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11205842 No.11205842 [Reply] [Original]

Is life all about stress and suffering and how to overcome it? It seems a large percent of life is stress with small burst of happiness if your fortunate.

>> No.11205908
File: 78 KB, 674x506, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have answers for you but according to pic related: asceticism. Aesthetic and intellectual contemplation suppresses the will and its endless agitation, hungering and striving. Thus, at least temporarily, the world in its pure objectivity is laid bare and the separation and antagonism between subject and object is briefly forgotten to offer momentary freedom.

>> No.11205958

Schopenhauer was 100% right about this but modern lifestyles are increasingly making this difficult, and the sun momentarily breaking through the clouds is just that, momentary. I'll tell you though when it does break it's as beautiful as Schopenhauer puts it, and then some. But then you come back down and want it even more. Oh well.

>> No.11205965

>Is life all about stress and suffering and how to overcome it?
You couldn't be more wrong. It's about joy and how to reach it.

>> No.11205974

uh yeah dude... joy is precisely only ever the overcoming of stress and suffering, or its absence

>> No.11205980

When all hope is lost so too does despair cease.

>> No.11205991

It could be that you just haven't thrown yourself hard enough in the right direction. Schopie talks about how for the majority of people the intellect exists in service of their stomach. But for certain people, Newton for example, the intellect breaks its chains to the will and completely immerses itself in the life of the world. For these kinds of people the will has been all but extinguished and only pure contemplation remains.

Easier said than done of course but that lifestyle is much better than being completely compelled by the latest stimulus, fad, vanity, or urge. Buddhism has a lot to say about this as well.

The happiest times I've ever known were just spent staring at a lake or something and listening to nature. That isn't an overly expensive or unobtainable state to achieve.

But as you were saying the hypertrophied tendrils of consumerism and technology make this state of blissful detachment ever harder to find.

>> No.11205997

Why are you asking this question to young, bitter, sexless men on a literature image board?

>> No.11205999

Civilization is responsible for stress and suffering.

>> No.11206005

I totally agree, but I can't spend all day looking at the lake, I'd love to, but two things inevitably happen: 1) I want to express this beauty and 2) I gotta get something eat nigga I'm famished. And boom we're strapped into the rounds again

>> No.11206016

PAIN and PEACE are the SAME THING!!! or somthing...

>> No.11206079

No. Stress is a product of our fucked up society. Life is about struggle, which should mostly feel good and not actually be stressful. Some acute stress is good, but chronic stress will destroy you.

>> No.11206192
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>how to overcome it?

>> No.11206229

It's "just" how the circumstances of our existence are at a core level (entropy, we are thinking decaying chunks of matter and so on) or perhaps rather how we evolved as a response to those circumstances. The endless chase for food, safety and intimacy etc in a highly competetive environment where scarcity rules, even today. It's an evolutionary advantage to never be truly content with anything, not even post-scarcity could thoroughly solve this issue. Then again if we managed to reach such a state of civilization, simple brain wiring adjustments should be manageable. Meh, just read schopenhauer for example and then figure out which coping mechanisms work best for you, ignorant bliss is an unlikely option if you are asking these questions in the first place (at least that's my conclusion but who knows honestly). A healthy lifestyle inhibits neurotic dispositions.

>> No.11206260

Came here to post this

>tfw my obssession with high fashion and books from an early age saved my life

>> No.11206273


>> No.11206287
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>> No.11206304

Being miserable and feeling horrible is just a product of being, relatively speaking, a total fucking loser. Modern society doesn't amplify anything, all it takes is one virtuoso to put most people to shame, and there's an endless supply of those to draw upon in any given vocation. As an organism in a competitive environment, being inferior is the prelude to destruction

>> No.11206309
File: 24 KB, 512x541, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be instead of trying to become.
Read Buddha

>> No.11206316

>Being miserable and feeling horrible is just a product of being, relatively speaking, a total fucking loser.

while that may be true for many people i have little doubt that there are plenty of "successful" people who are still deeply unhappy

>> No.11206336
File: 117 KB, 1019x746, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is life all about stress and suffering and how to overcome it?
Stress and suffering are almost entirely self-imposed. Survival in this world is easy as fuck (insects can do it just fine), anything more that is *necessary* is something that you've been convinced you need, but don't really.
Life is about remembering what you've forgotten and preparing to either die or live forever. Create your own goals, create whatever you want, or destroy stuff, take up an archetypal mask to wear for a while, be depressed so you can protect your ego from the sheer possibilities its presented with, it's all your choice. Don't get too caught up in the act. Or do.
As a superior food chain to the one you posted said, "Have it your way."

>> No.11206488

No? What about enjoying eating food while I’m not hungry? Or listening to music when I’m not bored? Or getting a gift out of nowhere?

>> No.11206539

I trust /lit/. Where else will be a better place to ask?

>> No.11206587

>success is happiness

0/10 worldview

>> No.11206623

Spotted the loser.

>> No.11206675

>implying I'm not successful because I'm happy

Spotted the materialist

>> No.11206681

shut the fuck nigger
you’re an inferior life form who should stop posting forever

>> No.11206685


You need better material

>> No.11206702
File: 56 KB, 940x525, whOOOSh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


man just look at all these gays

>> No.11206866

why do so many celebrities turn to spirituality or drugs? life is suffering and money doesnt change that

>> No.11207096

Maybe in the third world. In wealthy countries YOU decide to get stressed and to suffer (not counting some freak circumstances like illness, abuse parents and the likes) while you could be easy content most of the time. Also happyness is a meme for couple millennia now, why didn't you start with the greeks, anon?

>> No.11207417
File: 8 KB, 250x202, cigarette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11207449

Life is about how much you can slow down time. If you can make a day feel like a month you're doing it right. I graduated a year ago and it feels like a decade. feels good mane, painful but so good

>> No.11207474

lol did you get that from Catch 22?

>> No.11207498

Nobody wants to stop fapping and having sex now.
I tell them this all the time and they're like wow acesticism dude wow man. Then they find out what it means and think, wtf, I need my thrice daily 10 minute biological high and I am so addicted that I cannot even conceive going without it.
I want to force aceticism on to people. Forced starvation, forced celibacy. IT would be a better world.

>> No.11207528

Those are 2 sides of the same coin. The goal of overcoming suffering is to reach joy, and the goal of getting joy is to lessen suffering

>> No.11208144
File: 280 KB, 2118x1352, uebaruxsupiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone say this? Honestly I'm barely ever unhappy. Pic related

>> No.11208209

What are books for these feels?

>> No.11208324

I have schizophrena and have been on haldol for a few years now.
I don't really feel anything. Just tired all the time.

>> No.11208605

>eat whatever I want, whenever I want, usually microwaved crap or sweets every 12h
>no job in like 3 years (thankfully)
>cut of contact to most people I knew a year ago, at my most active, my romantic life was limited to getting nudes
>didn't exercise in years
>buy whatever shit I want (though limited by ... limited finances)
>go to sleep every 30-40h

Still feeling great 70% of the time and alright the other 30%. Either it's the water or maybe this chart is bullshit. Your actions and life don't really matter, it's all about the attitude.

>> No.11208636

as a semi-buddhist, i try to let go of expectations and negative emotions.

agriculture was a mistake. i'm not being sarcastic or ironic.

>> No.11208701

Consider the noble lobster

>> No.11208823

>Active romantic life
It still hurts lit why did I throw all my beauty away

>> No.11208881

This picture must have been made by a boomer

>> No.11208898

i don't think that aesthetic contemplation is ascetic

>> No.11208929

Havent yiou read stoner?

>> No.11208934

Thats a funny image

>> No.11208937

>implying /lit/ doesn't have plenty /fitlit/ undergrads who score a lot of pussy and will gladly discuss OP's question with him
oh anon

>> No.11209614

>list all the reasons that make your life miserable
>imply that you are not miserable

>> No.11209705

Once you fulfilled your basic needs, there is only subjective, nice-to-have crap left, stuff that only can make your life miserable if you deciided to view lack of it as a negative, and then obsess over it.

Should I feel miserable because it takes me couple months to save up for a new phone? If so, why stop there if I can feel miserable about not having a private jet? Why wouldn't someone with a private jet feel miserable about not having an entire fleet of them?

>> No.11209746

you‘re absolutly right. I agree that you experience a more fullfilling life If you do not stress too much about material goods.

The thing is that you or the anon i quoted seems to lack the Motivation to organise basic aspects of life. A halfway healthy nutrition or something that actually gives your day a structure.
That greentext sounded like someone fallen into a deep hole of Depression with no idea how to climb out of it.

And dont give me that leftist claim that not having a productive task in your life with basically no reason to get out of bed, is a way to protest modern day capitalism.

>> No.11209856

>seems to lack the Motivation to organise basic aspects of life
Nor any desire to. You don't need too much of a structure when you live on your own, for yourself. If anything, back when I worked, the rigid structure was one of the factors that made me miserable. Having to do something at a certain time feels so limiting or forceful, even rough deadlines like "going to lift tomorrow" or casual crap like meeting people "this evening" is the pure horror. "What if I won't feel like it in couple hours? What if I find something better to do? What if someone else I like more wants to do something instead?" - kind of crap.

Obviously sounds weird and probably lazy/entitled and all without additional context but hey, I had tricky time understanding how some co workers could not love being on a sick leave for couple weeks and went crazy over lack of things to do or how friends, usually pretty stoic guys or gals, went all mushy when they didn't see their SO for couple days.

>not having a productive task in your life with basically no reason to get out of bed
Now that's a sure way into depression, that and drowning in passive media. Pretty much the opposite for me, I feel guilty wasting time in bed, when I could be writing, drawing or shitposting. Not doing things is even worse than following a structure.

>> No.11209921

Well if you feel comfortable the way you live your life, its fine by me. I certainly see where you’re coming from. Kinda reminds me of Bukowski or Against nature by Huysmans, if we talk about generall ideas.

I couldn’t sustain that way of living for a week. Even after a weekend with only freetime on my hands I urge to get back to my normal routine. I always feel like a day has been lost if nothing productive was done. And by productive I mean job related work (I’m attend university which throws a shit ton of work in my way)

>> No.11210153

Hell, I doubt even most kids who are happy to quote Bukowski all the time could actually live that live-style for long, it's not for everyone for sure.

You kinda sound almost on the other extreme, are you motivated by some higher end goal, the idea of productivity itself or genuinely enjoy your work?

>I always feel like a day has been lost if nothing productive was done.
Well shit, there is even some serious overlap if we use a more general definition of "productive".

>> No.11210295

I have never met someone quote Bukowski. I thought his works were hilarious even though his language is probably not for everyone.

>are you motivated by some higher end goal, the idea of productivity itself
I love the idea of being fullfilled by your work. The idea of really digging deep into the task that you are obliged to achieve is something of worth to me. Besides the work I need to do for my classes, I work in IT to finance my life. There was this coworker who always came first into office and worked the hardest. The work is often annoying and you do not feel like you are doing something important but the very idea of of doing a good job just because it’s the task that you ought to do is what motivates me.
Its not that I’m always super productive. I often procrastinate or enjoy myself instead of studying but being productive in everything you do is still my goal in everyday activities.