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11201829 No.11201829 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11201841

aside from him being an edgy, heroin-addicted, wife-killing, pedo faggot with a snuff fetish, who consorted with Jews, what's not to like?

>> No.11201843

I don't hate him.

I dislike literary "stunts" in general, who aren't as original in content as they are in form

>> No.11201872

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the writings of William Burroughs. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of early 20th century modernism and 1930's T.V. infomercials most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Burroughs's anthropological outlook, which is deftly woven into his characters- his personal philosophy draws heavily from his time spent studying anthropology at Harvard, studying medicine in Vienna and his travels throughout Central America and North Africa, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about contemporary American culture.

As a consequence people who dislike Burroughs truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor and wit in one of Burroughs's favorite phrases “Rectal Mucus,” which on one level is a literal term for the naturally occurring moisture inside the rectum, while also doubling as a signifier for the ectoplasmic essence of individuals and the primary means by which this is violated, while also tripling as an anagram of "Scam Culture", which cuts right to the heart of Burroughs's acerbic commentary on 1930's and 40's American culture. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Burroughs's genius unfolds itself across the pages of their books.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a tattoo of Lee. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.11201891

That is why i like it thought

>> No.11201894

I dunno. Maybe he's too popular with edgy normies and people here feel like they are too sophisticated for him? I like him a lot.

>> No.11201928

Burroughs is to patrician for /lit/.
He will be canonized soon or later, his writings were beyond time and space desu. Half of the shit he wrote about is happening right now, the guy was prophetic as fuck.
Truly one of the greats American writer, "people" call him names, overrated or edgy because they fail to realize his influence on the avant gard scene and because he's a "beat", which he wasn't. He's considered a beat just because gingsberg wanted his dick and he because he shared needles with keruac.
Nothing to do with playing bongos in coffe shops in the village.

He will be remembered as the greatest 50 years from now

>> No.11201990

Where did you get that impression? He's the only writer from the Beat Generation that I enjoy.

>> No.11202001

>tfw you learned something from an abhorrent counter-signaling midwit meme from a reprehensible website created by an absolutely irredeemable bug hue-man
really makes you think

>> No.11202037

I find funny that he killed his wife in such a retarded way

>> No.11202095

*murders wife*
so you be
*laughs about it and flees mexico*
*lets friends rape teenage son*
you be sayin
*has sex with six yr old*
we wuz beatniks?

>> No.11202108

Fun fact : he’s well respected in the french reading community ; regarded as a genius by some, even.

>> No.11202137

> has sex with six yr old
citation needed

>> No.11202156

I can't imagine what retarded gymnastics are necessary for someone on 4chan to post on this site and enjoy it but claim they dislike Burroughs.

>he did bad things
>his writing is gibberish
>his jokes are repetitive
>why is there so much porn
>he's an edgelord
>he's an insane conspiracy theorist

>> No.11202185
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The Red Night Trilogy>Naked Lunch>Cut up trilogy>The wild boys>Queer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Junky

>> No.11202264

It was no accident.

>> No.11202275

what does that have to do with his writing you absolute retard

>> No.11202451

Shit writer


Books are basically just rambling

>> No.11202853

Fuck off, reddit.

>> No.11202960

all good stuff.

>> No.11202976
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this man knows.

>> No.11202985

All experiments are by nature tedious-
That is how you achieve results, and he went at it rigorously in many books (soft machine, ticket.., wild boys) his pulpier novels are fun reads (city trilogy) and Naked Lunch is a perfect combination of both; he has a vaudevillian sense of humor. He was one of my favorite writers but since I became a boomer with a kid, his corruption hurts my heart and i dont read him so much. I left one of his books in a "tiny library".

>> No.11202998

a depraved taste in food is gratified with that which disgusts other people: it is a species of disease. a depraved taste in the arts is to be pleased with subjects which disgust accomplished minds, and to prefer the burlesque to the noble, and the finical and the affected to the simple and natural: it is a mental disease.

t. voltaire

>> No.11203009
File: 13 KB, 220x216, stop being avantgarde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing could be more meaningless than the word 'search' applied to a work of art. it covers impotence, inner emptiness, lack of true creative consciousness, petty vainglory. an artist who is 'seeking' - these words are merely the cover for a middlebrow acceptance of inferior work. art is not science, one can't start experimenting.
t. tarkovsky

>> No.11203018

>t. makes only one good

Anyway i think he was only referring to the typical critic's term "experimental"; but Burroughs was actually trying different atypical writing styles and he was kind of autistic about it so like i said it becomea tedious. I do prefer the results of an experiment more than a step by step demonstration but that is me.

>> No.11203187

Bet you shit on Joyce and Beckett too

>> No.11203203

Truly a vile man.
I don't believe in God but I hope I'm wrong and Hell exists and Bouroughs and filth like him are rotting there.

>> No.11203222

He was typical of the 1950s

>> No.11203230

so if a good writer is liked by assholes, that makes him a bad writer?

>> No.11203236

This kind of criticism is the result of bernaysian demography which conflates a person's value with their consumer choices.

>> No.11203264

Burroughs is a polarizing character for a lot of reasons, and many of the more controversial aspects of his actions and personality are given a treatment in the documentary, "Burroughs." I haven't read much of his work, "Naked Lunch," in its entirety, and maybe some passages here and there. I remember enjoying "Naked Lunch," I thought it was funny, sensational, I could see how it had influence. We probably wouldn't have the books that inspired the films of "Trainspotting," "Requiem for a Dream," "Heaven Knows What," among others. Therein lies a predicament, however, when we begin to question whether or not Burroughs had inadvertently or even intentionally downplayed the hazards of this lifestyle, leading an impressionable reader to feel more curiosity than caution and indulge themselves in the romantic fantasy of life on the edge. We have to keep in mind that Burroughs came from an upstanding family, he was not born to the fringe. He and his beatnik cohorts engaged themselves in many illicit activities, often without repercussions. He did kill his wife, perhaps unintentionally, perhaps not. He neglected his son who, like many children of luminaries, wish to succeed in the same vein and on their own terms. His son descended into alcoholism and amphetamine abuse before succumbing to renal failure or cirrhosis, some such malady involving a bodies rejection of a transplanted organ, namely his liver. Burroughs' own writing, while witty and uniquely American, is not without its pale imitations of the superior qualities of other Americans like Faulkner and Hemingway, as well as foreign authors, namely Crowley and Celine. If anything, nowadays Burroughs is more of an interesting figure than a seriously read author, though he has always been very highly regarded among the avant-garde, bohemian artist crowd, who are ready to forgive some of the more disreputable aspects of his life with mystical notions of his functioning on a higher plane of spiritual awareness than the average plebeian on the street. I was once attracted to the romantic visions of the down-at-the-heel poet, walking the street with a turned up collar, cigarette hanging from his lips, hands in pockets to shield from the cold, down to his last buck, gotta shape up or ship out, a dumbfounded kid with no idea how to make it in this world gone mad, and on and on and on, and as time and experience have worn me down, I have found myself more indifferent, even repulsed or contemptuous of their ilk. I would like to analyze the impact of Burroughs and other controversial scribes further, I think I've said my piece for now.

>> No.11203267

I would choke people like you with my own hands and cock in no time.

>> No.11203274

This basically; you either die naieve or live long enough to cringe at your past.

>> No.11203284

looks like you'll be taking the cringing option.

>> No.11203288

Naive is just as incorrect as the word is spelled naïve..

>> No.11203338

Or you occasionally pull your head out of your ass and consider the consequences of your actions. Go through life with your chin up, eyes open, aware of the real people around you. That's an option too.

>> No.11203366

>I would choke people like you with my own hands and cock in no time...
"...if I had a functioning cock," you forgot to add.

>> No.11203378

>Therein lies a predicament, however, when we begin to question whether or not Burroughs had inadvertently or even intentionally downplayed the hazards of this lifestyle, leading an impressionable reader to feel more curiosity than caution and indulge themselves in the romantic fantasy of life on the edge.
read junky, he doesn't do this

>> No.11203611

snuff fetish?