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11203739 No.11203739 [Reply] [Original]

How can a writer create controversy in the current year?

>> No.11203751

By being a terrorist and/or an incel.

>> No.11203754

I feel like those are uncontroversial already

>> No.11203755

Murder people because you got rejected in a bar.

>> No.11203756

By eating their own placenta

>> No.11203758

Send rejection letters to publishers

>> No.11203759


>> No.11203841

becoming well-known, engraciating with the established libs, then doing a full 180 and preaching concervatism or going innawoods

>> No.11203856

Corner a student in a classroom then forcibly kiss her

>> No.11203929,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's the reference?

>> No.11203929

Jack off into a potted plant to impress a gril.

>> No.11204210

Just write something that is all about men.

>> No.11204260

Assuming you mean in the mainstream, sincerely advocate communism. Not the meme "government does stuff" communism, proper seize-the-means communism.

>> No.11204266

being political

>> No.11204271

state the absolute truth about women and refugees.

>> No.11204275

buying enough twitter haters

>> No.11204282

Women and refugees should fuck without condoms

>> No.11204393

type the so-called "n-word"

>> No.11204418

The way women love to be submitted in bed and get wet and cum when they get raped can be a controversial topic

>> No.11205629


>> No.11205633

Fuck a baby

>> No.11205648

By being as normal as possible

>> No.11205666

I dunno. I thought I'd try making fun of transgendered people, and vegans, and wacko leftists in general in a book form and self publishing it, for this exact purpose, but nobody really gave a shit, gave a ton of copies away for free, sold like two, no real reaction otherwise.

Offending people just ain't what it used to be I guess.

>> No.11205673

I don't think that's true. Read lit mags, Nigger gets thrown around a LOT. I mean, needlessly, gratuitously, there's n-bombs being used all the time. Nobody seems to mind it.

>> No.11205679

Being a straight white male conservative who loves his family.

>> No.11205685

Because it's the niggers who say nigger. This is empowering.

>> No.11205709

Nah, it's mostly white people. Black people don't publish a whole lot of stuff, despite the basic open call for unrepresented voices.

>> No.11205733

You can't, the overton window these days is as wide as my mother's asshole.

>> No.11205735
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>How can a writer create controversy in the current year?
H'm, I don't know ...

>> No.11205753

A book with with strong male characters and women who enjoy a domestic life looking after the homestead and raising strong children

>> No.11205757

attack the alt-right, Trump, popular conservative writers, commentators, theorists, and pundits. Point out the flaws in corrupt wall street capitalism, crony capitalism, and other perceived abuses of capitalism. Focus on the conservatives newfound love and adoration of a Russia led by an ex-KGB operative, with anti-American motives. Point out the excesses and corruption of the military/industrial complex. Attack fake news echo chambers, and those that follow them. Expose the hypocrisy of politically active American churches. Attack the SJW special interest groups (too many to name here). Attack fringe groups like flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. Accuse everyone of being a false flag operation, actually opposed to the things they purportedly support. Note to OP: this may take more than one book. It may become a mission from god.

>> No.11205778

Unironically re-release an ordinary book published in the 40s

>> No.11205782

>Note to OP: this may take more than one book. It may become a mission from god.
It's actually /pol/ in a nutshell

>> No.11205789


>> No.11205807

You need an actual popular platform to stand on first, nigger. Try to get that shit an actual publisher and see what happens.

>> No.11205832

Say nigger alot

>> No.11205834

Well yeah, I figured that out already. There's no way a publisher would touch it, as most of them are still sjws trying to get minorities published. I heard Milo has his own publishing company, and I thought about sending it over there, but I could never find any info at all about it, or if they even accept submissions.

>> No.11205858

Creating controversy isn't difficult at all. In addition to what other anons have written—misogyny, racial slurs, etc.—the best way to draw controversy is to sexualize children, especially to satirize or even put an ambiguous spin on child abuse and child rape. Writers such as Peter Sotos will be controversial in almost any context.

>> No.11205868

Just saying, don't take that experience to mean you can't offend.

>> No.11205878

I know what you mean, though. If you're a nobody, then nobody cares if you're offensive. If you're a big name, or attached to a big name, ie you or your company has a lot of money, then people are just dying to be offended by you.

>> No.11205888

Noone but throbbing gristle fans and closet freaks read that shit. How does a writer create controversy without resorting to dull dimwitted thrusts at common decency? What ideas are challenging, thought provoking, etc. At one time Freud was a household name.

>> No.11205892

Yeah but no one reads Sotos for his art (if you do you probably have Daddy issues will end up killing yourself).
I would argue that the most daring book to get into the average Waterstones is the most controversial book seeing as it's still in public reach.

>> No.11205904

thanks to this thread I've decided on the title of my next book, "The Nigger on White Child Gangbang"

>> No.11205920

Oppose anti-discrimination laws and support "enforced monogamy"

>> No.11205939

not even a writer and i'm getting on this one.

>> No.11205947

Well, the idea would be for a beloved or even just a popular public figure to write about such topics, not someone obscure like Sotos. If Dan Brown were to drop a new novel in which Robert Langdon came involved in a conspiracy of religious pedophiles, and if he were to show sympathy toward them and their behavior—not support, just sympathy—he would be crucified. His name would be all over ever paper and news program.

If he were to then give interviews doubling down on the themes, whew . . .

>> No.11205963

write about sexual caste system or techne cannibalizing human life on earth. just ignore retarded nerds and women’s needs or ideas, they have no idea what they’re on about and are basically nonsentient animals. Houellebecq’s work already touches on the easier of the two issues. Someone who wrote convincingly about the death of the biosphere would ignite a fire storm. will never happen because people are cowardly and think technology is value neutral
i don’t think incels go to the bar anon

>> No.11205972

Is this 1970? Green shit is everywhere.

>> No.11206228

>Nah, it's mostly white people
I can guarantee you it's not.

>> No.11206264

One of the biggest bestsellers of all-time was originally called "Ten Little Niggers".
I think the biggest out-rage I can think of is if Tarantino came out as a huge racist as opposed to a cop-killer-liberal and claim he used the latter platform as an excuse to get away with calling "black folk" niggers.

>> No.11206358

You're right if more people took Teddy. K seriously...

>> No.11206364

by writing quality works

>> No.11207245

Find the appropriate audience and understand their bugbears well enough to exploit them.

>> No.11207404
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write a book like leftopia and send it to publishers. get pic related as a result.

>> No.11207422

Amazing how someone supposedly smart enough to be a publishing reviewer can't recognize an obvious joke.

>> No.11207424

you lucked out there bro. you don't want pedos who get aroused to child rape and then blame you to publish your book. that's why colette left her husband and she only got bigger after that

>> No.11207435

you can read the book here btw:

>> No.11207442

he recognized the joke just fine, but he wasn't amused by it.

>> No.11207448

thanks man

>> No.11207466

There's no need for a spiel about his rejection and how offended he was since the other person obviously is getting his hoots off.