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/lit/ - Literature

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11204455 No.11204455 [Reply] [Original]

new to /lit/. Just stumbled on this guy. Is his revues legit?

>> No.11204458

Decent opinions but his pretentious black and white "so brooding so effay" affectations are annoying

>> No.11204460

Not samefagging, but I from /mu/ and just wanted to know who's the Fantano of /lit/?

>> No.11204464


>> No.11204471

There is not really an equivalent. I can tell you that David Foster Wallace is the Jeff Mangum of /lit/. Though I don't know if things have changed - I stopped going on /mu/ regularly like 4 or 5 years ago.

>> No.11204485

I don't know if he's a genius. He's definitely smarter than 99% of people, and probably has an IQ above 140, but I think the word genius should be reserved for the most elite in the world, like the top 100 most brilliant people. But I know I wouldn't like to get into a debate with Cliff.

>> No.11204508

David Foster Wallace is the Jeff Mangum of /lit/
so he's basically the posterboy meme of /lit/'s so called 'patricans'?
Which of his book should I start with?

>> No.11204519

haha what??

>> No.11204520

He seems to be the only person on Youtube who reviews classics/literature that isn't new/young adult fiction shlock.

A lot of the time, his is the only decent review of a book I've just finished reading. Try to find a discussion of Confessions of a Mask on youtube that isn't some moron saying "dude I totally feel this way sometimes lol".

>> No.11204525

anyone who unironically uses IQ as a descriptor of intelligence is a fucking retard

>> No.11204530

>so he's basically the posterboy meme of /lit/'s so called 'patricans'?
that would be both wallace and pynchon

>> No.11204553

thanks! then I'll subb to his channel

Alright, I'll start with Infinite Jest and then Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.11204571
File: 133 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a total brainlet imho, just look at his peterson video.

Still better than pic realted

>> No.11204594

I think Cliff is a good /lit/ version of Fantano.

>> No.11204603

thought he had a cool review of The Recognitions

>> No.11204621

Who's this? David Wallace Foster reviews books on YouTube?

>> No.11204629

oh no nvm just found out he killed himself. still, who's that?

>> No.11204758

Based fag is back tho


>> No.11204770
File: 2.84 MB, 1500x2500, BoardComparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11204774

It's unbelievable how much samefagging you do Cliff. Delete system32 dumbshit

>> No.11204780

God, Why does Fantano look like a naked mole rat?

>> No.11204788

Why the fuck is that mediocre Kanye album on there?

>> No.11204801

thanks! just ordered Infinite Jest

who's cliff?

>> No.11204811

You should ask /mu/

>> No.11204818

He's bluepilled

>> No.11204842

So living the good life?

>> No.11206178
File: 54 KB, 660x800, fa k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's disgusting. Hollow brainlet imo.

>> No.11206190

>so he's basically the posterboy meme of /lit/'s so called 'patricans'?
That and he's a sadsack who speaks primarily to sensitive young adults

>> No.11206198


Fuck off, you hobgoblin.

>> No.11206203

P4k gave it a 10 when it was released and everyone hopped on the meme

>> No.11206416

This has to be bait. Assuming the IQ of others is the new low of the eternal /lit/ poster.

>> No.11207046

baz is great

>> No.11207124

Food isn't the Anthony Fantano of lit at all. There isn't any, and we don't need one at all.
I like this post
go to bed food

>> No.11207144

the idea of listening to someone with no particular qualifications talk about classics of literature just seems unbearable to me. im sure hes a nice enough guy though

>> No.11207258

Tried to watch some of his videos but his pretentious appearance and him going round and round with stupid jokes instead of talking about the damn book made me cringe.

>> No.11207771

Cliff is a tryhard and has depressingly middiling brain power, at best.

PaperBird is the patrician’s choice as far as BookTube goes.

>> No.11207839

Closes is Better than Food but he’s nowhere near the same league. He actually started his channel with the goal of being the Fantano of literature

>> No.11208326

>for whom the bell tolls is a monumental piece of shit
Why are Irish people so fucking based?

>> No.11208818

he just moved to Detroit this week

let's see what happens next

>> No.11209067

Thanks for posting this, he's great

>> No.11209121

when you look at things like "reviews" and ratings for any capitilaist artificat
like books or music or tv or whateverthefuck

a plebian will read these "reviews" and see them as advise.
they do this becuase they cannot think independantly either becuase they are too stupid too, or too afraid.
its why there are many anons that go through various media boards lke mu, lit, and tv, and co, and v and ask the community what they were supposed to think about some piece of work.

a patrician however sees these "reviews" as critiques to be engaged with like many people who read philosophy and feel they need to join the dialogue about what the author means or what it means when the author says.

a cultured man will see things either as worth his time or not, and regardles of how he feels in the end, he doesn't consider his time wasted becuase he finds some use in reading something , if only to post review videos about it on youtube.
which then get commented on by various others.

>> No.11209144

Are they reviews? I can't say I've watched a lot of his stuff, but the few videos I have seen of his I wouldn't call them reviews. Merely him recalling the plot and whether or not he thinks the book is good. To me that's not a review, a review should include interesting thoughts or questions the piece of art/literature you're reviewing brought to mind and what those thoughts say in a wider context, you know, an act of interpretation. This guys seems fairly content to just drink cold brew and look off into the distance broodingly for the camera. Frankly, I don't see what /lit/s fascination with him is. Is it merely wanting to have an Anthony Fantano like character that /mu/ has? If so, why? Why the cult of personality?

>> No.11209149


>> No.11209155

He's like that bald men's rights activist youtuber who always has a scotch and a cigarette in hand while he films a video. This is what mental midgets believe is "class"

>> No.11209214

>bald men's rights activist youtuber who always has a scotch and a cigarette in hand

>> No.11209216

What then is class?

>> No.11209233

a social delineation using a hierarchy of categories

>> No.11209239

that sounds about right

>> No.11209270

if this dude ever went to japan he'd get mad pussy from people thinking he's bradly cooper.

>> No.11209273

John Green

>> No.11209341

Don't you fucking dare not finish you subhuman /mu/-scum, I demand a thread when you're done with it, deadline is September.

>> No.11210432

How could anyone be this much of a fucking brainlet pseud? and worse yet, how could anyone spend time watching him or any other youtube review channel? There are actual professors giving lectures on authors all over the internet and if you're reading from the canon probably dozens of essays on whatever you want. Can any tell me what they get out of this poser?

>> No.11211426

Is this the side channel of the philosophy tube guy?
If yes i think his attitude is fucking annoying because he constantly has this "i'm so deep " thing going on and is constantly trying to push SJWism when it's fucking unrelated - yeah they had slaves in greece DEAL WITH IT! Other than that i think he is explaining the concepts quite well when his boipussi isn't in the way.

If this is not that guy i'm sorry - all white people look the same