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/lit/ - Literature

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11202580 No.11202580 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever get scared about the shit you read? Like wish you could un-read it? I've done some light research into religions and political ideologies that are different from what some people in the United States believe and it's like there are people that will die or kill for these beliefs.
Or, like paranormal activity stuff or military texts, or even historical text and i read how people lived and it overwhelms me.

It's like, why cant the world be normal?

>> No.11203084

MKULTRA files when I think about all the stuff they destroyed or that never saw the light of day

>> No.11203087
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>religions and political ideologies and it's like there are people that will die or kill for these beliefs.

>> No.11203093
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A few years ago I found a PDF link on a empty thread on /x/

It was like a scientific journal of experiments of aliens. It was all about the anatomy and the pictures looked real.

I read it for a whole night before a sense of dread overcame me and my power went out. A black car pull up infront of my house and in my paranoia I deleted the pdf from my computer and turned on all the lights in my house before posting 'I deleted it.' on /x/.

I probably got brain washed to forget lol.

>> No.11203108

Once I've read Mein Kampf, I've devoted my life to the Fuhrer and pursuing Truth. I would die and kill for my 'beliefs'.

>It's like, why cant the world be normal?
That is normal.

>> No.11203148

You know what the real n-word is? Knowledge.

>> No.11203169

State, Anarchy and Utopia disillusioned me to the state meme. I was already anarchist before that but it drove me to hate the unfair world I live in

>> No.11203188

Hahaha what kind of petit-bourgeois kid were you to get disillusioned learning about how unfair the world you live in is.
I predict your next step is realizing anarchism won't solve that.

>> No.11203339

What is the answer enlightened one?

>> No.11203363

Ooh, babby's first deprogramming from le (((normal))).

Quick, find yourself a quacktor to prescribe you a pound of psychoactive 'depression' pills and it will all go away! Then you can go back to masturbating and making open-mouth selfies!

>> No.11203368
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Oh boy reading those images on /b/ as a kid about the Eastern European sex slaves and girl concreted into a block have really desensitized me to any form of violence or suffering

>> No.11203372

dumbass if you're born in the west and adequately sheltered then of course there's going to come a time when you realise the world isn't fair

>> No.11203394

Everything that I know concerning the nature of differences between human populations.

>> No.11203405

I had to stop reading R.D. Laing's The Divided Self because its description of schizophrenia scared me far more than any fiction ever has. In particular the stories about people developing it out of the blue shortly after some terrible nightmares got to me, and I was almost unable to sleep that night. Schopenhauer's 'The Emptiness of Existence' also frightened me a lot for a while.

There's also those real-world stories of brutality like the kidnapping of Junko Furuta or the Hi-Fi Murders, but I suppose they're kind of necessary in a sense to really understand how some people are. When I consider the possibility of reincarnation and that we might be reborn into one of those scenarios, I really must take up the slack for my actions on the off chance that it is true.

>> No.11203417

>In particular the stories about people developing it out of the blue shortly after some terrible nightmares got to me, and I was almost unable to sleep that nigh
Schizophrenia is highly heritable. If there's nobody in your family that suffers from it and you don't use psychoactive substances there's very little change for you to develop it.
Hope this information helps you.

>> No.11203485

I've learned that those 'nightmare' cases are also incredibly rare, and most schizos begin with hallucinations and such instead. For a time, I also feared being Schizoid, but a bit more reading showed that it was unlikely. It's a very scary feeling to think that there may be something wrong with you at the core, and I hope the other anons out there who experienced this are doing better now. In my case, it was only MDD, but others may not be so lucky. Thanks for the reassurance.