot threads

>> No.11211874

>He had a woman put to death because he was insecure and thought that she thought of him as a little boy
Not true. Severian didn't write Thecla's execution orders, he chose not to destroy them when he had the chance to.
>He lived in fear and paranoia for the better part of BotNS because a woman was hunting him
Who? Agia?

>> No.11211934

Bro it's almost directly implied he wrote them.

>> No.11211944

>Severian didn't write Thecla's execution orders, he chose not to destroy them when he had the chance to.
So writes Sev

>> No.11211972


>> No.11211989

>Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the harp on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the deadwood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?”
>she struggled to contain her awesomeness

>> No.11212049

>So writes Sev
I find it easier to believe him than to accept that an angry young man was able to convincingly forge an official document quickly and on the spur of the moment.
As for Agia, I don't understand how Sev could let her live at the mine if he was truly afraid of her. Before that point he was actively seeking her out, and afterwards he seems more worried about Abdiesus than anything else. She doesn't seem to have that much of an impact on him.

But what do I know, I've only read the book once.

>> No.11212115

tolkien dick riders leave now
this is a tolkien free zone

>> No.11212119

>I find it easier to believe him
You're literally never supposed to believe him, he's a lying asshole

>> No.11212134

But he's the narrator of a fictional story; unless he states something that's contradicted later in the book you have to believe him. Otherwise, you might as well assume that Sev is a nobody who made everything up.

>> No.11212142

Which book of Sanderson's is that on the top?

>I find it easier to believe him than to accept that an angry young man was able to convincingly forge an official document quickly and on the spur of the moment.
All he would have to have done is added "the revolutionary" to the list of punishments she was to be subjected to
>As for Agia, I don't understand how Sev could let her live at the mine if he was truly afraid of her.
Because he's a big pussy and was afraid to kill her

>you might as well assume that Sev is a nobody who made everything up.
That's probably the most interesting stance to read the story from

>> No.11212167

>unless he states something that's contradicted later in the book you have to believe him
Holy Christ nigger...have you seriously never heard of an unreliable narrator before?

>> No.11212219

>All he would have to have done is added "the revolutionary" to the list of punishments she was to be subjected to
Which he couldn't have done because she wasn't subjected to anything else.

Unless you have a specific reason to doubt something the narrator says you have no choice but to believe him. Otherwise you're just making shit up independent of what that author wrote.
Sev is an unreliable narrator, but he doesn't lie about everything.

>> No.11212228

>she wasn't subjected to anything else.
So writes Sev

>Otherwise you're just making shit up independent of what that author wrote.
Or, OR, Gene Wolfe did what he does in most of his stories, where the author writes clues as to what probably really happened and you're able to imagine the possibilities yourself

>> No.11212230

cradle is a fun read

>> No.11212238

>where the author writes clues as to what probably really happened
Which are conveyed to you through the narrative voice of Sev, forcing you to believe that at least some of what he says is true.

>> No.11212252

No shit, fucker
You're just supposed to think critically in the lapses in information
There was one of those when he goes into the Master's office
Clearly, Gene wanted to imply that something happened
Or it didn't! I don't care, read it as a straightforward fucking plot with Sev being honest
Your loss because it makes it infinitely less interesting to think about

>> No.11212259

Malazan maybe? I've never bothered with ASOIAF. On the upside if you haven't read a lot of stuff you'll be able to read the older trend setters like the Black Company (part of the first wave of the "grimdark" stories) without them feeling banal and derivative (Joe Abercrombie) like later authors who are just retreading the same ground.

I would advise against the Dagger and Coin series by Daniel Abraham though. It's advertised as being a similar "epic intrigue series" but I thought it was boring overall and the series is dragged down by the author's attempts to humanize a evil fat man who wears leather capes and behaves like a manchild.

You might also try the Vorkosigan Saga, it's a long running space opera series about intelligence officer who's a frail dwarf (due to a chemical weapons attack when he was a child) and thus has to win through guile instead.

>> No.11212288
File: 32 KB, 471x339, rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting this angry at someone for posting an image on an image-sharing site

>> No.11212373

There isn't a lapse in information; Sev writes what happened, you keep saying so yourself.
The only way you've been able to refute my points on the forgery is to assume that Sev is writing things that are completely untrue, on the grounds that there's no reason NOT to believe he's lying because he did lie elsewhere in the book. There's no proof that he's lying in regards to this particular fact, just a general suspicion of him being untrustworthy.

And I don't think him not forging the orders really changes anything for the story, or makes it "infinitely less interesting to think about." He's still complicit in her death and still feels guilty about it, just in a way that passes occam's razor.

>> No.11212403

>Anything with a similar scope to ASOIAF? Not trying to be that guy but I do have a raging hard on for intersecting plot threads
You might like Shadowmarch by Tad Williams. I'll say that Martin is exceptional in epic fantasy. Nobody really does characterization like him, and he has a real talent for writing political intrigue and using perspective. So temper your expectations with that knowledge. Tad Williams in particular is going to feel like a slow burn compared to Martin, he's infamous for his stories taking a while to get rolling, but I feel that he did very well in the Shadowmarch series compared to a lot of his earlier books. It's also a lot shorter than many of the big name series so it won't eat up so much of your time as, say, Wheel of Time or Malazan Book of the Fallen. It's only 4 books long, and 4 books is how long it takes to get really into the plot of WoT or Malazan.

Also, you sort of remind me of my younger brother. He never really read when he was younger, not til he was an adult. And what got him reading was Game of Thrones. He picked up the novels and became obsessed with fantasy, started pestering me for recommendations. Shadowmarch is the second series I recommend to him and he really enjoyed it, so you're going to be my second trial run of that rec to non-readers who got into fantasy via ASoIaF.

>> No.11212425 [DELETED] 

>No shit, fucker You're just supposed to think critically
And yet the irony that you are incapable of doing such a thing is lost on you. Maybe you should stick to YA books

>> No.11212431

It's called context. You clearly aren't able to read into the situation because you might be retarded. The funny thing is you're making this the hill you die on instead of some more obscure event in the book. It's almost universally recognized that he forged the note you mongoloid

>> No.11212433

>There's no proof that he's lying in regards to this particular fact
The story is constructed such that there's no proof he's lying about pretty much anything
Because he's telling the story
At this point I'm pretty sure you don't care and are just being willfully obtuse

>> No.11212438

I’m in the same boat as you man. Also I don’t get where they see any evidence of Sev killing Thecla beyond their own head canon, there’s nothing to imply it.

What’s more is that you think that detail would be a much larger issue when Theclas and Sev merge into one, but it literally never comes up. Unless we’re going down the rabbit hole of “well maybe Sev is lying about the effects of the Alzabo” at which point why even bother referencing the book since nothing is apparently true.

>> No.11212442

>“well maybe Sev is lying about the effects of the Alzabo” at which point why even bother referencing the book since nothing is apparently true.
holy shit alright fuck it just stick to Sanderson I'm done

>> No.11212453

>It's almost universally recognized that he forged the note you mongoloid
By fucking who?

Why even bother citing anything in the book if your view is “Sev was just lying about it”? I’m not saying Sev didn’t lie- although I can only think of one or two times he did so intentionally- but even then we only know he lied because he contradicted himself later.

Also where are you getting the implications that he wrote the orders to kill Thecla?

>> No.11212458

>The story is constructed such that there's no proof he's lying about pretty much anything
>Because he's telling the story
By that logic literally every single first person perspective story has an unreliable narrator.

>> No.11212460

>He’s lying about everything
Literally why even read the fucking book if you think one of the most important plot points is fucking made up?

>> No.11212463

By literally every critical analysis of the book that's been done. Not my fault you're a disgusting pleb who can barely read

>> No.11212475

>By literally every critical analysis of the book that's been done
Great, feel free to link some then. Because every analysis I’ve read has never claimed Severain wrote the note killing Thecla despite recognizing him as an unreliable narrator.

Or maybe you could actually cite some kind of evidence in the book since it’s so apparently obvious to you.

>> No.11212478

Thank you kindly. I've heard Malazan is similar but I avoided it due to the many fantasy elements (different races and magic) but I should probably stop expecting to find a "perfect" series for me. I'm pasting all the recs so I can try to un-fry my brain by trading vidya for reading.
Thanks I'll check out Shadowmarch. GoT is what rekindled my interest for fantasy/ story (until the show went off rails). It never dawned on me that a big story like that was even possible. I might be able to slog through four books before the plot grips me if I feel I'm learning enough about the craft.
The main reason I'm trying to get into reading is because I have a similarly complex outline I'm working on for a series but I'm not a writer. I wish I had read all my life, I didn't even care about reality until this story idea formed to keep me sane at my last warehouse gig. My setting is a bit of a mishmash of early industry, Victorian/ subtle steampunk, classy knights, ancient metal structures and tech that has been reverse engineered. You know anything with a similar vibe?

>> No.11212514

Because it's so important, the idea that he's lying about that very important point calls into question literally the entirety of the rest of the story, or at least every time Thecla is brought up
That's why it's interesting

>> No.11212567

I’ll give you that it’s an interesting interpretation, but it does kind of render any real analysis of the book pointless.

At any rate what advantage would Severain gain from lying about sharing part of his consciousness with Thecla. And subsequently lie a few times about her consciousness taking over- such as when in locked in dungeon at the House Absolute or on Yseod. What’s gained in him lying about that?

>> No.11212619

>it does kind of render any real analysis of the book pointless
Right because the only outcome of an analysis of literature is finding out what REALLY DEFINITELY happened in this fictional story
An author can say something without being explicit about it
What would it mean if much or all of the stuff with Thecla was false, as it potentially is
What would "Thecla taking over" mean about Severain if Thecla wasn't really in him
What would it mean if he did forge her execution orders and then really did merge with her
Wouldn't "she" then know what he did
And then she helped him in those times - did she forgive him? Did she forgive him before he forgave himself? Did she have any say in it?
The point of stuff like this is that you get to interpret it, yourself, using your interpretation of the story's context
Two people can come to two different conclusions, but this seems like one where the reader is definitely pushed to believe that he did it
Here's my support: he wrote about how he felt like she thought of him as a child even as he thought of her as a lover
Isn't that kind of embarrassing? Why would he write that detail in, when he skips over other embarrassing details?
Maybe he's justifying what he did to himself, again, as he recounts the story
We already know he's the kind of person to justify things like that - at some point in Urth, when he's basically become a demigod, he still harps on about how he only raped someone decades ago because he thought then (and still thought, as he wrote) that she wanted it

It's supposed to be a thought provoking story, provoke your fucking brain into at least first gear

>> No.11212673

Any third person you lot can recommend that doesn't put us in a character's shoes? Fly on the wall sort of writing if you get what I mean, where you don't hear their thoughts (or at least rarely) and instead the narrator acts as camera? Its likely considered omniscient but most of the works I've heard of give you everyone's thoughts and I'd rather be paranoid not knowing who to trust or what their wound is until it comes out naturally.
Basically looking for the definition of "show don't tell" or a cinematic narrator.

>> No.11212681

>My setting is a bit of a mishmash of early industry, Victorian/ subtle steampunk, classy knights, ancient metal structures and tech that has been reverse engineered. You know anything with a similar vibe?
Nothing that hits all those notes springs to mind, but you might like Mark Lawrence's stuff, though he has a bad rap here cause of how edgy his first trilogy was. But his Broken Empire and Red Queen's War trilogies hit a lot of those exact notes you were talking about as far as setting goes, the only question is whether you'll like his storytelling.

>> No.11212683

excuse me princess but my brain is an automatic, thank you very much.

>> No.11212697


>> No.11212701

how does /lit/ view reverse harem stories

>> No.11212704

Cool thanks I've heard of both, and honestly if I ever get this thing done its bound to be an /x/ fueled edgy mess by the end so i may even give that first trilogy a go so i get an idea for what to avoid.

>> No.11212786

Yeah and what would it mean if Severian wore a big fucking clown nose on his face through the entire story. There's no reason to believe he didn't; he is an unreliable narrator after all and Wolfe never says that Sev isn't dressed as a clown. Does this show that despite all evidence to the contrary, our narrator actually has a silly sense of humor?
It really makes you think. I'm going to write a fanfic-I mean analysis about how deep and meaningful it is.

>> No.11212823

It's implied at multiple occasions that severian isn't actually being as cool as he thinks he is and is in fact being clownish to those around. Congrats you're still an idiot who can't read.

>> No.11212826


>> No.11212828

There's a gamebook called sabres of infinity that is right up your alley

>> No.11212899

You sound like a retard

>> No.11213039

Can anyone recommend me good books with a party of characters on an adventure, like LoTR. Really anything with a interesting cast of characters interacting is welcome. Preferably fantasy.

>> No.11213047

literrary all fantasy books ever?

>> No.11213054

Nigger ive read dozens and most only have two people at most going on a quest.

>> No.11213056
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Kings of the Wyld has really fun adventure and cast of characters. It was one of my favorite books last year.

>> No.11213059

do you want mature books like most of the pseuds here talk about? Because I can recommend quite a few young adult fantasy books about groups going on adventures. Mostly coming of age stories with magic and swords. nothing like the stuff that normally gets posted here

>> No.11213060
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BoTNS is not fun. But

>stormshit archives
>wheel of shit
>shit company
>name of the shit
>princr of shit

>> No.11213066

As long as its good and not full of cringe bullshit, I will give it a try.

>> No.11213070

equally as cringey as stuff targeted at men.

>> No.11213075
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Is there any Fantasy series as based as Gor?

>> No.11213079

It looks pretty cool, thanks anon

>> No.11213083

What are some book series like the Dresden Files?

Whats Gor?

>> No.11213084

Almost everything.

>> No.11213090

Fantasy is for plebs and wankers

>> No.11213092

>What are some book series like the Dresden Files?
Demon accords by joe conroe.

>> No.11213094

A Fantasy series where woman are constantly sexually abused and chained in servitude

>> No.11213107

Man, why don't you just watch bondage porn at this point? It's clear the quality of the writing is inconsequential so have a wank on pornhub, tumblr or wherever you get your porn and you're 100% healthier.

>> No.11213132

I thought I was literally the only person trying to shill this good shit. Now there's two of us

>> No.11213133
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benjamin ashwood by AC cobble. regular dude gets thrown into a group and travels with them. Magic, swords, demons, a little bit of politics. Personally I think it's one of those series where the author improves on everything with each new book so if you enjoy the first even a little I'd keep reading. I think it's somewhere in between YA and things like GoT and mistborn (even though I haven't read either of those but they seem like "mature" fantasy).

>> No.11213135

Remove yourself and get a better hairdo Brandon, you look like a fucking dweeb

>> No.11213151
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>book 1

>> No.11213156

Somebody on here was recommending the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews as "The Dresden Files if Dresden was a woman and also wasn't a tool" a while back.

>> No.11213160

Oh is it not liked here? People just dont know quality.

>> No.11213167

no series? Alright I can't really help then because I only read series. I have no idea if it fits your reqs because I haven't read it but there it a book called Battle Mage by Peter Flannery that always pops up on the amazon "customers also bought" for me and the reviews for it are amazing. It's a single book and I plan to read it eventually.

>> No.11213168

Harry Dresden is such a fucking tool man, it gets so old. Hes one of the most powerful men on the planet but also a complete beta male.

>> No.11213209

The Belgariad

>> No.11213225

I find it hilarious how the books basically alternate between:
>"I MUST PROTECT THIS WOMAN" *woman is harmed by the bad guys* "OH NO!"
>"NO LADY, YOU MUST NOT GET CLOSE TO ME, YOU WILL BE HARMED!" *woman is harmed anyways* "OH NO!"

I barely remember what has happened in the last few books anyways and Skin Game felt like a transcript of a roleplaying game session. I think maybe he should have ended the series with Changes, or maybe kept Harry dead entirely (for at least a book or two) and switched POV to Molly or one of the knights of the cross or something.

I've also heard the Craft Sequence and the Daniel Faust series are good but I've never tried them. Urban fantasy isn't really my thing.

>> No.11213236


>> No.11213242

It's not hated, it's just never mentioned for some reason. It's better than half the crap that gets praised here

>> No.11213304


>> No.11213314

Did the author not know how to spell the capital of Serbia and just went with it without checking?

>> No.11213384

The reason Sanderson's writing is so bland is because he's a Mormon. My mom works for a Mormon-owned business and they're like the most whitebread people around. They love chain restaurants because that way they won't risk having impure thoughts because they ate different food. When Mitt Romney says his favorite meat is "hot dogs" and his second favorite is "hamburger", that's basically the Mormon zeitgeist.

One time I had to go to a family potluck thing when I was a teenager and they were all like "oh no sriracha isn't that sooo spicy?" and "you must love Mexican food!"

>> No.11213389

Ilona Andrews series are actually pretty decent. Certainly one of the better urban fantasy authors around (iirc it's actually a husband and wife team under that name)

>> No.11213473

Nah, it's not Serbian influenced but it does rip off Medieval England, Vikings, Mongols, etc.

Any other urban fantasy recommendations?

>> No.11213483
File: 1.75 MB, 3213x2150, leisure-suit-larry-magna-cum-laude-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new leisure suit larry game soon

>> No.11213485

Hot dogs are great and Sriracha is for faggot hipsters, blow a goat. Your point is still valid, but for real blow a goat

>> No.11213520

Hot bitches > Hot dogs

>> No.11213541

Bless their hearts for making this game in 2018.

>> No.11213562

Sriracha is just ketchup with Tabasco and garlic in it. You sound like a Italian who just saw a American making a red sauce with cream in it.

hilariously the preorder page went up on steam the same day that stuff with the christian moralists went down.

>> No.11213579

the gog version of magna cum laude is actually uncensored.
didnt even know that was a thing until a friend mentioned it. i thought all versions were censored completely.
also box office bust was kinda shit but had nice waifus.

>> No.11213585

GOG is the best thing to happen to games in forever

>> No.11213692

bitches + dogs > bitches > dogs

>ketchup with Tabasco and garlic

>> No.11213722

Giving hot bitches your hot dog > everything else

>> No.11213794


>> No.11213825

sander branderson

>> No.11213845

the man wont even curse in any of his books. im not saying every book needs to be a rap song but you're seriously limiting yourself. which seems to be what mormoms enjoy doing for some reason. they wont even drink tea for fucks sake.

>> No.11213852

>the man wont even curse in any of his books
He curses mildly in Mistborn. More than I ever saw him in Stormlight anyway.

>> No.11213857

Do they hate life or something?

>> No.11213918

Is this author actually good?

>> No.11213928

The author named the first book after the main character? And did the same thing to the entire series?
If that's not a sign of lacking imagination I don't know what is, and from a supposed fantasy author at that...

>> No.11214169

No ignore that poster, he pushes that bitch and her copyright infringement book every thread

>> No.11214207

You have never even read a single page of it.

>> No.11214211

Did you graduate magnus cum luddite? No? Then know your place and shut the fuck up

>> No.11214314

>Magna cum Laude
wtf I didn't realise that this wasn't a porn term

>> No.11214321

So is Maas a female Brent Weeks or something?

>> No.11214372

I guess.

>> No.11214435

No, she isn't gritty. She's a female Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.11214451

post jade gates

>> No.11214457
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>tfw try the Maas meme
>main girl is smug animu
How unexpected!

>> No.11214465

Wait isn't Patrick Rothuss a female badger?

>> No.11214477
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>> No.11214508
File: 364 KB, 601x473, screen-shot-2018-05-16-at-10-21-54-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubting the Maas

>> No.11214523

Is there cuckoldry and women cheating involved? Wouldn't suprise me from a female author.

>> No.11214540

Cuckoldry doesn't exist when you have your own harem!

>> No.11214548

No, I mean female characters justifying their infidelity in stupid ways. Female authors do this sometimes.

>> No.11214550

I'm pretty sure that the Maas series is some kind of meme

>> No.11214577

Throne of Glass doesn't even have a harem.

>women wrote it
>must have cuck shit in it

The ones who've read it or listened to the audiobooks think it's ok.
Then there are the few idiots who have some hate against women in fantasy who never even read a page but somehow have an opinion on every book written by a woman ever.

>> No.11214588

>must have
Never said that.

>> No.11214594

But is this book good or not?

>> No.11214628

Yes, it's good.

>> No.11214633

are you talking about the middle story in Fifth Head of Cerberus? Some bits match to your description.

>> No.11214768
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Should I read anything else arthurian before this, or can I jump right into it?

>> No.11214811
File: 11 KB, 174x290, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The island of doctor death" is brilliant. Very short short-story, written in second person, but really reminded me of why I loved reading as a kid.
My imagination effortlessly brought stories to life.

>> No.11214812

It is a modern take on the mythos so you don't need to know the source texts (but those are better.)

>> No.11214828


>> No.11214844

So is it full of smut?

>> No.11214849

>but those are better
What do you recommend? Anything other than Mallory?

>> No.11214852

Who the fuck wrote the Rama sequels? That fuck deserve public execution, what the shit is this garbage?

>> No.11214859

It's full of cum

>> No.11214906

We'll see when it's released.

>> No.11214924

More like a female Sanderson desu. I've read an excerpt on the publishers site and her writing is nowhere near as pretentious as Rothfuss'. It's plain and vidya-like.

>> No.11214928
File: 1.38 MB, 1063x1600, Fuck YA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh hate against women

>> No.11214949



>> No.11214986

>marion zimmer bradley
don't shill this cunt's shit

>> No.11215037

What, you have anything against pedophiles?

>> No.11216319

Is that the one with the hick MC?

>> No.11216682

What is that from?